Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 398: .398 final sprint!

After losing the ball, the Bayern Munich players clearly had differences of thought!

The midfield is the most embarrassing, go up and support, afraid that the defense will not stop Hamburg\'s counterattack!

If you don\'t go up and support it, then it really means kneeling and surrendering!

Heynckes also had nothing to do, and he was really helpless at this time.

After the game kicked off again, Hamburg still put on a defensive counterattack posture, anyway, just see tricks.

Bayern Munich will not attack, they will play Tai Chi, the regular attack can be played, it does not matter if it fails.

If Bayern Munich want to attack, their counterattack is naturally a huge threat, don\'t mind expanding the lead again!

This is a sign of a team\'s maturity. I am afraid that it will not be possible to change to Hamburg last season. The emotional impact will be obvious.

Regardless of the east, west, north and south winds, I stand still.

After all, Bayern Munich is still quite afraid of Hamburg\'s counterattack, and in terms of morale comparison, Hamburg is significantly stronger than the opponent, even if it is the Allianz Arena.

The lagging gap and the difficulty of the comeback are all signs of discouragement for Bayern Munich.

Time passed by, and the two teams were still playing fierce but not exciting matches.

Seeing that 70 minutes had passed, Situ Yunbing decided to make a substitution. He replaced Aubameyang, today\'s scoring hero, with Sun Xingmin.

Hamburg maintains the speed advantage and physical advantage in the counterattack!

Bayern Munich seems to be unavailable, somewhat helpless.

After 77 minutes of the game, Situ Yunbing used a second substitution, which is more surprising. Wu Lei replaced De Meer on the stage.

Hamburg changes into three strikers!

After the change, Hamburg’s attacking firepower rose sharply, and it began to counter-attack at the Allianz Arena. Although the formation did not attack, the rapid linkage between the striker and the midfielder and the many striker points made Bayern Munich a headache.

Sun Xingyun was active, but Wu Lei seemed a little nervous.

This is his milestone moment. He appeared in the Champions League quarter-finals. Chinese player Sun Xiang had done it before. It was not the only one, but it was also rare.

Griezmann patiently waited for the real murderous opportunity to appear, and was also making a containment cover for his teammates.

Bayern Munich is really embarrassed this time, and now they are unable to even counterattack, because they first have to resist the fierce offensive of Hamburg!

Hamburg\'s offensive was in the organization stage, but it was not satisfactory. It was still very difficult to break through Neuer\'s ten fingers.

But it took time well.

Before the stoppage time of the match came, Situ Yunbing used up the last substitution place, Westman replaced Griezmann, and after making this substitution, Situ Yunbing walked back to the coaching bench. Sit down and took a sip of the mineral water bottle.

Live broadcast shots were also frequently aimed at him!

"Situ Yunbing is now sitting comfortably on the coaching bench. Although this miraculous young marshal from the East of the world has only less than four years of coaching experience, it is his harvest season at the end of each season. In Monaco he created epic glory, in Hamburg, he also reproduced success.

The second time he led his team in the Champions League, he performed even better than his first time in this battlefield!

He is about to lead the team to enter the Champions League semi-finals again. This is a remarkable achievement. Few new coaches can do it. The last new generation coach who can do it is Guardiola. I don’t know if Situ Yunbing will be coaching personally. In the second Champions League match, he fell in the semi-finals like Guardiola!

It is conceivable that in the semi-finals, another battle will be waiting for Hamburg! "

After the whistle sounded at the end of the game, Situ Yunbing stood up with fists in both hands, let out a long sigh of relief, and walked calmly to shake hands with Heynckes after the game.

This will be their last meeting this season.

Heynckes was frustrated and didn\'t want to talk to Situ Yunbing. The two shook hands in silence, and each turned and left in silence.

Hamburgers will celebrate their promotion to the Champions League semi-finals at the Allianz Arena!

This is a major breakthrough for them. With the fewer teams left in the Champions League, the world\'s focus will be more on them!

Situ Yunbing didn\'t mean to be relaxed, because Hamburg was in this half area, and the semi-final matchup was very cruel.

The team that prevents Hamburg from advancing into the Champions League final will be La Liga leader Real Madrid!

At the press conference after the match, Situ Yunbing showed a calm attitude towards the team\'s promotion to the Champions League semi-finals. He is more concerned about the team\'s next preparations for the semifinals!

The Champions League semi-finals were all released that night!

Chelsea, Hamburg, Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid!

Chelsea will have an enemy showdown with Barcelona.

Hamburg meets Real Madrid!

The encounter between Situ Yunbing and Mourinho in the European competition will inevitably detonate the global sports media!

Last year, Real Madrid was eliminated by Barcelona in the Champions League semi-finals, and this year, according to the predictions of the Spanish media, the Champions League final is likely to stage a Spanish national derby!

After qualifying to the Champions League semi-finals, Situ Yunbing gave the team training instructions for an unprecedented change!

He asked the team to greatly strengthen the set-piece and long-range training in the regular training!

This is a change made to face Real Madrid.

Mourinho\'s Real Madrid is the sharpest team in the world to fight back this season!

Whether in La Liga or the Champions League, they always staged a lightning counterattack that can be completed within ten seconds from the launch of the counterattack to the goal!

This is also known as the Mohs anti-reaction!

Situ Yunbing will certainly not let the team play too aggressively and let Real Madrid easily and comfortably beat the counterattack.

But in the face of Real Madrid, the opponent\'s tight defense requires Hamburg to improve the ability to break the dense defense.

At this time, it is unrealistic to strengthen the team\'s ability to pass and cut, and personal breakthrough ability is unrealistic, because neither of these can be improved in a short period of time with chicken blood reinforcement. It can be strengthened to a certain extent in the short term.

Step by step preparations for the Champions League semi-finals, the league has entered the final stage.

On the weekend after the Champions League, Hamburg played at home against Leverkusen, and Situ Yunbing did a rotation without surprise.

10 points ahead of Dortmund allows Hamburg to make the best preparations for the Champions League!

After Heynckes left, Leverkusen\'s record declined more obviously, and it has fallen to the upper position in the middle of the league. It seems that the team is in the ascendant, but the upward momentum suddenly stopped turning down!

Hamburg played vigorously at home, and the strength of the bench lineup unexpectedly soared in this game!

Wu Lei, Giroud, and Sun Xingmin\'s striker trident showed a sense of understanding, but their luck in scoring was a little worse. It is also regrettable that Sun Xingmin had a goal that was misjudged and blown out.

However, Hamburg defeated Leverkusen 3:1 at home with 3 points.

In the same round, Dortmund defeated Wolfsburg 3:1 away!

Dortmund\'s spirit of never giving up seems to have moved all German media, and now all German media are cheering for Klopp\'s team!

Hope they can create miracles!

Situ Yunbing didn\'t care about this, no matter how many people cheered for Dortmund, Hamburg\'s lead would not disappear out of thin air.

The Bundesliga drove fast in the middle of the week and Hamburg was a guest to challenge Hoffenheim.

Situ Yunbing brought all the main players to visit the home court of Hoffenheim, and all the best was to fight!

Since Hoffenheim’s promotion to the Bundesliga, the team has given the impression of being well-run. It was originally a small village. As a result, it quickly built a new stadium and performed well in the Bundesliga. The most important thing is that they also Very good at doing business, year after year signings can always be eye-catching and cost-effective to buy, a little bit of polishing can be effective in the Bundesliga, and can sell a good price.

Just like Firmino in their lineup now, when he first arrived in Hoffenheim, he was assigned to play as a midfielder. His performance was a blockbuster. He scored 3 goals in 5 games in the final stage of last season, and then his position this season Constantly presupposing, now it\'s already a front midfielder or even a shadow front role!

The data is also OK, indicating that Hoffenheim is very helpful to his growth.

Being able to perform well in the Bundesliga at the age of 20, such a player is really rare.

It\'s just that today Hoffenheim was facing Hamburg, who wanted to lock the league champion early on the main scene. The main force came out of Hamburg, which made Hoffenheim\'s plan to turn the game into a confrontation to no avail.

Royce and De Bruyne became the stars of the game. They each scored twice to destroy Hoffenheim. Hamburg swept Hoffenheim 5:1 away!

After the game, Situ Yunbing also expressed his appreciation for Firmino when he praised the team\'s performance, thinking that he has great potential to become a top player!

As a result, a day later, Firmino quickly stated that he was flattered by the praise of Situ Yunbing, and he was also full of motivation!

Situ Yunbing rarely praised the players of other teams, and the response from the outside world is that any player who can gain the strategic vision of Situ Yun definitely has the potential to become a top star!

When it comes to digging players, Situ Yunbing has never looked away!

Dortmund played a wonderful game in the penultimate round of the league. They beat Bayern Munich tenaciously at the West** Stadium!

But they are still 10 points behind Hamburg!

There are only 4 rounds left in the Bundesliga!

The space left for Dortmund to chase points is almost zero!

Since Hamburg led the standings at the beginning of the season, the opponents have been desperate all the way. Even though Dortmund completed the transformation in the second half of the season, it was too difficult to chase points because of the gap in the first half of the season!

Hamburg now only needs 3 points to lock the league championship, no one thinks Hamburg will fail to defend the title!

Situ Yunbing is about to usher in his fourth league championship!