Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 7: .007 debut

"Move actively after passing the ball! Don\'t stand still!"

"Try to take the ball with one kick, speed it up, go faster!"

"Keep the distance between your teammates, don\'t stand too far and too scattered, observe more and observe the running positions of your teammates!"


Situ Yunbing has strengthened the training intensity of the team\'s passing coordination. From the beginning of the afternoon training, there are 40 minutes of training for passing and receiving coordination.

After devoting himself to the role of head coach, Situ Yunbing couldn\'t help but pay attention to the players\' abilities.

For example, some players with good ball handling ability, rich experience and strong understanding ability perform well in such training, such as Merian, Diego Perez, Pino, etc. There are also young players who are very active, such as Moro, Lecco and so on.

The tactical literacy of black players lags behind that of European and South American players.

When the players took a break, Situ Yunbing discussed the effectiveness of the team\'s training with the coaches.

The coaches who did not expect Situ Yunbing originally did not expect that on the first day of training, Situ Yunbing still felt that he had two brushes, and the concept he put forward was also very novel, and theoretically it was really a good one. The chosen path.

Although not everyone is optimistic, but at least some people are starting to look forward to it, hoping that Situ Yunbing\'s new tactics can bring huge changes to the team.

During the training break in the afternoon, Situ Yunbing took the initiative to talk with the players, and Milonas interpreted for him, trying to let the players better understand the tactical concept.

Basically, the players who come to Situ Yunbing alone will take a serious listening attitude. Everyone can see that Monaco is undergoing a major revolution after Situ Yunbing came to power. If De Bondin is at the club management level To carry out reforms, then Situ Yunbing is to implement reforms at the technical and tactical level of the team.

When the South Korean player Park Joo-young came to Situ Yunbing, his eyes kept staring at Situ Yunbing. When Situ Yunbing was instilling tactical tasks in his mouth, Park Joo-young didn\'t seem to listen. After Situ Yunbing finished speaking, Park Joo-young did not listen. Asked Situ Yunbing a question through his translator.

"I have never heard anything about your presence in China. Are you sure you were in China before?"

Situ Yunbing said that his mouth was dry, and he was taken aback when he heard the words, then he was furious!

Damn it!

The weakness of Situ Yunbing is the blank resume, but this dead stick poke the sore spot in front of him, and he obviously didn\'t take Situ Yunbing\'s words to heart, which made Situ Yunbing angry!

The other players were attracted by Situ Yunbing\'s sudden angry shout. Everyone looked at each other. I didn\'t expect this young Chinese coach to have such a hot side.

"Have you heard of Shang Yang? Have you heard of Su Shi? Have you heard of Wei Qing?

Shaking his head? !

Damn, they are much more famous than me, why haven\'t you heard of it? What do you think you are? There are so many things you haven\'t heard of!

Ignorant Korean!

Go back to training, go home and

Park Zhouyong didn\'t need an interpreter to tell him, he also knew that Situ Yunbing was angry, and his face was a little ugly, but when he first arrived, he could only swallow his breath and walk away silently.

Situ Yunbing was really annoyed. Park Joo-young himself is a little unsatisfied, but he is an important member of Debondan’s summer signings. Debondan is to open up the Korean market, even after the start of the new season. There was also a live broadcast of Ligue 1 for the first time, so De Bondin declared that Monaco had made a great contribution to the entry of Ligue 1 into the Korean market!

However, Situ Yunbing needs to establish authority in the team, and Park Zhou Yongliwei could not be better.

Because Park Joo-young has no roots in the dressing room in Monaco!

In other words, he can\'t make any waves.

The small storm passed quickly, the team continued to train, and Situ Yunbing supervised.

Actively promote his new tactical concept and system.

Two days later, other players participating in the FIFA international competition also returned to the team to report.

At this time, Monaco\'s training system has undergone some changes. Situ Yunbing watched the players actively carry out passing training on the training ground. He was very pleased and looked forward to the first game.

Although the outside world has never stopped questioning Situ Yunbing, because the number of local fans in Monaco itself is not large, Situ Yunbing did not suffer much pressure.

As for the team, there are bound to be many players who are not convinced by Situ Yunbing, but the new coach took office, and the coach hired by the resolute chairman himself, regardless of the monk’s face and the Buddha’s face, Park Zhouyong’s lessons learned. No one is willing to openly oppose Situ Yunbing at this time. Moreover, the standard for measuring the level of coaching is of course the game record. A game has not been played, and now no one can draw a conclusion on the coaching level of Situ Yunbing.

Situ Yunbing was expecting that if he could lead the team to victory, he would definitely increase his prestige.

On September 13, Situ Yunbing took office for nearly a week, and the fifth round of the Ligue 1 came as scheduled. Monaco played at home against Lorient.

Situ Yunbing declared in an interview before the game that he hopes Monaco can show refreshing abilities in the game.

The focus of the French media this round is the match between Bordeaux and Marseille, so they have no interest in Monaco.

At 8 o\'clock in the evening, Monaco Louis II Stadium, in the home team\'s locker room.

Situ Yunbing looked at the jerseys hanging in the closet in the dressing room. The color of the Monaco home jersey was the same as their team logo.

The red and white vertical bars have a golden crown on top.

Looking at the Monaco team emblem, Situ Yun\'s soul is roaming the sky. Monaco has not tasted the taste of a league championship for a long time, and the crown on his head has been lost for a long time.

Perhaps it was wearing Monaco\'s sportswear every day, but Situ Yunbing had feelings for the Monaco club.

As the coach of Monaco, he is looking forward to becoming famous here and becoming famous!

Think of this as your home!

When the players returned to the dressing room after warming up for the final preparations before the game, Situ Yunbing turned around and walked to the middle of the dressing room. He clapped his hands and attracted everyone\'s attention. He cleared his throat and gave a serious pre-war speech. .

"We have not won the past three league games. I know your abilities are much more than that. As long as we unite and treat the game seriously, and at the same time take out our training results, we can definitely win the game!

Our goal is to win the league championship at the end of the season!

With such ambition and fighting spirit, starting from today, starting from this game, let\'s work hard to reach the top of France! "

Situ Yun said, some of the starting players were infected by his impassioned speech, but some responded mediocre.

When the players got up and walked out, Situ Yunbing stood by the door and repeated to each player, "Come on, work hard today!"

Petty and other coaches saw Situ Yunbing\'s behavior. They get along well with Situ Yunbing these days, and Situ Yunbing can indeed bring some passion to the team.

It\'s just that if a team can change the state of the trough with just a few words, then coaching the team is simple.

What is the effect? ​​No words or deeds off the court can be counted. Only when you are on the court can you truly reflect the effect!