Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 340: .340 Fight back!

Last season, the Bundesliga champion and runner-up were a bit unreasonable in the transfer market.

Hamburg did not leave the team, and on July 1, announced the joining of two players.

Montréal striker Giroud joined Hamburg, and Brazilian player Paulinho also joined Situ Yunbing.

Situ Yunbing’s holiday was relatively fulfilling. After spending half a month on Canada’s own island, he took Sigrid to the Cape of Good Hope in Africa for a circle. Sigrid took pictures of the beauty of the world on social networks. Fans envied him, especially since he and Situ Yunbing appeared in the same frame, they have left their footprints in many beautiful wonderlands on this planet.

When Situ Yunbing returned to Hamburg, his work became very regular before the start of the preparations for the new season. Every morning and evening he would ride a road race with Alonzo around the wide road beside the Elbe for two hours.

Naturally, it is to restore the slightly fat body shape caused by the lazy vacation.

Two road races stopped on the side of the road. On the wide sidewalk on the banks of the Elbe, Situ Yunbing was panting violently, sweat kept falling, and Alonzo was obviously in a much better state than him.

Under the illumination of the street lamp, Alonzo was a little surprised when Situ Yunbing was obviously unable to relax.

"Boss, didn\'t you tell me to exercise more?"

This is after Situ Yunbing got his first salary in Monaco. He bought a road race, but Alonzo bought a scooter. After the two met, Situ Yunbing taught him.

Situ Yunbing still bent over and gasped and said, "So this tells us another truth. Don\'t indulge in an uncontrolled manner. Exercise is only one aspect, but if you ignore your appetite and lust, your body will still be unable to keep up. Up."

He suddenly stood up, his expression looked a little painful, and gritted his teeth to let himself through.

"Oh my God, I want to eat Mamba chicken again. Their chili is very much to my taste."

Alonzo laughed and said, "Although I don\'t know where burgers are sold, I think I can substitute other delicacies."

Situ Yunbing waved his hand and said, "Don\'t hold me back."

"Does Sigrid hate you getting fat?"

"I don\'t know, but I hate it myself."

"Well, then come on, it\'s nothing to you."

"Of course, we will rest here for 5 minutes before setting off. By the way, what\'s happening in Dortmund in summer?"

Alonzo looked at the calm flowing Elbe River. The light from the lighthouse would shine in front of him from time to time. He casually said: "Nothing. Shahin went to Real Madrid. Klopp brought Gundogan and Perisic. , Other aspects seem to have nothing to pay attention to."

Situ Yunbing finally came over, and the burst of sprinting and rapid riding just now made him a bit overwhelmed.

He nodded and said: "Dortmund has just returned to the strong team from the brink of bankruptcy. They don\'t want to repeat the same mistakes and will not make risky investments. In fact, Klopp\'s team is still rooted, and Shaheen\'s departure will only force them. Become more pragmatic, and further let Klopp firmly optimize the transformation of concise play, but if the Dortmund club dares to bet on Klopp, Klopp might surprise everyone.

Looking at it now, we are not behind Dortmund in preparations.

What about Bayern Munich? "

"The action is not big, mainly in the back line, the introduction of Neuer, Rafinia, the withdrawal of Alaba, and the addition of Friedrich, who told us not to sell Boateng to them.

The people who walked are not the main force, Klose, Altintop, Otter, Kraft. "

Situ Yunbing nodded without comment.

Alonzo hesitated for a while and said to Situ Yunbing: "BOSS, Gareth Bale has a showdown with Monaco. Real Madrid offered 65 million euros to introduce him, but De Bondin did not let go."

Situ Yunbing did not pay attention to any news about football at all during his vacation. He usually only carried his mobile phone, and only the strange scenery and Sigrid in his eyes. This is also his best respect for Sigrid. The two had spent the whole year together. Li Duo, and therefore cherish the time together.

Besides, if he goes to watch the news, he can\'t come over. Every year in the European football transfer period, there will always be a variety of soap operas.

He has remained silent when he heard the news.

Alonzo continued: "Boss, I know you have always had your own plans for signing up, but I think if Hamburg can introduce Bell and Benatia, it will be a good supplement to us and will allow us The competitiveness of the European arena has become very strong this season!"

Situ Yunbing smiled silently, slightly bitter.

He shook his head and said: "I have only left Monaco for a year. Am I going to take away the heroes and hopes of the fans? I can also tell you that De Bondin called me three times in the past year and I refused. To return to Monaco.

The current situation is like this. If Monaco does not fall out of the Champions League zone, then De Bondin will not let go of the stars in the team. Suarez\'s departure has made him realize that this is a huge mistake, if it is not for Monaco. The royal family, De Bondin may even Suarez will stay hard!

He doesn\'t care how much money Real Madrid will pay, because Monaco\'s competitiveness is declining and there is no suitable replacement!

I once said to De Bondin that star resources are in fact priceless. Clubs without strong background or financial resources have only a small chance to have these resources. That is the growth process of player replacement, during which they can be rewarded. You can seize the initiative when you have a very talented young player. If you are a star known all over the world, it will only be the goal of the giants, and other clubs can only stand on the sidelines.

And giants are now targeting their players at lower ages, which also greatly reduces the probability of other clubs digging out stars!

In this way of the world, manpower is difficult to change.

If you care about Gareth, you have to persuade him to stay in Monaco. He needs to provoke a leader and needs more tempering. The competitive landscape of Ligue 1 has changed. "

Paris Saint-Germain will declare a strong rise next season!

For Gareth Bale, there is pressure in the league and the Champions League can play. If he has to put more pressure on himself, it may not be a good thing, especially if he needs to better protect his health. .

Alonzo didn\'t say anything, Situ Yunbing rode on the road and started to move forward. He became more aggressive and motivated during the ride.

The preparation for the new season is about to begin, and the new war is about to kick off again!


Hamburg seems to have forgotten that they should give the new players a debut ceremony, but Situ Yunbing canceled these schedules because of the trouble. Neither Giroud nor Paulinho are stars. Just announce it on the official website.

Moreover, both of them came to the team as substitutes, and there is no need to make a big noise.

In early July, the Hamburg team assembled to prepare for the new season.

The first day of the training camp was carried out step by step, but what made Situ Yunbing a little bored was the outside voice.

"Real Madrid is still not giving up on Griezmann!"

"Bayern Munich shifted its goal to Van Dijk!"

"Manchester United hopes to get Rakitic!"

When these rumors persist outside, it will naturally affect the Hamburg Club.

Although Situ Yunbing has expressed his position, these rumors are like a knife hanging over his head at any time, because those giant teams can increase their weight at any time and impress players with more attractive conditions at any time.

After the first day of training, Situ Yunbing came to Hoffman\'s office. This may be a rare initiative since he joined the club to find Hoffman.

Hoffman had a leisurely vacation. At the general meeting half a month ago, he was successfully re-elected!

So he was more enthusiastic about Situ Yunbing, especially Situ Yunbing really did not go to Manchester City.

When he saw Situ Yunbing\'s arrival, he immediately went to make tea for him personally. When the tea was ready to be served on the coffee table, Hoffman realized Situ Yunbing\'s serious expression and the "defense" with his arms around his chest. posture.

Hoffman asked tentatively: "Did something happen?"

Situ Yunbing said with a calm face: "The rumors outside are too annoying, we must fight back!"

Hoffman asked puzzledly: "Didn\'t you have communicated with the players? They are sure that they will not leave Hamburg, are there variables?"

Situ Yunbing slapped the coffee table, and said solemnly, "When the variables really appear, everything is too late!"

Hoffman was startled, but thinking about it calmly, what Situ Yunbing said made sense.

In the final analysis, Hamburg is a democratic club. Once shareholders who are not in the club’s own holdings ask the club to sell their players for cash, they will have the right to make a decision, but they will definitely have trouble with other shareholders.

Hoffman asked very cooperatively: "What are you going to do?"

Situ Yunbing fell silent instead. He was thinking about how to counterattack specifically?

After a somewhat depressed silence lasted for two minutes, Situ Yunbing said to Hoffman earnestly: "Alaba, Higuain, Vidic!"

Hoffman was puzzled, and only listened to Situ Yunbing explaining to him: "Now, Hamburg has officially purchased these three players from the three clubs, and at the same time it has released the news that Hamburg can absolutely meet Alaba\'s playing time requirements. If Madrid wants Griezmann, they must use Higuain plus 20 million euros in cash. As for Vidic, give him a Bundesliga maximum salary!"

Hoffman said in astonishment: "This is impossible!"

Situ Yunbing said calmly: "Of course it\'s impossible, but we just want to cause trouble for these three companies, and let them understand that if they continue to entangle themselves, Hamburg will only get them into more trouble.

Alaba will use this to ask Bayern Munich to meet his playing time. It would be better if he can come to Hamburg by mistake. We will make no more than 20 million euros.

For Real Madrid, it is necessary to grasp their painful feet. Higuain is at a disadvantage in the competition with Benzema. If Real Madrid is now pursuing Griezmann, then Higuain must be dispensable, but Flo If Lentino dares to make such a deal, then he will also be under tremendous pressure. In case Higuain shows a very high standard in Hamburg, like Robben and Sneijder in 2010, then his transfer operation Will be questioned, he will certainly consider this!

As for Vidic, that is almost one of the few reliable cores for Manchester United now, but he does not have Ferdinand, Rooney and their high salaries, and the news of Hamburg’s purchase spread, Vidic also has reason to pressure Manchester United for a salary increase. I don’t believe Ferguson doesn’t consider this!

Our goal is not to really sign up, but to fight these three clubs and make them mess up inside. If they don\'t stop, I promise, I will let them jump! "

Hoffman let out a deep breath, and said firmly to Situ Yunbing: "Just do it! I support you with all my strength!"

Nonsense, Hoffman estimates that this kind of work is more active than Situ Yunbing!

Let him play a prestige in front of the rich, such an opportunity is unprecedented!

In the final analysis, Hamburg is now confident. Their income last season has entered the top ten in Europe, mainly due to a significant reduction in expenditure!

In the new season, with the increase in the income of the Champions League, Hamburg\'s financial report next year is bound to be very beautiful, and it is not impossible to even enter the top 5 in Europe!

The revival of Hamburg, the benchmark of northern Germany\'s football, does not rely on the accumulation of gold dollars, but is not afraid to compete with other giants in terms of financial resources!