Greetings, Automata Maid

CH 92

Ten minutes passed.

“Sister, what should I do with this?”

Plum asks while holding a whisk… the handle of which was distorted out of shape the instant she took it in her hands. I used that exact same whisk last night, so I know it isn’t old or of bad quality.

Basically Plum is just too strong, and she doesn’t know how to properly regulate it since she was activated just earlier. That never happened to me since my human soul inhabited this body from the start, which limited my strength to what I was used to in my past life. But Plum doesn’t have any limitations like that, and she doesn’t have enough experience to know when to use less strength, so she’s using all of it at all times.

Maybe I should’ve taught her to limit her strength before bringing her to work with me.

“Plum, try to be a bit gentler when you pick it up next time.”

I give her the spare whisk, and this time she doesn’t crush it in her hand as she starts using it.

She mixes flour with eggs and milk, slowly forming a batter.

“Good, try going a bit faster too.”

“Yes, sister.”

There’s no emotion or liveliness in her voice, but somehow I found it cute anyway.

“Humm… I see.”

Ruri nods in admiration, her arms going around Plum’s shoulders.

“Ruri, mind explaining what you’re doing?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

I asked because it was obvious. I wish I could unsee this hussy taking advantage of Plum’s unresponsiveness to fondle her chest.

“Enough, just let go of my sister’s chest already.”

“I feel like she’s bigger than even me…”

“Don’t do it if you’ll just cry about it then.”

Setting aside Ruri’s decision to inflict psychological pain on herself, I’m also a bit bothered by Plum’s complete unresponsiveness. If we want her to gain a proper personality, she’ll also need to learn how to protect herself.

“The batter looks about ready, time to cook then.”

I take a frying pan that had been sitting on the stove and place it on a wet towel, which lowers its temperature a bit. Then I pour the batter on top, forming a nice circle.

“Ruri, you can prepare the fruits and sauces to use as toppings. Plum you can get the plates ready, and be careful not to break them.”


“Yes, sister.’

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This world’s culture is similar to the Middle Ages in my past life, but thanks to magic certain things were more developed than others. The same applied to food ingredients, in my past life’s Middle Ages, things like sugar or honey were only available to higher nobility, while here they’re a bit more widely available. They are still expensive, but most households can afford getting some if they splurge a little. I have Ophelia’s inheritance, and my own income, so it’s really no big issue for me to obtain.

Once the pancake is done cooking, I place it on the plate Plum is holding, and then Ruri places the toppings.

“Now this is a sight to behold. I’m so glad I decided to come to Seperion.”

Ruri mutters that as she looks at the finished pancakes.

Considering this world is similar to the Middle Ages, and Reibana has a culture similar to Japan’s, I doubt there are pancakes over there. Not to mention that they were pretty secluded from international trade until recently, so our culture had not reached there yet.

Once I’m done preparing enough plates for everyone, I go to clean the utensils, but see Ruri has already started doing that. Her usual behavior might be a bit questionable, but considering she’s the only servant that came accompanying Ryuka, it makes sense that her skills are excellent.

“Alright, I’ll take mine then.”

“Sure, take Ryuka’s too while you’re at it.”

I watch as she leaves with her plate and Ryuka’s, then me and Plum finish cleaning the pan and a few remaining utensils before leaving the kitchen myself.

When I enter my room, I find Olivia holding her temples as her steam sizzled out of her brain. Her classes are harder now that she’s in her second year, so she’s struggling even more to keep up.

I decide to prepare some tea on the table before I talk to her.

“The mana of Magic Stones are used by magicians as conduits to tie… Natalia?”

“Yes, I thought it was a nice time for a snack. Would you like some?”

“Yes please.”

Olivia swiftly sits down at the table.

As her tea break starts, we obviously start talking about Plum. It was impossible not to talk about her, given she was a magic automaton that looked extremely life-like (myself aside), and it was one of Olivia’s classmates that created her.

“That’s still quite shocking though. I could tell she had fine control of magic before, so I thought she was well-suited for alchemy, but I didn’t expect her to be at this level already.”

“I know. Lately she seemed kinda busy, I guess she was working on Plum.”

Saying that, she stops eating her pancake and looks at Plum, noticing something.

“Plum, you aren’t eating?”

Hearing that, I look at Plum too. She’s sitting like I told her to, but she’s not even touching the food in front of her.

“I don’t have the function to eat, Lady Olivia.”

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Now that I think about it, eating is one of my special features. Annabelle and Christina said they had to cut down many functionalities when creating Plum, so it makes sense that she can’t process food.

“I see, that’s too bad. I thought eating and snacking together could also be a nice experience.”

Olivia’s voice sounds a little sad as she continues eating.

“You did?”

“Yeah. I thought it would be nice if Chris and Plum could also eat together, or even get to like each other more by feeding each other. I guess I’m a little disappointed they can’t do that?”

I feel like it would be rude if I call that unexpected, but I just didn’t think Olivia valued that so much, even though she always says my food is good.

“The eating function is not present on me so I can’t perform that. If it’s so important, maybe you can show me how it’s done with Lady Olivia?”

Huh? Plum, do you realize how wrong that sounds?

“Sure. Come on Natalia, ahhh~”

Saying that, Olivia opens her mouth wide.

Umm… I guess I should just go along and stop thinking too deeply about it.

I know we did it in the Academy’s cafeteria with a lot of people around, but Amy was sitting with us so we didn’t really stand out a lot. Somehow having Plum staring intently makes it a lot more embarrassing.


Olivia’s lustrous lips motion that word, while Plum’s insistent and inorganic stare also push me to do it.

I don’t have the courage to resist both of them any longer.

Resigning myself to this fate, I cut a piece of pancake and hold it in a fork, and then carry it to Olivia’s mouth.

“Mmm~ Heheh… it’s really good.”

After chewing happily, I see Olivia’s tongue appear, licking the honey stuck to the corner of her lips. That action makes her look so alluring that it somehow reminds me of Ophelia.

“Your turn now.”

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Olivia takes the fork and picks up a piece of pancake now.

I really can’t say no in this situation… It’s really embarrassing, but I’ll have to bear with it since I have no choice.

As I open my mouth fighting the hesitation, Olivia takes back the fork and brings it to her mouth, but instead of eating the piece of pancake, she holds it between her lips.

“Awrigh’ e’re you go (Alright, here you go)”

I’m not doing that! I bite my tongue to stop that scream from leaving my throat. But no, that’s going too far! That’s essentially mouth-to-mouth feeding!

“Hom’ on, ‘urry (Come on, hurry)”

“No Young Lady, try to be reasonable.”

I instinctively retreat as Olivia leans forward.

But I don’t get far, as she grabs my shoulders and stops me from putting more distance between us.

“Hiv’ up, ‘ake it (Give up, take it)”

“You shouldn’t talk with food in your mouth! Mind your manners!”

I shout, trying to escape from the piece of pancake that kept getting closer to my mouth.

I really had no other escape, or better said, Olivia was just too strong. I also try to push her back, but her arms won’t budge from my shoulders.

That can’t be right? I know she’s strong, but her arms are more powerful than mine?

As I’m overpowered like that, the small part of my consciousness that’s still calm can do nothing but shrug and shake its head.

Through the corner of my eye I see Plum, staring at us emotionless like always.

Ahh… my sister that I just met today, no matter what, please don’t imitate this ever. I can only pray that Plum grows up properly as pancake gets shoved into my mouth. I just want to keep my second kiss intact!