
Chapter 1114

HK1099 final pricing, BWin!


Xia Nation executives and Shuangqing City executives want to leave the Dream Entertainment Company.

Given the current development of Dream Entertainment Company, it has become the network entertainment of the Giant, just a matter of time. Although Dream Entertainment Company and Shuangqing City have signed some tax incentives, Dream Entertainment Company will become a taxpayer of Shuangqing City once the preferential policy is over.

In Jinyuanera, Shuangqing City Government aspect, how do you not want to leave Dream Entertainment Company?

Meng Xun proposed a land transfer fee of 50,000 yuan and a mu. It is just a price hike. Waiting is nothing more than sitting on the ground. I know that Shi Lei does not play cards according to common sense. Even the counter-offer is exempted. He directly questioned Shuangqing City Government aspect and did not negotiate with sincerity.

For Shi Lei’s rogue behavior, Meng Xun can only be depressed and started talking: “Shi Lei, directly say your final bottom line!”

Shuangqing City Government aspect does not have the advantage of too much. As long as the price is too good, it will be accepted with a slight squint. Anyway, it is a high-level account. The essential purpose is to leave Dream Entertainment instead of selling land. money.

Shi Lei thought about it, and finally tested the started talking: “The maximum price of 25,000 is only one acre! After all, the disadvantage of this domain is also very obvious.”

Meng Xun’s brow wrinkles into a ‘chuan’ word!

25,000 yuan, this price is lower than the lowest of 3,500,000 yuan in Shuanghu District, and Ten Thousand yuan!

‘This damn Shi Lei! ‘Meng Xun in the heart Darkly, Shi Lei’s did capture some of the information and analyzed the Shuangqing City and Xia Nation executives. I want to retain Dream Entertainment Company.

Therefore, Shi Lei strongly reduced the price of the land transfer fee. Although Shuanghu District is not the Center area of ​​Shuangqing City, but not five years later, the land price of Shuanghu District. It will turn over ten times at once.

Also in other words, Shi Lei this transaction, even if nothing is done, just pretend. On top of Ten-thousand Mu Earth, tinkering with a few small pergola, and moving out after five years, you can get at least ten times more amazing profits.

Can’t blame Shi Lei for greed, Shi Lei hasn’t been tempted to buy real estate and real estate for value-added, not because Shi Lei has no money, but Shi Lei has a better way to make money.

But now that the opportunity is in front of it, and it is a hard condition, Shi Lei must buy a domain. Isn’t he allowed to make a fortune by the way?

In order to impress Meng Xun. Shi Lei continued: “Mayor Meng. I can assure you that our Mirror Science and Technology Group will be on this land. More than 500 million Xia Nation Yuan!”

Meng Xun has a bright eye and 500 million Xia Nation Yuan’s input. How many labor opportunities will this create? You don’t have to calculate too much in detail, just how much social reemployment can you provide by investing in initial construction?

This is a significant achievement!

Meng Xun As Shuangqing City First Vice-mayor, his future is incomparable with Light. If you get the political achievements of this investment, Meng Xun’s political achievements will be more and more colorful!

“Shi Lei, are you sure that your Mirror Science and Technology Group will invest more than 500 million Xia Nation Yuan in the Headquarters of Shuangqing City?” Meng Xun asked, with tolerance.

Shi Lei heard Meng Xun’s inquiry and knew that there was a play. He smiled and responded: “Mayor Meng, when did I dupe?”

Meng Xun in the heart Sneer, Shi Lei dupe Are you still missing? However, I can’t say that on my mouth.

“If we add this to the land transaction agreement between the two parties, I can promise you the price. But once you invest less than 500 million Xia Nation Yuan, we Shuangqing City Government, there is privilege to recover Ten Thousand The right to use the acres of land.” Meng Xun took out the insurance practice.

Once the agreement is signed, it is not allowed to invest in Mirror Science and Technology Group!

“No issue! Sign an additional agreement to sign an additional agreement!” Shi Lei was expected to invest numerous funds to build the Headquarters of Mirror Science and Technology Group.

In the future planning of Shi Lei, Xia Nation’s Mirror Science and Technology Group Headquarters, needless to say, at least need to build a Small-scale Nuclear Power Plant in the Underground!

The Small-scale Nuclear Power Plant is built for independent power supply, ensuring the stability of Power Supply while reducing power costs. If you only rely on the commercial power provided by Shuangqing City, all kinds of large-scale Supercomputer, the electricity bill is a terrifying value every year.

It’s just the electricity bill, but the high electricity bill directly exposes the existence of high-power electricity, and it is easily calculated that the Supercomputer may exist.

Only with your own nuclear power station can you hide the existence of Supercomputer! It can also mask the existence of other high-energy-consuming devices, so that real power consumption is invisible.

However, it is not an easy task to build a Small-scale Nuclear Power Plant in Xia Nation. Fortunately, Shi Lei formerly handed in a technical description of the nuclear power aspect, which is the data obtained from Wo Sang Nation. According to Xia Nation’s learning simulation ability, Xia Nation’s Nuclear Power Plant technology should be very greatly promoted.

At that time, if Shi Lei wants to build a Nuclear Power Plant, he should get a convenient door.

In addition to the Nuclear Power Plant, Shi Lei also wants to build a numerous Underground building. The geological structure of Shuangqing City is very stable, and there are no geological disasters such as earthquake and volcanic eruption, which is very suitable for the construction of the Underground building.

Shi Lei Hope builds a huge Underground complex to serve as a production base for some confidential products. For example, The Steel and Iron, Dawn, Shadow Dragon, Lion d Combat System, etc.

These constructions need to consume numerous funds, and the area of ​​500 million Xia Nation Yuan is definitely not enough! Even a small investment in a Small-scale Nuclear Power Plant is not enough!

A small-scale Nuclear Power Plant with Hundred-thousand kW Level, the amount of investment is less, about 12 billion to 1.5 billion Xia Nation Yuan. However, the Hundred-thousand kW Level Small-scale Nuclear Power Plant has a narrow application surface and low power generation.

An Exceed-scale Supercomputer, the world-famous Tianhe ii, is equipped with a water-cooled system and consumes 2.4 megawatt-hours. It is an Exceed Grade energy consumer.

Shi Lei Dream In the future, to build a Supercomputer over Tianhe ii, just the Hundred-thousand kW Level Small-scale Nuclear Power Plant, how can he meet his needs?

Again. The Small-scale Nuclear Power Plant in Shi Lei plan not only powers the Supercomputer, but also powers the entire Headquarters base, even the High-energy Laser Defense System.

and so. This investment is definitely not less!

“Good!” Meng Xun said with certainty, “Since you Mirror Science and Technology Group, you are willing to invest in Shuangqing City as a representative of Shuangqing City Government. I can’t be too embarrassed. We accept the price of 25,000 per mu. Waiting After we have finalized the final area, how do we sign the agreement?”

Although Izual has approved the final area, Meng Xun will certainly not recognize the data submitted by Shi Lei. Only Shuangqing City aspect, who has determined the final data, will sign a land transfer agreement with Shi Lei.

“I have no opinion. Mayor Meng, when are you going to handle it?” Shi Lei asked.

In the following time, Shi Lei still has a lot of things to deal with, but there is no too much time and the ink of Shuangqing City. It is best to deal with accomplish once and for all.

“Well, it’s within three days at the latest!” Meng Xun gave a flexible time. If you are determined to measure clearly. Half a day is enough! However, the transfer of land is not a small matter and requires repeated verification by multiple parties. So it takes three days.

Government departments can’t be as simple as Shi Lei. Let Izual measure and calculate.

After the two parties agreed to sign the final agreement as soon as possible, Shi Lei hang up the phone. Dealing with the old fox like Meng Xun is a waste of effort.

Just as Shi Lei was ready to go out and head to Shu’an Village Ruling Security Company to process the issue of Ruling Security Company Elite Squadron, Izual prompts to receive an email.

This is an e-mail from overseas. The origin of the e-mail is Gibraltar from Great Britain. According to the time difference between the two places, should the Gibraltar side be more than 4 o’clock in the morning?

Shi Lei curiously opened the mail, but he didn’t worry about Mail Bomb. If you really have Mail Bomb, you can deceive Izual’s Endless Defense System. Shi Lei is going to have a look at what kind of Mail Bomb can do it.


“Cooperation program from bwin”

Dear Dream Entertainment’s Friends:


This is a preliminary cooperation application plan from bwinCompany.

Maybe you don’t know bwinCompany, we will briefly introduce the history of this company. The company was founded in 1999. After eight years of development, the Company has become the highest share of the online market, the highest share of the Online Gambling Company.

The Company is primarily engaged in online sports betting and poker entertainment that the people love to see.

At present, the Company knows you through some channels, and will hold a World Grade online game competitive competition. Therefore, this Company Hope is working with you to launch the Online Gambling entertainment business.

The cooperation plan formulated by our company is based on the principle of mutual benefit and mutual benefit and strives for a win-win situation for both parties.

If you have the willingness to cooperate, our company will send a professional team to go to your party for communication negotiation.

– bwin team

– 2007.06.18.04: 58: 32


Shi Lei watched the email from Gibraltar, and there was a smile on his face. This is a cooperative referral letter. It looks like a little bit of a family, but it is definitely not a test of the knockoff company.

As described in the cover letter, bwinCompany is very, very famous throughout Europe. Although not comparable to the William Hill Company, the strength is also very strong.

It’s a pity that the William Hill Company is more focused on the sports betting career than on bwinCompany, so try something new.

Shi Lei is not very disgusted with the cooperation application sent by bwinCompany. Although the Online Gambling business is basically a network scam in the Xia Nation area, it is very scientific abroad.

Especially in the Greater Europe region, bwinCompany’s Online Gambling business is operating very well. If you work with bwinCompany, with this Dream Entertainment Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, Dream Entertainment Company can make a fortune.

But bwinCompany can work with Dream Entertainment Company and gamble on the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. They are joining forces with Dream Entertainment Company.

bwinCompany is not a charity company, but a Betting Company, bloody Betting Company!

How can Betting Company make a good intention to pull up Dream Entertainment Company to make money?

William Hill Company has extensively participated in the world’s football betting career, but they bring the football team to make money? Although there are sponsors of some football teams, it is absolutely impossible to directly pull the football team to make money.

bwinCompany contact Dream Entertainment Company’s attitude, it is worth considering!

Shi Lei thinks over and over again, why bwinCompany chose to work with Dream Entertainment Company. The power of bwinCompany is not weak. Aside from the Dream Entertainment Company, they can still set up the market, and bring the Dream Entertainment Company with great care.

After thinking for a while, Shi Lei’s eyes lit up and he thought of a possibility!

