Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 536: .536 sensational European football!

After the European football season ended, there was no major competition in the summer of 2013, only the tasteless competition of the Confederations Cup.

Therefore, the focus of the outside world is more on the transfer market.

Real Madrid and Barcelona are competing for the Brazilian supernova Neymar.

At the same time, they are also sending out invitations to several Hamburg stars.

But the news coming back from Germany in the past few days has made the giants feel not optimistic.

Many Hamburg stars did not express a strong signal to leave the team, as if something was brewing secretly.

Royce was the first player to issue a statement to stick to Hamburg.

Griezmann was taken the lead by Atletico Madrid. Atletico Madrid lost the capital and smashed 45 million euros to take Griezmann away!

At least the Hamburg striker still retains the combination of Royce and Aubameyang.

In addition, in the midfield, Chelsea and Manchester City have turned into malicious bidding when they competed for De Bruyne, starting from 40 million euros and directly rising to 60 million euros!

Chelsea also started on Kanter and offered an offer of 25 million euros. Kanter did not make any response, and Hamburg did not negotiate with Chelsea.

The three clubs of Real Madrid, Manchester United and Paris Saint-Germain offered Van Dijk respectively 40 million euros, 35 million euros, and 43 million euros. Hamburg did not respond.

Azpilicueta has also received offers from many clubs, with the lowest of 20 million euros and the highest reaching close to 30 million euros.

In mid-June, the most sensational news in the transfer market was that Brazilian supernova Neymar joined Barcelona!

The super genius who has long been famous in Europe finally landed in European football, and directly entered the giants in one step!

In late June, Situ Yunbing and Sigrid finally appeared in Liverpool, attracting media attention.

The two first ate in the Hilton Hotel, went shopping normally, and always held hands in a happy and sweet manner and envied others.

As for reporters looking for opportunities, they always wanted to interview Situ Yunbing, but Situ Yunbing didn\'t make any movements that heeded.

Formby is the wealthy area of ​​Liverpool, only one kilometer from the Irish coast, where many British stars live.

Situ Yunbing and Sigrid were called by Henry and his wife to the Fermby area. Together, they walked into a two-story villa here. From the entrance to the villa, it was almost 100 meters away. The front yard was spacious and planted. Plane trees, a vast garden in the backyard, and a semi-standard outdoor heated swimming pool.

Situ Yunbing and Sigrid visited the interior of the two-story villa. There are 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms on the second floor of the villa. The first floor is the living room, study, kitchen, and reception room.

Although it is not a super luxurious villa, you can still feel the warmth of this villa when you walk into the glass viewing room on the first floor.

Situ Yunbing sighed: "Maybe this is the most suitable house for us to live in."

Henry smiled at Situ Yunbing: "As long as you like her."

This is the engagement gift presented by Henry and his wife to Situ Yunbing.

In fact, it was Henry\'s commendation for Situ Yunbing\'s work performance last season.

No merit is not rewarded, but Situ Yunbing, a villa worth more than two million pounds, really will not be ashamed.

Although the villa belongs to Situ Yunbing, he and Sigrid will not move in immediately.

After Sigrid quit the modeling circle, she is now preparing to go to the University of Liverpool for further studies. Before that, she had one summer to renovate and renovate her and Situ Yunbing\'s new home.

Not to mention anything else, the furniture must be changed to the style she likes, and the extra bedroom upstairs can be transformed into a changing room. She has countless clothes, women, especially women who love beauty.

Situ Yunbing will start preparations for the new season.

At the end of June, Liverpool officials shocked the outside world to announce the results of heavy signings!

"Van Dijk, Kanter, Azpilicueta joined Liverpool from Hamburg, and the total transfer fee is as high as 130 million pounds!"

The entire English football, European football, and world football have all been bought by Liverpool this time!

Liverpool fans are going crazy, even Fleet Street is a little crazy!

Sky Sports exclaimed when evaluating the transfer: "Liverpool wants to rule Europe!"

Carragher, who had just retired and found a new job, became a football commentator. He and Irving, who retired at the same time, made a program together to comment on the results of Liverpool\'s summer transfer.

Because Irving joined Manchester United after playing for Liverpool, his image in the hearts of Liverpool fans is not very good, so Irving\'s role in this show is more like an outsider, coming to play with Carragher, the new Liverpool star Explore.

Owen asked Carragher: "You shouldn’t be surprised? I heard that at the engagement ceremony of Liverpool coach Stuart Yunbing, Van Dijk, Kanter, Azpilicueta were all present, and then Hamburg Chairman Hoffman also went there. He must have discussed the transfer of players with Liverpool’s boss or CEO Werner, and Liverpool coach Situ Yunbing must have played an important role.”

Carragher laughed and said: "After Gareth Bale moved to Liverpool last summer, I would not be surprised by any star joining Liverpool. There are only two exceptions, that is Ronaldo and Messi. "

"Let\'s sort out the process first. How did Liverpool manage these three players?"

Carragher shook his head and said: "I don\'t think the Liverpool club is absolutely dominant in this transfer, just like Gareth Bale had the opportunity to join Real Madrid last year, but he firmly chose Liverpool. I think this year\'s Fan Dick, Kanter, Azpilicueta are also for the same reason. Liverpool needs their joining to improve their strength, but they also look forward to joining Liverpool.

The simplest logic is that if Liverpool want to supplement the midfielder, they will list at least three names. Kanter will be among them, but there is also De Bruyne. It is difficult to say that Kanter is ahead of De Bruyne, but Kan He wants to leave Hamburg. Among the clubs he faces, Chelsea, Manchester City and Liverpool are definitely ranked first. If he can\'t join Liverpool, he will consider the other two clubs. "

Owen said in surprise: "Doesn\'t Liverpool particularly need them?"

Carragher said: "No, Liverpool needs it. It doesn\'t make sense to discuss this now. I\'m just saying that Liverpool did not operate the transfer eagerly, desperately, and hungerly, but rationally and calmly completed the transfer Acquisition.

The three players chose Liverpool because of the charm of Situ Yunbing as the head coach. They firmly believe that they can grow and succeed under Situ Yunbing!

Just as Gareth Bale gave up the opportunity to go to the Bernabeu and came to Liverpool!

If Ronaldo and Messi among the players are beyond any level, then Situ Yunbing is now also in the coaching industry!

They used to be successful under Situ Yunbing, but now it is normal to want more success! "

"Is this fair to Hamburg? I mean they lost so much of their main force at once. Wouldn\'t they blame the former legendary coach for digging their corner?"

"We can imagine that if these players do not join Liverpool, they will stay in Hamburg? No!

And Liverpool spent 130 million pounds this time. I think there is credit for Situ Yunbing’s ‘uplift’. "

"Raise the price? He made Liverpool spend more money?"

"Yes, this is also his respect for his old club, not a transfer of benefits. In fact, according to the ugly behavior we often see in the transfer market, this is the case in most cases.

If Situ Yunbing encourages these three players to make a transfer, I think Liverpool will only need less than £70 million to take them down!

But this harms Hamburg\'s interests, and it also harms the image of Liverpool and Situ Yunbing!

It will also put pressure on the players!

I think from Hamburg\'s standpoint, they will definitely be disappointed in losing their stars, but since they can\'t keep them, selling them at a reasonable price is also a fact they should accept.

In particular, they may receive more than 200 million pounds in cash this summer. They have enough capital to continue to be strong in the Bundesliga. Their shareholders are not the Glazer family, and they will definitely spend the money! "

Irving couldn\'t help laughing, and then asked: "After these three people arrive, the competition within the Liverpool team will be unprecedentedly fierce. Do you think this will bring chaos?"

Carragher shook his head and said, "No, as long as Situ Yunbing does a little better, it is enough that he continues to trust Gerald, I believe he will!

We can sort out Liverpool\'s lineup and you will recognize my point of view.

Gareth Bale, Suarez, Benatia, Kanter, Van Dijk, Azpilicueta, these are the players Situ Yunbing has coached in other clubs. They have feelings for him and trust each other. The direct line of troops, and the most powerful first team, can support the team\'s backbone!

Vardy, Mahrez, Casemiro, Coutinho, Eriksson, Coulibaly, Robertson, Ter Stegen, these are the players he introduced when he came to Liverpool last year. A direct force built by Liverpool!

The remaining party is Gerrard, Sterling, Henderson, Lucas, Enrique, Glen Johnson, Flanagan, Agger, Scotter, Reina, they are representatives The local forces and the old forces.

After the unprecedented success of Liverpool last season, the local forces and the old forces have been unable to shake the rule of Situ Yunbing!

But for the stability of Liverpool and the overall development in a better direction, I believe that Situ Yunbing will continue to trust Gerrard well, so that any objection from others will not bring negative impact. You have only two choices. First, leave by yourself, and second, strive to compete! "

Owen was thoughtful when he heard the words, and asked after a long while: "What does this transfer mean to Liverpool?"

Carragher smiled freely and said: "Do you still have to ask? Of course it is the Premier League hegemon and the Champions League champion!"