Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 5: Is .005 eligible?

A total of eight members of the Monaco coaching staff were waiting for Situ Yunbing in the coaching lounge, sitting in twos and threes chatting together to pass the time.

When Debondan brought Situ Yunbing, everyone stood up, all looking at the young man beside Debondan with an incredible expression.

De Bangdan cleared his throat and said: "Everyone, this is the new coach of our club. His name is Situ Yunbing. He is from China. I hope everyone can assist him in his work and bring the club on track to create brilliant!"

Situ Yunbing raised his hand and greeted everyone with a smile, and then he shook hands with the coaches who had stared eyes and stiff expressions.

"This is Assistant Petty, and this is Klett, Biancarelli, Milonas, Markle, Sennos, Goodoy, Ben Domi."

After Situ Yunbing shook hands with each other one by one, De Bangdan took the initiative to leave, leaving room for Situ Yunbing.

Situ Yunbing formally introduced himself again, and obviously none of the eight coaches was relieved.

For a long while, 59-year-old Petit with gray hair asked indifferently: "Are you really the new coach?"

Situ Yunbing nodded and said, "Yes, I just signed the contract yesterday."

Petty turned her head to look at her colleagues. Everyone\'s expressions were wonderful, doubtful, confused, pessimistic, and various negative emotions were written on their faces.

The age and origin of Situ Yunbing are too "sensational"!

First of all, in their impression, there is no precedent for an Asian coach to coach a team in European football. Second, a Chinese coach is even more unheard of!

Situ Yunbing Situ Yunbing was quickly put into work and held a coaching team meeting.

After assistant Petty eased the initial shock, she also began to cooperate with Situ Yunbing\'s work.

Petty has contributed to Monaco throughout his career. He is considered a legendary player in Monaco history, but he did not lead Monaco to a decent honor. This year he was invited by De Bondin as an assistant coach, which is also De Bondin\'s dismissal. Keller and Ettore later hope to use the same legendary background Petty to comfort people.

At the meeting, Situ Yunbing got a fuller understanding of the current situation in Monaco.

The first team now has more than 30 players, even if some young players are excluded, there are still 30 players available.

The strength of most of the players is indistinguishable, but they are not outstanding.

The third-line lineup was crowded, which really made Situ Yunbing feel tricky.

The more people there are, the more complicated the management situation is.

After understanding the basic situation, Situ Yunbing had lunch with everyone in the restaurant, and then in the afternoon began to study the team’s past four league game videos, more intuitively through the game screen to understand the team’s situation, plus the coach We explained the characteristics of the players to Situ Yunbing from the side, and the role of each position. Situ Yunbing was calm on the surface, but in fact his mind was a bit messy.

Because there are too many things to absorb, coupled with the lack of organization, this makes him feel tremendous pressure.

At 5 pm, De Bondin came to the coaching staff meeting room. He saw the coaching staff watching the video of the game around Situ Yunbing. He immediately felt that the working atmosphere was very good. If it weren\'t for the press conference to be held soon, he would be a little different. Willing to disturb them.

Situ Yunbing followed Debondan to the club\'s news room. When he stepped onto the stage, more than 20 reporters took pictures, making him feel a little dizzy.

For the first time in his life, he was exposed to the spotlight, and Situ Yunbing was extremely worried, but he strengthened his confidence. In order to win the challenge, he must face all this bravely, or he would give up his life!

When he sat down with Debondan, Debondan pretended to be delighted to announce Situ Yunbing\'s appointment as the head coach of Monaco!

One stone caused a thousand waves!

The reporters sitting in the audience were dumbfounded!

Is the Monaco Club crazy?

Hire an Asian coach?

De Bondan is already the first non-Monaco citizen chairman in the history of the Monaco club. Is he going to make the first time in history to hire an Asian coach?

When all the reporters were shocked, Situ Yunbing didn\'t stop talking and dying when he spoke!

"Hello everyone, I am Situ Yunbing. I am honored to be the coach of the Monaco club. My coaching goal is to lead Monaco to the league championship this season!"


All reporters now feel like they are going crazy!

What did they hear?

This Asian coach is going to lead Monaco to the league championship?

And this season? !

Debondan\'s face became unabashedly difficult to look!

Situ Yunbing praised that it is easy to get to Haikou. If he can\'t pat his **** and leave, then the Monaco club will laugh generously.

Situ Yunbing didn\'t speak out his goal with a rush of brains, but after careful consideration. He has no experience, no background, and no prestige. So what does he use to deter the team?


He can\'t hide his ambition, otherwise, he is mediocre in the eyes of others, and it is naturally difficult to convince the public.

When the reporters in the audience recovered their composure, a reporter from "French Football" asked Situ Yunbing to leave with a question.

"Do you have a teaching qualification certificate?"

Situ Yunbing\'s facial expression twitched slightly.

Yes, he needs a qualification to coach a team, does he have it?

If not, he can\'t coach the team!

When De Bangdan saw Situ Yunbing\'s expression, he suddenly screamed in his heart!

Could it be a big oolong!

Situ Yunbing only felt that everyone\'s eyes were concentrated on his face, suffering like hell, he immediately chose to escape.

"Such a question is simply an insult to me!"

Situ Yunbing threw off such a sentence and got up and left, fast!

The reporters picked up the cameras to take pictures of his escape from the wild, and De Bondan did not care about the etiquette and demeanor, so he chased him out!

In the corridor, Debondan stopped Situ Yunbing.

"Situ, stop for me!"

Situ Yunbing bit his scalp and stopped, but he did not dare to look directly at De Bondan\'s eyes.

But when he saw De Bangdan press Situ Yunbing\'s shoulders with his hands, he asked in a trembling tone: "Situ, do you have a coaching qualification? Yes?!"

If Situ Yunbing didn\'t have it, that would really ruin De Bangdan!

Situ Yunbing didn\'t dare to look up, and lowered his head and said, "Go check it out."

He certainly didn\'t have it, but since the challenge of the game created his chance to coach Monaco, the basic conditions for coaching should also be available.

De Bangdan was so desperate when he heard this, he could only drag Situ Yunbing to the office. He first went to the AFC to search for information about Situ Yunbing.


Debondan already felt that the sky was falling down!

But when he almost hopelessly asked UEFA for information about Situ Yunbing, UEFA responded with a happy message: Situ Yunbing has UEFA A-level coaches. Qualification certificate, with record of record!

Debondan stared at the young Situ Yunbing in disbelief after the surprise!

There are five levels of football coach qualification certificates in Europe, and UEFA A-level is the highest level. How difficult is it to get this certificate?

Let\'s put it this way, from level 2 to level B, some are fast and some are slow, but it takes an average of seven years!

And from level B to level A...

De Bondan couldn\'t imagine how old Situ Yunbing started to study and obtain certificates. Now he is just relieved.

Situ Yunbing also let out a sigh of relief. Debondan wiped his cold sweat and complained: "You have an A-level certificate, why don\'t you say it?"

Situ Yunbing curled his lips and said, "I said, this question is simply an insult to me!"

Debondan was at a loss for words.