Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 367: .367 crazy attack!

"Aubameyang scored with a volley shot! Hamburg was the first to win at home!

Situ Yunbing\'s surprise soldier today is Aubameyang! He helped Hamburg take the lead in less than 10 minutes!

The offensive of the Hamburg Mercury Land caught the Barcelona defense completely by surprise!

Today, since the beginning of the game, it has given people a very intuitive feeling that the speed of Hamburg has exceeded that of Barcelona, ​​making Barcelona a little uncomfortable in the offensive and defensive rhythm!

Because Hamburg is pressing fast and the impact is strong, Barcelona must also be faster!

We haven\'t seen Barcelona\'s good pass and control work yet. Hamburg has a home court advantage. They gave Barcelona a head-on today! "

Guardiola probably feels like **** at a height at this time. The war between La Liga and Real Madrid has reached its peak. The tit-for-tat confrontation between the club and its opponents at all levels is reflected in the direct dialogue between the two teams and the league. In the details that almost require their own perfection!

The war in the league is just the tip of the iceberg, and it has become commonplace for Barcelona, ​​which has been strong for many years, to encounter sniping in the European war.

Eliminated by Inter Milan in 2010, Monaco won the championship that year. Last season, Barcelona played a strong performance and once again dominated Europe. This year, being tied by AC Milan in the first round of the group stage seems to indicate that the new season will be extremely difficult!

It only takes one season of outstanding performance to hit the championship, but it takes more to defend the throne than to win the championship!

Situ Yunbing had already realized this point, so his Monaco second year was even better than the first year, and now, his burger is also better than the first year!

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that neither Monaco nor Hamburg itself will have higher growth in the second year than in the first year!

The first year is to lay the foundation. In the second year, when everything is familiar, the efficiency will naturally be higher, and the progress will of course be greater!

Compared with Monaco, Hamburg is more malleable and has more room for improvement!

Situ Yunbing is very grateful to UEFA for placing Hamburg in the group of deaths. Their confrontation with the defending champion will greatly stimulate the team\'s courage, will, passion and so on.

These are the best challenges for young teams to improve, but all of them are based on the premise that Hamburg has at least a certain strength foundation. Fortunately, they are Bundesliga champions, of course they have strength!

Barcelona experienced a nightmare start, and they seemed to want to wake up from the nightmare, only to find that the night was long and the dawn was far away.

After the Hamburg generals danced and celebrated, they were reminded by Situ Yunbing to be more serious. The players were dedicated, proud and full of fighting spirit!

Although it\'s not as good as Barcelona\'s many battles, but it is this rising momentum that seems to make the world tremble with ambitions that make the Hamburgers on the stadium look like everybody is different!

Faster overall speed and better rhythm are Hamburg\'s advantage at home today!

Barcelona also wants to take the initiative in the game slowly. In fact, as long as they can make Hamburg lose the ball, then they will be able to slowly regain the dominance of the game, and then use team skills and tactics to complete the counter-attack!

But Hamburg did not give them this opportunity.

The striker did not hesitate to rush for harassment. The tactical defense contained the Barcelona midfielder\'s passing control system. At the same time, the back line was also flexible and timely and boldly grabbed. When the midfield was unable to perform precise guidance freely, Barcelona even though the forward was ready to counter offside. But no teammate can pass the ball to their feet.

In the 16th minute of the game, Villa was forced by Van Dijk as soon as he stopped the ball in the middle of the penalty area. He lowered his center of gravity and turned the ball backward but found that Kanter came from the side and behind. In desperation, the pass to Messi was slightly blind. , The pass was passed, but Matuidi was the first to steal!

Hamburg once again cut off Barcelona\'s offensive through a strong blockade.

Guardiola shook his head slightly on the sidelines, Barcelona hardly has any rhythm of the game!

Many shots are passive, that is, the Hamburg players can\'t help but pass the ball instinctively. This passing efficiency is not high, and the possibility of mistakes is very high!

This is not the way Barcelona is good at playing!

I have already seen the destructive attacking rhythm of the Premier League team. Barcelona should have been familiar with the speed team. However, teams like Hamburg that use team tactics to the extreme in both offensive and defensive aspects are rarely seen. !

Even Real Madrid only strengthened the efficiency of counter-attack team cooperation on the basis of extreme counter-attack, but Hamburg has further integrated the oppressive joint defense and counter-robbing, and strengthened its control of the area!

Although the risk is that there are always hidden dangers in the back line, Barcelona can\'t control the rhythm, and it is difficult to turn those obvious flaws into threat opportunities!

Hamburg\'s fast break was a big break, and the cooperation between the teams was breathtaking.

Matuidi made a straight pass from the backcourt to find Royce in front of him. Royce, who had just rushed through the half-court, knocked the ball back diagonally at the moment he touched the ball, and Rakitic’s large-scale transfer was still on the ground. pass.

The football penetrated the midfield and rolled to the right.

Azpilicueta came up with an assist and then sent the ball diagonally to Aubameyang, who was inside the running position, in front of Adriano.

Aubameyang anxiously stopped possession of the ball, Busquets and Pique had already rushed towards him to form a steal, but he passed the ball back.

De Bruyne ran up to stop the ball and then got up and crossed the top and crossed the right side of the penalty area.

Azpilicueta rushed past Adriano\'s side and hit the bottom line before stopping the ball to adjust one step and then immediately passed!

Griezman rushed to the goal and took the header. Unfortunately, the pass was a bit high, which made Griezman unable to completely control the angle of the header.

The football he ejected bounced up obviously, flying high above Barcelona\'s goal!

Puyol failed to form a defensive interference, he turned around to clap his hands and shouted at his teammates, indicating that they would all work harder!

The Hamburg fans sighed with disappointment, but Situ Yunbing clapped and applauded!

Compared with the tough battles of some defensive teams, Hamburg faces Barcelona. As long as the speed, rhythm and momentum suppress the opponent, Hamburg can actually exert its technical advantages to the extreme!

Because there is room for offensive cooperation and play!

Guardiola was already oozing cold sweat from his back, and Barcelona\'s loss of control of the game made him apparently caught off guard. Seeing that after 20 minutes of the game, they have not yet been able to gain a foothold. This shows how strong Hamburg is at home today. Aggressive!

In the 23rd minute of the game, Messi drew from the left and right after a large-scale retracement. After getting rid of Rakitic and Matuidi one after another, Boateng boldly defended and Messi was almost immune to inertia. The ground suddenly changed to crosscutting and Boateng was helpless.

But Kanter\'s timely defense made Messi give up the option of continuing to break into the penalty area. After the ball crossed to the left of the penalty area, he volleyed!

He deliberately shot the ball to the far corner of the goal, but after Messi took a shot, he saw Navas moving quickly and then swooped and held the ball above the crossbar with a single palm. He couldn\'t help but sigh.

"Messi! Navas bravely resolved Messi\'s threatening shot!

Today, Hamburg really wants to attack and attack, and to defend and defend!

Defending champion Barcelona suffered a lot at the People’s Park! "

Barcelona took a tactical corner kick to make a long shot for Xavi, but failed to hit the goal range.

Opponents are gradually gaining momentum. When the team can\'t control the rhythm, Barcelona has another unique trick: Messi!

This is the role of superstars. When the advantage cannot be turned into a victory under the big advantage, Messi can blast at a fixed point to complete the final decision. When the team is at a disadvantage, Messi also has the role of relying on strong impact to disrupt the opponent\'s rhythm!

Even if the opponent\'s rhythm is disrupted, Barcelona can also find opportunities to regain the initiative!

Situ Yunbing could not do anything about this, so he could only keep the team as calm as possible to deal with it, and at the same time try to make another victory when they have an advantage!

In the 29th minute of the game, Hamburg rushed into the middle of the game. After the flank tearing effect came out, Griezmann quickly rushed to the center of the penalty area after receiving the middle. After the defender shrank back to the penalty zone, he immediately focused on the Hamburg winger.

Griezman suddenly kicked and shot!

This heavy shot forced Valdes to make a brave save!

He blocked the ball outside the penalty area, Barcelona\'s defense line retreated significantly, and lack of control over the area outside the penalty area.

Even though the diligent Sanchez returned to his own half, he failed to cut the ball from De Bruyne.

De Bruyne knocked the ball diagonally back to Rakitic who came to the center. The latter suddenly sent a diagonal pass. Royce suddenly hit the left side of the penalty area, and Alves made a defensive error!

Royce jumped up and shook his head when the football fell!

He deliberately hoisted the ball to the far corner of the goal, and Valdés jumped to the near corner and reached out to block the football, but it was nowhere near!

After he landed and looked back, the football hit the crossbar and bounced back!

Pique, who made up to the door, immediately stopped and turned around to block!

Aubameyang quickly rushed to the right rib of the penalty area to face the falling football and kicked up a shot, but Pique also blocked most of the angle in front of him, Puyol also rushed towards him to blockade!

At the very moment, Aubameyang made a move that made Situ Yunbing on the sidelines applaud him.

He knocked the ball back in the volley and moved to the top of the penalty area!

There, Griezmann is ready to go!

Under the attention of all the people, Griezmann jumped and shot in the air!

The football is like a white rainbow flying in the sky with enough dazzling impact to hang directly on the upper left corner of the goal!

Valdes only leaned slightly and showed signs of saving, but finally stood in front of the door with his arms drooping and stunned!

The moment Griezmann stood up from the ground, the cheers in the People\'s Park were like a mountain and a tsunami!