
Chapter 1122

HK1107 Gamer guess, positive clarification


Xia Nation Time, June 19, at 0 am Forty-seven points.

The High-end Player of the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, especially the overseas High-end Player, has fallen out of the Forum. The customer service center’s phone has exceeded tens of thousands of dial-ups in a short period of time.

Fortunately, Dream entertainment company’s customer service center, although taking a four-hour non-stop service, all customer service calls, all Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System response, that is, Izual intelligent response.

Dream Entertainment Company is known as the ‘Overseas Company’ because the entertainment of the Dream Entertainment Company has been released for a long time in the middle of the night after Xia Nation Time, and the overseas synchronization time is usually during the day.

This time, the release of ‘Mysterious Game Insider’ unexpectedly met ‘overseas time’. The overseas Gamers were very happy, and most of the Gamers in the Xia Nation area had already taken a rest.

Many overseas Gamers, jointly applying for Hope Dream Entertainment Company, responded positively to the issue of Virtual Game Helmet. However, Dream Entertainment Company Official didn’t know about it at all. This thing is only known to Shi Lei. Dong Guoguo knows, but Dong Guoguo is not a person in the Dream Entertainment system. He is responsible for Lin’an Underground Base and how he cares about Dream Entertainment.

As the Deputy General Manager of Dream Entertainment Company, Xie Hui has long been accustomed to the news that some ‘inexplicable’ popped up on the Internet. For the matter of Virtual Game Helmet, Xie Hui is the same as Gamer, he knows the body of Hope!

Since Xie Hui didn’t know the situation, Dream Entertainment Official’s application for overseas Gamer could only choose to ignore it. At the moment of the early morning of Xia Nation, the Dream Entertainment Company has been out of work, even if it ignores the application of overseas Gamer. It is also completely true.

Izual reported the situation of the customer service center to Shi Lei, “sir, customer service center, and received the numerous Gamer in a short time. Consult the issue about Virtual Game Helmet, System unable to answer, please give the solution.”

Even the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. Izual still does not have the ability to independently solve the issue’s innovation. As long as the issue does not appear in the data library, Izual can not be learned to solve.

“Let’s ignore it!” Shi Lei did not plan to respond to the overseas issue of Gamer’s issue. In less than an hour, the topic of Dream Entertainment Virtual Game Helmet is not enough to ferment and it takes more time to brew.

Especially in the Xia Nation area, the topic of Virtual Game Helmet has not become a hot topic!

Inside the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum. Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm applied to the Main System for a temporary Voice Communication Channel, a new feature of the Official Gamer Forum that allows Gamers to communicate more quickly in a voice-based manner.

Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm applied for a temporary Voice Communication Channel, mainly to unite the heavyweight Gamer and put pressure on the Dream Entertainment Company. Li Jian Nation’s Exceed Grade Gamer. Basically joined Storm’s voice channel.

The Exceed Grade Gamer in the Greater Europe region also chose to join in, and the two sides gathered almost 50 Exceed Grade Gamers.

Storm is in the Voice Communication Channel. Expressed his opinion with Leader’s identity. “Gamemers, what do you think about the ‘Mysterious Game Insider’ information? Dream Entertainment Company, is it really developing Virtual Game Helmet?”

Li Jian Nation’s Exceed Grade Gamer Blue Ocean is also Hacker World World Grade Hacker blue. For the information in the Internet, blue knows more.

“I think this information should be different from what we estimate.” Blue Ocean said his opinion, “Maybe the Virtual Game Helmet expressed by Mysterious Game Insider is not what we imagined. Use the brain. Radio wave control, Game Helmet that directly applies images to the mind.”

The Virtual Game Helmet among the sci-fi novels, as the Dream of otaku, has been surrounded by otakus. The sci-fi level Holographic Virtual Game Helmet, the science and technology required too much too much, can’t be studied successfully in a short time.

Li Jian Nation’s other Exceed Grade Gamer, Shengguang Shenguan also expressed his opinion, “I agree with Blue Ocean’s point of view, maybe we all understand the mistake!”

Exceed Grade Gamer, a large European region, questioned: “Why is Dream Entertainment Company not standing up and giving us an answer to Gamer? Are they hiding something?”

Blue Ocean responded: “pay AT&T ention to the time! Although Dream Entertainment Company is by Xia Nation’s Gamer, it is the Overseas Company, but the Dream Entertainment Company’s Headquarters in Shuangqing City, now Shuangqing City, should be June 19 More than zero, it belongs to the middle of the night.”

After the reminder of Blue Ocean, many overseas Gamers have suddenly realized. Not only the Gamer in the Xia Nation area, but the Dream Entertainment Company is the Overseas Company, and even the overseas Gamer is used to the Dream Entertainment Company to process the issue according to their time.

This is also due to the existence of Izual’s, twenty all hours of uninterrupted processing of all kinds Gamer issue, basically no concept of regional time difference.

“What do we do then?” asked a Great Britain’s Exceed Grade Gamer.

Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm: “Dream Entertainment Company’s working hours are 9:00 in the morning, corresponding to the time of our Li Jian Nation at 9:00 pm. Our Li Jian Nation’s Gamer can be at 9 o’clock in the evening. , Collective Organization to Dream Entertainment Company, ask for a specific answer.”

Storm is a loyal user of Dream Entertainment Company and has a personal relationship with Shi Lei, CEO of Dream Entertainment Company. Storm thinks secretly, and if he asks, Shi Lei should answer him.

For the Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm’s suggestion, Gamer in other regions expressed the promise that a large number of overseas Gamer, under the leadership of Exceed Grade Gamer in various countries, stopped the noisy, waiting for Xia Nation Time, June 19, 9 am Clock, Dream Entertainment Company gives an accurate answer.

After Shi Lei told Izual to follow the Official Gamer Forum, he lay in bed and fell asleep. Shi Lei doesn’t like staying up late, Shi Lei rarely stays up late unless there is any need.

I was in a hurry without a word.

On June 19, at 8 o’clock in the morning, Shi Lei rarely wakes up early.

After waking up, Shi Lei unhurriedly put the pot-stewed at night on the night, put it in the microwave, then boiled a packet of instant noodles, mixed with pot-stewed as breakfast.

I am afraid that the whole world is worth more than Billions US Dollar, only Shi Lei’s breakfast, it is so wrong!

Shi Lei’s skill in cooking noodles can only be said to be eaten, not as poisonous as Ling Yumo’s cooking. Just after breakfast, the cell phone rang and the Caller ID was Xie Hui.

Xie Hui hasn’t arrived at the company yet, his phone has been tempted by the company’s intelligence department. A few early morning Xia Nation Gamer, found the news of yesterday’s news, they have called Dream Entertainment Company, want to ask the real situation.

For the real situation of Virtual Game Helmet, Dream Entertainment Company did not know how to cut down, but only found Xie Hui on a layer-by-layer basis, and Xie Hui could only contact Shi Lei.

Shi Lei Pressing the answer button, Xie Hui immediately said it, and finally said: “Chief Shi, the Virtual Game Helmet, is it true?”

“Of course Fake!” Shi Lei replied unceremoniously, “The Nerve-Sense Interaction Virtual Game Helmet, with current science and technology, how could it be made? Those Gamer still dare to think!”

Shi Lei had to admire, the ideas of the Gamers were really beautiful!

The Holographic Virtual Game Helmet, which is directly based on Neural Control, will be the ultimate target for the development of Dream Entertainment Company. Dream Entertainment Company will do its utmost to concentrate all resources on developing the online game. But now, science and technology can’t reach that kind of Gradation, and Dream Entertainment Company can only move forward step by step.

Xie Hui’s inexplicable sighed in relief doesn’t seem to be the kind of Holographic Virtual Game Helmet, which makes Xie Hui feel inexplicable.

“Chief Shi, do we want to publish a CLARIFICATION ANNOUNCEMENT at OffiCIA l Website?” Xie Hui asked.

Shi Lei light snorted, “Our Company does not have the kind of Holographic Virtual Game Helmet, but we are indeed developing Virtual Game Helmet, but the degree of Virtual is not as good as the sci-fi novel!” Shi Lei said with a smile.

“Eh?” Xie Hui was speechless for a while, “Chief Shi, what is this opinion Ah?”

“This thing, you don’t care, I personally deal with it!” Shi Lei said that he had to deal with the company affairs personally, which made Xie Hui feel a tearful touch.

Xie Hui quickly said: “Okay, Chief Shi, then I don’t bother!” Xie Hui hurriedly hang up the phone, fearing that Shi Lei would repent, Xie Hui prefers to deal with this troublesome thing. Female secretary Qin Huini talks about love.

Shi Lei shook his head helplessly and personally entered the webServer background of the Dream Entertainment Company OffiCIA l Website and updated an announcement in the background of the webServer.


“Announcement about Virtual Game Helmet! 》

Regarding the news of the Official Gamer Forum, Dream Entertainment Company said that the company is indeed developing the Virtual Game Helmet, but not the Holographic Virtual Game Helmet that Gamer imagined, but a head-mounted display EQ uipment.

Dream Entertainment Company currently develops a display-like EQ uipment similar to helmet, which will provide Gamer with a closed image display effect and create a fully immersive 360° No-Dead-Angle display EQ uipment for true eye entry. Brave’s World’s First is a vision.

The product of this research project, the company named ‘vrGame Helmet’, has been accomplished with experimental prototype products and is preparing for conduct test.

Once the test is passed, the Company will determine the official Release Date of vrGame Helmet based on factors such as cost and capacity.

Thank you for your support of this company.

Thank you everyone!


Shi Lei After thinking about the announcement at the Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website, he was thinking about an issue.



Thanks to doraw, reward 1176. Waiting for the best – beautiful, sliver柒, reward 588. Ming Drunken Moon, reward 400. Eternal Wings, reward 100.