Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 853: .853 is about to fight Qi Xuanzong!

Two goals are behind, it takes three goals to reverse, plus one less player.

With only 45 minutes left in the second half, Simeone basically cut off the idea of ​​the Champions League.

Liverpool\'s strength is by no means comparable to ordinary giants.

During the intermission, Situ Yunbing asked the players to cheer up in the locker room. The second half focused on control and delay!

Entering the Champions League final for three consecutive years is a sure thing, but he needs the team to be able to run in as much as possible in the game.

Situ Yunbing also had no idea about what lineup the team will meet in the Champions League final.

After returning to the court in the second half, Situ Yunbing sat on the coach\'s bench to watch the game, and Simeone also sat on the coach\'s bench.

The two people have a tacit understanding.

Atletico Madrid still maintains the strength of the defense with one less player, but the offense is really weak.

The game became more and more dull. If Liverpool only had the ball in the center and back, they could play for a lifetime.

From time to time, Liverpool will play a wave of surprise attacks, but the highly concentrated Atletico Madrid has successfully defended. One less player only weakens the offense. Other players can still ensure that the quality of defense does not decline by paying more physical strength.

As time passed by, the Red Army fans sang and danced on the visitors’ stand, celebrating their team’s three consecutive years of Champions League finals!

The fate of Atletico Madrid being eliminated is almost irreversible, but they are also working hard to avoid being massacred by Liverpool at home!

This is about the dignity of Atletico Madrid, but it has nothing to do with the glory of Liverpool.

Therefore, Atletico Madrid has put in more effort in the game than Liverpool!

After 70 minutes of the game, Situ Yunbing used up the last two substitutions one after another.

Henderson and Guerrero came on the field, Liverpool\'s steady control and unrelenting defense also made Atletico Madrid not a good opportunity.

In the end, when the whistle sounded at the end of the game, the Red Army fans in the stands of the away team were cheering!

"The game is over. This second half is indeed a bit drowsy, but Liverpool still won the victory with a score of 1:0. The home and away doubles at Atletico Madrid advanced to the Champions League final!

Atletico Madrid can go all out to compete with Barcelona in the last two rounds of La Liga.

And Liverpool stepped onto the stage of the Champions League final for the third consecutive year!

The era belonging to the Red Army is still not out of date. We do not yet know if Liverpool’s opponent in the final is Manchester City or Real Madrid. The answer will be announced tomorrow night.

But I believe Liverpool will still be the favorite to win!

I don\'t know how Azpilicueta\'s injury is. If he can\'t make his debut in the Champions League final at the end of the month, it will definitely be a huge loss for Liverpool! "

After the whistle sounded at the end of the game, Situ Yunbing got up and walked into the player channel. In the two rounds, he and Simeone had not had any contact, there was no exchange of words, and no handshake before or after the game.

The feud that the two had forged two years ago has not been resolved today.

Perhaps for spectators all over the world, such contradictions are what they like to see.

When Situ Yunbing attended the post-match press conference, he commented on the victory.

"In the two rounds of the game, we all won in the details. The first round was a surprise attack by Lewandowski. Robertson was the director of the offense. In the second round, Sane\'s quick free kick was hidden. He caught it. When the time came, and the fleeting opportunity was seized by us, Atletico Madrid lost at the same point. Vardi performed very well today. This is the striker, who can perform well most of the time, but he will do his job well at the critical moment. Work, score!

Then this forward is outstanding, outstanding.

I won’t say that we won very easily in these two rounds. In fact, on the contrary, the game may lack great graphics, but we paid the price of three players injured. Atletico Madrid was also sent off, and the two rounds accumulated more than 10 Yellow card!

This was a tragic 180-minute contest. I am proud that Liverpool did not expose the flaws for the opponent to grasp. We successfully reached the Champions League final!

There is only a short distance left in the great journey of this season. I hope the team can continue to persist. We are not far away from the glorious shore! "

Liverpool’s Champions League semi-final is over, so reporters also put their "personal grievances" on the table to ask Situ Yunbing.

Of course it was about the contradiction between him and Simeone.

Situ Yunbing didn\'t want to answer, but he seemed a little stingy, so he smiled: "I can\'t win the respect of everyone, and I can\'t be friends with everyone.

I\'m just an ordinary person, just like everyone here.

You will have colleagues you dislike, colleagues you hate, and even enemies.

me too!

I really don’t like dealing with Simeone, but I will not criticize and slander him unconsciously. His achievements in leading Atletico Madrid over the years are obvious to all, especially in the context of Barcelona and Real Madrid are very strong. Having won the La Liga championship, the team has become a force that cannot be ignored in European football!

This does not mean that because he has achieved something, I must respect him very much. On the contrary, when you don’t like a person, you will also ignore his merits. We are just mortals. Maybe this is very emotional, but we are all here. Looking for a way to live and work comfortably.

So I don\'t think there is any problem, I don\'t want to have intersection with Simeone, I think he also feels the same, so we don\'t bother each other, and may not even see each other in our eyes.

That\'s easy.

I know what you expect to happen.

Contradictions are open, intensified, hot verbal confrontation, and even physical conflict. Sorry, we are all adults. I don\'t hate so much. I can also control my emotions. I believe Simeone can do it too.

So you may be disappointed. "

The reporters didn\'t think so. At the very least, Situ Yunbing was a coach who disclosed that he did not like a certain coach.

This is fundamentally different from those teachers who are disgusted by hostility.

He just didn\'t like Simeone and admitted it frankly.

As for whether you agree with this, it doesn\'t matter anyway.

Situ Yunbing led the team back to Liverpool, and Azpilicueta\'s injury made him very frustrated.

Because Azpilicueta is determined to recover from his injury for at least 9 weeks, this means that he will not only miss the Champions League final, but also miss the Spanish national team\'s summer European Cup!

The following night, Real Madrid defeated Manchester City 1-0 at home, and the total score of the two rounds eliminated Manchester City 1:0 to enter the Champions League final!

This is when Liverpool and Real Madrid met again in the Champions League final two years later.

And Situ Yunbing\'s opponent changed from Ancelotti to Zidane.

Since the results of the Champions League final against both sides were released, Situ Yunbing would go to his study to study the game and watch the video of Real Madrid as long as he slept with Sigrid at home every night.

After the end of last season, Ancelotti dismissed get out of class and Benitez took up his new post at Bernabéu. In fact, Benitez is of Real Madrid descent, but when he coached Real Madrid, he has been unable to please Real Madrid fans and senior officials. Even the dressing room.

In the middle of the season, when Real Madrid fell behind by 5 points to Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid finally announced his dismissal. Benítez became the 10th coach to be fired by Florentino twice in charge of the Galaxy Warships, and also the third season. The coach who left get out of class midway.

After Benitez resigned, Zidane took over the team during the winter break and became the team\'s interim coach.

Since Zidane took office to today, he led his team to play 18 league games, which happened to be the same as the league games coached by Benitez this season. As a result, Zidane led Benitez with 15 wins, 2 draws and 1 loss. 4 wins and 3 losses!

It can be said that the answer sheet in this league is already very good, especially Real Madrid is only 1 point behind Barcelona and Atletico Madrid, but also maintains the hope of the championship, and led the team to the final of the Champions League!

In the brightly lit study room, Situ Yunbing stood at the desk and watched the video of the Real Madrid game on the wall-mounted TV. He looked very serious, and he was so focused that time passed by.

He has to watch all Real Madrid matches since the day Zidane took office. This is not a homework that can be done in a day or two.

If it\'s just traditional analysis work, this will make Situ Yunbing miss Alonzo very much. He has an almost innate sense of smell in this respect!

Can quickly sort out ideas in reading analysis.

The opponent’s offensive core, offensive direction, characteristics, tendencies of offensive coordination, which player is the variable with greater flexibility in the game, etc. Alonzo will use a pre-match report with an average of more than 20 pages to give Situ Yunbing for reference.

But now Situ Yunbing is watching the video of the Real Madrid game. He may not know exactly what to analyze and find.

Because everyone knows, Real Madrid\'s technical and tactical performance under Zidane does not seem to have changed much from before!

And Zidane had no previous experience and experience in coaching the first team, so his personal coaching style can\'t be mentioned.

But Real Madrid\'s record is constantly getting better and performance is constantly improving!

In layman\'s terms, people will attribute these to Zidane\'s ability to handle interpersonal relationships in the locker room, which is precisely what Benitez is not good at.

If you have to get to the bottom, people will attribute Zidane\'s success to metaphysics!

Before Situ Yunbing returned to 2008, Zidane was so famous that he was given the nickname "Qi Xuanzong"!

Now Situ Yunbing is seriously exploring and studying what is going on with Zidane\'s metaphysics!

He doesn\'t want anything unexpected in the Champions League final!