Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 541: .541 All the powerful are fighting!

Perhaps the previous question was too serious and heavy. After all, talking about Chinese football is more than an indisputable sigh?

When the second audience got up to ask questions, the atmosphere of the whole scene became warm and moving.

She was wearing a Liverpool jersey, her beautiful face was youthful and beautiful, and it was obvious that she had embroidered a heart shape on her jersey arm with two words behind it.


She introduced herself as a fresh graduate. She used to study in the UK. During her study abroad, as long as she had the opportunity and time, she would definitely go to the scene to watch Situ Yunbing’s game, whether he was in Monaco or Hamburg, Or Liverpool.

After she introduced herself and talked about the experience of supporting Situ Yunbing in the past few years, her eyes suddenly moistened and she asked Situ Yunbing a little choked: "Why can\'t you give us a fair chance to love you? Hear you I’m very sad about the news of the engagement, but I can only hold back my heartache and bless you. You don’t know how many times I have been outside the training bases in Hamburg and Liverpool, waiting outside the stadium, just want to look at you more, just want you Give me an autograph, and you can become friends!

But you never let me walk into your world. "

At the end, the girl put down the microphone, raised her hand to cover her mouth, and tried not to let her cry come out.

Situ Yunbing knew that overseas, every time he was in a game, he could always see Chinese fans in the stands. They were cheering for themselves. The banners and slogans they held up kept giving Situ Yun Bing cheered up, constantly telling how great Situ Yun Bing was.

However, Situ Yunbing did not open his world to let them in.

Other girls on the scene also shed tears.

Perhaps in their eyes, Situ Yunbing is a character similar to an entertainment star, but with a difference. He is more real. His job is not acting, but fighting!

And Situ Yunbing is also a handsome young man after dressing up. He can become the dream lover of many girls.

Situ Yunbing put down the microphone, stood up and walked into the auditorium to hug the girl, like a big brother comforting the disappointed sister, trying to give himself some warmth.

When he returned to the stage again, Situ Yunbing cleared his throat, and he was naturally moved and very moved.

He picked up the microphone and said, "Thank you, thank you very much, I am very touched.

But what I can say now is that maybe I am a pity in your world. There will be many regrets in my life. Forgetting the past, looking forward and cherishing the future is the best responsibility for yourself.

If you want me to explain the reason, it is actually very simple. My work schedule does not allow me to have too many social activities. At the same time, I had my own love life at the beginning of 2009, and I have to spend time to manage myself. Feelings.

Life is like a train going to an unknown direction. Some people come up at station A and some people come up at station B. The scenery they see is different. Some people got off the train early and missed it. The scenery behind, some people insisted to the end but found that the scenery at the end was actually not as exciting as before.

My fiancee and I met in the Royal Palace of Monaco. She was like a breeze in my life at that time. It made me feel refreshed. She would take me to do some crazy things, such as to make me become sloppy. Exquisite and maxed out the credit card, it will cost her a year of savings, and I will also take her around the world to give her the best scenery.

I think I got my best happiness.

After my fiancée and I got engaged, she quit the modeling circle and is now preparing to go to the University of Liverpool for further study. She gave up her original career for me. I am also very touched by this. At present, we are all working together for a better direction. Working hard, so I am fine, and I also hope that all those who care about me can get your happiness. "

The audience applauded him again.

Situ Yunbing explained so much because he was really afraid of misunderstanding by the outside world.

For fear they would portray Situ Yunbing as the type of person who would marry a supermodel as his wife if he had money.

Duan Xuan next played a video film.

The film introduces the Hope Primary Schools in many parts of the country funded by Situ Yunbing\'s fund. After more than four years, just one hundred have been established this year!

But the outside world seems to be not very well informed about these news. Of course, Situ Yunbing himself does not want to make publicity in this area. What he advertises will be misunderstood as a reputation.

Situ Yunbing just told everyone that he himself is an orphan and hopes that more helpless children can be placed and adequately educated to help them run vigorously on the track of life.

At the end of the show, Situ Yunbing patiently signed each audience member and took a group photo with them.

After the broadcast of this special world football program, it became the highest-rated program in history.

Many Chinese fans have a better understanding of Situ Yunbing.

Situ Yunbing left Beijing for the last stop of his Asian tour in Tokyo, Japan. Liverpool will play a friendly match with the J-League star team.

The quality of this game will inevitably be very high, so that\'s why Liverpool put this stop at the end of the schedule.

It can be said that the J-League star team is equivalent to the Japanese team without returnees.

So Situ Yunbing also worked hard to command seriously in the game.

The Liverpool team has also increased their attention. After all, they have to come up with some real skills near the start of the new season.

In the end, Liverpool defeated the opponent 3:1 in the game.

Situ Yunbing was very satisfied with the game, after all, the friendly match reached the value of warm-up exercise.

Liverpool’s Asia tour ended successfully.

They took the return flight back to the UK, Situ Yunbing took this opportunity to browse the Premier League transfer dynamics.

In addition to Ferguson retiring from Manchester United, Scholes also retired for the second time. This time he should not return. There is no sensation among the players who left, and there are still some constipation in signings. The Glazer family refuses to give Ferguson. If you have big money to introduce stars, you will not gamble on Moyes!

The Glazer family did not really realize the situation of Manchester United in the Premier League!

In other words, they don\'t understand the current situation of the Premier League at all!

Maybe they did not fully realize the importance of Ferguson to the team!

After Ferguson leaves, they may think that Manchester United can continue to maintain a not bad and decent record!

Facts will prove them completely wrong.

Zaha, Barrera, Fellaini.

Manchester United also tinkered with these three people before the start of the new season. How does this look like signings from giants?

Put this signing on Tottenham, and Everton estimates it will be almost the same.

Liverpool will become the club with the largest investment in the Premier League for two consecutive seasons.

And look at Manchester United\'s neighbor Manchester City, they have now passed the first stage after getting rich, they have begun to choose carefully, and only retain the elite.

After Pellegrini takes office, it does not mean that Manchester City will stop the pace of expansion, but the pace of player replacement will accelerate.

They left a total of 15 players in the summer, of which 7 were on loan, and the rest were sold, or left the team freely, or voluntarily terminated the contract.

If the signings were not for Liverpool\'s previous shocking purchases, Manchester City would still lead the way.

Jovetic for 26 million pounds, Negredo for 20 million pounds, Fernandinho for 30 million pounds, Navas for 15 million pounds, plus a 4 million pounds for Demichelis.

Manchester City\'s net investment in the summer is almost 80 million pounds!

Chelsea is even more exaggerated in terms of personnel leaving the team!

Mourinho has always advocated simplification of the army and administration. Extra people will only get in the way, so those who don\'t need it will be sent away.

Chelsea left a total of 28 people!

But there are only 8 people who really have no contract with the Chelsea club!

Or retire, or freely transfer, or sell away.

A full 20 people have been rented out!

Chelsea have been building a youth training system for many years. Their strategy is that even if they can\'t cultivate geniuses, they have to dig out the genius seedlings first, and then wait until these children grow up to a certain age, then rent them out!

Quite a bit of a posture of casting a net all over.

The advantage of this is that as long as one person can become a talent, then all the investment may be paid back!

Chelsea’s investment in signings is not small, 18 million pounds Hurle, 8 million pounds Van Kinkel, 32 million pounds William, 3 million pounds Atso, 2 million pounds Cuevas, plus visa-free. Eto\'o!

Then in the final transfer, they snatched Hamburg\'s midfielder De Bruyne from Manchester City!

Cost 45 million pounds!

Abramovich’s support for Mourinho is evident. Chelsea’s net investment this summer is the same as Liverpool’s over 100 million pounds!

After Arsenal spent many years frugal, Wenger was finally scolded by the fans for being a little difficult to step down, so he paid a lot of money for signings!

The free return of Flamini and the loan of goalkeeper Viviano from Palermo, as well as the free introduction of Sanogo from Toulouse in Ligue 1, almost made Arsenal the biggest laughing stock of the Premier League this summer!

Wenger used to be reluctant to spend money, but now he is ridiculed as an iron **** at all.

In the end, Arsenal had a big move!

42.5 million pounds introduced German midfielder Özil from Real Madrid!

This transfer not only caused a sensation, but also excited Arsenal fans for several days.

Think how pitiful the life of a gun fan is.

One Özil almost made them climax!

Wenger can also proudly announce: "The strongest person is already in the battle!"

I just don’t know if Arsenal’s best team is compared with Manchester City, Chelsea and Liverpool, Wenger will say that.

The Premier League’s powerhouses are fighting hard, and the new season\'s competition is about to kick off!