Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 97: .097 You are also the most shining

Monaco\'s 5:0 victory over Marseille at home has become the most sensational news in French football on Valentine\'s Day!

For a while, Falcon’s hat-trick in the evolutionary ball became famous, and people’s views on Monaco changed again.

Previously, most people believed that Monaco had reached the limit and it was possible to reach the end of the bottleneck. Now that Monaco has joined and played beyond expectations, people think that Monaco is more likely to think that this team is in the ascendant!

What made Situ Yunbing happy was that in addition to Marseille losing away in the top five teams in this round, Bordeaux also failed to score all 3 points at home, and they were tied 1:1 by Grenoble!

In this way, Monaco leads Marseille and Bordeaux with a double-digit score advantage.

Monaco, 52 points.

Lyon, 46 points.

Toulouse, 43 points.

Bordeaux, 41 points.

Marseille, 40 points.


Since the start of the second half of the season, Monaco has a intensive schedule. Before playing Marseille, it is trying to adjust the state, running in the team, and trying hard to finish Marseille. Naturally, Situ Yunbing also has to give the team a day off to combine work and rest.

After a good night\'s sleep, Situ Yunbing got up in the morning and received a call from Sigrid and agreed to meet outside a local restaurant in Monaco.

The sun was shining and the breeze slowly, and Situ Yunbing dressed in sportswear and came to a restaurant on the shoreline. At the open-air table outside the restaurant, he saw Sigrid drinking juice through a straw.

She is still stylish and dazzling. If she hadn\'t covered half of her face with wide sunglasses, she might have been recognized.

When Situ Yunbing sat down across from her, Sigrid pushed her sunglasses up on her head, revealing her beautiful face, with a happy expression, leaning forward to face Situ Yunbing and whispered: "Last night I performed very well and received good reviews from many people. There are too many new event reservations. I succeeded!"

Situ Yunbing was very happy for her and said, "Congratulations, but I am not surprised, but I still want to congratulate you!"

Sigrid looked at Situ Yunbing with a smile, suddenly frowned, and said to him, "Why are you dressed like this again? You really don\'t know how to dress yourself!"

Situ Yunbing looked up and down about his attire, ordinary sports and casual wear, if he wandered outside every day, he might even collide with others.

Situ Yunbing said casually: "I basically spend most of the time in the club. I don\'t have much time to hang out, so I don\'t have any requirements for dressing."

Sigrid shook his head and said nothing, Situ Yunbing didn\'t know what it meant.

He asked for a breakfast, and Sigrid sat opposite him with his face held up and watched him eat breakfast. This was definitely the most elegant time for Situ Yunbing to eat, even if he had lunch with Debondan in a three-star Michelin restaurant. At that time, he did not worry about the eyes of others.

Just after eating breakfast and wiping his mouth, the phone rang, and he saw that Alonzo was calling, so he answered the phone.

The final round of the French Ligue 1 was staged in Auxerre, Auxerre played Lille at home.

Lille is Monaco\'s opponent in the next round of the league. In order to inspect his opponent, Alonzo will go to Auxerre to watch the game tonight to get a closer look at Lille\'s game status and personnel.

But because Auxerre is more than 400 kilometers away from Monaco, Monaco is in the east of France, and Auxerre is close to the north in the middle. Alonzo may not be able to come back after watching the game tonight, so he fights with Situ Yunbing in advance. This is a greeting, so that tomorrow morning, if he does not come during the team training, he will be mistaken for absenteeism for no reason.

Situ Yunbing directly gave Alonzo one more day. After all, today the team is on holiday, Alonzo is going to Auxerre to investigate the enemy. This is also work. Let him continue on holiday tomorrow, take a good rest at home, and come to the club to work the next day.

After hanging up the phone, Situ Yunbing was about to put the phone on, but he heard Sigrid say to him: "Show me your phone."

Situ Yunbing inexplicably handed her the Nokia in his hand. Sigrid took it in his hand and observed it for a while, then looked up questioningly and asked: "I really don\'t understand. You don\'t seem to have a cold at the frontier of fashion. If I That’s right, this phone has been outdated for a long time, right?"

Situ Yunbing took the phone back from her hand and smiled: "Uh, how can I say it, I think it\'s convenient to use now. For the time being, there is no mobile phone that I think is more convenient and better than this on the market."

To be honest, it is true. Although many new mobile phones are now available, Situ Yunbing only uses mobile phones to make calls and send messages. At present, it is very comfortable to use this old Nokia, and I am too lazy to change it.

It is estimated that in the last ten years, he will be interested in changing to a new phone on the impulse, because it may be that he is not used to the first generation of smartphones, which has not many functions and can\'t do much, but the fluency is average.

After eating breakfast and paying the bill, Situ Yunbing and Sigrid stood by the side of the road. He asked, "Are there any plans to go? There are many interesting places here. I can take you around."

Originally, he planned to take Sigrid today to take a look at some of the famous tourist attractions in Monaco, have fun, and relax, but Sigrid said to him: "Originally there was no plan, but now there are. Go shopping. Do you know where the biggest shopping center is here?"

Situ Yunbing has a headache, shopping with a woman is not an easy task.

But he did not resist, saying: "Yes, Monte Carlo Metropolitan Shopping Center."

"Is it bustling there? If not, we can go to the Champs Elysées in Paris."

"Oh, then you look down on Monaco. You have to know that Monaco\'s per capita income is much higher than that of Paris. The shopping malls here can be said to serve the rich."

Paris originally had less than 10 districts. It was the original Paris. It was mostly locals and foreign middle-class and wealthy people. However, there were more immigrants and Paris expanded to more than 20 districts. According to the district code, after 10 The district is the place where immigrants from all over the world gather. It is relatively backward, so Paris has the distinction of Greater Paris and Little Paris. The former includes the area that was later expanded, the latter is the central area before 10, and the per capita income of Little Paris It must be higher, but it is still a lot worse than Monaco, a pocket-sized principality. After all, Monaco just has a real estate here and it costs millions of euros.

This is what the coach next to Situ Yunbing told him. He used to think that the "Big Paris" in the mouths of Chinese fans was just an exaggeration to describe the prosperity of Paris Saint-Germain, but now he knows that there have been "Big Paris" and "Little Paris". Paris" points.

Take a taxi to the Monte Carlo Metropolitan Mall and arrived soon.

Situ Yunbing was ready to pay for the lady gracefully, as a gift for her on Valentine\'s Day. He is also a person with more than 10,000 euros in savings, and he doesn\'t know how to spend the money.

What surprised him was that Sigrid took him directly to the Versace store.

Looking at the fancy fashion clothes, Situ Yunbing was playing a drum in his heart. He secretly scanned his eye tags, and he was even more alarmed when he saw the price on it.

It\'s not that he can\'t afford it. It\'s just that he knows that women must buy things in large bags without end. His 10,000 euros may not be enough to consume here.

To his relief, Sigrid seemed to be dissatisfied with Versace\'s things. After a quick circle in the store, she left with Situ Yunbing with a little disappointment.

After Situ Yunbing left with her, he asked tentatively: "I didn\'t see the one I liked?"

Sigrid turned to him and said something that made him confused.

"The style is not suitable."

Situ Yunbing looked back at the Versace store. Through the window, you can see that many of the styles in it are innovative and fancy, but they are also in line with the trend of young people pursuing individuality.

Is the style not suitable?

As soon as he left Versace, Situ Yunbing saw Sigrid stepping into the Hermes store.

Situ Yunbing suddenly couldn\'t laugh or cry. He just got out of the wolf den, how come he got into the tiger\'s den!

He bit his scalp and followed in. He didn\'t get back to his senses. Sigrid came to Situ Yunbing with a sports piping jacket, put his clothes on him, and looked up and down.

This is obviously men\'s clothing. Situ Yunbing was surprised and asked, "Are you going to pick clothes for men?"

Sigrid put the clothes in Situ Yunbing\'s hands and smiled at him: "Yes, you go try it."

Situ Yunbing was stunned, and asked, "Is it for me?"

Sigrid nodded with a smile.

Situ Yunbing said: "Thank you for your kindness, but..."

"No but! In my eyes, you should be the most shining!

Although you are so at work, but in life, you are not enough. I know how handsome you will be, so today I want to make you a brand new Situ Yunbing. Go and change your clothes! "

Situ Yunbing walked into the changing room with his head blank.