
Chapter 1017

hk1005 can’t do anything about it?

Li Jian Nation.

Shi Lei stood in front of the projection cloth, because he was too angry, he had begun to calm down and think about the deeper Gradation.

The Sunlight Garden was attacked, and it showed a conspiracy from the beginning to the end.

First of all, Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo live in Sunlight Garden. Although this is not a secret, it is not as well known. Moreover, even if they know that they live in Sunlight Garden, how can they know that the Sunlight Garden’s defense is very impressive?

Sunlight Garden’s defense transformation is not an open to the public thing, even though Ruling Security Company’s Ordinary Security personnel, is not quite sure about this.

Such a secret thing, those who do not know the identity of the armed personnel know how to carry heavy firepower?

Secondly, the unknown identity armed personnel, even more accurately know that Shi Lei has air support, so that the sniper is arranged in advance to block air support.

Shi Lei has the hidden thing of air support, even though Shuangqing City Police Department, is just a suspicion, not knowing the situation of the item body.

The last one, the biggest surprise, is precisely as stated so many unidentified identity armed personnel, and the numerous advanced weapon, how did you enter Xia Nation and enter Shuangqing City? [

Xia Nation is a country of Forbid Guns, and even holding a small pistol is a serious crime. Those unidentified identity armed personnel, holding automatic rifle, and rocket launcher, as well as semi-liquid state plastic fried. It is illegal to be in the Xia Nation area.

Since it is illegal, how does it enter Shuangqing City in the hinterland of Xia Nation?

The Sunlight Garden was attacked, and there must be the participation of Xia Nation, and the status of this force in Xia Nation should not be low. Otherwise there is no way to cover up so many people entering Xia Nation Shuangqing City.

The fate of the four The Steel and Iron attacks was in line with Shadow Dragon, although the Second Generation The Steel and Iron was very strong and added a special protective armor. However, after the First frame was destroyed, the other three were almost unreacted and were killed by the sniper.

Unidentified identity armed personnel on the south side of Sunlight Garden entered the building of Sunlight Garden. They did not choose to take the elevator, but chose to take the Safety stairs. If they take the elevator, Izual will definitely control the elevator and lock them in the elevator!

Shi Lei in the heart The last glimmer of hope was obliterated.

Unidentified identity The quality of the armed personnel is too high. Shi Lei can’t understand, except for Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, can their targets be others?

Destroy has four sets of up-up Shadow Dragon and four of The Steel and Iron. Shi Lei has not many cards in his hand. There are only two of the Steel and Iron from Shuangqing City Police Department, and from Shu. ‘an Village Ellio Squadron from the two Ruling Security Company.

However, according to the previous situation, the two escort forces have no effect on the armed identity of the unknown identity. Even though they rushed over, it was also a data record that increased casualties.

All in all, the current situation is very critical.

Shi Lei sighed and turned on the phone with Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo again.

“Hey, Shuang Shuang, Little Mo, are you still there?” Shi Lei tried to calm down. If he can’t keep calm, how can he make two younger sisters in the danger?

“Hey, Stone Monster, I am afraid!” Listening to the voice from the phone, although there is a little bit of distortion, Ling Yumo is still the first time determine, it is Shi Lei’s voice.

“Little Mo, don’t be afraid, stay with the Mu Shuang, stay in the Room, I am currently arranging power to rescue you.” Shi Lei comforted Ling Yumo.

“Stone Monster, what happened outside, how do you feel like a nightmare?” Ling Yumo’s voice, with a hint of crying. Ling Yumo is a bit naughty, but what formerly experienced this terrifying thing? [

Even though formerly was kidnapped by Xiao Bo, but the entire kidnapping process, Xiao Bo was very polite to Ling Yumo, did not let Ling Yumo suffer any grievances.

The screams, gunshots, and explosions that came from outside did make Ling Yumo feel a nightmare.

“Little Mo, there are some unknown identity personnel outside, may come for you. Don’t be afraid, now listen to me, you and Mu Shuang honestly stay in the Room. In case of the unknown identity of the personnel, broke our Defense, you don’t want to be a resistance.” Shi Lei paused and continued to say comfort: “This armed group of unidentified identity has spent a lot of hard work, not to hurt you, but to catch you. And then threaten me with your life.”

Shi Lei sees it very clearly about the true purpose of the unknown identity armed person.

If this group of people wants to hurt Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, they don’t need to be so troubled by the power they show. If they want to kill Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, they only need to shoot a few rockets at the room where Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang are located, and they can reach their wishes.

Or secretly “touch” “touch” installation high explosion, can also achieve the final result. There is absolutely no need to make this out of control situation. According to the current situation, this group of unidentified identity armed personnel, the big rush to attack Sunlight Garden, the only purpose is to seize Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang.

Grab these two people and you can threaten Shi Lei!

Threatening Shi Lei’s purpose, perhaps wanting money, perhaps wanting Brave’s World’s technology, perhaps wanting the secret of the Rongcheng Military District, or perhaps some strange marvel requirements. Anyway, they don’t want Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang’s “sex” life!

After listening to Shi Lei’s comfort, Ling Yumo did not speak and sobbed in a low voice.

Mu Shuang insisted on calmness and said to Shi Lei: “Shi Lei, if the other party’s request is too much, you should not promise them. They made a fatal mistake, no investigate me and Yumo Younger Sister’s identity, I want Grab us! Oh, it’s just a day!”

Ling Yumo is Bureau Chief rich|daughter of Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters, Bureau Chief of Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters, with the same authority and level aspect, almost the same as Shuangqing City Mayor. At the same time, in some aspects, the Bureau Chief of the Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters, the influence is more extensive and powerful.

Mu Shuang’s father is Mayor of Shengjing City, and Shengjing City is also DIRE ctly Subordinate to the Administration City. As a DIRE ctly Subordinate to the Administration City, Mayor, the absolute solid authority character.

These unidentified identity armed individuals attempted to kidnapMu Shuang and Ling Yumo, who violated a hidden rule ban on Xia Nation. That is, it is forbidden to threaten the intimidation of the relatives of the Nation staff personnel.

This is not a rule. Once it is violated, the entire Nation staff personnel circle will unite to deal with the crime personnel.

In the face of the Nation staff personnel, it is basically against the State Apparatus. Shi Lei didn’t dare to compete with Xia Nation, the huge State Apparatus.

If Shi Lei is a loner, then he may not care about the threat of State Apparatus. Shi Lei is not a loner now, he can not be afraid of State Apparatus, but what about the people around him?

The power of the State Apparatus is very powerful, even if these seemingly powerful unknown identity armed armed personnel, is not the opponent of State Apparatus. The reaction speed of the State Apparatus is definitely not too fast!

Shi Lei understands Mu Shuang’s opinion, and Shi Lei actively activates the State Apparatus, which not only mobilizes the Elian Special-type Police Force of the Shuangqing City Police Department, but also mobilizes the power of the Rongcheng Military District. However, it takes time for these transfers, and Shi Lei has no time now!

“Shuang Shuang, you don’t want to be impulsive. This group of people, I suspect they are not domestic personnel. They ask you what to do, what do you do. But you have to tell them, if they want something from me, they must To ensure your safety, you can’t let you suffer a slight grievance!” Shi Lei said with concern.

Mu Shuang sighed. “Understood, Shi Lei, sorry, we dragged you again!”

“Shuang Shuang, what are you talking about! It should be that I am tired of you!” Shi Lei was a little sad. “Shuang Shuang, Little Mo, you can rest assured, I will try to rescue you! You take care of yourself, I will arrange Rescue force.”

After that, Shi Lei cut off the phone directly. He didn’t know how to continue to communicate. He was afraid that he couldn’t resist lost self-control.

Li Jian Nation, New York City.

After Shi Lei hang up the phone, Izual issued a reminder, “sr, the two Shuangqing City Police Department police The Steel and Iron, there is still 30 seconds flight time from the target position, whether to let The Steel and Iron join the battle We are not aware of the layout of the enemy sniper. The possibility of using the Steel and Iron to be destroyed is up to 80%.”

Shi Lei coldly snorted, “Even if you only have a success rate of 0.10 percent, you must rush in!”

Only two of The Steel and Iron, Shi Lei doesn’t care!

If you can, let’s not say that The Steel and Iron, exactly as stated, how much The Steel and Iron, Shi Lei also exchange Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo.

The two policemen, The Steel and Iron, flew in tandem, and with the destroyed Experience, Izual took the initiative to reduce the speed of The Steel and Iron, allowing The Steel and Iron to make irregular flights in the air. attitude.

However, even so, the two police The Steel and Iron still have not escaped the fate of the snipe!

Unidentified identity armed personnel, do not know how many snipers are placed near Sunlight Garden. Izual judged by counting the number of shots just sniper rifle, and at least ten snipers existed when intercepting the two police The Steel and Iron.

Izual reported the relevant data to Shi Lei, and Shi Lei had only a cold face.

On the other side, the Sunlight Garden is a sixteenth floor corridor.

When a group of unidentified identity armed personnel came out of the Safety Stairs, they first blew the Security Surveillance Camera. This group of unidentified identity armed personnel, does not seem to be monitored by Hope.

One of them walked in the last unidentified identity armed personnel, even carrying a chainsaw Equipment. As he walked out of the Safety Stairway, the rest of the personnel standing in the hallway gave way, the unidentified identity armed with a chainsaw, and came to the door of 160No. 1, the Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang’s Room.

They seem to be planning to use a chainsaw to forcibly break the blast door instead of using a bomb to avoid accidental injury to the personnel inside.

From the current situation, Shi Lei seems to be able to do what?

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗