Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 52: .052 Lion Fights Rabbit

The Louis II stadium was hustle and bustle, and the starting players of the two teams came to the stadium to perform the pre-match ceremony.

Monaco fans look forward to seeing the team\'s extraordinary performance against the Ligue 1 hegemon!

"Dear viewers in front of the TV, good evening everyone, and welcome to the highly anticipated highlight of the 13th round of League One!

Monaco, currently third in the league, is at home against the league leader Lyon!

In the new season, Ligue 1 is quite chaotic. Toulouse, Bordeaux, Marseille and Monaco have all challenged Lyon\'s supremacy!

At present, Lyon is still leading the standings strongly, and when the schedule is about to pass the third stage, it is a very critical match for Lyon to confront his opponent in the role of chaser behind him.

The disadvantage for Lyon is that they have to deal with two-line combat. In the fourth round of the UEFA Champions League group match just ended midweek, Lyon won the Bucharest Stars 2:0 at home, because the same group has strong opponents like Bayern Munich and Fiorentina. , So Lyon did his best in the back-to-back game against the Bucharest Stars!

This is also why Lyon took Benzema and Edson as a guest at the Louis II Stadium today, because they spent a lot of time in the midweek game.

Monaco\'s performance after the coaching change was a blockbuster. Although Situ Yunbing suffered a miserable debut in his first show after taking office, he has won 7 rounds of unbeaten results in the league afterwards. Among them, four consecutive wins in the away game give people the impression that he leads the team to play away. .

But today no one will underestimate the fighting power of Monaco at home!

Next, I will introduce the starting lineup of both sides.

Monaco, who sits at home, started 451 today.

Goalkeeper: Rufael.

Defenders: Simic, Modesto, Mongongu, Muratori.

Midfielder: Mangani, Merian, Nkulu.

Forwards: Pino, Nimani, Moro.

As Perez is still in suspension, Situ Yunbing continued to reuse teenager Nkulu, and Lecco sat on the bench today.

Lyon will start 433 today.

Goalkeeper: Lloris.

Defenders: Revie, Boumsson, Chris, Grosso.

Midfielder: Karlstrom, Tulalang, Markuen.

Forwards: Govou, Fred, Delgado.

Lyon had a partial rotation, but I think Puel will definitely be a major player like Benzema for some time.

Well, the game will start right away, let us look forward to the performance of the two teams, whether this game will show the passion of Mars hitting the earth! "

Alonzo’s prediction for Lyon in the pre-match analysis report is not very accurate, or he thinks Puel will not rotate, but Puel still let Benzema and Edson sit on the bench. It is probably reserved for later use.

After the referee blew the whistle for the start of the game, Monaco, who was sitting on the home court, did not enter the opponent\'s half like a wolf, but directly attacked from the right.

Merian crossed the ball diagonally to the front right in the middle circle. Pino felt good after holding the ball. When Markuen came to help defend the wing, he quickly dialed the ball to accelerate from the outside to get rid of it, and then faced "Italy" The great left-back "Grosso" passed the ball directly.

Nimani jumped into the middle of the penalty area and the football was easily headered by Bumsson.

Monaco\'s offensive after the opening did not have an impressive impact. After Lyon took possession of the ball and passed it patiently for a few times, he quickly launched a wing offensive.

Tula\'s doctor crossed the ball diagonally to the right on the field, and then Revier inserted the ball and quickly pushed the offensive. When he came to the offensive danger zone, Nkulu and Muratori formed a joint defense to stop him or Govune Cut the lines.

Govu pushed in before running, and Revie passed the ball straight through. Govu forcedly changed from behind Muratori to cross the penalty area. He relied on strong confrontation to block Muratori from the outside line. The man wiped the ball, and Nkulu suddenly hit his eyes and quickly cleared the ball out of the baseline!

Lyon was in good shape after the opening and they got a corner kick.

Puel is nearly fifty years old and has a lot of gray hair. He doesn\'t seem to be a strong coach. He has a gentle temperament. When he stands on the sidelines and supervises the battle, his eyes show a trace of confusion.

Monaco does not look strong at home, as if he is afraid of Lyon!

Even Situ Yunbing was quiet not far away, which did not match the impression that Situ Yunbing had left in the past two months!

Lyon quickly occupied the dominant position on the field!

After all, they have three midfielders with both offensive and defensive capabilities. Karlstrom and Tulalang are capable of offensive and defensive, coupled with a strong defensive Markuen, the coverage of the three midfielders is very wide, although they are not small. Juninho pierced through his creativity in organizing offense, but the three of them achieved control of the midfield through tough defense!

The trend of Monaco\'s formation shrinking is very obvious. The back line and the back waist line are closely connected, forming a crisscross and interlocking defense system in the front sector of the goal!

Lyon\'s right defender Reviere was active after the opening, and Moreau retreated to participate in the defense. This made his defense almost zero. On the other hand, Grosso\'s defense was attacked by Pino in turns.

As long as Monaco has a chance to fight back, it will basically start from the right.

Pino was also very active on the right side today, and it seems that he was entrusted with an important task by Situ Yun!

10 minutes of the game time passed, Lyon has completed 4 shots, and Monaco shot zero!

Although the Monaco fans in the stands are still cheering for the team, their mood is very depressed.

Lyon is gradually overwhelming, and it seems that the game is completely under Lyon\'s control.

Monaco can only retreat and be beaten passively in the backcourt!

In the 12th minute of the game, Delgado received the pass from Turalan on the left and swept the ball along the outside line to the bottom of the penalty area. Brazilian center Fred slanted into Modesto’s side and took the initiative to respond. He half turned and fired!

It\'s a pity that he played too well, and Rufael, who blocked the corner of the goal, calmly hugged the ball.

"Lyon\'s offensive is in full swing! Fred completed Lyon\'s fifth shot after the opening, and was also the third third shot within the goal range!

Monaco looks a little nervous at home today, they have so far failed to create a threat. "

Lyon’s formation has an obvious front pressure, and naturally will decide whether to retreat based on the Monaco formation. After Rufael kicked the ball out, Nimani, who was in the middle of the front court, acted as a fulcrum and headed the ball to the right. .

Still look for Pino!

Pino took the ball and dribbled forward, facing Markuen almost directly to the side to block him, Pino quickly completed the collision with Nimani, who was actively running, and ran forward to meet Nimani. When the passing ball accelerated forward again, Grosso also rushed up.

When Grosso stretched his foot and broke the ball, he encountered a football, but he did not expect that the football bounced off Pino\'s leg and bounced behind him. Pino took advantage of the opportunity to rush from his side and then smashed the ball to change the line and cut inside!

Lyon central defender Chris quickly made it. When Pino wanted to pass the ball to Nimani, Chris stretched his leg in time to destroy the ball.

Karlstrom returned to the defense to control the ball outside the penalty area.

Lyon turned his gun to the Monaco halftime and attacked again.

Situ Yunbing stared at the stadium with an indifferent expression. If he didn\'t look closely at his eyes, he would definitely think that he was indifferent to the game, but in fact the concentration of his eyes was unprecedented!

In the 15th minute of the game, Lyon launched an attack on the right. Revieille assisted and cooperated with Turalang. When Turalang stopped the ball close to the right wing, Nkulu immediately went forward and swept forward. The ball was passed diagonally to the front right, and when Revieille touched the ball, he made a diagonal kick!

The football rolled from Muratori to the right side of the penalty area. Monggongu, who came out of defense, did not expect Gewu to suddenly start an inward cut. His weakness of turning slowly was caught by the opponent. Although he turned almost synchronously, he still let Ge Wu passed!

If Ge Wu touched the ball in the penalty area, it would probably be a direct kick shot, because this would be an excellent opportunity!

But when Monggongu turned around, he confronted the opponent\'s body, which interfered with Ge Wu\'s speed, causing Ge Wu to touch the ball when he reached the penalty area. A figure rushed past his eyes and walked the ball to the penalty area. Before the bottom line.


Today, Situ Yunbing deliberately went to Mangani and did not use Lecco, because Mangani can hit the defender. Once Mongongu broke through the line of defense, Modesto was also restrained by the opponent center Fred. If that is the case, then Mangani\'s defense in the penalty area is extremely critical!

Mangani did not disappoint Situ Yunbing, even if his clearance goal was to send the ball back to Lyon without a purpose, but at least he did a good job defensively.

Although Lyon\'s offensive is fierce today, it is difficult to form effective cooperation and shoot in the penalty area, because Monaco is trying to compress the defensive space, which requires Lyon to have a strong creativity to penetrate their defense!

Two minutes later, Delgado forced the ball from the left and was blocked by Simic. Turalang, who had regained control of the ball from the periphery, looked at Nkulu who was following the defense. He knocked the ball across the center and Kastrastro. In front of Mangani, Mu turned the ball and then turned to chase the ball to adjust one step, and suddenly shot a long shot before Mangani moved to the front!

It\'s a pity that football has deviated from the goal.

Lyon\'s full-back killed halftime, and the midfielder pressed to the Monaco penalty area!

As the king of Ligue 1, Lyon puts on a posture that the lion will fight the rabbit and will do its best!

The Monaco fans in the stands looked solemn, and many of them felt shocked.

Situ Yunbing is still observing the game carefully, the Lyon formation is gradually pressing up, and they have almost formed a habit of actively blocking Pino when defending, and the defensive center of gravity is increasingly tilted.

When Situ Yunbing looked up at the time on the big screen, 18 minutes had passed since the match.

His deep eyes suddenly exudes a strange brilliance.

Who is the lion and who is the prey?