Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 390: .390 Three-line rush!

The Champions League advances to the quarter-finals, and the morale of the Hamburg team is high!

On Thursday night the UEFA Champions League conducted the quarter-final draw.

Situ Yunbing did not pay attention to the result of the draw, but went shopping with Sigrid in Frankfurt. After staying in Frankfurt that night, he took her on the plane and left Germany at 6 am the next morning.

On the way back to Hamburg, Situ Yunbing turned on his mobile phone and saw short messages sent to him by many people.

"Hamburg VS Bayern Munich!"

The Champions League quarter-finals staged the German Civil War!

The two remaining home teams in the European war will meet in the quarter-finals.

This should be a good sign for Hamburg, even in the quarterfinals there are still soft persimmons like Benfica.

But in view of the fact that Situ Yunbing led Hamburg to achieve five consecutive kills against Bayern Munich, people are naturally more optimistic about Hamburg\'s promotion to the Champions League semi-finals!

Before the weekend league, UEFA once again issued a fine to the Hamburg club, this time the amount of fines doubled from the previous time, 40,000 euros!

At the same time, the warning given to Situ Yunbing is straightforward: If you miss the press conference for no reason next time, it is not just a fine and a direct suspension!

The UEFA Champions League is a signature event of UEFA. Naturally, all aspects of this event are highly valued. It is mandatory for the head coach to attend the press conference.

Situ Yunbing paid the fine, and then didn\'t take it seriously. He didn\'t have any intention of opposing UEFA. He really didn\'t want to comment publicly on matters related to Monaco.

This weekend, Hamburg was proud to go to Schalke Stadium to challenge Schalke 04.

Even though the team was mainly fighting before the game, Situ Yunbing still chose to use the substitute lineup for rotation.

On the bus on the expedition, Royster Yi ran to Situ Yunbing and asked him puzzledly: "Boss, we all know that you want us to maintain good condition and health, but we feel good now, why? Don\'t let us play?"

Situ Yun Bingyu said earnestly: "Two factors, your self-feeling is only short-term, and I have to consider long-term battles, we have both the League and the Champions League, which is more important?

We have already played against Bayern Munich and Dortmund in the league, which means that there is no 6-point battle in the following schedule!

Even if we are chased by Dortmund, there is nothing to panic, but the Champions League is different. The Champions League is a game trip, and the whole season\'s efforts may be wasted! "

Royce nodded to express understanding, and then asked: "BOSS, what is our goal in the Champions League?"

Situ Yunbing looked at him with a smile and asked, "What is your goal?"

"Of course it is the best to win the championship!"

After Royce finished speaking, he found that Situ Yunbing was smiling and silent, and he suddenly realized that, then he got up and went back to his seat.

Situ Yunbing put away his smile and fell into contemplation.

In the second half of the season, he also needs to make certain adjustments to the card usage.

In the first four games of the Champions League this season, he used all the cards he got from the Champions League. After defeating Barcelona to lock the qualifying group, he began to accumulate.

In the fourth, fifth, and sixth games, he got a total of 5 cards after the game.

When playing Monaco, he didn\'t use cards and he was accumulating.

The host and guest double kill Monaco got 4 cards, the total is 9 cards.

After such calculations, in the first round of the Champions League quarter-finals, he still won\'t use the cards from the Champions League deck, but will use the cards from the Bundesliga player of the past ten years in the league. Take a look at the results of the team in the first round, if it is an advantage, then the next round will continue to retain the Champions League champion deck cards.

If the team reaches the Champions League semi-finals, he can ensure that at least the Champions League semi-final two rounds can give the team a total of ten Champions League champion cards!

If he falls in the semi-finals, then there is nothing to say, if he advances to the final, he can still use five Champions League champion cards in the final!

In the use of cards, he certainly expects the card value to be maximized!


Schalke\'s 04 record this season is a big span compared to last season!

Last season Schalke 04 fell directly from the league runner-up to the middle and lower reaches of the league. This season, it is currently ranked fourth in the league!

The team\'s own team is very strong, but last season I didn\'t know how Magath did it. Reforming the team killed myself.

Hamburg came to visit but put on a substitute lineup, Schalke 04 naturally will not be merciless, they look forward to revenge for Hamburg.

So the two teams played a wonderful battle at the Schalke Stadium!

Raul and Huntelaar performed well in the charge for Schalke 04.

Giroud and Sun Xingming in Hamburg are also very eye-catching, and even Wu Lei has made some contributions in the game!

After 90 minutes, Hamburg drew Schalke 04 away.


When the game ended, the sideline cameras were all aimed at Situ Yunbing, as if he wanted to see his expression.

Hamburg lost a lot of points due to frequent rotations in the second half of the league!

It seems that the draw with Dortmund at home indicates that the second half of the season will never be as smooth as the first half.

Today\'s loss of points may make their lead into single digits.

However, Situ Yunbing was very relaxed and calm, and he also had a bottom line.

It\'s hard to say relaxed about the league now. It can only be said that the selective recharge, so that the team can hit the Champions League with a more full mental and physical state!

As for the league, as long as the lead is not shortened to less than 7 points, he does not need to be overly nervous!

7 points means three wins, and there are only 9 rounds left in the Bundesliga after this round!

Therefore, he spoke highly of the game in an interview after the game. Even if the team lost three goals, he praised the young teenager Rodriguez and the midfielder Rincon, who ran very hard throughout the game.

When he led the team back, Dortmund\'s report came out.

In the previous period of time, Dortmund, who had won consecutive victories, finally stopped the pace of winning streak.

They were tied by Augsburg on the road!

This means Hamburg is still 10 points ahead of Dortmund!

A very safe lead.

After recuperating for a week, Hamburg played at home against the relegation team Freiburg.

The talented Hamburg faced the frenzied bombardment of Freiburg, Royce and Griezmann relied on their personal abilities to continuously create opportunities in the game. At this stage of the season, Situ Yunbing has been this season. The effect of putting cards in these two forwards seems to have a substantial effect.

In terms of individual breakthroughs, the ability to create and seize opportunities, the two dare not say absolute first in the Bundesliga, but they are definitely among the top three.

Speaking from the data, Griezmann has led the scorer list since the beginning of the season, Royce followed closely, Huntelaar and Gomez have always been competing with Royce for the second place in the scorer list, but this The persuasiveness of the data is actually a bit one-sided, because Hamburg’s own midfield creative ability is too strong. De Bruyne’s delivery of threats and assists have always been the first in the Bundesliga, and it is obvious that Ribery, who is behind second place difference.

Griezmann and Royce had an eye-catching performance in this match against Freiburg. The two passed each other and made contributions to help the team win 3:0 in a tough battle!

Although Dortmund also won this round, they were somewhat desperate to catch up with Hamburg!

Now they are still 10 points behind Hamburg!

In the semi-finals of the German Cup in midweek, Hamburg was a guest to challenge Monchengladbach.

Situ Yunbing did not take the rotation, the German Cup has reached the semi-finals, and the rotation seems to be too serious for this event.

So the entire main force continued to go into battle, defeating Monchengladbach 2-0 in the away game and advanced to the German Cup final!

In the other semi-final, Dortmund defeated Fürth through overtime and got another German Cup ticket!

Hamburg and Dortmund will fight for the championship in the German Cup final!

But that was all in May.

In the 27th round of the weekend league, Hamburg was a guest at Wolfsburg.

As Hamburg will usher in the first leg of the Champions League quarter-final at home next week, and the German Cup played in midweek, this league will inevitably be rotated.

Previously, the replacement lineup played many league games and lost points. The outside world believes that this is another good opportunity for Dortmund to shorten the gap with Hamburg!

Situ Yunbing is still following his plan step by step. Although the lead is large, if he is not rational and full of conviction, Hamburg may fall into a complete collapse at any time!

He has never questioned the substitute players, and he has given them adequate protection in front of the media, which will at least keep the mindset of the substitute players unaffected.

Wolfsburg is now ranked in the middle of the league, and the performance is acceptable. At home, it is natural to expect a victory from Hamburg!

Hamburg showed a tenacious side in the away game. Wolfsburg broke the deadlock with a corner kick in the first half!

In the second half, Hamburg tied the score with Sun Xingmin\'s assists from Giroud in the penalty area!

The score has not changed since then.

Situ Yunbing commanded the game from the sidelines and always had firm and sharp eyes.

Until the 89th minute of the game, when Paulinho shot from outside the penalty area to make Wolfsburg goalkeeper Benalio save, a figure wearing a Hamburger jersey hit the goal and stabbed the ball into Wall. After the goal of Fort Worth, Situ Yunbing raised his fists and ran wildly on the sidelines to celebrate!

Wu Lei!

Wu Lei actually contributed to the lore!

Wu Lei undressed to celebrate and enjoy the cheers from Hamburg fans!

Hamburg stubbornly reversed Wolfsburg 2:1 on the road!

After the game, Situ Yunbing was full of praise for the team\'s performance. In addition to young players, veteran Mattyson also received his praise.

And "Kicker" hit the title: Asian double star director reversed!

Dortmund swept Cologne 6:1 away, but they are still 10 points behind Hamburg!