
Chapter 1256

HK1239 Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat ! [To roaring anger alliance lord plus more! ]


Exploring N235 Metal’s work, due to the distance issue, First Generation The Steel and Iron was directly eliminated. If it is Second Generation The Steel and Iron, it is indeed qualified for the job.

However, Second Generation The Steel and Iron, using Electricized Design, Shi Lei does not want to expose more machines using N235 Metal in front of the Rongcheng Military District, lest the Rongcheng Military District guess how many N235 Metals he has.

After eliminating the two generations of The Steel and Iron, Shi Lei has very few resources to choose from. Neither Shadow Dragon nor Dawn is suitable!

Shadow Dragon’s Long-term Use Duration is only 80 minutes, and it is still a virtual standard, and this nominal value is often not reached. Second Generation Dawn can meet the needs of the voyage, but the Second Generation Dawn does not have the function of Great Depth Diving.

If you force the Second Generation Dawn to dive, the result is that the Second Generation Dawn is compressed into a Steel and Iron can by a huge water pressure!

After excluding all the current Equipment, Shi Lei decided to develop a new, marine-compatible Equipment. Although Shi Lei is a mechanical design, it belongs to the Level of Six Miles, but it does not prevent Shi Lei from proposing a feasible solution.

Equipment adapted to the marine environment, there are only two kinds of Shi Lei’s cognition, except for the vessel, which is precisely as stated submarine. Of course, there are water planes! However, in the raging ocean environment, the water plane? A wave will beat the rhythm!

As for whether to choose a vessel or a submarine, Shi Lei can’t make a decision at one time. After all, Shi Lei is not a professional mechanical design personnel. However, Shi Lei is not professional. But Li Cai is professional!

I called Li Cai through Izual and waited for almost a minute. The phone is connected.

Shi Lei goes one step at a time: “Little Plum, what kind of airplane are you doing, how is it so slow?”

Li Cai yawned, “Please, please, Big Brother Stone, what time do you look at now?”

Shi Lei looked at the time in the lower right corner of the notebook screen, and the time of the notebook has been automatically adjusted by Izual to the local time of Bermuda. It’s still less than seven in the evening. The time to convert to Xia Nation should now be less than six in the morning.

Shi Lei was a little awkward and coughed a bit: “Little Plum, get up early and get up early!”

“Big Brother Stone, I am sleeping at three o’clock in the evening!” Li Cai complained.

“What have you been doing?” Shi Lei curiously asked, and then a burst of silver laughter, “Is it with Wen Ruoyun?”

“Big Brother Stone. You just want to go!” Li Cai explained roughly, “I am researching Yinjia Nation’s LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter data.”

“Hey? What’s the research?” Shi Lei is puzzled. According to the design drawings, LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter’s combat capability is really good, but Shi Lei’s forces can’t restore LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter.

The technique that a Fighter involves is too much. According to the current power of Shi Lei, I am afraid that in a short period of time, it is basically impossible to get the LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter.

“Of course it’s learning!” Li Cai yawned again, apparently he didn’t sleep well, “Big Brother Stone. LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter is worth learning. Especially after our successful production, the Ultra-high Speed ​​of the Second Phase Application Plan After Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator. Maybe we can imitate LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter and develop miniaturized Supersonic Unmanned Fighter.”

“What? Miniaturized Supersonic Unmanned Fighter? Little Plum, you didn’t joke with me Right?” Shi Lei looked shocked.

“Of course no joke! The Power Source is based on the Second Phase Application Plan, which will release a very large amount of power Right? Big Brother Stone, we can use the electricized turbojet Engine to make a miniaturized, Unmanned Control, Supersonic Fighter.” Li Cai said affirmatively.

Shi Lei asked nervously: “Little Plum, how confident are you in research and development?”

A small-scale Supersonic Unmanned Fighter, what a strategic point, perhaps Li Cai is not clear, but Shi Lei is very clear. Not to mention Outstanding’s detection performance, not to mention the powerful anti-reconnaissance performance, just to say this miniaturized Supersonic Unmanned Fighter, the powerful combat power, it is the most exciting!

“I don’t know, I’m still studying LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter’s data. I can imitate the design of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter and see if I can miniaturization and directly plagiarize the design of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter.” Li Cai Don’t care about the plagiarism of the issue.

As the saying goes, I have been imitating, Never been sued, and plagiarism is plagiarized. Isn’t Yinjia Nation still looking for Li Cai?

“Little Plum, to make every effort, must develop the miniaturized Supersonic Unmanned Fighter!” Shi Lei said the order of death.

Li Cai should have a sentence, “Big Brother Stone, what are you calling me?”

Shi Lei thinks about this, he called Li Cai, but there is something wrong!

“Little Plum, I need an Equipment that sails in the ocean, sailing in the ocean. Do you think the boat is suitable, or is the submarine suitable?” Shi Lei asked.

“Ocean sailing?” Li Cai asked eccentrically, “Big Brother Stone, do you need someone, or Unmanned? If it’s someone, sailing on a distant ocean, rent a Large-scale ship directly! The ocean-going danger is not Small, the boat is easy to tragedy.”

“You don’t need to carry people! Just for probing! Of course, it’s better to have a little Armed Might!” Shi Lei made a request.

Li Cai considered it, “Big Brother Stone, I will give you an analysis of the pros and cons of the boat and the submarine. You will consider what you need.”

“Good!” Shi Lei responded simply.

Li Cai began to analyze. “First of all, we said that ships, because of the need to sail in the ocean, the degree of danger in the open sea is definitely not comparable to that in the offshore. Therefore, if you choose a vessel, especially the Small-scale Unmanned vessel, in the oceanic activities. It is very likely to be overturned by the wind and waves of the distant sea.”

With a slight pause, Li Cai continued: “In the ocean, although the submarine is below sea level, it is very little affected by the waves. However, the miniaturized Unmanned submarine has high manufacturing requirements and cost aspect. Not bad. At the same time, due to sailing under sea level, the resistance from seawater is very large, the speed of aspect cannot be guaranteed. And there is a fatal issue.”

“What is the issue?” Shi Lei asked quietly.

“Signal transmission!” Li Cai analyzed. “Unmanned driving miniaturized submarines naturally requires remote Remote Control support. Seawater has a very good signal barrier and the submarine’s dive depth is restricted. Unless otherwise, Big Brother Stone You can develop a self-driving system that allows the submarine to determine its own all conditions in the ocean and then sail according to the intended target.”

Shi Lei smiled a bit and automated driving the system, which has been successfully applied on The Steel and Iron. However, even though automated driving systems also require external signal guidance. If there is no external signal, The Steel and Iron’s Autopilot System can only handle some simple situations.

“Little Plum, so to speak, are you more inclined to ship?” Shi Lei asked.

Li Cai responded with a positive response: “Èn! The ship’s manufacturing process is simple, and the signal issue is also well solved. Moreover, the speed of the ship can be several times that of the submarine. In addition, I have some ideas. After the test is successful, It should be possible to guarantee the Unmanned driving of the ship, the safety in the open sea environment.”

“What thoughts?” Shi Lei asked directly.

Li Cai didn’t say anything, but added an additional question: “Big Brother Stone, this Unmanned-driven ship, just Right for ocean exploration?”

“Èn! That’s right! It’s just for detection! However, Little Plum, you’d better add a little Armed Might to it. If you encounter an unexpected situation in the open sea, you don’t have to resist it. Force.” Shi Lei explained the situation.

Li Cai indulged, “Big Brother Stone, I am going to design this way to combine the boat and the submarine!”

“Hey, are you saying that you can go on the water Shanghai Airlines, or you can sneak into the water and become a submarine?” Shi Lei asked inexplicably, “If you design this way, the manufacturing process should be more complicated Right?”

“ke ke ke !Big Brother Stone, you think too much!” Li Cai without the slightest hesitation denies Shi Lei’s view, “How could it be made into a dual-use model? Just borrow the design idea of ​​the submarine and do it on the vessel. Part of the transplant.”

“Let’s talk about it in detail?” Shi Lei adheres to the good habit of not knowing what to ask. Anyone who doesn’t understand, Shi Lei will never understand.

Li Cai sorted out the idea and explained to Shi Lei, “Because the purpose of the vessel is only to detect it in the ocean. So we can make the vessel a closed hull, such as the hull with high strength and low quality integrated composite. Plastic material. The closed hull, although it can’t be like a submarine, but in the ocean activities, even if it meets the waves of more than ten meters of twenty meters, even if it is overturned by all kinds, or it is subverted by the waves. There will be no loss.”

Shi Lei’s eyes lit up. “This is a good idea!”

“hēi hēi, Big Brother Stone, the closed hull is not only a benefit!” Li Cai did not sell off, continue, “If you use a closed hull, we can increase the engine output power of the vessel. Anti-currently Shanghai Airlines line, speed aspect basically no restriction, easy to break through 300 kilometers per hour!”

“Little Plum, are you kidding? Three hundred kilometers per hour? This speed is faster than The Steel and Iron. Right? Are you sure that the ship on the sea can reach this speed?” Shi Lei asked confusedly. .

The resistance to sea navigation far exceeds the resistance to flying in the air. The maximum speed of First Generation The Steel and Iron is only 240 kilometers per hour, and the cruising speed is only 200 twenty kilometers per hour. How can a ship on the sea Shanghai Airlines reach 300 kilometers per hour?

