
Chapter 1026

hk1014 Second Generation Dawn, regardless of cost!

The mysterious N235 Metal is one of Shi Lei’s hands, a special Power Source that humans have yet to detect, far beyond the conventional chemical Power Source such as gasoline.

When N235 Metal was on the Second Generation The Steel and Iron, the perfect accomplish test, Shi Lei was ready to use Dawn’s to electrify and develop the Second Generation Dawn. In fact, Dawn’s full set of technologies are mature, just modify the Power System, the difficulty is not too high.

Dawn’s combat is quite impressive, even though First Generation’s Dawn, the combat power is quite powerful. It’s just the Dawn of First Generation. The shortcomings are also very clear. Not only is it expensive, but the power output still doesn’t meet Shi Lei’s requirements. Even the battle time is not very satisfactory.

If you can transform Dawn’s Energy System into an electricized version, its combat power will be promoted very much. However, Li Cai had an issue when developing Electric Energy Version Dawn’s.

“Little Plum, what is the issue?” Shi Lei asked worriedly.

Li Cai sighed, “Big Brother Stone, Second Generation Electric Energy Version Dawn, the cost is still high. Even more than the First Generation Dawn’s cost!”

First Generation Dawn’s cost, does not calculate the cost of research and development, does not calculate the cost of manual assembly, does not calculate the cost of software, only the cost price of parts, has exceeded 5 Million Xia Nation Yuan.

Such a price, even though for high-end elite weapon, is also very expensive. At least, the Rongcheng Military District is absolutely impossible to install.

“How much does the cost cost?” Shi Lei doesn’t care much about the cost of the issue. Shi Lei cares more about when he can make accomplish and put it into use. In the current situation, Shi Lei may need to face up with Wo Sang Nation’s Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. The Dawn of Second Generation’s energy version will be a big bargain for Shi Lei’s. [

“About 8 Million!” Li Cai said a rough number. “Big Brother Stone, this is expected to be more, it will never fall.”

Shi Lei frowned, even if Shi Lei has the wealth of numerous, in the face of at least the cost of 8 Million, Shi Lei also hurts. “Little Plum, can you explain why the cost of Second Generation Dawn’s has increased? We have not used the Microturbine Engine and Ceramic High Temperature Heat Insulating Module used by First Generation Dawn, and the cost should be reduced to Right?”

The Microturbine Engine used by First Generation Dawn, the single cost 120 million Xia Nation Yuan; Ceramic High Temperature Heat Insulating Module, a single cost 1100,000 yuan. First Generation Dawn, each requires two Microturbine Engines and two Ceramic High Temperature Heat Insulating Modules.

The cost price of only four Core parts reached 4.6 million Xia Nation Yuan.

The Second Generation Dawn does not use the Microturbine Engine and the Ceramic High Temperature Heat Insulating Module, which saves the cost of 4.6 million Xia Nation Yuan. What is the cost of Second Generation Dawn’s?

“Big Brother Stone, Second Generation Dawn’s cost is indeed more expensive than First Generation Dawn’s.” Li Cai explained: “Big Brother Stone, Second Generation Dawn, I broke the original design and adopted a new design. original plan Powered by two High Energy Motors, but with the latest plan, I plan to use five High Energy Motors as the power source, either arm or legs, powered by a separate Electric-powered machine, each Electric-powered The machine can provide one hundred kilowatts of power, which translates into horsepower and 134.”

How powerful is the power of one hundred kilowatts?

With a metaphor of image, one hundred kilowatts of power can move up ten tons of heavy objects at a speed of one meter per second. The vast majority of Small-scale cars have less than one hundred kilowatts of power. Shi Lei’s previous Audi 4l, power is only 118 to 155 kW!

Shi Lei said curiously: “Little Plum, are you sure Dawn can install five High Energy Motors?”

Li Cai coughed, “Big Brother Stone, Second Generation Dawn’s have increased in size, and five High Energy Motors have adopted a special design and a special custom-made solution. The price of each Electric-powered machine is basically On top is 1 Million Xia Nation Yuan.”

Shi Lei turned roll one’s eyes, five Electric-powered machines, which is the cost of 5 Million Xia Nation Yuan!

“What about the additional cost budget?” Shi Lei asked.

“Dawn’s armor thickness increased from the previous 10mm – 22mm Level, promoted to 30mm – 60mm degree. All external armor, adopted Modular Design, is the armor of any part, can withstand 100 meters In addition, the 127mm snipe rifle “shot” hit. Even though stepped on a single mine, relying on Dawn Outstanding’s defense, and the excellent Shock Absorption device, the internal driver will not be too much damage.” Li Cai is proud to introduce.

30mm – the armor of 60mm thickness, think of exaggeration when you think about it!

The armor thickness of some tanks is just that. Li Cai actually Crazy’s Dawn’s defense, to such an extent. [

“How much is the cost?” Shi Lei was not dissatisfied, but asked happily.

“With the Dawn’s basic skeleton, etc., 2 Million is needed!” Li Cai said bluntly.

Shi Lei did not make any objections. “And 1 Million?”

“The rest of 1 Million is Dawn’s on-board control hardware, on-board route, and some electrified parts.” Li Cai said awkwardly, “Dawn’s on-board route, all of which have been designed with professionally designed silver materials, not only Only Outstanding’s extended “sex” and softness, and the lowest resistance, guarantees absolutely precise control. In addition, all electrified parts adopt the highest-end specifications to ensure Dawn’s stability.”

To illustrate Second Generation Dawn’s Outstanding, Li Cai continued: “According to my calculations, Second Generation Dawn will not lose its combat power even if it is hit by a rocket launched by a single rocket launcher. Dawn’s defense shield, the individual rocket launcher, poses a threat.”

“So powerful?” Shi Lei couldn’t help but be surprised, then asked: “Little Plum, Second Generation Dawn, how big is the main body?”

Li Cai smiled. “It’s not too big. The high Degree of the whole machine has increased by about 18%. The weight of the whole machine has increased by 70%. 5. Big Brother Stone. You can’t say this, you can go online. Is there a specific parameter data in Notebook Computer, you can come and see it yourself!”

Li Cai knows that Shi Lei is Hacker. Although he doesn’t know how good Shi Lei is, Li Cai knows that Shi Lei wants to invade his laptop. It’s a breeze.

“Good!” Shi Lei responded directly, then sent a bunch of commands on the keyboard with both hands. Izual smoothly entered Li Cai’s Notebook Computer, and Shi Lei opened the desktop directly, a file called ‘Dawn’.



High Degree : 2600mm

Body weight: 9g

Weapon mode: literary network g, equipped with 260kgAlloy Heavy Sword

Mixed mode: literary network g, equipped with 260kgAlloy Heavy Sword, equipped with 550kgAlloy Shield

Power origin :High Energy Motor *5

Power: 134 Horsepower*5

Energy compartment capacity: 10l

Armor Type: Special-type alloy armor Special-type ceramic armor

Armor thickness: 30mm – 60mm

Inside cabin High Degree :1810mm

Driving occupant High Degree restriction : 1780mm – 1800mm

Driving occupant weight restriction: 70kg – 75kg

Theoretical Maximum combat speed: 300kmh

Theoretical Maximum Combat Time: Method Estimation

Theoretical Maximum Standby Time: Method Estimation


Second Generation Dawn, from the appearance, only the overall High Degree has increased. But the connotation of Second Generation Dawn’s is not a fraction of a point.

First, the First Generation Dawn uses two Microturbine Engines, limited by the chemical Power Source and Turbine Engine volume restrictions. The power of the two Microturbine Engines is only twenty horsepower. Even though, asynchronous coordination is turned on, and the output power of the two Microturbine Engines is less than the strength of fifty horsepower.

Second Generation Dawn’s Single High Energy Motor has reached 134horsepower and is a “sex” monster! And because a single High Energy Motor powers only a single limb, every High Energy Motor can achieve maximum performance.

In addition to the four High Energy Motors on the limbs, Fifth High Energy Motor provides Dawn service, providing auxiliary power support, including driving the rest of the machine, including some auxiliary equipment.

Second Generation Dawn’s connotation, not only the change of dynamic aspect, in the defense intensity aspect, Second Generation Dawn is called the small to strong to refuses to die. At the same time, the Second Generation Dawn uses the new generation of N235 Metal as its energy source, and its Long-term Use Capability is calculated by the fundamental method.

According to the energy compartment capacity of the Second Generation Dawn 10l, 10l’s N235 Metal can be stored. The density of N235 Metal is 57 grams per cubic centimeter. 10lexactly as stated 10 cubic decimeter, N235 Metal weighs 57kg.

According to N235 Metal’s application of First Phase Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator, EQ uivalent to and other massoline energy 120 times the calculation. The energy released by 57kg’s N235 Metal, EQ uivalent to 9243, is the energy released by the burning of the gasoline.

This one data is just an equivalent energy data. N235 Metal can directly release different ranges of intensity without any means of conversion, far beyond the chemical Power Source.

Therefore, using N235 Metal as the energy of the Second Generation Dawn, the temporary method calculates the maximum combat time and maximum standby time.

Shi Lei read the Second Generation Dawn’s design parameters, and the scene of Second Generation Dawn appeared in his mind. He asked Li Cai: “Little Plum, what is your so-called R&D issue, is it just a cost-effective issue?”

“Of course! Big Brother Stone, you know, this Dawn is made, and we don’t have any commercial or military use value other than our own use. It’s just a costly and tasteless product!” Li Cai said excitedly. .

Shi Lei laughed. “Little Plum, Second Generation Dawn, I am very satisfied! I need to pay attention to the cost issue. I just want to say, Second Generation Dawn, regardless of cost, just keep improving!”

“Really?” Li Cai took an excitement, and any design personnel, which was designed by Hope himself, was created. Even though Li Cai thinks Second Generation Dawn is a chicken rib, Li Cai still manufactures Second Generation Dawn by Hope.

“Of course! Little Plum, I only give you two days, I need at least six Second Generation Dawn, if you can make more Second Generation Dawn, then the more the better! How can you do it?” Shi Lei asked Li Cai.

Six Dawn’s distribution plans, Shi Lei has conceived accomplish, Shi Lei himself, and the remaining five are handed over to Ye Feng of Punishment Merc Warsquad. If there are more Second Generation Dawns, use them for the time being.

Li Cai thought about it and asked for a request: “Big Brother Stone, can you accept a higher budget?”

“Hey? Little Plum, do you have any thoughts?” Shi Lei affirmed again: “Little Plum, I said, Second Generation Dawn, strive for perfection, regardless of cost!”

Shuangqing City, Shuangqing University, doctor dormitories floor, 501 dormitory.

Li Cai, holding the cell phone in his left hand, put his eyes on the light: “Since the cost, Big Brother Stone, I will give you a perfect Dawn!”

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗