Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 350: .350 Start praying, don't cry

Since FIFA merged the European Ballon d\'Or and World Footballer, UEFA also hopes to improve its image in its own base camp, so Platini attaches great importance to the feast before the UEFA Champions League draw every year, especially the establishment of some of the UEFA Champions League Awards to be awarded, such as the best coach, best player, best team and so on.

To put it bluntly, I want to grab exposure and headlines with FIFA. If there is any factor, it is that he is disappointed with the FIFA Golden Globe selection rules. Messi, who was elected last year, does not seem to be enough to convince the public.

All European clubs have to sell UEFA\'s face, so for today\'s event, basically all the European elite clubs can reach, and those who can\'t come show that there is no need to attend.

Situ Yunbing saw De Bondan here, but the two only nodded their heads to each other far apart.

Sitting in the second row of the venue with Sigrid, Situ Yunbing listened to Platini\'s summary of the progress of European football in the past year and the development of various off-site activities, such as purifying the atmosphere of the stands, such as anti-race Discrimination, as well as the care for disabled fans, etc., anyway, is to label European football with various "truth, goodness and beauty" labels.

When the lottery ceremony officially began, Situ Yunbing was invited to speak on stage and selected the first team.

With thunderous applause from the audience, Situ Yunbing got up and kissed Sigrid\'s cheek, buttoned his suit jacket amidst the other\'s intoxicating smile, and walked onto the stage steadily.

Standing on the stage, taking the microphone from Platini, Situ Yunbing wiped his forehead and made a sweating motion, saying: "Wow, as a young coach, this occasion makes me sweat. I haven\'t stopped. All the top coaches in today\'s world football are gathered here. In the eyes of young coaches, you are all awesome. This scene is a bit scary."

Ha ha ha!

There was a lot of laughter at the scene.

Although Situ Yunbing said that he is a young coach, it is true, because there is no younger coach than him.

But his achievements, the current level of attention, I am afraid no one will exclude him from the ranks of top coaches.

Situ Yunbing took it seriously.

"The UEFA Champions League, this is the club’s highest level of competition. It is an exciting feast for fans. Great games, classic duels, incredible heroes, and phenomenal champions are born on this stage year after year. , Some clubs are winning generals here, and some clubs are working hard to create history every year even if they have never won a championship!

Football is a sport of positive energy and sunshine. The UEFA Champions League can best reflect this. Here we can see the teams that fight for the football dream show unimaginable unity, perseverance, and perseverance. There is also an extraordinary breakthrough beyond oneself!

In addition to the players of the team, the coaches also shine here. I think it is the credit of these coaches that make this event full of appeal and drama, because each coach has a different style. This is this event. The root of different teams blooming, of course, they have also gained personal achievements and glory. "

Everyone at the scene applauded in unison. Even Platini nodded and applauded with a smile. To be honest, he had never thought that Situ Yunbing would be able to come on stage to make such a high-level speech.

Especially the atmosphere is not serious, and Situ Yunbing is also free on stage.

After the applause disappeared, Situ Yunbing smiled: "I think many clubs and coaches here will work hard to join the Champions League club in the new season. Very good. This is exactly the Champions League that everyone expects to see!

I am honored to have become a member of the Champions League club, but I did not appear in this tournament last season because I moved. "


Many people in the audience laughed again. Guardiola even turned his head and said to Barcelona Chairman Roselle: "He is very funny, I like him a lot."

Situ Yunbing went on to say: "The representatives of the 32 teams participating in the Champions League in the new season are already sitting here. Everyone talks happily and behaves like a gentleman, but I think secretly everyone has their own abacus and draws lots. For some teams it is just a cutscene, but for some teams it is a cruel fate arrangement!

How many teams do not want to meet Real Madrid and Barcelona in the group?

How many teams want a burger? "


More people laughed this time!

Because Situ Yunbing was teasing the team he coached.

Situ Yunbing put away his smile and said solemnly: "Well, the happy time has passed. In order not to delay everyone\'s time, we still enter the formal lottery session. Now most people can start praying, oh, wait for the result. When you come out, try to stay calm and never cry, even if you are in the same group as Real Madrid or Barcelona."

The applause, laughter, and even whistles were mixed together in the Monte Carlo Conference Hall. Everyone liked Situ Yunbing’s relaxed ridicule but not divorced from reality. The atmosphere suddenly became hot. So serious.

Some club presidents looked at Situ Yunbing and liked it in their hearts, but unfortunately Situ Yunbing’s current "loyalty" to Hamburg is incredible. Even Manchester City has already put out a transfer budget of 200 million pounds and has absolute power. Impress him, other clubs may only be attractive to the top giants.

The formal lottery process is actually very boring. Situ Yunbing is only responsible for drawing the 8 teams in the first gear into eight groups. As for the teams in the second, third, and fourth gears, they are drawn by others, so are there any tricks? Situ Yunbing didn\'t know, he definitely couldn\'t influence the result of the draw anyway.

When Situ Yunbing returned to the court, Sigrid turned his head and smiled at him: "Have you prepared the manuscript?"

Situ Yunbing smiled and said, "Don\'t use it for this kind of occasion. I really don\'t know what to say and draw lots and it will be over."

Sigrid said with a proud face: "So my man can make everyone here laugh for a few minutes. You are amazing."

Situ Yunbing said casually: "It\'s just that these people are too serious on weekdays."


The whole lottery is very boring, just watch, wait, watch.

But when the 7 teams were drawn in the fourth gear, the focus of the audience was on Situ Yunbing again!

Hamburg is the fourth team, they are the same as Dortmund.

The difference is that Dortmund has been drawn out, and Hamburg has not yet been drawn out.

In other words, the last ball in the draw must be a hamburger!

And Hamburg will enter the last position of the last group.

Everyone on the scene couldn\'t help but want to laugh, because the three teams that have been drawn out by the last group on the big screen are: Barcelona, ​​AC Milan, and Borisov.

Defending champion Barcelona, ​​Champions League seven champion AC Milan!

Everyone wanted to see Situ Yunbing\'s expression.

Before that, there was a clause not to cry, what is his reaction now?

Situ Yunbing smiled, and he didn\'t know if it was in disguise.

Hamburg\'s name was finally filled in this group.


AC Milan.



The group of death!

La Liga, Serie A, and Bundesliga champions are assigned to the same group!

In comparison, although Dortmund is also a fourth gear team, their group is much better.

Arsenal, Marseille, Olympiacos, Dortmund, there is only one Ligue 1 champion, and the Greek first league champion is not worth mentioning.

Guardiola\'s expression is relatively calm, but obviously not relaxed.

AC Milan coach Allegri frowned and showed a "囧" character on his entire face.

No one cares about Borisov\'s coach, so he can only smile bitterly at this time.

In contrast, Situ Yunbing looked the easiest.

UEFA awarded other awards.

After the lottery ceremony was over, Situ Yunbing took Sigrid to leave without being interviewed by the reporter.


The major media of European football commented on the UEFA Champions League draw, and basically introduced Situ Yunbing\'s speech at the draw ceremony.

Some media ridiculed him in turn.

"Situ Yunbing forgot to pray for Hamburg!"

"Hamburg enters the group of death!"

"Guardiola is ready to enjoy a burger meal!"

Even the German media regretted the signing of Hamburg. It can be said that there are 8 teams in the fourth tier, but Hamburg has entered a group with the most brutal competition!

Situ Yunbing was worried about this for now.

Taking advantage of the FIFA game day holiday, Situ Yunbing and Sigrid went on an unsatisfactory trip.

They went to Ushuaia, the end of the world, with a curious attitude and a spirit of exploration.

The small town of Ushuaia, located in the southernmost part of Argentina, is only 800 kilometers away from Antarctica where humans cannot live!

So here is the end of the world.

Obviously there is no extreme beauty here, and it\'s still freezing. The two took a boat ride on the edge of Antarctica and headed home!

Without setting foot on the continent of Antarctica, there is only bleak coldness wherever you go!

If you only look at it for a moment, the scenery may be very unique, but if you look at it for a long time, it will make people feel fear of nature!

As for the actual expedition to Antarctica, the two of them are really not fools. Life is so good, so why bother to take risks.

This trip is an insightful trip at best, and it can’t be said about how wonderful it is. If there is, it would be very romantic to warm each other in the bed of the hotel.

But after Sigrid posted the travel photos of the two on the Internet, the response was very good, but a Chinese fan ran to her social account to leave a message, and sincerely urged the two: Don’t become a foreigner. series!

After Sigrid sent the screenshot of the message to Situ Yunbing, Situ Yunbing not only did not smile, but took it seriously!