
Chapter 1000

hk988 tempted each other, Shi Lei’s plan!

Li Jian Nation, June 6th, at 4:57 pm.

Shi Lei holds a white “color” antique invitation in his hand. This invitation was personally sent by Angel Parliament Second Giant Gabriel. The content of the invitation marked the dinner Shi Lei and went to the ‘Millennium Tang Yun Hotel’.

Millennium Tang Yun Hotel is very famous in Li Jian Nation, a 100-year-old Xia Nation hotel of Inheritance. The Millennium Tang Yun Hotel contains the eight major cuisines of Xia Nation, and there are more than ten other cuisines that can be produced and guaranteed the authenticity of the cuisine.

The so-called cuisine orthodoxy, that is, does not adapt to the region, but changes the original taste of the cuisine. For example, in the case of other regions, in order to cater to local tastes, the spicy tastes will be appropriately reduced in order to be acceptable to local consumers.

But in the Millennium Tang Yun Hotel in New York City, this is not the case!

Millennium Tang Yun Hotel insists on the authenticity of the cuisine and definitely does not cater to the changes of local consumers. Originally, this is a rhythm that violates the laws of the market and is eliminated by the market. But New York City has a large consumer base and a lot of consumers like Millennium Tang Yun Hotel. Therefore, the Millennium Tang Yun Hotel has not only been eliminated by the market, but has developed into a well-known Xia Nation special color hotel in New York City.

Shi Lei has a pure white “color” antique invitation in his right hand. On the left palm, he has a rhythmic tapping, and his face is exposed to a touch of play. Gabriel personally invites him to the Millennium Tang Yun Hotel. What is the situation? What?

Or to put it another way, what reason does Gabriel use?

Do you want Gabriel to say this: ‘Ah, I’ve tapped your conversation, so I know, you are looking for the Xia Nation special color hotel, I will help you find one. ‘[

How could Gabriel say that?

“The gentleman who sent the invitation, is still in the downstairs hall?” Shi Lei asked about the service personnel.

“Yes, sir, the gentleman who sent the invitation, is still waiting for you in the hotel lobby.” The service personnel answered politely.

Shi Lei pulled out a twenty US Dollar banknote from the jeans pocket and handed it to the service personnelnel. Here is Li Jian Nation, the hotel service is subject to tipping. Although you can not pay, and the quality of service will not decline, but the friendly smile of the service personnel will disappear mysteriously.

“Thank you, sir!” The service personnel said politely.

Shi Lei waved his hand, took the invitation, and returned to the Room. In the Room, Shi Lei took a moment to consider, and chose to go down to see Gabriel. On what reason Gabriel invited him, and with Shi Lei’s knowledge of Gabriel, he knew that Gabriel would not be against him.

Gabriel’s “sex” is very cautious and his mind is very meticulous. He will not make a bad behavior against Shi Lei under the public, which will not only make him get away, but also an insult to Gabriel.

Gabriel likes to attack the enemy from the spiritual aspect, first to destroy the enemy’s spirit, and then Destroy the enemy’s body. From this point of view, Gabriel is also far more ‘sentiment’ than Raphael.

Shi Lei simply packed up the attire, dressed in plain jeans, plus a cotton t-shirt, holding an invitation, and without any weapon, walked out of the hotel room.

Taking the elevator to the hotel’s lobby, Shi Lei was still looking for Gabriel, dressed in Tang suit Gabriel, looked towards Shi Lei.

“Hello, Mr. Shi, take the liberty to invite you, it’s really for the inconvenience.” Gabriel mediocre’s face was calm, no other expressions.

Shi Lei “exposed” with appropriate doubts and warnings, asked: “Hello, sir, are you? I am sorry, I don’t remember, I know you?”

Gabriel didn’t have a slight mood swing. He put Shi Lei’s expression in his eyes. In the heart, he raised a little doubt, but he pressed it in his heart. He showed a plain smile. “Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mayorksa Johnson. I am a market inspector of gmersfrstCompany. At the same time, I am also a Gamer of Brave’s World’s. Please forgive my impulse. I know your identity through some channels and I am rash. Inviting you, this is indeed a bit lacking consideration.”

Gabriel didn’t talk to Shi Lei and continued: “Our gmersfrstCompany is Li Jian Nation’s very famous online game operator, our Hope and Dream Entertainment Company …, sorry for the inconvenience, sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Shi , let’s go to the Millennium Tang Yun Hotel.”

In Shi Lei’s eyes, there is a touch of insatiable color, and his hands are crossed around the chest. In psychology, this is an instinctive self-defense movement, representing the defense mentality of the immediate person. [

Shi Lei’s attitude and movement are in full compliance with the identity of Dream Entertainment Company eo. His tone of voice is called: “Sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Johnson, I have an appointment tonight. As for the cooperation wishes of your company, You need your company to send the relevant data and application to Dream Entertainment’s external contact department. If your company meets Dream Entertainment’s external cooperation standards, we would like to wish us a happy cooperation in advance.”

On the surface of Shi Lei, a pair of gods who refused to be thousands of miles away, the heart has already laughed. He didn’t think of Gabriel, he used this excuse to approach him. However, this excuse is basically the most perfect excuse, there is no flaw in it.

‘Sure enough, it is Gabriel, such a perfect excuse, even I did not think of it at first! ‘Shi Lei sighs in the heart.

Gabriel looked at Shi Lei seriously. ‘Strange, is this Shi Lei really not the young man I saw before the Yamaguchi Train Bridge? ‘

When Gabriel took people around Wards Island, Shi Lei was seen between the dazzling eyes near the Shanmen Train Bridge. When Raphael proposed the investigate direction, as Shi Lei of Mr. M agent, First entered the category of objects suspected by Angel Parliament. It is based on this consideration that Gabriel personally invited Shi Lei.

I just don’t know if Gabriel knows Shi Lei knows his identity and he will not come to see Shi Lei in person.

Gabriel is not the same as the average Hacker. The general Hacker, desperately hiding identity, and Gabriel does the opposite, simply does not hide identity. Because, apart from the Great Giants of the Angel Parliament, no one knows Gabriel’s identity!

No one knows, why should it be hidden?

Gabriel is smarter and more thoughtful. I also imagine that Shi Lei is a born-again person and Shi Lei knows his real identity. From the beginning of their exchanges, the information on both sides was not equal, and Shi Lei took an absolute advantage.

“Mr. Shi, let’s put down the cooperation for a while. As a Brave’s World’s fans, I want to invite you to dinner. Can you agree?” Gabriel didn’t expect it. He could successfully invite Shi Lei with the excuses of the company cooperation.

Dream Entertainment Company Although it is Xia Nation’s Network Entertainment Company, Dream Entertainment Company’s Server is Worldwide Server, and even Dream Entertainment Company does not apply for an online game license in most areas of Worldwide. But on the border of the network, Gamers can naturally find the entrance to Brave’s World’s Server.

For Dream Entertainment, a Game Company that is developing around Worldwide, it is very difficult to work with them. Unless they initially collaborated with them, such as Kingsoft, they have obtained several Nation’s proxy right from Southeast Asia, and they will be responsible for the operations of several Nations in Brave’s World in Southeast Asia. Mainly including the sales of items, the development and sales of games, and the erection of Brave’s World Server.

In front of Gabriel, Shi Lei’s identity is Dream Entertainment Company eo, and Gabriel’s real identity is not known. So, when Gabriel proposed to invite Shi Lei to eat with Brave’s World fans identity, Shi Lei sheds a proper hesitation.

But in the end, Shi Lei refused to shake his head. “Mr. Johnson, I am sorry, this evening, I will represent Dream Entertainment Company for a business event. This business event is very important to our Dream Entertainment Company, so thank you for your kindness. It is.”

Gabriel’s eyes twitched slightly. He had been carefully observing Shi Lei’s expression. Shi Lei did not have the slightest issue, so Gabriel could not confirm. Shi Lei was the youngster he saw near the Shanmen Train Bridge.

“If that’s the case, it’s a shame! Brave’s World, developed by your Dream Entertainment Company, is definitely the most fun game on this planet. Especially in Brave’s World, every np corner “color” is actually independent. Personality. This, created the online game World Miracle!” Gabriel method confirms whether Shi Lei is the personnel of snipe Raphael, he changed an issue and tried to ask about the Dream Entertainment Company Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System.

Shi Lei smiled and said: “thank you for the praise.” A short thank-you speech directly dispelled Gabriel’s temptation. At the same time, it does not appear to be arrogant, or the tone is stiff.

Gabriel touched a soft nail and he was unwilling, so he made another note: “Mr. Shi, when do you want to be free? Let’s get together and discuss Brave’s World. Or, you Dream Entertainment Company, You can host a Player Activity in New York City. We have a lot of Brave’s World Gamer in New York City and definitely not in Gamer of Shuangqing City.”

New York City is an Internationalized Metropolis with a population close to 30 Million throughout the Greater York metropolitan area. According to internal entertainment data from Dream Entertainment Company, New York City has more than Hundred-thousand Brave’s World Gamer.

At first glance, close to the 30 Million population, only Hundred-thousand Brave’s World’s Gamer is not a laudable proportion. But be aware that this is Li Jian Nation’s New York City, and Brave’s World is the game of Xia Nation Ancient Era. Moreover, most of the New York City personnel will not waste time on the online game.

According to the relevant statistics agency of New York City, Brave’s World has become the number one game of New York City Gamer!

Shi Lei holds his chin in his right hand and pretends to think, ‘What is this guy in Mayorksa wanting? ‘Shi Lei is thinking about Gabriel’s purpose in the heart. However, Shi Lei can’t guess what Gabriel wants to achieve.

However, Shi Lei decided to agree to Gabriel’s request, because with this Player Activity, Shi Lei also has his own plans…

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗