
Chapter 1131

HK1116 Mu Shuang’s suggestion, the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform


bwinCompany, the largest Online Gambling Company in the Greater Europe region, they saw the Dream Entertainment Company, the upcoming First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, and wanted to work with Dream Entertainment Company to develop odds.

Shi Lei prefers to work with bwinCompany because it can earn a lot of profit, which is initially estimated to be no less than 100 Million US Dollar. However, Shi Lei is ready to listen to Mu Shuang’s suggestion.

In the business aspect, Shi Lei is not as good as Mu Shuang. Even if Shi Lei’s learning ability is very strong, after learning, it will not be too bad for most commercial aspects.

“Shi Lei, you want to work with bwinCompany, right?” Mu Shuang asked.

“Hmmm?” Shi Lei heard Mu Shuang’s tone different. “Shuang Shuang, do you have any thoughts?”

“Shi Lei, in fact, I am not in favor of working with bwinCompany!” Mu Shuang directly said his thoughts, “bwinCompany as an Online Gambling Company, if we cooperate with bwinCompany, it will inevitably be blacked out. The suspicion. At the same time, we have to work with bwinCompany, the need to pay too much, the return can not be guaranteed. The most important thing is that Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, is not suitable for Online Gambling Industry.”

“Hey? Tell me in detail!” At the time of bwinCompany contact Shi Lei’s, Shi Lei First intuitively felt that the role of Brave’s World’s reputation spread throughout the world, and the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition was able to attract bwinCompany. A powerful Online Gambling Company.

Shi Lei doesn’t know much about the Online Gambling Company. He just thinks that Dream Entertainment will get a lot of benefits when working with bwinCompany. However, Mu Shuang made a different opinion.

“Brave’s World’s Martial World Struggle for Power Competition is indeed not suitable for Online Gambling Industry. The core business of bwinCompany is similar to that of William Hill, mainly in the Sports Competition Speculation aspect. Although our competition is the same as sports competition, there is a winning and losing mechanism, that is There is a possibility of beingtting, but in fact, Brave’s World’s Martial World Struggle for Power Competition and Sports Competition Speculation are completely different concepts.”

Mu Shuang explained the situation and then continued: “In the case of the European Champions League, the three 12 teams participating in the competition belong to the determined information. Moreover, the group match situation of the three 12 teams is also an early determination of the information. Therefore, Betting Company determines the information based on all kinds, analyzes the forces and winning percentages of different teams, and then sets the odds in advance. Betting Company can set odds in advance, which is because of the European Champions League. The determination of many forms. Our Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. There is basically no definitive information. For example, before the start of Finals Round. Who can break into Finals Round, there is really no conclusion.”

Shi Lei thought about Mu Shuang’s words and nodded in deep thought.

Mu Shuang explained again, “even though before the Finals Round was confirmed. Gamer decided to play the strong strong contestants through the battle; and this huge strong contestants, also determined the duel opponent in advance. However, Shi Lei, Brave’s World, Gamer’s victory and defeat, I am afraid I don’t have to say more, you know what is going on Right? even though One of the Gamer’s strength is higher, but it is not to say. High-power Gamer will definitely win the strength of Gamer. There is a ruin in the missed horse, in case the high-power Gamer accidentally lost? If we cooperate with bwinCompany, once this happens, it is difficult to guarantee that Black Screen will not be accused.”

“It makes sense!” Shi Lei nodded again.

“There is also a very critical factor, once bwinCompany’s Online Gambling. The interest involved is too great, it is difficult to guarantee bwinCompany will not find a way to cheat. For example, buy one of the participating personnel, let the participating personnel deliberately defeat. This kind of thing, the general Gamer It’s very hard to resist, especially when it comes to money temptation. After all, the ultimate Bai Qiang Gamer is not the rich football club, they need money, not glory.” Mu Shuang said a very important issue.

Shi Lei’s expression is startled. As Mu Shuang said, if faced with Betting Company’s purchase, what should Gamer face?

If Dream Entertainment Company cooperates with bwinCompany, and bwinCompany makes these purchases, once the news leaks, it will cause great damage to the reputation of Dream Entertainment Company.

“We can’t expect Gamer not to be bought! Only by restricting the rules, try to avoid Gamer cheating as much as possible.” Mu Shuang sighed.

“So, we really shouldn’t cooperate with bwinCompany!” Shi Lei in the heart, a little scared, almost suddenly bwinCompany overcast, no wonder bwinCompany is so active, it is ready to pull Dream Entertainment Company into the water!

“Of course you can’t work with them!” Mu Shuang answered affirmatively.

Shi Lei frowns, through the reminder of Mu Shuang, he found a new issue, “Shuang Shuang, if we don’t cooperate with bwinCompany, then bwinCompany independent for our First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, Online Gambling, we should How to do it?”

bwinCompany can indeed set aside the Dream Entertainment Company, independent of the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, setting the game odds. This kind of thing, Dream Entertainment Company can’t stop it. At the same time, once bwinCompany’s Online Gambling, the funds involved are too big, will inevitably appear, bwinCompany buys the Gamer counterfeit competition.

Mu Shuang laughed. “As long as our Dream Entertainment Company is not involved, it is not difficult to deal with bwinCompany. For example…” She quickly explained the situation and heard Shi Lei even connected points.

Shi Lei has to admit that in the commercial aspect, Mu Shuang is really better than him.

“Good idea!” Shi Lei nodded excitedly. “As a result, as long as bwinCompany dares to open the Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, we can still yell them once!”

BwinCompany is trying to get rid of Dream Entertainment Company, Shi Lei, how can it be cool?

“En! Shi Lei, then I responded to bwinCompany, our Dream Entertainment Company, not ready to work with them.” Mu Shuang confirmed a question.

“No issue! Shuang Shuang, this matter is handed over to you. I will follow your thoughts, modify the situation in Brave’s World, and slightly modify the battle rules of Martial World Struggle for Power Competition.” Shi Lei is sure Responding.

In the morning, Shi Lei, according to Mu Shuang, accomplished the adjustment of Brave’s World’s source code, and the remaining exact as stated. If bwinCompany is honest and doesn’t participate in Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, then everything is fine.

If bwinCompany is not honest and wants to black hand under Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, then I am sorry, bwinCompany will definitely be bad luck!

Shi Lei, who has source code modify, is very happy and thinks about what to eat at noon. It’s already 11:30 in the morning, and it’s time for lunch.

Shi Lei is ready to invite Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo to eat together. He is keenly aware that the relationship between the two younger sisters seems to be a little different. But what is the difference, Shi Lei can’t say it.

Just as Shi Lei was about to call Mu Shuang, the phone rang first. The Caller ID was Dong Guoguo, and Shi Lei’s eyes lit up. He said to himself: “Is it vrGame Helmet accomplish?”

Pressing the answer button, Shi Lei asked first: “Old Dong, what is it for me?”

Dong Guoguo has a joy in his tone. “Boss, we are here, accomplish a study.”

“vrGame Helmet?” Shi Lei asked with a smile.

“No!” Dong Guoguo denied, “vrGame Helmet currently is in production and is expected to be accomplish tomorrow. Boss, you formly told me to develop a new Motion Sensing Operation Platform to make Gamer’s Motion Sensing Operation more convenient. Motion Sensing Operation Research and Development Little Group has successfully manufactured the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform.”

“Hey? Have you tested it?” Shi Lei’s did formally told Dong Guoguo to develop the Motion Sensing Operation Platform. However, Shi Lei did not expect much from this matter.

However, Dong Guoguo remembered it with great care and chose to cooperate with Rongcheng Military District to leverage the research strength of Rongcheng Military District to compcomplish the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

“Just after a rough test, because of this system, there is no interface with Brave’s World’s program. So, we have not entered the actual test of Brave’s World. For the actual test, I am afraid you need Boss to come over, accomplish the Interface Device Driver, It can be done.” Dong Guoguo explained the situation.

There are some special Interface Device Drivers between Motion Sensing Operation Platform and Brave’s World. These Interface Device Drivers will work with the Motion Operating System to better recognize the actions of the Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

In particular, the identification of the weightless method aspect, the use of the Motion Sensing Operation Platform to achieve the recognition of the weightless method, there is no corresponding driver, how can it be achieved?

The current Motion Sensing Operation Platform is not designed to be too advanced, and some actions may be misidentified, although this error rate is not high. However, Dream Entertainment wants to develop Brave’s World better and must develop a better Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

“Well, no issue!” Shi Lei replied affirmatively. However, Shi Lei can’t develop the Interface Device Driver out of thin air. Instead, he needs to look at the real new Motion Sensing Operation Platform to understand the performance and situation of the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform. In order to develop a specific corresponding Interface Device Driver.

“Old Dong, you mean vrGame Helmet, you can develop accomplish Right tomorrow?” Shi Lei confirmed.

If vrGame Helmet, confirmed can be accomplished tomorrow night, that is, June twenty day, then Shi Lei is ready to leave immediately to Lin’an Underground Base, first compcomplish the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform Interface Device Driver, continue to accend vrGame Helmet’s Operation tomorrow System.
