
Chapter 1160

HK1144 meets in a narrow way, Storm vsQiao Mo!

.Brave’s World, First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, the end of the cruel Twentieth round, the lucky winner of Gamer, a total of seven.

The seven Gamers are Xia Nation Gamer Monarch No Regrets, Mu Feng; Li Jian Nation Gamer Storm, Shengguang Shenguan; Wo Sang Nation Gamer HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami; Britain Gamer Arthur; and a Gamer from Africa Kenya Ogura.

The remaining three top ten seats were reserved for White-clothed Swordsman Liu Rufeng, Shadow Assassin Mu Donglin, and Scorching Sun Violent Chop Qiao Mo, the three Non-player Controlled Characters.

In the last round, Xia Nation’s other two Gamer, Thunderclash was overturned by Ogura, and Qi Xinzhou was killed by Arthur, losing the position of the top ten Earth List Powerhouse.

Kenya Gamer Ogura’s Profession is Bladesman, perhaps for some special reasons, Ogura’s fighting style favors the trend of burning both jade and common stone. Thunderclash has never seen such a way of fighting for Crazy, only to hate to leave.

Britain’s Exceed Grade Gamer Arthur, usually in Brave’s World, is quite low-key. Arthur’s Profession is Spear Hero. In the Spear Hero Profession Ranking List, Arthur is the top 10 name and the former twenty name lift, long between the Tenth Place and the Thirteenth name.

In the Spear Hero Profession, Arthur is a stable place to occupy the name of the Fifth, and in the Spear Hero Equipment ranking, Arthur can’t be seen at all.

It is because of such a low-key Arthur that Arthur has little sense of existence in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. But there is no sense of existence, absolutely no EQ ual to no strength.

Qi Xinzhou’s strength is not weak, but it is suppressed by Arthur. There is no turning power at all. You know, Qi Xinzhou is not a Gamer who has not defeated Twenty-fifth Grade, but he is playing against Arthur. It fell directly into the wind, and even if it didn’t persist for a minute, it was killed by Arthur cleanly.

According to Qi Xinzhou’s estimation, Arthur’s strength, among Gamer, is definitely the most top existence. Maybe Arthur can work hard with Qiao Mo.

Twenty-first round match. Dream Entertainment Official The cruelty of the Twentieth wheel brought glad tidings to Gamer. The Twenty-first round has six qualifying places, the winner of the five-on-five match. In addition, five losers passed through three rounds of play-offs and decided a lucky one.

Such a rule, EQ uivalent to gives the loser a chance, and the loser also has Hope promotion.

Seven Gamers discovered the new schedule. All are sighed in relief. After at least an unexpected failure, there was another promotion opportunity that did not kill them a Stick’.

On June Twenty-nine, at 9pm, Brave’s World Main System announced Gamer’s battle list.

The game between Gamer is: First Round, Storm vsScorching Sun Violent Chop Qiao Mo!

When Storm gets a prompt from the Main System, indicating that his opponent is Qiao Mo. Storm’s face is a bit bad. Among the other nine contestants, Storm’s most undesired opponent is exactly as stated Qiao Mo!

Mastered Qiao Mo of Blade Qi. Storm also had no confidence to beat him. Even if Storm has half a set of Legend Rank Equipment, Legend Rank Equipment is only a foreign object. When faced with Blade Qi, Storm has a lot of taboos.

Second field, Shengguang Shenguan vsShadow Assassin Mu Donglin !

The battle between Shengguang Shenguan and Mu Donglin can be described as the number of five or five. If anyone can win, it is really difficult to draw conclusions.

Shi Lei took vrGame Helmet and looked at the inside of Brave’s World. It must be said that Li Game Nation’s two Gamer had a bad luck, and both of them met Non-player Controlled Characters. The random extraction of the Main System is absolutely fair, and Shi Lei can guarantee this.

“Storage of bad luck, don’t know who you and Qiao Mo, who is more powerful?” Shi Lei smiled and said to himself.

Third Game, An Idea Turns Demonic, This Monarch Has No Regrets vsBritain King Arthur!

Arthur is the only Gamer in the Great Europe region to enter the top ten list of Experts. He was promoted by King of the Great Europe region as King of Sword in the Stone.

But Arthur is a Spear Hero!

The title of Monarch No Regrets is still An Idea Turns Demonic. Rumor has it that the title of Monarch No Regrets has such a sad story that Monarch No Regrets never mentioned. This matter has become a big secret in the online game world.

The two Gamers in the fourth field are Mu Feng and Liu Rufeng.

Shuangqing City’s native Exceed Grade Gamer Mu Feng is not known for its strength in Brave’s World. If it wasn’t for Mu Feng who had reached the top ten Earth List Powerhouse, there was no Gamer at all, knowing that Mu Feng was so strong!

Mu Feng’s strength shocked the entire Gamer of Xia Nation Region. Especially the Gamer of Shuangqing City, some of the Gamer and Mu Feng have a good relationship, but they don’t know that Mu Feng is so powerful!

Mu Feng, like Storm, is obsessed with Brave’s World’s Non-player Controlled Characters. At Fallen Moon Village, Mu Feng has been waiting for the Non-player Controlled Characters Fairy Maiden Zi Yue, and the rest of the Gamer has become the ‘Deep Well Ice’.

With Mu Feng rushing into the Earth List Powerhouse, his deeds were also picked up by the good Gamer, to the Official Gamer Forum. Since Mu Feng is far less well-known than Storm, if it is not the Earth List Powerhouse, most of the Gamer does not know Mu Feng, the Number One character.

The Official Gamer Forum broke the news. After using Non-player Controlled Characters as a girlfriend, he became familiar with Storm’s Gamer and immediately thought of Storm’s ‘girlfriend’.

An imaginative Gamer immediately discovered the commonality between Storm and Mu Feng, and posted a post about Storm and Mu Feng in the Official Gamer Forum.

In the post, I focused on the two people’s use of Non-player Controlled Characters as a girlfriend, and even gave some estimates of the total I don’t understand it, it seems pretty awesome, indicating that Storm and Mu Feng are so powerful. All because they have a girlfriend of Non-player Controlled Characters.

This post full of public opinion, even with the support of the numerous Gamer, a lot of Gamer, actually entered Brave’s World, in an attempt to get the female Non-player Controlled Characters.

I have to say that this coincidence, the bitter of the Gamer who does not know the truth!

The last set of battles is the HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami of Wo Sang Nation and the Ogura of Kenya, the Profession of HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami. It is Brave’s World Main System, the evolution of the new Yin Degenerate Sword Warrior, belonging to a special hidden Profession.

Ogura is Bladesman. A Bladesman who tends to burn both jade and common stone.

These two people are fighting together, even if Shi Lei is not willing to admit, Wo Sang Nation’s HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami wins a little bigger. Because, the new Yin Degenerate Sword Warrior is the Profession that Shi Lei ordered after Izual, and I did not expect it to be obtained by HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami. At the time, Shi Lei was very depressed!

The remaining six Gamer contestants. After discovering that Storm’s opponent is Qiao Mo, in addition to Shengguang Shenguan expressed regret, the other five Gamer. All revealed the look of schadenfreude.

The battle between Storm and Qiao Mo, whether it is Storm eliminated Qiao Mo, or Qiao Mo killed Storm, is the result of other participating Gamer.

because. Storm is also good. Qiao Mo is also good, both of them are very strong, and with one strong opponent, they will lose one point.

Inside the Brave’s World, Gamer was watching the battle. For Storm, Qiao Mo was the opponent, and most of the Gamer audience expressed their joy. This is not their schadenfreude, but their Hope watching a high standard game.

Real world. The Trend Station Home Station with Live Broadcasting Right will be broadcast live. Locked Qiao Mo and Storm’s this one.

The match between Storm and Qiao Mo has become the focus of the entire Brave’s World and real world TV live!

Xia Nation Time, 12 point at night.

At the beginning of the Twenty-first round, Storm and Qiao Mo were playing in the First Round. The two stood face to face on the playing field. The Main System issued a reminder asking if they needed to choose their own venue. Both of them said Random Space.

Random Space :Qingfeng Grasslands !

Storm’s player character is Swordsman, Scorching Sun Violent Chop Qiao Mo is Bladesman. The two stood on the Qingfeng Grasslands, about three meters away from each other.

“Qiao Mo, I didn’t expect this opponent to be you!” Storm said with a wry smile. For Brave’s World’s Non-player Controlled Characters, Storm is always involuntarily treating them as real human beings.

Qiao Mo’s smile, “Dugu Qiye, I heard that your strength is very strong, and we have the Legend Rank’s weapon. I am very satisfied with your opponent!”

Storm nodded, his right hand raised the edge of Legend Rank, and pointed finger towards Qiao Mo, who introduced: “Top Quality Legend Rank , Endless Glory’s Discipline !”

The audience at the scene, have been sucking cold, they did not think, the Legend Rank weapon Storm, is actually the Top Quality Level!

Endless Glory’s Discipline, as soon as you hear the name, you know that this Legend Rank is just a part of a Set!

Qiao Mo’s face changed slightly. This subtle change did not escape Storm’s eyes. “Is it Endless Glory Set? Dugu Qiye, I don’t know if you can tell me how many Set parts you already have? If you are willing to tell I, I can tell you a message about Endless Glory Set!”

Storm thought a bit, he was determining the true or false of this message. Non-player Controlled Characters in Brave’s World is definitely not the npc in the Ordinary online game. If the npc of the Ordinary online game raises the same thing, then this means that there is a Task.

But in Brave’s World, the same situation may be a trap!

Storm thought about Qiao Mo’s character, and finally nodded, first put Endless Glory’s Discipline into the scabbard, and then went to Qiao Mo, it seems that he is not afraid of Qiao Mo attacking him.

This is also Storm is testing Qiao Mo!

If Qiao Mo violently kills, Storm loses only temporary loss of qualifications. However, Storm also recognizes the face of Qiao Mo, so that the information of Endless Glory Set will not be told to Qiao Mo.

Endless Glory Set’s three pieces of Equipment are far more important than a qualifying qualifications!

Qiao Mo looked at the sword and went into the sheath. The Storm came over and his face was slightly startled. Then he hā hā laughed. “Dugu Qiye brothers, you believe me! No matter what the result, you friend, I made it! I will introduce you to another friend!”

Storm walked over to Qiao Mo, whispered: “Brother Qiao, I have a total of Endless Glory Set!”

“Three?”. Qiao Mo nodded. “Thank you for the trust of Brother Dugu! After we finish the test, I will tell you about the Endless Glory Set!”

“Good!” Storm wasn’t in a hurry. He took a few steps back and pulled out Endless Glory’s Discipline again. The sword pointed to Qiao Mo.

The match between the two Experts is a hit!

Expert’s narrow road meets, only one can win, they must come up with the most powerful strength, do not make any reservations and privacy, can only try their best to win!

Brave’s victory! .

(To be continued…)