
Chapter 1086

HK1071 Planet’s Strongest Soldier Weapons System !

.Rongcheng Military District, Armed Helicopter arrived at 11 o’clock in the evening.

From the Armed Helicopter, Shi Lei yawned and his mental state was obviously exhausted. “Su Ding Old Bro, it’s too late, Commander He is still waiting for us?”.

“Shi Lei, you are finally here!” Su Ding hasn’t answered yet, and He Zhenbang’s voice came from afar. Obviously, He Zhenbang has been waiting for Shi Lei and needs Shi Lei to give a statement.

Shi Lei showed a helpless look and looked in the direction of the sound. “Commander He, don’t you sleep?”

“After such a big thing, do you still have a mind to sleep?” He Zhenbang light snorted.

“Commander He, what’s the major event? It’s nothing more than a little friction!” Shi Lei said in an understatement, as if the Second Generation Dawn did not invade Wo Sang Nation’s Tokyo Prefecture.

He Zhenbang frowned, depressed the voice, beside Shi Lei, whispered: “Shi Lei brat, what do you think is a trivial thing? Think about it, if Dawn is in the Capital City’s Cheonan Plaza, we are Nation’s What will happen to the top management?”

In the face of He Zhenbang’s swearing, Shi Lei is sleepy, “Commander He, today is too tired, what’s the matter, let’s talk tomorrow!”

He Zhenbang had anger in his eyes. Before he was angry, Shi Lei continued: “Commander He, when I wake up tomorrow, I am going to give you a Great Gift in Rongcheng Military District!”

He Zhenbang, who was already prepared to anger, suppressed the anger, and the skill of emotional control was obviously high. Maybe it was not full. “What Great Gift?” He Zhenbang stared at Shi Lei, thinking in the heart.

‘This Shi Lei, is really arrogant and ignorant. Still a little fox? Great Gift ? Could it be that Shi Lei knew that it was a big problem and was ready to hand over the Second Generation Dawn in exchange for the support of our Rongcheng Military District? ‘He Zhenbang in the heart thinking.

‘If Shi Lei is willing to hand over Dawn’s full set of technology, our Rongcheng Military District, can you support him? ‘He Zhenbang in the heart, thinking about it.

The power of Shi Lei’s new generation of Dawn is very strong. The Rongcheng Military District has almost analyzed it. The powerful weapon, if equipped with the Rongcheng Military District, will have a lot of voice, He Zhenbang’s power. Will increase the large section.

“hēi hēi, Commander He, you know!” Shi Lei didn’t say anything, but pointed her finger at Armed Helicopter, “Commander He. Give me a room with a little quiet, I’m ready to rest. Right. Commander He. Dawn in Armed Helicopter, remember to carry it down, it will be useful tomorrow.”

He Zhenbang looked at Armed Helicopter in a blink of an eye, responding to Shi Lei saying: “No issue!” He Zhenbang greeted a confidant and told him to take Shi Lei to rest.

“Trouble Commander He!” Shi Lei followed a few steps from He Zhenbang’s assigned confidant. Suddenly stopped, started talking: “Commander He, this thing is temporarily handed to you for safekeeping!”

Shi Lei said as he walked towards He Zhenbang. I handed the dual-handed silver-white metal lockbox to He Zhenbang, and quickly whispered: “Commander He, it’s very important, I believe no one, Commander He, you’d better keep it yourself! Inside the Rongcheng Military District, Maybe someone yells at it, Commander He, you are careful!”

After that, Shi Lei pretended not to happen anything, and turned and followed He Zhenbang’s confidant.

He Zhenbang bent over and raised two silver-white metal lock boxes, and there was a glimpse of confusion in his eyes. ‘What exactly is this inside? Shi Lei Is this brat in the middle of it? ‘

In fact, Shi Lei is really a mystery! But this is a mystery, definitely worth doing! Inside the two silver-white metal lock boxes, there is an unknown new high-efficiency Power Source, and its value is simply incalculable.

Su Ding walked to He Zhenbang and whispered: “Commander He, Shi Lei told me that the two boxes contain Exceed Grade Bomb. After the explosion, the range is two kilometers, absolutely no one is spared.”

He Zhenbang act cute flipped the roll one’s eyes, “Little Su, Shi Lei, the brat of the brat, do you believe?”

“This… I really can’t understand what Shi Lei really is.” Su Ding said with some hesitation, “Commander He, what if it’s really Exceed Grade Bomb?”

“Cold! Shi Lei that brat is also in the Rongcheng Military District Headquarters, is he going to kill himself? Little Su, about these two boxes, stop here, don’t pass any information. Also, when the situation is uncertain You have to listen more and see more, less want to talk less. Understand?”. He Zhenbang stared at Su Ding and said something.

Su Ding’s forehead, a cold sweat instantly, he nodded hard, “Commander He, rest assured, I understand!”

He Zhenbang This is to mention Su Ding. Before Shi Lei and Dawn’s situation is clear, don’t report things to higher levels. After everything has the final result, plan again.

Su Ding is a nail placed at the top of the Rongcheng Military District. This identity is not hidden and everyone knows it.

At six o’clock in the morning on June 16.

Shi Lei, who was asleep, was woken up by the telephone ringing. The Caller ID was Ling Yumo. Shi Lei pressed the answer button and Ling Yumo’s slightly naughty voice passed.

“Stone Monster, where are you?” Ling Yumo’s subtext is actually asking Shi Lei why he was not accompanying them in the hospital.

Shi Lei responded with a smile and said: “Little Mo, how are you Right?”

“En! Yesterday evening, the hospital aspect was reviewed initially. We are doing very well now. However, Mama said, let us stay and check it out.” Ling Yumo is still at Shuangqing City First Hospital, although they have injected Mastery over Future and Fate Virus’s antidote, but Ling Yumo’s Mama is still not at ease, they need to stay at Shuangqing City First Hospital, continue to observe for a while, and cooperate with the hospital to conduct multiple aspects of the review.

Shi Lei is very supportive of Jiang Ling’s caution. Although Shi Lei believes in the antidote made by Jian Wushuang, Jiang Ling insists that it is understandable to review it.

“Check it out a lot! Little Mo, you have obediently obedient, check with the Doctor, do you know?”. Shi Lei shouted.

“hēng hēng !” Ling Yumo snorted twice. “Stone Monster, where are you Ah? I want to eat hotpot!”

Shi Lei silently smiles. The transfer of the topic failed, only a positive response: “Little Mo, I am now in Rongcheng City, there are some things to deal with.”

Shuangqing City First Hospital, Ling Yumo, was unhappy. When she was about to say something, she was stopped by Mu Shuang. Mu Shuang replaced Ling Yumo. “Shi Lei, if you have something in Rongcheng City, then concentrate on it. We are waiting for you at Shuangqing City.”

“Well, if everything goes well, I will come back tomorrow at the latest.” After Shi Lei finished, he did not wait for Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo to respond and hang up the phone directly. Shi Lei knows the smart Mu Shuang. It has been guessed that he is not in Rongcheng City, but in the Rongcheng Military District Headquarters.

After the phone hangs up. Ling Yumo looked at Mu Shuang inexplicably. Asked: “Elder Sister Mu Shuang, what happened? Is Stone Monster really in Rongcheng City?”

Mu Shuang was a little hesitant, and finally explained to Ling Yumo slowly, of course, there was only a choice to explain, some things. Mu Shuang is also reluctant to let pure Ling Yumo know.

Rongcheng Military District Headquarters.

Shi Lei dressed neatly, walked out of the restroom, and He Zhenbang, who was waiting outside the door, immediately said: “Major Shi. Good morning, the cafeteria prepared breakfast, first eat?”

“What is prepared for breakfast?” Shi Lei’s request for food was a bit high. This bad habit was also used by the Angel Parliament after formly joined the Angel Parliament. Angel Parliament gave Shi Lei very good conditions, and Shi Lei’s criticality about food was promoted.

The confidant quickly reported: “Flour Bread, white rice porridge, green Steamed Vegetable Bun, and seasonal kimchi.”

Shi Lei corner of mouth twitching, ‘damn He Zhenbang! In this way, he expressed his dissatisfaction. ‘

Whether it is He Zhenbang, Lu Qiang, or Shi An, Rongcheng Military District, many people know that Shi Lei is very picky. Every time he comes to the Rongcheng Military District, he always wants to eat and drink.

“Forget about it, I am not hungry, take me to see Commander He!” Shi Lei started talking to He Zhenbang’s confidant. Shi Lei knows that He Zhenbang will not be polite to him if he does not handle Second Generation Dawn’s.

He Zhenbang’s confidant, with Shi Lei, went to the tactical discussion room, and the Big Shot of the Rongcheng Military District was already waiting in advance. They were all waiting for Shi Lei alone.

When Shi Lei walked into the tactical discussion room, looked to the top of He Zhenbang and the two silver-white lock boxes on the stainless steel conference table.

“Early, Commander He, Division Head Lu, Division Head Su …” Shi Lei greeted one by one, did not drop anyone, his face with a smile, as if he did not realize, Big Shot of Rongcheng Military District All waiting for him.

He Zhenbang doesn’t want to pursue these details in the issue. It is a special period. If Shi Lei is willing to hand over the second generation of Second Generation Dawn’s technology, the Rongcheng Military District can always be awkward and can tolerate Shi Lei; if Shi Lei is not interested, Rongcheng Military District When I settled in the autumn, I naturally went back to Shi Lei to make the numerous Big Shot unhappy.

“Shi Lei brat, sit down, let’s go directly to the theme. This time, Dawn you used at Wo Sang Nation, is your newly developed Dawn?” He Zhenbang asked straightforwardly, without any buffer space.

Shi Lei also responded straightforwardly: “Yes! That’s Second Generation Dawn !modify Power System, Energy Supply System, defense system, attack plan, etc., almost re-created Dawn, except the basic skeleton framework aspect has not changed, even Manufacturing materials have been updated!”

“You are honest!” He Zhenbang felt a punch on the cotton, and there was a feeling of unrelenting feeling of falling.

“This thing, there is no need to hide it!” Shi Lei said with a smile, “Second Generation Dawn, yesterday is not shipped to our Headquarters in Rongcheng Military District?”. Shi Lei now regards himself as part of the Rongcheng Military District.

“Hēng! Shi Lei, you said on Yesterday, to send a Great Gift, what is Great Gift?” He Zhenbang said the point.

Shi Lei still maintains a smiley expression. This is Shi Lei’s signature smile. Whenever this smile is made, Shi Lei is definitely planning something.

“Planet’s Strongest Soldier Weapons System!” Shi Lei said arrogantly, “How is this Great Gift?”.

Call for genuine subscription, the critical period, really need! (To be continued…)