Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 374: .374 The second half of the season begins!

This is the case with the media. If it can\'t be innovative, there will be no traffic.

For example, ten sheep are all white, but if one black sheep is mixed, people will pay more attention to the black sheep instead of comparing the ten white sheep who is whiter.

When the outside world is singing the praises of Situ Yunbing, what can be louder than questioning him?

Situ Yunbing went his own way, completely outside the commentary of the unexpected world. When he and Sigrid were dressed up to attend the annual Chinese sports event, Situ Yunbing was overwhelmed by the audience, and Situ Yunbing was also chic, and there were many outside the hall. The reporter asked Situ Yunbing questions and smashed all the questions that questioned him on his face, but Situ Yunbing still adhered to the principle of not accepting interviews unless necessary, and led Sigrid to ignore all reporters. Walked into the venue.

The ceremony venue was really lively. Many sports stars that Situ Yunbing knew or did not know were present, such as basketball flag Yao Ming, badminton king Lin Dan, swimming and table tennis players are even more dazzling.

Some of them would take the initiative to chat with Situ Yunbing, even if they didn\'t know each other before, they could get acquainted with each other on this occasion.

Situ Yunbing talked happily with others.

At the beginning of the ceremony, he and Sigrid sat in the first row, and the two of them kept hand in hand watching the performances and awards on stage.

The last heavyweight award was the 2011 Man of the Year in Chinese Sports. Situ Yunbing was elected. He kissed Sigrid before taking the stage to receive the award.

At the UEFA Champions League team draw ceremony, Situ Yunbing took the stage to speak, and he handled this kind of scene with ease.

After taking the stage and receiving the award, Situ Yunbing gave his acceptance speech.

Situ Yunbing\'s opening remarks amused all the guests.

"Wow, how I hope this is the Golden Globe awards scene."

Ha ha ha!

Situ Yunbing looked around the audience, and he went on to say: “Today’s scene reminds me of the Beijing Olympics at home in the summer of 2008. Basically, the Chinese sports stars on TV are on the scene. After the ceremony, please invite Stay, let me get your signatures and a group photo before leaving."


Everyone in the audience laughed.

"Well, the happy time is over, I should say something business.

Before coming here today, I heard some remarks, questioning my award.

Although I think the arguments they questioned are a bit strange, the conclusion is my approval, and I shouldn\'t win the prize.

We often say that China has a large number of talents, but we are actually far behind the world in sports, even if we are in the lead in some fields, but like track and field, the world’s three major ball sports, and the widest audience of sports competitions, we The results are not ideal.

I just do my job well, I haven\'t changed anything.

But since the organizer has awarded me the award, of course I will not refuse it, nor will I return the award. That would be rude. "

Situ Yunbing was still serious in the front, and everyone couldn\'t help but laugh at the back.

"Finally, I also take this opportunity to wish the Chinese athletes in the Olympics in half a year to achieve good results. I really envy those of you who can participate in the Olympics. I will also serve you in front of the TV as I did three and a half years ago. Come on!

Come on, China! "

The last four words Situ Yunbing spoke loudly and won enthusiastic applause from the audience.

When he left the field, some spectators stood up and applauded him.

Originally, this kind of ceremony was extremely boring in the eyes of outsiders, but Situ Yunbing, as the finale recipient of the award, pushed the atmosphere of the ceremony to a climax!

After the ceremony, Situ Yunbing greeted the sports stars to take a group photo together. No help from others was needed. Situ Yunbing stood on the chair by himself, and everyone stood several rows behind him. He held his mobile phone as far as possible. To take a selfie.

Naturally, he is the biggest in the photo, followed by Sigrid, who was hugged by him, and then the group of celebrities behind him almost showed their faces.

It\'s hard to imagine more than 50 different faces in a selfie.

When the self-portrait of Situ Yunbing was circulated on the Internet, it triggered a follow-up mode. At the same time, everyone was marking everyone in the photo.

Situ Yunbing and Sigrid left the Chinese capital, and those who questioned him were shattered after the ceremony!

Not only is Situ Yunbing\'s eye-catching performance at the ceremony multiplying his favorability, but at the same time he is a person with huge traffic.

It can be said that his traffic alone is higher than the sum of all areas of sports segmentation!

Any news related to him is a hot topic. The attention of the Hamburg club in China alone cannot be compared to European giants.

So when the media questioned Situ Yunbing, his fans will also try to find evidence of refutation.

As a result, Situ Yunbing seemed to be human flesh, and people dug up his charity fund.

It has been two and a half years since the establishment of his fund, and it has been operating and developing in obscurity in accordance with the plan that Situ Yunbing had originally formulated.

In the past two and a half years, the charity foundation has donated two Hope Primary Schools in poverty-stricken areas in China every month, and two orphanages a year.

So in the past two and a half years, Situ Yunbing has built 50 Hope Primary Schools and 5 orphanages for China. At the same time, in the annual charitable donations, the fund can check the donation records of more than 6 million yuan. .

It is conservatively estimated that Situ Yunbing has invested more than 45 million yuan in charity in China!

Although converted into euros, it is less than 6 million euros, which is almost the annual salary of Situ Yunbing in Hamburg, but you must know that Situ Yunbing has only gone to Europe to teach for less than four years!

It is estimated that the money he made in the past three and a half years is only 20 million euros.

Can you use 30% of your income for charity, can you ask for more?

Of course, this is an estimate from the outside world. Situ Yunbing doesn’t know how much his own assets are. But if Xiaodao is included in his personal assets, he still has more than 15 million euros in assets, which he spends on weekdays. Although it\'s not small, especially since he usually doesn\'t spend money, once he spends money, it is not a small amount. For example, in Monaco, he only spends 300,000 euros in a hotel a year.

But some of the financial investments he initially made were financial management, and they all received excess returns. Moreover, the operation of his own charity fund also satisfies the principle of making charitable investments with partial profits.

So this account is not clear at all.

But it was all real money.

Those media who questioned Situ Yunbing were directly blocked by fans of Situ Yunbing!

Resolutely resist!

Maybe China really can\'t find a second sports star who has contributed more to society than Situ Yunbing.

As for the fact that he has not made much contribution to China\'s sports industry, it is not important anymore.

After all, a field is narrow, but looking at the height of the whole society is even more convincing.

Situ Yunbing\'s popularity skyrocketed again, and he didn\'t care at all. Popularity was about the same as money. After reaching a certain height, it was just a number.

His life is in order, and he still needs to do his job seriously.

Before the end of the holiday, Situ Yunbing and Sigrid had a serious discussion about the marriage date. The two agreed to get married within three years. No one can conclude on the specific date. Her career is in full swing, and Situ Yunbing must finish this season first. The challenge, see what the challenge goal next season is to have a longer-term plan.

Returning to Hamburg to work, Situ Yunbing was surprised to find that this winter break was very quiet!

There are no other clubs to dig corners, only some clubs have sent a loan request to Hamburg, hoping to loan players like Vure, Rodriguez, Rincon, and Ogo for half a season.

Hamburg\'s personnel reserve is not very rich, it can be said that it is only maintained at an emergency level, so Situ Yunbing does not want to loan out some substitutes or rotation players.

I dare not say that I can entrust important tasks at the critical moment, but it is better than being stretched.

When the Hamburg generals returned to the team, they sent many gifts to the coaching staff. They were some specialties of their hometown. The courtesy was light and affectionate, which shows that the relationship between the coaching staff and the players is very harmonious.

What makes Situ Yunbing a headache is that Hamburg fans are also giving him Christmas gifts, and a room is filled, just like what happened to him in Monaco.

He can only send the club staff to the orphanages in the surrounding communities, I hope it is something that can come in handy.

The entire Hamburg team is engaged in preparations for the second half of the season.

On the evening of January 22nd, Hamburg will usher in a strong dialogue at the People’s Park Stadium, Dortmund is a guest visit!

At the pre-match press conference, Situ Yunbing was asked by reporters about signings in the winter.

"Hamburg has no signings plan this winter. The team is currently running well. I am not an unreasonably worried coach. I think the team will not be blindly signing signings if it can cope with challenges. Worry, I don’t want to have these troubles."

To put it bluntly, when the main lineup is really dilapidated, any of the current signings can not achieve good results. Hamburg is not a relegation team or a mid-upstream team. The competition level itself requires very high requirements for themselves. To achieve good results, we still need to rely on the existing core and main force.

Hamburg currently leads Dortmund by 16 points. The reporter asked if Situ Yunbing means Dortmund has withdrawn from the championship group.

Situ Yunbing was silent for a moment and said: "I believe Dortmund will show a very strong state in the second half of the season. They have already been eliminated from the Champions League. They will concentrate on the competition in the league, but Hamburg has to fight on the third line. We are leading. The advantage is huge. This may relax us a little bit in the league. Tomorrow will be a 6-point battle. If Dortmund takes away the victory at the People’s Park, I think that Dortmund will definitely have a chance to compete for the championship!

So this is the reality, if we win tomorrow, Dortmund will really be out. "