
Chapter 1077

HK1064 Water Pursuit, Shuangqing Conception!

The Hardware Design developer of First Generation The Steel and Iron is Li Cai, and the developer of Operating System software is Shi Lei.

At the beginning, Li Cai developed The Steel and Iron just for fun. After all, without the FCH Operating System, The Steel and Iron is really just a big toy, not War Weapon.

In order to reach an in-depth relationship with the Rongcheng Military District, Shi Lei sold the complete design of The Steel and Iron and the FCH Operating System to the Rongcheng Military District.

Although both the Steel Design and The Operating System software developers of The Steel and Iron have little to do with the Rongcheng Military District, when Shi Lei signed a cooperation agreement with the Rongcheng Military District, both parties reached a secret agreement. .

The secret agreement stipulates that when the Songcheng Military District publicized The Steel and Iron, The Steel and Iron was independently developed by the Rongcheng Military District, and Shi Lei and Li Cai must be kept secret. At the same time, Shi Lei and Li Cai have become the active personnel of the Rongcheng Military District.

It is because of this agreement that the developers of First Generation The Steel and Iron became the Rongcheng Military District!

This time, fifty First Generation The Steel and Iron, and a Second Generation The Steel and Iron, and six Dawns attacked Wosang Nation’s Tokyo Prefecture, and Wo Sang Nation aspect immediately went to The Steel and Iron and Dawn. Investigate.

Dawn’s data, they can’t find it for a while, but the steel and Iron’s data, very good investigate!

Rongcheng Military District has installed The Steel and Iron. Whether it is the border patrol Task or the border combat Task, the Rongcheng Military District has invested in the numerous The Steel and Iron.

The Rongcheng Military District has a border line of more than 7,000 kilometers. It is bordered by seven Nation. The domestic media of Nanyue Nation, Mian Yin Nation and Yinjia Nation have long exposed the news of the new automated border patrol weapon in the Rongcheng Military District.

Wo Sang Nation’s Intelligence Organization, slightly investigate the situation, got the complete information from Yinjia Nation.

Yinjia Nation has a bad relationship with Xia Nation. very bad.

Wo Sang Nation Tokyo Prefecture was attacked. Yinjia Nation First learned that Wo Sang Nation now asked them about the Steel and Iron’s information, and Yinjia Nation without the slightest hesitation sold out the Rongcheng Military District. They wanted Wo Sang. Nation and Xia Nation are bothering.

Wo Sang Nation, Tokyo Prefecture, military, unknown location.

Shimoya Riko sneaked at the information in the hands of Ikeda Shinji, Ikeda Shinji was very popular started: “Riko-kun, this is our latest information. What do you think?”

“Hey?” Shimoya Riko looked at the information data of The Steel and Iron. His brows wrinkled. “Xia Nation, Rongcheng Military District, The Steel and Iron? Xia Nation is not always advertised for their peaceful development? Why are they dispatched? The Steel and Iron attacked us? Say it. And Metal Exoskeleton Right? Is Metal Exoskeleton also developed by the Rongcheng Military District?”

Ikeda Shinji shook his head, formerly responsible for Ikeda Shinji of Metal Exoskeleton. He is very aware of the difficulty of developing Metal Exoskeleton. Xia Nation’s Rongcheng Military District. It may be enough to develop the hardware of Metal Exoskeleton, but it is definitely not possible to use Operating System software.

“In any case, we should talk to Xia Nation’s Rongcheng Military District. After all, The Steel and Iron is independently developed by the Rongcheng Military District, also in other words, all over the World except they have The Steel and Iron. Who else? “Ikeda Shinji said.”

According to the relationship between Wo Sang Nation and Xia Nation, whether it is the Rongcheng Military District or not, Wo Sang Nation will first buckle the 屎 子 R on the Rongcheng Military District. Looking for the Rongcheng Military District.

Anyway, The Steel and Iron is the exclusive development of the Rongcheng Military District. Don’t look for Rongcheng Military District to find Who?

Ikeda Shinji decided to find trouble in the Rongcheng Military District and he immediately started to act. Ikeda Shinji first collected video evidence of The Steel and Iron in Tokyo Prefecture, then provided photos of The Steel and Iron wreckage, and finally sent these videos and photos information to the external contact of Rongcheng Military District via network data. department.

The external contact department of Rongcheng Military District belongs to twenty four-hour manned state. When they received the protest information from Wo Sang **, they reported to the highest level of Rongcheng Military District at First time.

He Zhenbang is just the Vice-commander of the Rongcheng Military District, but he has fully chaired the work of the Rongcheng Military District. When He Zhenbang watched the evidence from Wo Sang **, he smiled on his face.

“Damn Shi Lei! Sure enough to go to Wo Sang Nation! That damn Bear Child, what exactly is he looking for?” He Zhenbang said with great sorrow.

All the senior members of Rongcheng Military District got up and met in the middle of the night.

Neutral Equipment Department Head Yang Dingtian, coldly snorted and said: “The Steel and Iron of Wo Sang Nation is definitely not our Rongcheng Military District, but Shi Lei is privately produced! We should pursue Shi Lei privately to produce The Steel and Iron’s responsibility, this time, Shi Lei has caused us a lot of trouble!”

Li Department’s Logistics Department Head Zhang Liming said: “Division Head Yang, when we were an external announcement, it seems to be The Steel and Iron. Is it the independent development of our Rongcheng Military District? You think that the army of Wo Sang Nation Will you believe in our rhetoric?”

Considering the situation, if this happens to Xia Nation, the military of Wo Sang Nation will simply evade responsibility for a private company, will Xia Nation believe?

Su Ding’s eyes flicker, he is the representative of the top, although Shi Lei has caused a lot of trouble this time, but in Su Ding’s view, trouble is also an opportunity!

“Commander He, Division Head Yang, Division Head Zhang, don’t worry, I have a good idea.” Su Ding has a confident smile. When everyone looks at him, he doesn’t sell it. He explained: “We used to The published news shows that we have lost some of the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile and some of The Steel and Iron in our Rongcheng Military District. For this reason, they can’t say anything about the military of Wo Sang Nation.”

He Zhenbang thought a little and agreed: “This idea is good! Right, Little Su, after dawn, you go to Shuangqing City and keep Shi Lei. Once Shi Lei is back, bring him to Rongcheng Military District immediately. Hey, This brat makes us a black pot in the Rongcheng Military District. This time he went to Wo Sang Nation and used the Dawn. It seems to be a bit different.”

Originally, Dawn was not seen in the Rongcheng Military District because Dawn’s flaws were obvious. But now, Dawn’s Strong Combat Power makes He Zhenbang very excited. Especially the six Dawns, which destroyed the twenty main battle tanks, this is incredible.

Su Ding understands He Zhenbang’s opinion. From the standpoint of Su Ding, Su Ding also got Dawn’s technology from Hope Rongcheng Military District. After all, six Dawns can make a big noise in Tokyo Prefecture, or you can make a big noise in Xia Nation’s Capital City!

This cutting-edge technology is in your own hands, or is it reliable!

“Okay, Commander He!” Su Ding agreed. In Su Ding in the heart, in addition to acquiring Dawn technology, Su Ding has another idea, that is, the issue of Su Ding’s thinking opportunity!

Wo Sang Nation, Tokyo Bay.

Six Dawns moved quickly in the seawater, reaching the sneak speed of the Sixty Festival, converted into kilometers, with a total of one hundred and one-hundredths of an hour.

“Sir, Sonar Detection System collects anomalies, guessing through reverse operations, there is a ship on the surface, and currently uses the Sonar Detection System to scan underwater conditions.” Izual reports the situation.

Shi Lei was slightly startled and then asked, “Are we found?”

“Yes, Dawn’s Sonar Detection System, scans the enemy ship, and is moving directly above us.” Izual reports.

“Isn’t this possible?” Shi Lei was hesitant, Dawn’s underwater speed, reaching the Sixty section. On the water, there should be no boat to catch Dawn’s speed Right?

“Sir, please wait a moment, System currently schedules Second Generation The Steel and Iron investigate,” Izual responded.

Second Generation The Steel and Iron successfully escaped from the battle circle. It sits above the Tokyo Bay and acts as a reconnaissance character. The remaining nineteen First Generation The Steel and Iron have not escaped yet, and Izual controls them, and now they are moving forward and trying to leave Tokyo Prefecture.

Nearly two minutes later, Izual controlled Second Generation The Steel and Iron and detected the situation. Izual processed the image data of Second Generation The Steel and Iron and sent it to Shi Lei.

Through HudTransparent Display, Shi Lei viewed the data of Second Generation The Steel and Iron Scouting. It turned out that on the sea, Wo Sang Nation actually sent a water speedboat. At the speed of the water speedboat, it is indeed possible to exceed Dawn. But on the water speedboat, is there any attack means?

A few minutes later, the water speedboat successfully caught up with six Dawns. Dawn is currently at a depth of 50 meters. This depth is to keep in touch with Izual’s. If it is deeper, the connection will be unstable.

However, Dawn was tracked by a water speedboat, and Shi Lei decided that six Dawns dive to the deepest data of the design dive, which is the depth of two hundred meters. Shi Lei Hope takes the Sonar Detection scan of the Wo Sang Nation surface ship by dive.

However, this is obviously not very possible!

Six Dawns sneaked for almost five minutes at a depth of two hundred meters, re-floating to a depth of fifty meters, and restored to Izual’s connection.

“Izual, have we got rid of the speedboat tracking?” Shi Lei asked.

Izual quickly replied: “Sir, the water speedboat continues to track, the System detects that the water speedboat carries the internet conNEC tion equipment, System automatically speculates that the water speedboat is the coordinate marker point, and the current summon enemy air power support.”

“**!” Shi Lei cursed, then said: “Get off the water speedboat!”

“yes, Sir.” Izual controls Second Generation The Steel and Iron, using the Third Generation knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery to easily solve the water speedboat. Subsequently, Wo Sang Nation sent a new water speedboat support, but it was still killed by Second Generation The Steel and Iron.

Even a HNA Helicopter, unfortunately after the Second Generation The Steel and Iron attack, six Dawns escaped the water hunt of Wo Sang Nation.

Sixteen hours later, six Dawns were separated from Shanghai by Xia Nation and there was an hour-long voyage.

Shi Lei, who is hungry, didn’t stop on the way. After returning to Xia Nation, Shi Lei in the heart also had a Crazy idea, which was to use six Dawns to attack Xia Nation’s Shuangqing City…

(To be continued.)
