Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 378: .378 You have to fight back, you can

Probably all spectators watching this game will be surprised, even Dortmund fans are no exception.

Hamburg has an advantage on the scene. If you look at the statistics, the current score is absolutely incredible.

But perhaps some of Situ Yunbing\'s **** fans will feel familiar.

Not for Hamburg, but Dortmund.

Dortmund now resembles Monaco, where Situ Yunbing coached.

Don\'t take the scene, regardless of the advantages and disadvantages, unswervingly counterattack defensively, maybe the number of soldiers coming to the city is not many, but once they really hit the opponent\'s door, it will definitely be like an assassin\'s dagger to see if one strike will kill!

In the last 3 minutes of the first half, there was nothing wrong with Hamburg\'s offensive threat. They also increased their defensive investment!

When the referee blew the whistle at the end of the first half of the game, Situ Yunbing turned and walked into the player channel as usual.

Klopp did not show the slightest joy, but the spirit of the whole person was completely different from before the opening, and the dazzling scum seemed to make his whole person sharp!

This is really a game where Dortmund is reborn from the inside out!

When Situ Yunbing returned to the locker room, he stood in the middle of the locker room with his hands in his pockets. After the players came back, he found that the players were staring at him blankly.

The players seem to have lost their way in the dark, and I hope Situ Yunbing can illuminate his way out.

The team\'s trust in him is unquestionable. After losing the second ball, Situ Yunbing ordered the defense and no one questioned it, because everyone understood that Situ Yunbing had to temporarily stabilize the team before making plans!

At this moment, Situ Yunbing suddenly smiled and said: "Dortmund is amazing. They have rekindled hope in near despair. I can tell you with certainty that Dortmund\'s performance today even they did not expect.

When they came to the People’s Park Stadium, most people may have only one idea in their minds before the game: leave with dignity!

But in the game they completed their self-salvation, a team on the edge of sinking regained its glory, and it was only when we were pressed to the limit to bring their desperate breakthrough. I think we have such an opponent, we should be happy, and at the same time We don’t have to blame ourselves. Our performance in the first half was pretty good. At least we were able to suppress Dortmund’s team on the scene. There were no more than 5 teams in Europe. We lacked some luck, and Dortmund’s impact really caught us off guard. .

I\'m not saying this to face this game by chance. For the first half, we have nothing to worry about. Of course, the key is how we face the next 45 minutes.

From now on, everyone will remember every word I say!

We need to be smarter and more strategic to face Dortmund! "

The Hamburgers in the locker room listened carefully to Situ Yunbing\'s tactical adjustments. They seemed to have entered a state of total selflessness, focusing on unprecedented seriousness, even the substitute players!

You know, since the rebuilding of Situ Yunbing in Hamburg, they have never encountered such a game!

Even the lost game never gave them such a severe impact!

Situ Yunbing understands the players\' conditions very well, because Hamburg has never encountered a team that combines extreme defense with crazy anti-robbing tactics!

If they play a tough battle in the Bundesliga, no matter whether they can win the opponent or not, they will never shake their beliefs. But playing Dortmund is really different. Dortmund started to make Hamburg a little bit helpless.

After Situ Yunbing finished the tactical changes, he clapped his hands to the players: "Forget the two goals lost in the first half and fight the second half as a brand new game. We have the ability to defeat Dortmund!

This is what I said! "

The Hamburg generals raised their heads slightly and nodded fiercely, staring at each other, and couldn\'t help holding their fists.

If the war between Situ Yunbing and Klopp last season was a fierce battle without reservation!

Then the struggle between the two this season has shifted to a higher level of technical and tactical contest!

On the contrary, Situ Yunbing had a feeling of gratitude.

If the Bundesliga hadn\'t had Dortmund, this league would have been boring. If the Bundesliga hadn\'t had Dortmund, why should Hamburg continue to improve!

Such an opponent is really desirable!

In the second half, the two teams returned to the court to change sides. Situ Yunbing and Klopp looked at each other tacitly before the start of the game, and then nodded tacitly in greeting. Both their faces were solemn, waiting. The beginning of the game.

In the opening game of this season, Situ Yunbing and Klopp\'s fight on the sidelines grabbed the spotlight. At that time, even after the game, the media described the two as mortal enemies. In this game, the two seemed to be minded and not disturb each other and devoted themselves By the time the game was in peace.

They left the fight completely on the court!

When the second half of the game began, Dortmund had a stable formation and was ready to let Hamburg take control of the initiative.

It seems that Klopp also adjusted the team during the intermission, based on the lead in the first half.

He wisely did not let the team compete with Hamburg for control of the game. Perhaps there will be opportunities at the West ** Stadium, but at the People’s Park Stadium, he knows that Dortmund will not put as much force as it is now. Move for better results.

It\'s better to go back, defend well and be ready to counterattack at any time!

In the 47th minute of the game, Hamburg attacked from the front court. De Bruyne chose to knock back the ball diagonally after receiving Azpilicueta\'s pass. Rakitic followed up and sent it straight.

However, the ball was cut off by Subotic in the penalty area, and Royce, who was originally running inside, turned directly into a counter grab.

Subotici was forced to knock the ball across the right side because there was Griezmann on the other side that might cause a steal at any time.

It seemed that this was a very safe pass, and Pišček also quickly pushed forward after stopping the ball, but the situation that made Klopp\'s eyelids jumped appeared before his eyes.

Rakitic did not retreat but turned to the wing to help defend. De Bruyne retreated to contain the area in front of the midfielder Kyle, while Kanter stared at Kuba closely, and faintly, Hamburg was in less than 5 seconds. Formed a regional encirclement in the front field!

Klopp couldn\'t help but mutter in his heart.

Hamburg\'s reaction was like they were ready to defend before the attack was frustrated, faster!

And Rakitic\'s pass through the ball can\'t be said to be problematic, but the distance is too far. If such a pass is completed, it will be a bit like a fairy ball, if it is not, it is expected!

This is obviously different from Hamburg\'s more transfer attacks that tore the Dortmund line in the first half. Did Hamburg lose patience?

But this seemingly impatient performance, but in the next second he became confident again!

Klopp knew that this must be Situ Yunbing\'s tactical change, specifically to deal with Dortmund!

After all, Klopp had insufficient research on Situ Yunbing, and his knowledge of Situ Yunbing was limited to Situ Yunbing who coached Hamburg.

If he can spend more time to familiarize himself with Monaco, who was coached by Situ Yunbing in the previous two years, then he will not be surprised now, and he is likely to get some inspiration.

The current tactics used by Hamburg is the style of Monaco when it was first formed, rather than the style of playing to maximize the speed after improvement.

In short, in a positional attack, Hamburg can give up efficiency, be tangible and indifferent. If you can beat it, it doesn’t matter if you fail. The key is that they are actually arranging the defense while the offensive players move. Position selection, area control, etc., are actually laying the next sky and earth net in secret. If the offense is frustrated, the opponent will switch from defense to offense, and Hamburg from offense to defense. At this moment, Hamburg is faster in adjusting work. , And will launch encirclement immediately!

This style of play gave Situ Yunbing a taste of the sweetness in Monaco.

Today Dortmund wants to fight back from Hamburg!

Yes, then Hamburg will fight Dortmund\'s counterattack!

Pishcek was unable to observe the safe point of the ball on the premise that the lap was already soaring. Facing Rakitic, he chose to force a breakthrough. After leaping the ball vigorously from the outside line to overtake, Ogo suddenly appeared in He cut the ball in front of him!

Ogo defensively overwhelmed halftime!

Klopp\'s face suddenly changed, while Situ Yunbing\'s eyes were sharp as a knife!

Klopp quickly waved his right hand from the sidelines and shouted to let the team back to defense!

The players in the midfield who were preparing to follow up did not realize that at the moment Ogo steals the ball, many offensive players in Hamburg were behind them!

Even if they turned back to defense, they were already passive, and they wanted to chase back, not forward!

When Ogo obliquely passed the ball to De Bruyne in the middle, Kyle quickly grabbed the ball. De Bruyne changed the ball to the right and passed the ball straight through his feet as soon as he dangled the angle.

Griezmann met with his back in the middle of the penalty area. Royce and Sun Xingmin made internal cuts from both sides at the same time. The goal was the heart of the Dortmund penalty area!

Hummels and Subotici saw Griezmann pass the ball, both of them couldn\'t help but move their center of gravity slightly to the sides, each to target a Hamburg winger!

But the next second, the two were completely dumbfounded!

Griezmann slammed the ball with his left foot but slammed the ball behind him, and at the same time he turned and killed the center of Dortmund\'s penalty area!

Cruyff turned around!

Subotici and Hummels reluctantly stretched their legs to intercept, and they were about 30 centimeters away before they could touch the ball, while Griezmann drove the ball through the gap between the two. past!

Go to the meeting alone!

Weidenfeller decisively abandons the goal, and Griezmann leaps forward and confronts Weidenfeller, who is attacking. Behind him, Hummels and Subotic chasing him, and Griezmann is at his feet. Pass the ball slightly diagonally to the front left like walking in a leisurely courtyard!

Weidenfeller immediately turned and rushed towards the right goal post, but Royce rushed to the goal post, and did not make adjustments to the ball. He put the ball cleanly into the goal!

People\'s Park Stadium is hustle and bustle!

The Hamburg fans saw what they were familiar with, while Situ Yunbing lowered his head and clenched his fists on the sidelines to vibrate a few times, and his mouth was filled with a smug smile.