
Chapter 1024

hk1012 death deadline, solution!

Shuangqing City, Beiyu District International Airport, t2b terminal, No. 16 boarding gate.

Mu Shuang’s facial expression is held in the detailed instructions of the “medicine” agent, calmly watching the unidentified identity armed personnel leader.

Unidentified identity Armed personnel leader, smiled and said: “Ms. Mu Shuang, you can call Mr. Shi, remember to inform him, let us air the plane, see you again later!” After the end, an unknown identity Under the leadership of the leader, the armed personnel boarded the Boeing 16 aircraft prepared by Shi Lei through the No. 737 boarding gate.

Under the control of an unidentified armed armed personnel, the Boeing 737 passenger plane slowly began to retreat and then entered the take-off runway.

Mu Shuang is holding a cell phone and is preparing to call Shi Lei’s, but Shi Lei’s phone has already dialed in. Mu Shuang pressed the answer button, Shi Lei’s voice passed over: “Shuang Shuang, what exactly did they give you a “medicine” agent?”

Through the Security Surveillance Camera of Beiyu District International Airport, Shi Lei witnessed the whole process. When the unidentified armed armed personnel left, Shi Lei immediately called.

Mu Shuang shook his head. “Shi Lei, I don’t know. But the person gave me a detailed manual and told me to hand it over to you.”

“Shuang Shuang, take a quick look, what is the “medicine” agent!” Shi Lei said quickly. If it is only a general poisonous “sex” “medicine” agent, Shi Lei will definitely leave the group of unidentified identity armed personnel.

Mu Shuang took the instructions for the “medicine” agent under the camera. Mu Shuang knows about Fantasy Science and Technology Company. About the Fantasy Science and Technology Company’s Graphics Processing Engine, Mu Shuang knows more or less. Mu Shuang knows the Word Recognition Engine of Fantasy Science and Technology Company and can identify the instructions in her hand. [

‘? Mastery over Future and Fate ? ‘Shi Lei in the heart raised a little bad feeling.

Mu Shuang opened the detailed description of the ‘Mastery over Future and Fate’ drug, and printed the bilingual catalogue of Xia Nation text and English on the First page of the manual.


Mastery over Future and Fate :

First Phase: Headache, fever

Second Phase: muscle soreness, loss of appetite

Third Phase: skin rash, nose and nose bleeding

Finally Phase: Death


The First page of the manual details the nature of the ‘Mastery over Future and Fate’ drug. This so-called “medicine” agent is actually a biological virus!

The prototype of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus is 1918’s Spanish Flu Virus, a very deadly Virus!

In 1918, Spanish Flu Virus caused death data close to the 40 Million population across the world. You know, in the second time World War, the number of war dead soldiers in each country is more than 18 million. The total number of war-related deaths is only 50 Million to 70 Million!

In the year of 1918, the population of the whole World was only 17 billion people, and a Spanish Flu Virus killed the 40 Million. This shows how dangerous the Virus is.

What’s even more dangerous is that the unknown identity armed personnel gave Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo a shot, not the prototype of 1918’s Spanish Flu Virus, but a fatal Virus that has undergone special changes.

The mortality rate of Spanish Flu Virus fluctuates around 2% point 5 to 5%. After the modified ‘Mastery over Future and Fate ‘Virus, the fatality rate reaches 99%. [

This kind of mortality basically means that you must be suspicious!

Starting from the Second page of the manual, it is recorded that from the infection of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus to First Phase, depending on the overall quality of human physique, there will be a three to five day incubation period.

After the incubation period, you are entering the First Phase. First Phase’s headache and fever symptoms also last for three to five days depending on the physical fitness. First Phase is the best time to treat Mastery over Future and Fate Virus infections. In this Phase, Mastery over Future and Fate Virus is really like a cold, and it won’t leave any trouble after the cure.

If First Phase fails to get treatment, then it will enter Second Phase, and Second Phase will show muscle soreness, accompanied by loss of appetite, infected with Virus’s personnel, body immune system will be gradually disintegrated, and finally break the villain class itself. Immunity.

This process, according to the immunity of different human individuals, takes five days to seven days. This Phase is the last Phase that can be treated, and if it is within Second Phase, it has not been treated. Then, Mastery over Future and Fate Virus will completely destroy the immune system. Although still able to be treated, even after treatment, the infected person’s immune system has collapsed and the infected person will become a ‘Glass Person’.

The so-called Glass Person, the metaphor of the infected person is very susceptible to the infection of Virus, like a doll made of glass, it is very easy to break!

A human being, losing the immune system, will be a fatal flaw. Even an Ordinary cold virus may be more powerful than 1918Spanish Flu Virus, killing humans who lose their immune system.

As for the Third Phase of Mastery over Future and Fate, the infection of this Phase has been severe enough to cause nose and mouth bleeding. After entering this Phase, almost the law was reversed, and the infected person only had two days to three days of life countdown.

To sum up, the lives of Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo leave about 11 days to 17 days. If during this time, Shi Lei does not receive the Detoxification Agent of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus, they will enter the Third Phase, which is the irreversible Phase, and only accept the fate of death!

“pēng~ ”

Shi Lei used the Security Surveillance Camera to read the instructions of the entire Mastery over Future and Fate Virus. His face was terrifying, and the glass on the table fell heavily on the floor of the lounge. I care about the floor with expensive carpets.

“Damn!” Shi Lei snorted and then contacted Bai Qiang to inform Shuangqing City Beiyu District International Airport to release the unidentified identity armed personnel.

Shi Lei Although he is in charge of the Management System of Beiyu District International Airport, Shi Lei does not intend to make any exercises on the management system of Beiyu District International Airport.

The current situation is very mixed, and Shi Lei does not plan to add more chaos. The current Task is the solution to Mastery over Future and Fate Virus. The next-class Task is what the investigate is, planning all of it, and what forces in Shuangqing City participated in this action.

The Beiyu District International Airport aspect received a notice from the top of Shuangqing City and quickly sent a command to allow the takeoff to be sent to the Boeing 737 passenger plane on the unidentified armed personnel.

The Boeing 737 passenger plane accelerates on the runway and then rushes to the blue sky!

“Sr, the Boeing 737 passenger plane where the identity of the armed personnel is located has been lifted off.” Izual reminded Shi Lei.

Shi Lei said with a sneer : “Izual, immediately control the Steel and Iron of the Rongcheng Military District to catch up and track with the maximum High Degree!”

Second Generation The Steel and Iron’s maximum effective range is only 1,800 meters. The Boeing 737-400 passenger aircraft with an unidentified armed personnel has a maximum ceiling of 11300 meters.

The Steel and Iron attack Boeing 737 is not practical, it can only be used with The Steel and Iron, and it is constantly tracked with radar.

“yes, sr.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei ended his communication with Izual’s and returned to the phone contact with Mu Shuang. “Shuang Shuang, you and Little Mo don’t act rashly, and someone will come to pick you up right away.”

Mastery over Future and Fate Virus does not infect “sex”, it only afflicts infected people. Therefore, Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo will not be isolated from each other and will receive the best treatment immediately.

Mu Shuang also read the instructions of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus. Her face is a bit faint. “Shi Lei, when are you going back to Shuangqing?”

Shi Lei can hear that Mu Shuang’s tone has a taste of Despair. Her tone seems to want to see the last side of Shi Lei, full of help.

“Shuang Shuang, I have been on the airplane, about 12 hours later, I arrived at Shuangqing City. Shuang Shuang, you listen to me, you and Little Mo must be strong, I will definitely find this Virus solution! Those people give You are shooting “Virus”, they just want to get Technical Information. I will give them all, they will give me a drug!” Shi Lei said excitedly.

Mu Shuang looked at Security Surveillance Camera and showed a sigh of smile. “Shi Lei, if you do that, will Rongcheng Military District understand you?”

“Rongcheng Military District going to his “Mao”! I only know that if you don’t have them, I accept it!” Shi Lei said loudly. “Shuang Shuang, rest assured, I will be back soon!”

Mu Shuang barely smiled, “Shi Lei, I believe in you!”

Ling Yumo is also on the side: “Stone Monster, I believe in you too!”

Shi Lei squeezed his fists and his face was firm. “Shuang Shuang, Little Mo, I will not disappoint your trust! With the medical personnel, they will come in, you will get the best treatment environment, waiting for me. ”

Mu Shuang un’ed, ended up talking to Shi Lei’s.

Shi Lei put down the cell phone, deeply took a deep breath, and asked: “Izual, found the information about ‘Mastery over Future and Fate ‘Virus?”

When talking to Mu Shuang, Shi Lei commands Izual investigate any data about ‘Mastery over Future and Fate ‘Virus. Whether it is a gossip in the network or a medical paper. Only the information related to Mastery over Future and Fate is recorded.

Izual controls the information retriever and searches through the entire network, but does not get any information about Mastery over Future and Fate Virus.

“sr, no data related to Mastery over Future and Fate Virus was found.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

If you can’t find the information data, you can only get the “medicine” from the hands of the unidentified identity armed personnel. But if Shi Lei gave them Technical Information, what should they do if they don’t give up the drug?

Or simply in other words, Mastery over Future and Fate Virus, there is no solution to the drug!

When Shi Lei was thinking hard, his mind suddenly flashed in his mind, and he thought of a way to solve Mastery over Future and Fate Virus.

Mastery over Future and Fate Virus is very vicious, Shi Lei’s own power, and no relevant medical research institutions, want to crack the probability of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus, almost impossible accomplish Task.

However, Shi Lei knows a way to kill Mastery over Future and Fate Virus. However, that method is very difficult to achieve, even beyond the scope of Shi Lei’s ability…

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗