Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 81: .081 Light in Heart

When Situ Yunbing sat on the chair at the end of the corridor, he suddenly became very nervous.

He has seen a catwalk show on TV, but he doesn\'t think it has too much impact. After all, the temptation is very limited. Only when the Victoria\'s Secret Show really shows the various styles of women before his eyes Heart-to-heart.

After all, that itself is an underwear show.

Heart of beauty in everyone.

Situ Yunbing has the beauty of loving oneself and the beauty of loving others.

At this moment, he didn\'t know what kind of visual impact the beautiful Sigrid would present to him in the next moment.

Tap, tap, tap, tap...

Sigrid, who came out of his office, wore a red dress. It should be a specially prepared spring dress, which fits the stage she will be on.

A pair of high-heeled shoes stepped on the tiled floor with almost the same rhythm and made a crisp sound, echoing in the corridor, but like Hong Zhong bombarding Situ Yunbing\'s nerves!

Seeing the beautiful girl walking the **** cat walking far and near, the crisp sound of footsteps seemed to stimulate his heartbeat, and immediately the whole person was nervous and dry!

Sigrid\'s expression was indifferent and cold, and it could be said that he was expressionless, but his cold temperament once again showed another indescribable charm in Situ Yunbing!

When she was still three meters away from Situ Yunbing, she stopped, put on a pose, and then turned and left.

Situ Yunbing even couldn\'t bear to blink his eyes, completely immersed in this wonderful space that could not be described as weird but seemed to be wrapped in the shadow of Sigrid!

Even just looking at her back, Situ Yunbing couldn\'t help himself with greed!

When she disappeared at the door of the office, Situ Yunbing was suddenly lost, and then she looked forward to it more strongly.

After Sigrid walked back for the second time after dressing up, Situ Yun sighed, and this breath suddenly made him sober.

What am I doing?

Sigrid came to him for help.

Wouldn\'t it be useless if he were a spectator?

Situ Yunbing began to imagine for her, what she needs is exercise, what she needs is stress resistance!

So when Sigrid walked in front of him again, he deliberately put on a negative look, and sighed deliberately and shook his head.

Sigrid, who had kept her expressionless face all the time, jumped slightly between her eyebrows, her footsteps were a little messy, and she didn\'t even set her shape properly. She stopped, stood still and looked at Situ Yunbing, and asked, "Where am I? Didn\'t you do it?"

Situ Yunbing returned to his normal color and whispered softly, "You shouldn\'t stop."

"I thought I didn\'t do a good job, that\'s why you look like that."

Situ Yunbing shook his head and said, "I did it on purpose. You were disturbed by me."

Sigrid suddenly realized that she smiled and said to Situ Yunbing: "It seems that there is nothing wrong with looking for you. Okay, I understand."

She turned and left again. When she came back again, Situ Yunbing sat in a chair with arms around her chest. Before she took a pose, she suddenly pointed at the buttons of her coat and said, "The buttons are wrong."

Sigrid was already prepared to not be disturbed by Situ Yunbing, but he did not expect that this time Situ Yunbing "changed his strength" instead of disturbing her with a silent expression, but spoke directly!


This is definitely a foul!

Where can anyone make a loud noise when watching a show?

But she was disappointed in herself, because her instinct caused her to look down at the buttons.

She stopped again, Situ Yunbing quickly got up and said apologetically: "I\'m sorry, I lied to you."

Sigrid looked at Situ Yunbing, and said sincerely, "No, you did a good job. It\'s really good. I still have a lot of details that need attention and reflection."

Situ Yunbing said to her solemnly: "I think when you walk on the runway, you should completely empty your head and thoughts to isolate all interference!

I think this logic should be like this. It is not because of the affirmation of others that you will perform well, but because you are good, you will be affirmed by others.

You have to be confident in yourself!

Be your own sun, with light in your heart, it will shine! "

Sigrid looked at Situ Yunbing, who was solemn and determined, and Situ Yunbing\'s words echoed in his mind.

Light in your heart will shine!

She seemed to be full of power, with a kind of enlightened epiphany, and she was completely infected by Situ Yunbing\'s firm belief!

The whole person regained her vitality. When she re-dressed and walked out again, although she was still expressionless, at this time Situ Yunbing could feel that her state had undergone subtle changes, and she became more confident and unique. It\'s different, even with it, it seems that even her clothes have become very distinctive and attractive.

No matter what expression Situ Yunbing made or comment directly, he could no longer affect Sigrid\'s state.

She seemed to be close in front of her eyes, but she seemed to be far away. As an audience, she was completely different from the catwalk.

Standing on the wall, strong without desire!

When she completely stopped, Situ Yunbing couldn\'t help standing up and applauding!

He has no longer the state of just watching her show, and he is very happy for her!

Sigrid showed him a slightly playful smile, which suddenly caused her to fall back to the world from her detached state, but she was still so fresh and refined.

She took the initiative to hug Situ Yunbing and said to him, "Thank you."

Situ Yunbing\'s face was reddened and embarrassed by her actions, and couldn\'t help but think about it. It was not clear whether the meaning of this hug was really simple, and at the same time, he recalled the beauty of the two people\'s physical contact. .

When Sigrid changed his clothes and walked out of the office pulling two suitcases, Situ Yunbing immediately stepped forward and said to her, "It’s dinner time, shall I invite you to dinner? I know Monaco has it. Several good restaurants."

Sigrid’s sunglasses were placed on top of her head. She looked apologetic and said to Situ Yunbing: “I’m sorry, my assistant has already arrived. It’s at the entrance of the club. She will drive me away. Work schedule It’s been quite full recently, so it can only be the next time."

Situ Yunbing was used to her saying next time.

He could see that Sigrid was really sorry, so he took the initiative to send her out.

The sky was dark, and a car was parked outside the club. Situ Yunbing saw a young female driver sitting in the car. It should be Sigrid\'s assistant.

After putting the two suitcases in the trunk, Sigrid stood by the car and turned around to look at Situ Yunbing. She stopped talking, but Situ Yunbing didn\'t know what to say.

"Thank you so much today."

"No, I think we are already friends."

Sigrid waved goodbye to him. After getting into the car, he never raised the window. He looked at Situ Yunbing like this, which made Situ Yunbing always feel that she had something to say.

Situ Yunbing raised a smile and watched the car start. At the moment Sigrid\'s face disappeared from sight, Situ Yunbing seemed to see the reluctance in her eyes.

Situ Yunbing just stood outside the club door and watched the car disappear at the corner of the road, suddenly feeling lost.

On the way back to the office, he was still thinking about the look in Sigrid\'s eyes when he left. Was it his wishful thinking or was it really correct?

Situ Yunbing sitting in the office suddenly remembered something, and he immediately called Sigrid.

"Sigrid, where have you been?"

"It\'s almost Eze."

"Can you wait for me, wait for 20 minutes, I have something for you."

"What is it?"

"Please wait for me for 20 minutes, I\'ll come right away."


Situ Yunbing hung up the phone and quickly rushed out of the office. After running downstairs, he rode his road racing hurricane back to Capday\'s apartment. After taking things, he stepped on the road racing and headed northwest.

Eze is about less than three kilometers northwest of Capde.

The sky was dark, and Situ Yunbing on the road illuminated by the street lights seemed tireless, even full of infinite power. He stepped on the road race with excitement and joy and finally caught up with Sigrid.

The car was parked on the side of the road. Sigrid stood behind the car and looked in the direction Situ Yunbing came. When she saw Situ Yunbing smiled and waved to herself, she couldn’t help but shook her head and smiled again. His eyes were always locked on Situ Yunbing, reluctant to move away.

"Huh, caught up. Here, this is a gift I bought for you when I went to Nice yesterday. I hope you don\'t dislike it."

Situ Yunbing escaped a gift box and handed it to Sigrid.

Sigrid took the gift box with a tender smile and asked, "What is this?"

"When I\'m gone, you can open it again, so I think you like it very much."

"Whatever it is, I will like it."

"Well, I\'m sorry to have delayed you some time. Get on the road and remind your assistant to be safe when driving."

Sigrid got in the car again, this time she sat in the back seat of the car and looked at Situ Yunbing in the rearview mirror riding a road race, with a smile on her face.

This time, she looked at him in the rearview mirror and disappeared from the field of vision.