Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 882: .882 distance becomes blurred

When the tall and mighty Van Dijk was surrounded by Liverpool generals outside the corner of the Emirates Stadium to celebrate the goal, the Arsenal fans in the stands also showed their admiration!

The scene was deadlocked for a time, and no one would have thought that Van Dijk would break the balance!

The Arsenal defense was completely caught off guard!

It also seemed to give them a head start, pulling them back to the cruel reality from the ease of continuous defensive success!

Klopp applauded while shaking his head!

Not convinced!

The king of European football is not only the top of the lineup, but also the wonderful combination of the coach\'s strategy!

"Van Dijk scored with a header! OMG! Who would have thought that Van Dijk would suddenly enter the Arsenal penalty area and complete this shocking header!

Liverpool completed the lead on the score!

Is it really repeating the community shield contest?

Arsenal led twice, tied twice by Liverpool, and now Liverpool is overtaking!

Arsenal lost 2:3 at the New Wembley Stadium a week ago. Will they taste the bitter taste of defeat again at home today? "

If the pass tactic is to control the ball to the maximum, it is only the initial stage, because only under the premise of controlling the ball can you display more threatening techniques and tactics.

Barcelona, ​​led by Guardiola many years ago, was criticized by some fans for seeing their game drowsy!

But in fact, in the course of the game, Guardiola\'s Barcelona paralyzed the opponent most of the time, and the rhythm was not fast. The repeated tearing, like itching between boots, once was OK, twice or three times, the opponent would also be impatient. Pay attention, Barcelona suddenly speeded up and played a subtle combination of crosses that made the opponent completely unstoppable!

In fact, the basis of pass control is possession, but the threat comes from a sudden attack after paralyzing the opponent!

When Liverpool frequently flew on both wings to attack Arsenal\'s defense line, and did not play any new ideas but still persisted, it is not that Arsenal lost their vigilance, they just didn\'t anticipate what Liverpool would do next!

Today Liverpool has taken the mid-laner to the extreme, and it has also maximized the effect of the two wings.

Casemiro kicked the world wave and scored. Van Dijk then went into the penalty area and scored with a header. They were all done under the background that the sidelines have reached the limit!

After Liverpool scored the goal to complete the overtake on the score, Situ Yunbing was not insatiable. The overall physical fitness of the team was overloaded in the first half. It would be unrealistic to make further progress to expand the victory.

Before the kick-off, Liverpool completed the substitution.

Henderson replaced Mbappé, and Arnold replaced Azpilicueta.

The time has come to test Klopp.

After Liverpool clearly strengthened their midfield defense, where will Arsenal go?

Hard hitting is bound to bear the high risk of being counterattacked by Liverpool.

The cheer on the spot still shook all directions. Although Arsenal did not make substitution adjustments, the overall fighting spirit of the team is still high!

Regardless of whether they frustrated for too long or could not accept the result of another loss to Liverpool at home.

Especially after losing to Liverpool just a week ago, if they lose two straight, I am afraid it will cause a huge psychological shadow to their championship this season!

Liverpool tightened the fence, and everything seemed to be under control.

In the 75th minute of the game, Situ Yunbing replaced Sane with Vardy.

When Liverpool were planning to counterattack defensively, Arsenal suddenly showed a strong offensive point!


After losing the offensive pressure, Bellerin, who had not performed much before, suddenly showed a strong impact in the offense!

After two years of experience in the Premier League, Bellerin\'s growth is enough to make him stand alone.

Arsenal’s midfield offensive organization also frequently delivered shells to the right. Bellerin and Sanchez took turns, and the two could cooperate. After 80 minutes, even Firmino took the initiative to move over to respond. !

Although the Liverpool defense did not have the danger of a fatal blow, the scene was quite thrilling every time the defense succeeded.

Situ Yunbing commanded the team from the sidelines to help defend the sideline, but at this time Arsenal began to shift to the left. Mane seized the opportunity to form an attack and almost broke Ter Stegen’s ten-finger pass. !

Liverpool\'s line of defense suddenly became a little messy.

In the 86th minute of the game, Bellerin received Ramsey\'s pass from the bottom of the right and knocked the ball into the right side of the penalty area.

Sanchez hopped the ball forward to the bottom line steering wheel belt, when Coulibaly rushed to block the interception, Sanchez smashed and forced a cross cut!

Sanchez took the lead, causing Coulibaly to intercept his outstretched leg and trip him to the ground!

Sanchez fell in Liverpool\'s penalty area!

The Gunners and fans all yelled, the referee\'s whistle blew, and the penalty spot in Liverpool\'s penalty area!

The gunmen will give high fives to celebrate!

Situ Yunbing\'s face was serious, but Klopp also looked calm.

"Coulibaly dropped Sanchez in the penalty area and Arsenal got a penalty that could tie the score. Who will take the penalty?

It looks like Sanchez himself! "

Under the attention of everyone, Sanchez resisted the pressure and accurately pushed the ball into the lower left corner of the goal after the approach!

"The goal is scored! Sanchez made it overnight, and Arsenal equalized at home!


It is undeniable that in the past 15 minutes, Arsenal’s attack on the right has been too active. Situ Yunbing may have made a wrong move on the spot. After Sane went off the field, Liverpool’s pressure on Arsenal’s left disappeared and Pele Lin was able to release his powerful offensive ability!

Klopp\'s team has saved their face at home. In the last 5 minutes of the game, will the two teams make more efforts to win? "

Situ Yunbing gestured to the team to keep the team from panic and keep a good attitude.

Klopp also reminded the team to defend well.

After all, Klopp is afraid of Liverpool\'s strong counterattack after losing the ball!

Even if it seems that Liverpool have already put away their edge, who can guarantee that they will not suddenly kill again?

Situ Yunbing\'s team, even for one second, cannot be underestimated!

Liverpool is really unable to launch a full-scale attack. Although Vardy and Henderson tried very hard to drive the rhythm, Arsenal\'s united defense still prevented Liverpool from creating a threat.

Arsenal are also exhausted. The two teams can be said to be exhausted at the end of this league opener.

When the whistle sounded at the end of the game, there was a number on the scoreboard that was quite regrettable to fans of both teams.


Situ Yunbing turned and walked towards Klopp. The two shook hands. Klopp said regretfully: "You can\'t understand my disappointment at this time. If I can beat the defending champion, Arsenal will truly have all the conditions to hit the championship."

Situ Yunbing said: "Go and watch it positively. Arsenal has undergone a transformation in a year, Jurgen, it\'s amazing.

When a team changes in spirit and will, it is not far from being reborn! "

Klopp nodded and said: "Perhaps you are also saying this to yourself. You are wary of a turning point in Liverpool\'s debilitating trend!"

Situ Yunbing raised his eyebrows, and after shaking hands with Klopp again, he turned and walked into the player channel.

The opening match of the league failed to win, and the game had twists and turns, and Liverpool had indeed tried their best. Now Situ Yunbing has a feeling.

He can\'t clearly estimate Liverpool\'s level of strength in the Premier League.

Although Liverpool must still be at the top level and standing in the top ranks, after the battle with Arsenal, the almost insurmountable gap that Liverpool had surpassed other teams has disappeared!

There is always a limit to the team, and Liverpool entered the peak of strength close to the limit early under his command.

Other teams have been growing in the past years.

Just look at today’s Arsenal, Bellerin’s maturity, the growth of other players’ abilities, coupled with the technical and tactical maturity that Klopp has brought to this team, Arsenal’s strength has grown rapidly, and they have obviously not yet arrived. limit.

Of course, Liverpool was tied by Arsenal, plus the overall situation is dominant!

So there is still a distance between Arsenal and Liverpool, but the shortened distance has confused Situ Yunbing.

Because he knew that it was not just the Arsenal team that changed.

And Liverpool, like other teams that have reached their limits, cannot make major changes every season.

Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid, their main changes every year are almost only about one person, sometimes there is no change.

Because it is too difficult to bring in a player who is obviously stronger!

And it\'s definitely just digging corners between giants.

He has top strength, has passed the test of time, and has rich experience.

A player who meets this standard is enough in itself to be an ideal puzzle that a giant club will never destroy.

In an interview after the game, Situ Yunbing regretted not having a good start to the league.

At the same time he praised Arsenal\'s performance.

"As you can see, Arsenal performed better than they did a week ago. They learned their lesson and at the same time targeted us. Whether it\'s Liverpool or Arsenal, our goals are very precious. Achieved after the opportunity.

I would not say that Arsenal is better than Liverpool today, but Arsenal is clearly better than their performance in a long period of time!

This may be what makes the Gunners fans excited. They have seen the progress and growth of the team. At the same time, they can now carry on with the dream of chasing the championship.

We performed well most of the time today, but during the period of losing control of the game, we lost two goals, one in the first half and one before the end of the second half, which was fatal.

I hope the team can learn its lesson. "

Although he publicly complimented Arsenal, Situ Yunbing did not state that there is another layer of analysis for Arsenal.

That is the new season Arsenal will play the Champions League!

It has always been a test for Klopp to manage the team well in multi-line combat!