Greg Tales

6 The Daily Lives of NYPD Boys!

"Hey, Greg!"



"Hey, there!"

"Wait, who's talking?"

"How would I know?"



"Oi, stupid author, get your shit straight!" screamed Greg. He was visibly angry.

"I won't support you this time, author!" Sean echoed Greg's opinion.

"Yea, now I can focus back to my job." Sighed Greg as he leaned back to read his comics.

"Wait a minute! Who was the third person then?" Sean wondered.


In the last chapter: Greg got caught by the NYPD. Is he alive? (Spoiler alert: He is.)

[Few hours earlier]

Slow paced footsteps echoed throughout the newly reformed NYPD police station. The officers who were training out in the yard stopped their training; the guy who was vigorously chomping down the food down his throat- actually stopped chomping for a moment; the prisoner, who escaped his cell just moments ago, conceded his defeat; the guy who was masturbating to porn magazines in the store room- …well, he continued masturbating.

The people around here gave a lot of respect to this man. All of the officers came running for him. They were really proud to be a part of this NYPD squad, led by their glorious chief, Kevon… who was walking down the corridor naked.

"CHIEF, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!?" A relatively new recruit screamed.

But the people around that young man knew what was going on. They knew that chief has always been a good-for-nothing drunkard with a teeny bit of poker addiction.

"We came here for nothing. Our chief is still that worthless asshole!" The self-proclaimed Grenade Master Oleg expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Well, a man can never change within a day!" The somewhat exhausted chief said. There were dark circles around his eyes. His voice sounded frail compared to other days. He was not even close to being the glorious chief of NYPD that everyone talked about.

"Ah, let me guess. You went to the bar; drank some cheap shit; went to the casino to try out your luck and failed miserably. You were then stripped off your belongings and thrown out of the casino. Am I right?" A fairly tall guy with relatively good looks walked up to the chief. He is regarded as the most feared person of the NYPD police, the deputy chief, Harry Thompson.

"How is it that you know me so well, Harry?"

"This isn't a one-off thing, is it? I have seen this for a long time now."

"Ah, it's like you know everything around here…" The wobbly chief grinned at his deputy.

"Of course! I'm the eyes and ears of this police department!" The proud deputy stood firm.

"Ha-ha! That you are-"The naked chief of NYPD fall flat on the ground. No one helped him back up, not even Harry. They were too grossed out by their chief's naked ass.


[About two hours later]

Kevon finally got himself back up on two feet. He wore his uniform and strutted down the corridor. There he was, in all his dignity- the chief of the New York police department. Every single police officer were up on their feet, giving the much deserved respect to their beloved chief. Kevon got into his office where he was joined by Harry.

"Harry, what's the news today?"

"Sir, the notorious criminal Konner King is yet to be caught. Other than that, the streets are peaceful as usual." Maybe he jinxed it, because bad news came by pretty soon enough.

"SIR! I'VE GOT BAD NEWS!" The young officer that we saw earlier chapter was panting.

"What is it, Yuka?"

"Sir, someone attacked three government officials!"

"Shit, who even has the balls to do such things in my jurisdiction?"

That was the moment when, Harry Thompson, Deputy Chief of police, gave out a wicked smile.

"I know of one asshole who could do such thing."


[Few hours since the last chapter; Greg is in NYPD's custody]

"So, Greg-"

"Chief, give me an opportunity to question this asshole!" A passionate Harry gave out his plea.

"Harry, I can manage-"

"Sir, please don't deny my request!"

"Oh, I see. He is yours then!"

"Kevon, No! I love you! Don't leave me with him!" Greg exclaimed. However, to his anguish, Kevon left him with Harry.

"Sorry SWEETHEART, but he has left you now. There's no one that could save you now." The evil in Harry's face was clearly visible when he spat that out.

"What are you gonna do with me, you fiend!"


"NO, PLEASE DON'T!" Greg pleaded.

But Harry was relentless. He enjoyed seeing Greg plea.

"…You know what? It seems like I've no choice."


"Pull out your thing. Let me at least lubricate it before you put that thing up my ass!"


"Okay, that's enough cheap R-rated comedy for now. Harry, you can go. I guess I'll handle him." The chief came back to the interrogation room.

"But, sir-"

"Just go! I don't think you can hold on to your temper yet."

"YES, SIR!" Harry exited the interrogation room. He was a bit frustrated, but he understood what his chief meant. That fucktard was not someone you can handle if you have a hot head.

"Kevon-Chan! Dais Ki desu!" Greg proclaimed giving out a weird kissy face.

"Greg, let's get to the point. Why did you attack them?"

Greg face had a transition from goofiness to seriousness at an instant.

"What do you mean, why? They attacked my boy!"

"Your boy? That means Olivia is-"

"Chief! Don't stray away from the topic." Harry was heard shouting.

"Oh shoot!"

"Don't worry, Kevon! She is his caretaker." Greg said, much to the relief of Kevon.

"So, that kid is your son?" Kevon asked.

"I think so!"

"But, your public record shows that you have no kids!"

"I know! Even I just knew it yesterday!"

"Wow! But however noble your thought was, what you did is still a crime."

"I see! Then I would happily accept the punishment." Greg gave out a radiant smile. He really cared about the boy.

"Not so soon, my friend!" A voice was heard out of nowhere. The officers were baffled. They had no idea whose voice it was.

That was when a huge truck rammed into the walls of the interrogation room. A guy who had the scenic beauty of a mature woman opened the door to reveal himself.

[Greg and Harry simultaneously]


"Are you coming, old friend?" It was the most notorious criminal of the land of America that the police have been searching for years. It was Konner King!