Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 342: .342 The first battle is the final battle!

After the German Super Cup, the Hamburg team is considered to have completely closed off, and Situ Yunbing\'s requirements for the team have become more stringent. Before the first round of the German Cup, he had already returned to the standard on the way of last season!

And he will be more strict with the team!

In the first round of the German Cup, Hamburg was a guest to challenge the low-level league team Aldenberg, and the team sent a substitute lineup to debut.

In the third-line battle this season, the role of the substitute will be even more important!

Wu Lei, Giroud, and Sun Xingyun teamed up with strikers.

The opponent is not strong, the striker has a lot of room to play, and the performance of midfielder Paulinho is still recognized by the outside world. After all, his transfer fee is only 6 million euros.

Sun Xingmin shined in the game. He was the most threatening striker\'s trident, and he also scored two goals.

Hamburg swept Oldenburg 5:0 in the away game and easily advanced to the next round.

Generally, Situ Yunbing would not take this kind of game into his mind, but if the performance of a substitute player is significantly lower than expected, he will also talk to the player.

The new Bundesliga season has entered a countdown state, and Hamburg will be a guest at the West** Stadium in the opening game. The schedule of the German Football Association has been analyzed by the outside world.

Some people think that the German Football Association hopes that the Bundesliga will attract the attention of fans all over the world from the very beginning, and some conspiracy theorists think that it is hoped that the two teams will lose both sides so as to create a better starting environment for Bayern Munich.

However, Situ Yunbing was at ease. He didn\'t like complaining, or he knew that complaining had no results, it would be better to face it freely.

At the pre-match press conference, Situ Yunbing summarized Hamburg\'s pre-season preparations.

"On the whole I am satisfied with the work of the club. None of us left. The addition of two new players complemented us very well.

In the new season, we have to fight on the third line. Now the thickness of the team\'s lineup is not to worry, we can put our energy into preparations. "

Asked about Mattison, De Meir, Westerman lost the main position.

Situ Yunbing said indifferently: “There are more than 20 players in Hamburg, and there are always people who will play as substitutes. We have a very mature framework, but the personnel in specific positions are not untouchable. I am very happy that both Matteisen and De Meier have chosen. Stay with the team to meet new challenges. We have heavy tasks in the new season, and their experience and ability will bring great help to the team.

You may think that their role has been reduced, but I think they will protect the lower limit of Hamburg. From another perspective, if they choose to leave, then Hamburg\'s bench will be very weak. "

How did you feel about playing Dortmund in the first round?

Situ Yunbing smiled and said: "Can\'t wait to start war with Dortmund immediately!

This is a good schedule that will let us fully cheer up and devote ourselves to the competition from the first second of the competition!

I look forward to visiting West** Stadium again! "

Klopp also expressed his expectations for the game before the game.

"Last season Hamburg was very strong, they will be stronger in the new season! But Dortmund has the consciousness to compete with them to the end!

Tomorrow\'s game will not determine the 2012 Bundesliga championship, but will determine which Dortmund or Hamburg can start the new season in a better state. We have no choice but to start the engine with all our strength! "

When the bus was driving in the city of Dortmund, Situ Yunbing sat by the window with a faint smile, his eyes full of expectation, he looked very happy!

In fact, he was even a little excited!

The German Super Cup and the German Cup are warming up!

The real battle is here!

The familiar West** Stadium came into view, and Situ Yunbing seemed to be able to smell the smoke of the war in the air!

The bright yellow Dortmund fans on both sides of the road made Situ Yunbing want the driver to drive faster!

West** Stadium is as noisy as ever, and the atmosphere in the stands is full of passion!

Klopp greeted him with a smile. Situ Yunbing shook hands with him on the sidelines. The two nodded in greeting. Klopp said to him: "The new season has begun!"

Situ Yunbing smiled and said, "Yes, I don\'t know if it will be a nightmare or a sweet dream."

Klopp said meaningfully: "I hope Hamburg has not woken up from the dream of last season."

Situ Yunbing looked around the passionate West ** Stadium, then looked at Klopp and said: "Here is murderous. If we don\'t come with swords, guns and clubs and the courage of men, I\'m afraid we will not be able to retreat."

Klopp looked at him with a smile, the two hugged and walked separately to the coach\'s command area, and then became extremely serious in unison.

The war has begun!

Whether you are ready or not, today\'s first shot will inevitably be fired!

The starters of the two teams entered the arena together with resolute expression. It didn\'t feel like an opener returning after a three-month truce, but a decisive battle!

Neither Situ Yunbing nor Klopp will make low-level mistakes. Why don\'t you look at your status at the beginning of the season?

Last season\'s situation and the team\'s strength gap have clearly told the two teams: every point must be contested!

If Dortmund does not set the standard very high from the beginning, then Hamburg may be beyond their reach!

If Hamburg is slightly taken lightly, it may also be an eternal hate!

This is the first battle of the league, but it is also one of the few important key battles in the season!

Regardless of whether the state has reached its peak or not, you must sacrifice your life to fight today!

"Wow, good afternoon, everyone! The 2011-2012 German Football League season will start today!

No one can think of today\'s opener, last season\'s Bundesliga champion and runner-up will fight each other!

Dortmund is at home against Hamburg!

The two teams did not take much action in the transfer market in the summer, basically continuing the main lineup of last season. Although there are no surprises, they also ensure that their strength will not decline!

Look at these motivated boys!

I believe that after the baptism of last season, they will shine more dazzlingly this season!

Dortmund, who sits at home, started 433 today.

Goalkeeper: Weidenfeller.

Defenders: Piszczek, Subotic, Hummels, Schmelzer.

Midfielder: Kyle, Shinji Kagawa, Bender.

Forwards: Gotze, Lewandowski, Kuba.

Dortmund sent Shaheen away in the summer, maybe they will have some changes in play.

Hamburg\'s starting lineup today is also 433, continuing the mature skills and tactics they have run into last season.

Goalkeeper: Navas.

Defenders: Azpilicueta, Van Dijk, Boateng, Matuidi.

Midfielder: De Bruyne, Kanter, Rakitic.

Forwards: Aubameyang, Griezman, Royce.

The two teams gave us two classic duels last season. I hope that this season will not disappoint the audience! "

After the German Super Cup and the German Cup, Situ Yunbing drew a total of six cards.

Two Ballacks, one Kahn, then Robben, Ribery, and Klose.

He used up five cards today.

Three forwards plus two midfielders.

To build a super star, Situ Yunbing has to reuse the cards on the same players as much as possible, but if conditions permit, he will still distribute them evenly, just with priority.

Hamburg and Dortmund did not disappoint the fans and the audience in front of the TV!

When the referee blew the whistle for the start of the game, the two teams quickly increased the rhythm!

The guest Hamburg took the lead in the kick-off, the midfielder passed quickly and smoothly and then moved to the side. Azpilicueta hit the ball into the penalty area after going down. Aubameyang forced the ball back in Hummels. Withdraw and knock the ball back outside the penalty area.

De Bruyne followed up and stopped the ball but was forced by Bender!

Compared with last season, the main change in Dortmund is in the midfield. After Kyle returned from injury, the superposition of Bender has greatly increased Dortmund\'s midfield defense!

It just so happens to bring some organizational troubles to Hamburg.

Bender was defensive and relieved his worries, so he was more decisive!

After Bender was afraid of the ball out, Schmelzer directly launched a long pass from the backcourt to find Lewandowski in the frontcourt. The latter made the header back in the center zone, and Shinji Kagawa followed up. After stopping the ball in the chest, Rakitic made a precise diagonal pass and sent the ball to the right side of the front court without waiting for Rakitic to press.

Goetze rushed to the bottom of the ball first, and then suddenly stopped and spiked when Matuidi came to press to complete the breakthrough.

But Kanter was already in place. After Goetze played the ball back to Lewandowski in the middle, the latter got caught in the double-team defense between Van Dijk and Boateng. Van Dijk stepped forward and stole the ball fiercely. Reluctantly knocked the ball horizontally, Kuba rushed up to meet the ball and kicked a long shot!

Navas made a smooth save and held the ball directly in his arms.

Without waiting for the audience to come back to their senses, Hamburg immediately launched a fast attack, Matuidi set an assist and pressed forward, responding to Navas\'s hand to throw the ball directly forward.

Royce seemed to have a slow pace during the retreat, but he suddenly pulled the ball horizontally after touching the ball to complete his turn. After attracting Pishcek to grab the ball subconsciously, he quickly knocked the ball horizontally and then moved forward. Rezman took advantage of the situation with a diagonal pass to complete the wall collision coordination.

Royce suddenly changed to a crosscut when he touched the ball from the outside of the penalty zone!

When Subotic tried to intercept, Royce took a kick and shook the opponent\'s center of gravity. He continued to push two more horizontal steps to find the space for the shot and immediately slammed his foot!

The ball was a bit too strong, the football played an outer arc trajectory, wiping the outside of the far post and flying out of the bottom line!

Weidenfeller\'s cheeks could not help but cold sweat!

The two coaches were also not easy, the rhythm was broken again after the opening!

At the beginning of the season, they didn\'t want to be over-consuming!

Because there is still the Champions League!

But whoever makes the two teams need not run-in, and both realize that the battle between them has only one meaning regardless of whether it is recognized by the outside world.

decisive battle!