
Chapter 1068

hk1056 High-energy Laser Defense System !

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency First floor hall, Zhu Mingxuan arrived last. This is because Zhu Mingxuan is in the roof implement warning Task, he is farthest from the first floor lobby.

When Zhu Mingxuan arrived, six Dawns walked out of the door, ready to leave the Large Building of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

However, when they were less than ten meters from the gate, the lights suddenly appeared in the hall!

“Stop!” Shi Lei shouted, cocked his right hand and stopped all Dawns.

“Boss? What happened?” Ye Feng asked inexplicably. Now that time is tight, they should retreat, why should they stop?

Shi Lei looked around in an all around and responded: “The situation is wrong! According to the standby generator power of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters, it is impossible to drive all the electricity from the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. So, once the standby generator is activated The first floor lobby will not turn on the lights. If the first floor lobby is turned on, it only shows that the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System has been restored!”

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building Underground Eighth Level.

Underground Eighth Level space, which is exactly as the location of the standby generator of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. At the beginning, Shi Lei was responsible for the two Security personnel of the night when they invaded the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters. They did not escape from the Foundation. They came to the Underground Eighth Level and passed the Secret Eighth Level of the Secret Communications System. Reported the news of the attack on the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters, and they also passed the Monitoring System and saw Dawn’s powerful.

and so. They did not act rashly, but pulled a large helper. Including the Tokyo Prefecture Power Company, the power supply to the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building will be restored in advance. Hacker 1056

As long as the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building is backed up, you can open Large Building’s own Defense System. The Laserdefense of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, although also a type of Internet of Things, also shows the fact that the High-energy Laser Defense System can also be manually controlled. Moreover, the authority of manual control takes precedence over the IoT control from the physical level.

High-energy Laser Defense System In the manual control mode, the function is very simple, and only one open function maintains the High-energy Laser Defense System.

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, first floor lobby.

Six dark Dawns stopped at the gate for ten meters.

“Boss, if the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System is backed up, we should leave soon!” Ye Feng took a question and answer.

Shi Lei smiled a bit. “I’m afraid, we can’t leave it for a while!” Shi Lei waved Alloy Heavy Sword with his right hand and broke the identity verification gate into two halves. The identity verification gate machine, which is the kind of verification machine that needs to pass before entering the subway. Shi Lei grabbed half of the identity verification gate machine and threw it in the direction of the gate.

With the assistance of Dawn aiming at the System, Shi Lei’s head is very good, and half of the identity verification gate machine is thrown at the crack of the special alloy protection net.

If everything is ok, this half identity verification gate will fly directly out of the crack of the special alloy protection net. However, that is only the result of everything that is normal.

When half of the identity verification gate machine flew from the air to the gate, a light red “color” light curtain suddenly appeared in the air. Half identity verification of the gate machine, when hitting the light red “color” light curtain, even as if the solidified lard of the soldering iron was met, it was directly melted!

That half identity verification gate machine, most of the material, but stainless steel! Even if it is not a special-type alloy, but it is also stainless steel, how can it be easily melted?

Looking at the light curtain of the red color, Shi Lei in the heart is cool, he knows that it is the High-energy Laser Defense System of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building! A Defense System with almost no solution!

Ye Feng asked with uncertainty: “Boss, is that laser?”

Shi Lei sighed, “I am afraid Yes!”

Zhu Mingxuan turned his eyes and looked at the radiance of the reddish color. He said his opinion: “Boss, can that laser block Dawn? I mean, our Dawn can reach the highest speed. Three hundred kilometers an hour. Our contact time with the laser is extremely short, maybe Dawn can pass it!”

Shi Lei shook his head with a smile. “That’s the High-energy Laser Defense System, the ultra-high High-energy Laser, not the Ordinary laser. Mingxuan, you can use the Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery on the High-energy Laser. Try it out!” Hacker 1056

Second Generation Dawn’s exclusive knockoff Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery, the “shot” of the projectile, the initial speed of three Thousand per second 600 meters, this speed far exceeds the speed of sound.

If you can use the speed to break through the High-energy Laser Defense System, this is a good experiment!

Zhu Mingxuan fired a shot at the high-energy Laser layer of the reddish color according to Shi Lei’s command. Three Thousands per second of bullet speed, the human eye must not be Seize. However, the surface of the light-colored “High-energy Laser” layer suddenly illuminates a light group, which is visible to the human eye.

The light group, precisely as stated alloy, is the radiance of the high-energy laser’s heat burning!

Zhu Mingxuan did not believe in evil and opened a few more shots. The position of each gun is different, but the same thing is that every light red “color” light curtain will light up a light group.

“Don’t experiment, the high-energy Laser Defense System’s laser energy level has reached more than a million. No matter what thing, as long as it hits the high-energy Laser’s defense layer, only the end of the smog!” Shi Lei frowns .

Zhu Mingxuan still didn’t give up, he glanced at all around and found that there was a mirror in the hall. He said that the laser is also light. Should I use the mirror to bounce Right?

Shi Lei shook his head with a smile.

High-energy Laser uses mirror bounce? That is just a beautiful legend! The mirror is not 100% anti-“shooting” light! The mirror itself “shoots” most of the light, but it still absorbs a very small amount of heat.

Similar to the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, the Million-level High-energy Laser, the mirror hit it, and only a moment of gasification.

“Ah? Boss, what do we do? Is it trapped by this damn laser?” Zhu Mingxuan asked nervously.

“Don’t make trouble!” Shi Lei snorted, his current Internet of Things Internal System, looking up the design drawings of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, including the construction drawings of the High-energy Laser Defense System.

The High-energy Laser Defense System is really amazing, but it’s not a panacea!

Looking at the design drawings of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, a moment later, Shi Lei pointed to the right side of the gate about ten meters, started talking: “Sanpao, hurry to arrange Bomb! Explode this wall!”

High-energy Laser Defense System No matter how powerful, it is impossible to have Right in the wall?

As long as Zheng Sanpao blasts the wall, the six Dawns can also quickly evacuate the Headquarters Large Building of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

In less than twenty seconds, Zheng Sanpao placed a large number of plastic bombs in the place designated by Shi Lei. He said: “Boss, all the plastic bombs, all arranged here!”

Since the departure was in a hurry and arrived at Wo Sang Nation, there was no stoppage and it was directly involved in the battle. Zheng Sanpao had no more time to make plastic bombs. He has taken out all the plastic bombs for a final blow.

Shi Lei nodded: “No issue! Task is over, we need to escape now, no need to keep the plastic bomb!”

Six Dawn retreat a distance and opened the Alloy Shield defense mode, and Zheng Sanpao detonated the plastic bomb.

“hōng lóng ~ ”

The plastic bomb exploded, producing a huge sound, as well as some smoke and dust. Second Generation Dawn comes with an air filtration system, so smoke does not pose any threat to them.

When the smoke dissipated, Shi Lei they were all depressed!

Because Shi Lei designated the place, it was not blown up by the plastic bomb at all. Inside the wall, it turned out to be a high-strength Special-type alloy!

“Damn!” Shi Lei anger cursed, then said: “A’Feng, use Alloy Shield to try and see if you can open the wall!”

Ye Feng immediately implemented the command, using the Alloy Shield to knock on the wall. However, the Alloy Shield collided with the Special-type alloy wall to make a huge sound, as well as sparks, but the Special-type alloy wall does not move!

“kuāng dāng ~ kuāng dāng ~ kuāng dāng ~ ”

After a dozen or so, Ye Feng’s left arm felt a clear anti-shock force, but the Special-type alloy wall still showed no signs of being smashed, and Shi Lei decisively stopped.

“A’Feng, stop!” Shi Lei lowered his head and thought about it.

‘How should I crack High-energy Laser? ‘Shi Lei in the heart thinking. High-energy Laser is almost unsolvable in the current environment. No matter what the material, in the High-energy Laser that meets the million level, all are vegetables!

Thinking about the past and thinking about it, Shi Lei didn’t think of a way for Safety to solve High-energy Laser. Finally, the issue returned to the origin and wanted to resolve the High-energy Laser unless it could black out the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System again.

But is this possible?

It is definitely not a short time to get rid of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System again. Even if Shi Lei and Raphael join forces, plus Izual and Interweave Net Miwang, it is impossible to repeat the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System in a short time.

However, the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System cannot black out the second time in a short period of time and does not represent the power of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency and cannot be suspended. As long as the power of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building was suspended, the High-energy Laser Defense System could not get Power Supply, and relying on the poor power of the standby generator, the High-energy Laser Defense System could not be driven.

“Izual, the circuit arrangement of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building!” Shi Lei told Izual to list all the circuits of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building. As long as the all kinds of circuits are destroyed, the High- Energy Laser Defense System ! .

(To be continued.)

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