
Chapter 1177

HK1160 Condition One: reached!


Xia Nation Time, July 1st, just after 9am.

Shi Lei received a call from Li Zhiyue asking about Li Zhiyue. Li Zhiyue took the initiative to contact him and must have something important.

“Shi Lei, are you free today?” Li Zhiyue asked in a whisper.

If it wasn’t for Shi Lei’s hearing, I couldn’t hear Li Zhiyue’s voice. “You’re free! Available!”

“That is noon today, come to my house to eat!” Li Zhiyue finished talking, then hung up.

Listening to the ‘beep’ sound from the other end of the phone, Shi Lei put down the phone and looked eccentric. Li Zhiyue took the initiative to inform him to go home to eat. What is the rhythm?

For the time being, Shi Lei is dressed neatly and drives out to buy gifts. In Brave’s World, the educational institute cup power struggle competition and the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition will start at XioNation Time at noon on July 1st.

The Gamers who are interested in participating in the educational institute cup power struggle competition and the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition have been actively preparing. Among them are Storm, representing the Harvard educational institute, and Storm Stronghold, the Blue Ocean team leader, participating in the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition.

Although the strength of Blue Ocean is not too strong, if there is no accident, the First Place of Free Team Struggle for Power Competition must belong to Storm Stronghold. At this point, Storm is very sure!

Because, on the Freedom team representing Storm Stronghold, not only Shengguang Shenguan, the top 10 name, but also Second Place, the Heaven List Powerhouse Title, Qiao Mo!

Free Team Struggle for Power Competition, in the name of Freedom, participates in this competition team and does not qualify Gamer or Non-player Controlled Characters. Like Nonaplayer Controlled Characters like Qiao Mo, as long as they are willing to help, there is absolutely no issue.

It has two major experts, Qiao Mo and Shengguang Shenguan. If the Freedom team on behalf of Storm Stronghold can’t win the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition, isn’t that a joke?

As for the educational institute cup power struggle competition, it has stricter restrictions, one of the strictest ones. Exactly stated must be the student of the educational institute, and only the qualifications represent the educational institute.

Storm won the Title of First Under Heaven, representing the Harvard educational institute. In the Harvard educational institute’s team, the remaining nine members are also not weak, all of which are Experts above Twenty-second Grade.

Harvard educational institute in the educational institute cup power struggle competition. Very promising to get First Place!

If Storm leads the Harvard educational institute and gets First Place in the educational institute cup power struggle competition; First Place of the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition is also acquired by Storm Stronghold, then Storm will definitely become Brave’s World, the deserved First.

However, Storm is trying to make such a strong lineup. Not without cost. For example, when I hired Qiao Mo to join the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition, Storm cost a lot.

Before the early morning of July 1st, Qiao Mo said that it needed Forty Thousand Double Gold, which was converted into a copper coin, which is full of Three Thousand six million. Storm originally planned to acquire the Three Thousand six million copper coin at the Official Virtual Goods Trading System using System, and then convert it into Forty Thousand Double Gold. Handed over to Qiao Mo.

In the Official Virtual Goods Trading System, Storm found that the price of copper coin was twice as promoted. If only the price is doubled, Storm can still accept it. Anyway, for Money, it’s just a number. However, there is not so much copper coin in the Official Virtual Goods Trading System!

Since you can’t directly give Qiao Mo Forty Thousand Double Gold, plus the bonus of Free Team Struggle for Power Competition, you can choose Real Currency. You can also choose Game Currency, and Storm will pick up Qiao Mo and join the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition.

Once they get First Place, they choose the Game Currency reward to solve the problem of Qiao Mo.

Qiao Mo needs Forty Thousand Double Gold. This is not because Qiao Mo is greedy, but because Qiao Mo’s lover is suffering from a strange disease. If you want to cure it, you need to buy Taiqing Dan, a healing medicine worth 50,000 Double Gold.

Qiao Mo received the Ten Thousand Double Gold award in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, so they also need Forty Thousand.

It is precisely because of these factors that Storm needs the force of Qiao Mo, Qiao Mo needs the bonus of Free Team Struggle for Power Competition, and the two sides collude.


At 10 o’clock in the morning, Shi Lei currently Shapu District picked a gift to Li Zhiyue’s parents.

The gift to Li Zhiyue Mama is very good, Huang Fen’s snobbish character, the gift is only expensive, that’s right!

However, Professor Li Kunning is not very good at dealing with it. Fortunately, Li Kunning likes to drink tea. Shi Lei picks up some high-grade teas. Even if he can’t let Li Kunning like it, he will not refuse.

After choosing the gift, Shi Lei drove back to Shuanghu District and entered Shuangqing University through SpeCIA l Authority. However, in order to prevent Shuangqing Government from being vigilant, when Shi Lei entered Shuangqing University, Shuangqing University’s Campus Security System gave a reminder, but it was released.

The advantage of this is that, from the details, the founder of even though Campus Security System does not have a privilege that directly penetrates the Campus Security System. Later, Shuangqing City’s SoCIA l Safety Monitoring System, what is the issue, and I don’t doubt Shi Lei’s head.

Shi Lei drove the white Porsche Cayenne into the teacher’s living area and stopped at the Li Zhiyue home. After parking the car, Shi Lei took the prepared gift and went upstairs to the Li Zhiyue home.

“dōng dōng dōng ~ ”

Shi Lei rang the security door, and the voice of Huang Fen came out, “Who?”

“Auntie, I am Little Shi!” Shi Lei responded.

“Little Shi Ah? wait a moment, open the door right away.” Huang Fen’s tone, with a happy taste. Can this be unhappy? When did Shi Lei come, did not prepare gifts?

After the security door was opened, Huang Fen quickly said: “Little Shi, come in, come in quickly, it’s hot outside, come in and blow the air conditioner.”

Shuangqing City’s July, hot weather, is definitely a free dry sauna!

Shi Lei smiled into the room and handed the prepared gift to Huang Fen. “Auntie, come in a hurry, just prepare a small gift at random, don’t be surprised!”

This time, Shi Lei’s gift is still very very tacky. It is a large Gold bracelet that looks like a nouveau riche, but Huang Fen really eats this one!

Huang Fen opened the red gift box in no time. After seeing the large Gold bracelet, Shi Lei’s attitude, it is more intimate, definitely belongs to Mother-In-Law to see Son-In-Law, the more you like the rhythm!

“Little Shi. Come on, come on, why do you bring gifts every time?” Huang Fen said as a guest.

Shi Lei didn’t break it, but said indifferently: “Auntie, it’s all small thing, not worth a few dollars, as long as Auntie doesn’t give up.”

“Do not dislike. Do not disregard, walk around, sit in the living room, eat some fruit, wait a while for us to go out to eat.” Huang Fen gestured Shi Lei to the living room.

Shi Lei walked into the living room, inside the living room. Not just Li Kunning and Li Zhiyue, there are three others. One of them, after Shi Lei walked in, immediately stood up and respectfully said: “Chief Shi, hello!”

“噢?” Shi Lei looked towards that person and found out that he was Li Xiaoyue’s cousin. The two people next to Li Hao and Li Hao who currently work at Fantasy Science and Technology Company are his parents Li Kunxi and Qian Fangfang.

Li Hao is responsible for the simple work, mainly responsible for the follow-up service of Shuangqing City’s Campus Security System. To put it more bluntly, it is to run errands with each school that has installed the Campus Security System.

“Li Hao, it’s not working time now, don’t call me Chief Shi.” Shi Lei said plainly.

Huang Fen nodded and agreed on the side: “Yes right, Little Hao, don’t be so. Later, Little Shi is your Brother-In-Law. So, you are best at your Brother-In-Law subordinate, Otherwise, if you hit Brother-In-Law, you will not be able to go home when you go home!”

“Mom! What are you talking about?” Li Zhiyue’s face was flushed and he looked at Huang Fen. Shi Lei, a white glance.

Li Hao looked at Shi Lei and looked at Li Zhiyue again. The eyes turned and turned, ‘Is it between Chief Shi and the old sister… This is not right! It is rumored that Chief Shi and Chief Mu are an isn’t that right? Is Chief Shi pedaling two boats? what should I do! Should I tell my old sister? If I tell the old lady, the old sister and Chief Shi are upset, and I am pulling out, I am not bad luck? ‘

Li Hao is really very satisfied with the work now!

His daily work is too simple. When he signs up at the Fantasy Science and Technology Company in Emerald Building in the morning, he can leave the company and leave the Campus Security System as an excuse to leave. In the afternoon, he does not need to go to the Company to report again.

This is also in other words, Li Hao’s daily work, you can just go to sign, and then how to play with him. Also, the company also equipped him with a Santana sedan.

Although the Santana sedan is not very good, but at least there is a car family, isn’t it? Besides, the all kinds of expenses of this car, the company is also reimbursed!

Li Hao’s work is laid-back and easy, and the treatment is not low! Every month’s salary, there is a full Thousand block! In 2007, when the general wage was 1,000, Li Hao’s salary was definitely tall, rich, and handsome level!

It is because of such a relaxed job, coupled with high wages, and often go to the major camps, Li Hao also successfully handed over a Class Flower Level girlfriend at Shuangqing University.

‘Older sister, old sister, sorry, emotional things, you still have to look at it! ‘Li Hao in the heart comforts himself, not that he does not tell Li Zhiyue, but loves Freedom, Li Zhiyue wants to be with Shi Lei, as a cousin, can’t say anything Right?

“Hmng!” Li Kunning light snorted, took a look at Shi Lei, then started talking: “Shi Lei, when you come next time, don’t bring any tea, the last tea has not been finished!”

Although Li Kunning’s tone is not very friendly, Shi Lei is a human being. Since Li Kunning said the next time, it is not in other words. Can he still find Li Zhiyue?

‘Strange, Professor Li’s temper, how can it suddenly change? ‘Shi Lei looked suspiciously at Li Kunning and looked forward to Li Zhiyue.

Li Zhiyue saw Shi Lei’s confusion, started talking: “Shi Lei, my dad was promoted to the Vice-department Head of the Mechanics and Electronics Engineering Department!”

“Oh! Congratulations to the Department Head Li!” Shi Lei immediately changed his mouth and smiled and congratulated.

Although Li Kunning is not greedy for gold and silver, he definitely likes fame and fortune. He can become the Vice-department Head of Mechanics and Electronics Engineering Department. Shi Lei has made great efforts in this. Therefore, Li Kunning is not good enough to express any obvious opposition on the matters of Shi Lei and Li Zhiyue.

The difficulty of stopping Shi Lei and Li Zhiyue finally accomplished a condition, and now there is only one issue left waiting to be resolved.

Once Shi Lei has acquired the complete super.biological.projectdata and mastered this technology, the age gapbetween him and Li Zhiyue is no longer an issue!
