
Chapter 1264

HK1247 two veins! Secret mining?


Shi Lei and Rongcheng Military District shared N235 Metal and was forced to help. However, Shi Lei hides a lot of information in limited sharing.

Includes the real name of N235 Metal!

In the external sharing of information, N235 Metal was changed to ‘Thunderclash Raw Stone’ by Shi Lei. And, in order to restrict the energy output of N235 Metal, Shi Lei used a special method to dissolve N235 Metal in a special electrolyte, reducing the total energy output per unit time of N235 Metal.

Shi Lei not only castrated the N235 Metal’s instantaneous energy output, but also exclusively incorporated the N235 Metal into the electrolyte. As a result, even though Rongcheng Military District acquired N235 Metal and had to work with Shi Lei because there was no application method.

This is a Protective Charm that Shi Lei built for himself!

However, even if Shi Lei and Rongcheng Military District have partnerships and interest alliances, if there is an opportunity to get more N235 Metal independently, Shi Lei will not be soft, and his eating will be very ugly.

“Captain Muliang, the order goes down, the submarine is put away, basically the data information is needed, I almost got it!” Shi Lei pulled out the male-to-common usb wire between the integrated integrated console and the notebook.

I have got enough data from the hl submarine, and then Izual needs to do the calculation analysis to get the result.

“Okay, Major Shi. Today, what more do we need to detect?” Qian Muliang asked if there is still a need for probing work. He has to arrange it. Nightwork requires more preparation to avoid accidents.

Shi Lei shook his head. “No! Don’t say tomorrow! Right, Group Head Shi, come with me!”

Shi An nodded. “Okay.”

Shi Lei took Shi An, first returned to the cabin, put the notebook down, then took Shi An and walked to the deck. The two came together at the bow.

Do not misunderstand. The two absolutely did not imitate the opinion of Titan’s classic action. Shi Lei is definitely not a good comrade. Shi An can’t be a gay guy. He just slept a blond Foreign Girl!

The two stood at the bow, and Shi An asked anxiously: “Shi Lei, is the situation fixed?”

“Èn!” Shi Lei nodded affirmatively and chose to talk at the bow. Rather than in the cabin, this is because of the presence of eavesdropping equipment in the cabin.

Although Qincheng Naval Base is not likely to eavesdrop on the secret of the Rongcheng Military District, what happens in case of an accident?

Shi An is repressed with excitement if Thunderclash Raw Stone is determined. Shi An is very likely to get a big credit and then move forward one step!

“Shi Lei, can we get a sample?” Even if Shi Lei was very excited, but did not say anything about ‘Thunderclash Raw Stone’, the confidential work was done very well.

Shi Lei frowned. “do not know!”

“Eh? Not Right?” Shi An is a little depressed, “Shi Lei. You really don’t know?”

Shi Lei nodded. In fact, Shi Lei’s did not know that Shi Lei was not aware of the too much situation before Izual’s specific analysis. The only certainty is that N235 Metal does exist and the reserves exceed Meishan Island.

“Shi Lei, think about it, we’d better get the sample. Otherwise, it’s not easy to explain!” Shi An went to see Shi Lei for his own sake.

Shi Lei certainly wants to get a sample of N235 Metal. If Rongcheng Military District owns N235 Metal, his partnership with Rongcheng Military District will only go a step further.

To put it bluntly, in fact, the interests of the two sides are deeper and the scope of cooperation is more extensive. Shi Lei’s Safety is also more secure, and the Rongcheng Military District will not abandon him easily. At least until the benefits are obtained, the Rongcheng Military District will protect Shi Lei!

“Group Head Shi, these issues, I will give you the answer until tomorrow!” Shi Lei said with a sigh. “Right, Group Head Shi, you first inform Rongcheng Military District and let Rongcheng Military District arrange for Rongcheng Military District. The big ship came over. We have already discovered Thunderclash Raw Stone, and the Rongcheng Military District has nothing to worry about Right?”

Rongcheng Military District The Ocean Exploration Company was established in the Bermuda Triangle area and has no long-sea sailing Large-scale vessels. This is because it is impossible to determine whether N235 Metal exists or not, and the Rongcheng Military District is reluctant to invest.

Now that the existence of N235 Metal has been confirmed, isn’t the Rongcheng Military District reluctant to invest?

If the Rongcheng Military District does not have its own ocean-going vessels, it is very inconvenient for mining N235 Metal. Can’t the boat of Qincheng Naval Base help to transport Right?

After all, if you are older, Qincheng Naval Base will definitely find the issue of N235 Metal, and once Qincheng Naval Base is in, whether it is Shi Lei or Rongcheng Military District, it will never be happy!

Bermuda local time, July 16th, just after a few minutes at 10pm.

Shi Lei is in the cabin and is communicating with Izual. Shi Lei uses a wireless headset and uses lip language to communicate silently with Izual through the camera.

On the notebook screen, the mapshowing the location of N235 Metal is not a flat map, but a three-dimensional mapthat includes the depth of the ocean.

‘Izual, a total of two N235 Metal veins? ‘Shi Lei asked, although there are three locations where N235 Metal fluctuates, Shi Lei does not expect to have three veins.

Because the range of veins is very wide, it is normal to have multiple fluctuation points. After all, there was a similar situation at Meishan Island.

In the Bluetooth headset, Izual’s icy voice came, “yes, sir. System passed the hl submarine and passively received the N235 Metal fluctuation information. After the analysis, the positions of the two veins were calculated. The position of the vein is already in the map. Mark, please check.”

In the 3D map, a red spot is flashing, no! It should be two red spots, but the two red spots are almost coincident.

Shi Lei moved the mouse to change the 3D mapfrom the angle of the ninety degree view to the angle of the Forty-five squint. After changing the angle, the two red spots are suddenly separated.

One of the light spots, located between 3900 meters and 4200 meters below sea level, due to the equipment of the hl submarine, the less accurate issue, the passively received N235 Metal fluctuation information, can not accurately calculate the specific depth.

However, if you want to calculate the exact position, it is not impossible. Let the hl submarine dive down, naturally it will be!

The position of the second spot is located at 6000 metric 6500 meters, with a larger range of errors and deeper depth. According to the design depth of the hl submarine, I am afraid I will not go down.

Looking at the two data, Shi Lei in the heart is a bit strange. Why are they in the same position, but they have two different depths of veins? Could it be that the first veins float in the seawater?

However, Shi Lei immediately understood that instead of the first N235 Metal vein floating in the seawater, the location of the two N235 Metal veins was on the edge of the Puerto Rico Trench.

The position of the first N235 Metal vein is at the edge of the trench; the Second is actually falling into the trench.

‘shit! ‘I want to understand Shi Lei, in the heart secretly cursed, and the Second N235 Metal veins that fell into the ditch, because the depth is more than six kilometers, basically in a short time, it is very difficult to mine!

Is ‘Izual, data accurate? ‘Shi Lei is not willing to use lip language to ask.

In the Wireless headset, Izual did not simulate any human emotions, but the cold sound was affirmed: “sir, according to the detection of information and Logical Analysis data, the probability of error is less than 0.4%.”

Shi Lei sighed, and although he had already guessed the result, Shi Lei was still very reluctant. When it was learned that there were two N235 Metal veins, Shi Lei had a plan to sneak out in a flash.

But now, how do you mine Second N235 Metal veins?

Can’t the Second N235 Metal veins in the Puerto Rico Trench be reported to the Rongcheng Military District and then secretly mined the First N235 Metal veins on the cliffs of the Trench?

If this is the case, even if the Rongcheng Military District cannot mine the N235 Metal veins in the Puerto Rico Trench, they will definitely stay here and will test the depth of the submarine constantly in order to overcome the Great Depth in the shortest possible time. Diving to mine the N235 Metal vein in the depths of the Puerto Rico Trench.

In terms of reason, this was originally a good result. But no one knows, will the Rongcheng Military District go crazy on the trench? Or did you accidentally discover the N235 Metal vein on the trench?

According to Murphy’s Law, I am not afraid of Ten Thousand. If the Rongcheng Military District really discovered the N235 Metal vein on the trench, how does Shi Lei explain it to the Rongcheng Military District?

After carefully thinking about it, Shi Lei made a difficult decision to conceal the information of the Second N235 Metal veins, that is, the veins that fell into the ditch, temporarily concealing and reporting only the first vein to the Rongcheng Military District.

Even if the Rongcheng Military District accidentally discovered the Second N235 Metal vein, Shi Lei could be pushed away to the Puerto Rico Trench too deep, and the detection equipment was not found.

Besides, how can the Rongcheng Military District be discovered?

Although the Second N235 Metal veins, in the Puerto Rico Trench, are more than six kilometers deep and may not be mined in a short time. But after all, there is a Hope. As long as the Great Depth Diving Equipment is developed, maybe it can be mined?

Shi Lei, after all, retains the mind of secret mining!
