Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 43: .043 Hard fight

Who can young people have no dreams?

But dream is a naive word, but realizing a dream is a cruel word.

The desire for the championship in the eyes of Morrow\'s young players is real and hot. If Situ Yunbing has gained anything from this game, it must be inspired by the players!

The commentator of Canal+ once had a famous line that was listed as the headline of the sports edition by "French Football": Situ Yunbing ignited the morale of Monaco!

And after Situ Yunbing saw the eyes of these young players like Moreau, he was also ignited by the players!

A rational analysis, Moreau and the others have secured the main force under Situ Yunbing, and after securing their main force position, they began to want to win something. This is normal. Most players have this mentality, and they only get confused. Players who can only earn a high salary as a professional player in a few years no longer have illusions, because they no longer dream.

After the ninth round of the French Ligue 1, Monaco\'s ranking dropped, but because the leader Lyon drew with Lille at home, the gap between Monaco and the top of the table was still maintained at 5 points, but after just two rounds, Lyon There is no advantage in the game, and the chasers behind him are already in front of him. Marseille with 18 points, Bordeaux and Toulouse with 17 points and 20 points from Lyon are just a win gap.

Situ Yunbing moved all the books he bought from his home to his office in the club.

Capday’s apartment is too small and does not have enough facilities to facilitate his study. At the same time, to save time, he temporarily lives in the office.

Here, he can search for the information he wants through the Internet, and he can also use the video recorder to play the game video to study and analyze, combined with the teaching materials he has learned to understand and absorb knowledge.

His work attitude to sleepless nights really scared many people in the club.

When the cleaner came to clean his office in the morning, he could always see a pot of coffee that was bottomed out, and saw scattered books and Situ Yunbing\'s notepads filled with Chinese paintings of football field tactics, and a large number of tears. Situ Yunbing often sleeps on the sofa with the discarded waste paper, and sometimes forgets to turn off the TV.

Situ Yunbing is frantically learning knowledge to enrich himself, but he is not working behind closed doors. When the team is training, he will observe the coaches\' methods of training players more closely, and reflect on what he has learned.

Monaco is a guest to challenge Toulouse this weekend. This is a game that Monaco is not optimistic about!

Toulouse ranks above Monaco, and Toulouse\'s overall strength is undoubtedly stronger.

But now Monaco is really not afraid of opponents at the level of Toulouse. As long as the opponent is not in strength, Monaco is a world of difference. Monaco really has the power to fight with its current skills and tactics!

Toulouse, Duré Stadium, visiting team locker room.

After the pre-match training, Situ Yunbing stood at the door and watched every player leave as usual, shook hands with them solemnly, and said something to encourage him.

Until Nkulu walked by his side, Situ Yunbing held the face of this young player who was similar to his height with both hands, with an extremely strong trust in his eyes, and said solemnly to him: "Smoke them for me today. This is the basis of our victory!"

After receiving a yellow card in the last game, Lecco was suspended by accumulating yellow cards. The consequence of the crazy sweep of Monaco\'s midfielder is that the cards are more frequent.

So this game Situ Yunbing enabled Nkulu.

Nkulu nodded heavily to Situ Yunbing, although his face was expressionless, his eyes contained a strong sense of war!

Situ Yunbing patted Nkulu on the shoulder and then shook hands with the players behind him.

After the players left the locker room, Situ Yunbing began to attach cards to the players.

Why does he always use the cards at this moment before the game? Because he is worried about the situation that the players will not be able to play temporarily, such as warming up before the game and feel unwell. If they are used in advance, the players will not be able to play temporarily. Plan?

After the last draw with Nice, he drew two cards, Wendel and Pregrenier. Today he was a guest to challenge Toulouse. He used Wendel’s card on Moreau and used it for Nkulu. A card of Benoit Sheroux that I had kept before.

After doing it, Situ Yunbing strode Meteor and left the locker room.

The Durre Stadium is a smaller stadium than the Louis II Stadium, but because the attendance rate is close to full, the atmosphere of the stadium is very good.

The rhythmic cheering of Toulouse fans is painted into an ups and downs song, which really has their own charm and dazzling.

Toulouse coach Casanova unexpectedly shook hands with Situ Yunbing before the game. Although the two did not greet each other, it is enough to show the importance of the other side\'s attitude!

If Situ Yun’s soldiers were the biggest joke in Ligue 1 a month and a half ago, when he led his team to marseilles, Lille and Saint-Etienne, and their coaches were dull, no coach dared to underestimate Situ Yun. Soldiers, at the very least, will avoid humiliation because of contempt!

Situ Yunbing, who has always given a relatively single impression, seems to have no intention of changing. He always wears Monaco sportswear to command on the sidelines. Perhaps until next month, he will wear a Monaco sports down jacket. The media speculates that he is shy in his pocket. , I guessed it, but Situ Yunbing himself is also used to wearing Monaco sportswear to direct the game on the sidelines.

"Good evening, everyone, everyone, welcome to the tenth round of a focused battle in the first half of the league table. The two teams in the top half of the standings met at Durray Stadium.

Toulouse sits at home against Monaco. At present, Toulouse has 17 points and 2 points more than Monaco. In the last round, the two teams failed to win their opponents.

In the last round of the match, Toulouse lost to Bordeaux 1:2 away, while Monaco shook hands with Nice at home.

Today\'s battle between the two teams can be described as a lot of pressure. The season is about to go through a third of the schedule, and the situation on the standings is gradually becoming clear. At this critical time, the teams in the upper half certainly do not want to fall behind.

Today Toulouse coach Casanova has a 541 formation at home.

Goalkeeper: Carasso.

Defenders: Ebondo, Seto, Mathieu, Ffana, Mbenge.

Midfielder: Moussa Sissoko, Sirex, Capue, Dido.

Forward: Gignac.

This formation looks slightly conservative.

Monaco lined up the 451 formation they have been using recently.

Goalkeeper: Rufael.

Defenders: Simic, Modesto, Mongongu, Muratori.

Midfielder: Perez, Merian, Nkulu.

Forwards: Pino, Nimani, Moro.

The lineup of Monaco has been very stable recently. Coach Situ Yunbing quickly imprinted Monaco with his brand. Regardless of the use of personnel or the team\'s technical and tactical style, it can be said that Monaco has completely bid farewell to the Gomez era!

Let us look forward to this battle in the Durray Stadium! "

Situ Yunbing stood on the sidelines supervising the battle with a serious expression. Although Toulouse\'s formation was 541, it was actually a 352 play.

To some extent, Toulouse\'s play style is similar to Monaco, the difference is that Monaco is more active.

They placed three central defenders on the defensive line, of which Mathieu was the most capable player. Although Situ Yunbing saw him for the first time, he knew that this player would join Barcelona in the future.

The two full-backs, Ebondo and Mbenge, are black players, and their strong endurance supports them to shuttle back and forth on the wing.

In midfield, Moussa Sissoko is more inclined to attack, and the attack has a right-leaning tendency, which means he prefers to move on the right side.

The other three midfielders, Sirex, Capue, and Dido, are mainly responsible for defense and tandem offensives in the midfield. Toulouse does not have the organizational advantage like Monaco. This is the difference in the personal characteristics of the players. There is no player better than Merian in terms of organizational ability.

Toulouse\'s center Gignac has been very popular in Ligue 1 in recent years. If Benzema is the most popular among French centers, then Gignac is close behind. In terms of scoring efficiency, Gignac Gram is also excellent.

Judging from the formation of troops in Toulouse, Monaco is bound to have a tough fight at the Duré Stadium today!