Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 332: .332 Not crazy, not alive

The Dortmund generals looked at the Hamburg generals who were celebrating crazy!

They naturally knew the significance of this championship battle, and the game developed to this moment, but they did not completely control the game for one minute from beginning to end!

Hamburg is as crazy as a monster, and their performance in the first half of the confrontation is very different!

The Hamburger, who was fighting half a season ago, is introverted and cold, more like an absolute sane killer!

But today\'s Hamburg has turned into a mad but irrational butcher in their eyes!

What happened during this half-season? !

Perhaps, the Hamburg they encountered five months ago is still on the way, and it is not the Hamburg group that Situ Yunbing wants to create the most!

Now, finally, Dortmund has seen the prototype of the ultimate team that the magic young coach from the East wants to build!

Just as Ferguson commented on Situ Yunbing\'s Monaco: a victorious soul, a powerful skin!

As Hamburg continues to climb the ladder and set foot on new platforms, their development potential is constantly expanding!

Offensive teams and defensive teams have a completely different path. The more forward the former, the wider the prospects and the magnificent atmosphere!

The latter is like climbing a mountain peak, the higher you go, the narrower the road, but when you stand on the peak, you can overlook all living beings, impeccable!

Situ Yunbing took a different path in Monaco and Hamburg, so Monaco did not have a gorgeous offensive when it was close to the extreme peak, but it had a thunderous blow that would be nine heavens if it was not moving!

Hamburg is full of weather, such as turbulent waves sweeping the opponents, each impact is different, making the opponents unable to withstand the horrible pressure of the waves and eventually collapse!

Klopp has a substitution. Whether he admits it or not, Dortmund\'s midfielder must strengthen the defense!

This is a compromise that the team is actively giving up its strongest style!

The top powerhouse never looks at the face of his opponent.

Regardless of the east, west, north and south winds, I stand still!

Hamburg forced Klopp to give up his technical and tactical style throughout the season, which is enough to shake the Bundesliga!

This will surely be a milestone battle for Situ Yunbing this season!

Even when the two teams faced off in the first half of the league, Dortmund had fallen behind, but they did not give up their own style because of this, or even wavered in the slightest.

Because as a coach, if the standard of adjustment is only at the level of the score change situation, then this is too superficial. The standard score factor for judging the game situation is actually not high. The observation and analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the situation are more important. Importantly, the time factor also accounts for a high proportion.

Qi Dan was replaced by Klopp. He seemed very disappointed. In the background that the team already has Kagawa Shinji and Gotze has also risen strongly, Qi Dan\'s self-redemption failed to impress anyone!

Brazilian veteran Antonio da Silva comes off the bench and will strengthen Dortmund\'s midfield defense. This is one of the best cards Klopp can play now. Captain Kyle was injured at the beginning of the season and recovered from his injury a month and a half ago. He came back into the hospital again, so in fact Dortmund hasn\'t played many games this season with exceptionally tough defensive midfielders!

Most of the time they rely on the midfield control and organizational talents of Shinji Kagawa and Shaheen to win the advantage of the game, and then achieve victory and turn it into a victory.

But today Hamburg let them give up this midfield match.

Klopp\'s substitution is a clear signal, let Dortmund strengthen the defense!

Situ Yunbing gestured from the sidelines to let the team continue to maintain its aggressive momentum!

If the lead can be extended to two goals 70 minutes ago, Situ Yunbing will of course choose to change his tactics to ensure victory.

But at the moment he needs to take advantage of the victory!

The People’s Park Stadium was so loud, when Da Silva came on the field, Dortmund took the lead in launching a wave of offensive, but in the end it was only Lewandowski’s near-luck long shot that ended in the stands.

As a veteran, Da Silva has rich experience, but he failed to adapt to the almost devastating rhythm of this game!

This is also the reason why Situ Yunbing had no idea of ​​substitution at all in his mind. Now no matter who is replaced, that player needs at least 5-10 minutes to be able to really adapt to the game, much more than ordinary games!

Da Silva\'s response to Hamburg\'s violent offensive was to use a foul to contain the Hamburg\'s offensive, but gave Hamburg a good free kick opportunity in front of the penalty area.

De Bruyne, Griezmann, and Royce all stood in front of the football. There was no ink. After the Dortmund wall was lined up, De Bruyne slammed a kick close to the goal but finally made the fans sigh high. Quality shots!

The football flew over the crossbar to the stands.

Dortmund\'s disadvantages are expanding. When Kuba hasn\'t stepped into the frontcourt for a long time and concentrated on rushing back and forth in the backcourt, the audience can see that Dortmund\'s offensive and defensive system can no longer function autonomously.

They are passively responding to changes in the situation urgently!

In the 61st minute of the game, Hamburg, who had been playing on the right, suddenly shifted the offense to the left. Royce cut the ball in and hit the ball immediately after encountering Bend, and immediately slid the ball into the left baseline. .

With two strikers in the penalty area, the threat of the cross will naturally increase!

In this offense, Aubameyang and Griezman also have a crossover to confuse Hummels and Subotic. This interpenetration and coordination works well, but Aubameyang is close at hand. The scoring chance is missed!

"OMG! Aubameyang almost scored twice! He caught Subotici by surprise from the back point and the front point, but he had no time to shake his head to attack the goal, and the result was the top side!"

"Hamburg is still looking for more changes in the offense. They can both change in a large position, but they can also change positions in a small range, as if they can derive infinity from a seemingly fixed offensive system. Endless little cooperation!"

Two minutes later, De Bruyne\'s shot in front of the penalty area was directly held by Weidenfeller.

Even after continuous bombing, Weidenfeller calmly observed the situation and raced against time to find opportunities.

Because of Kanter\'s existence, he knew that if Dortmund wanted to launch a fast break, the prerequisite was to be fast!

Otherwise, the opponent\'s striker retreats and the midfielder is closely integrated, and it will be too difficult for Dortmund to push the offensive forward, especially after Qi Dan\'s exit!

Weidenfeller threw the ball directly into the front center.

Lewandowski retreats deeper!

He used his physical advantage to fend off Kanter, and knocked the ball without stopping when the football flew.

Matuidi pressed Goetze, but Lewandowski did not expect Lewandowski to pass the ball to Kuba, who knocked the ball back under Azpilicueta\'s mark to find Schmelze , And then quickly advance yourself!

Schmelzer was under great pressure today. In the first half he encountered Aubameyang and Azpilicueta alternately, and in the second half it was De Bruyne, and Griezmann\'s frequent draws made him defend. Confused!

This time he was forced by De Bruyne when he stopped the ball. Before stopping the ball, he also specially observed the situation in the middle. Griezmann and Aubameyang have all retreated to put pressure on the middle. Schmelzer The ball was thrown to the side, and then a big foot kicked the ball to the front, hoping to send a through ball to Kuba.

But after the football flew to the front court, Kuba looked desperately at Van Dijk, who was taller and mighty than him!

Van Dijk flew the header easily, the football was controlled by Boateng, Lewandowski rushed forward to grab, Boateng calmly passed the ball diagonally to the front left.

Rakitic retreats and responds successfully, and saw Shaheen intercepting during the forward dribbling. He knocked the ball horizontally to Kanter, who quickly transferred the ball to Royce\'s feet.

Royce on the left side adjusted the ball horizontally and made a 45-degree pass from the side!

The ball seemed to pass and shoot. The football flew to the back of the penalty area. Glezman and Aubameyang once again crossed and changed their positions. Hummels and Subotic are about to collapse!

The defender was locked in the first second, and the next second was a bit messy!

Griezmann flew into the air and shot after the football fell into the penalty area!

Weidenfeller quickly rushed to the near corner of the goal, but Griezmann blocked the ball to the far corner of the goal!

Weidenfeller stopped abruptly but it was too late to go back, and it was meaningless to save. When he turned his head and looked around, cold sweat fell on his cheeks!

The Hamburg fans were already ready to cheer, but their newly raised arms turned into holding their heads!

The football flew out of the baseline against the far corner of the goal!

Griezmann lay on the ground and gasped for breath. Two seconds later, he quickly got up and ran back.

"Dortmund wanted to fight a counterattack and fast break, but Hamburg almost seized the opportunity to make another city!"

"The game is so exciting, you never know when there will be a turning point! Dortmund\'s offense seems a bit impatient."

Situ Yunbing was not angry with himself and stared at the court with a light expression.

But in the following time, Hamburg\'s performance made him become dissatisfied.

Perhaps they are used to creating opportunities, the players\' running speed has begun to drop, and the handling of the ball seems a little casual, and it is even more hasty when facing opportunities with interspersed running positions!

Long shots, pass and cut to grab points, cut in and hit the goal directly, free kicks went directly to the goal, Hamburg gave Dortmund no chance to fight back in 10 minutes, but brushed six or seven shots!

But the quality of shots has dropped significantly.

Situ Yunbing couldn\'t help showing his unhappy expression to the disciples, and said, "All cheer me up! This is a **** battle for the championship!"

The Hamburg generals may think that the game has no suspense, or they do have too much retreat, even if they are tied, they can still lead by 4 points!

At this time, Dortmund made a long pass from the backfield to Lewandowski in the front court. Boateng\'s header from the back of the center circle was cleared but Da Silva took the lead. Da Silva met Rakiti. The odd shot quickly sent the ball to Kuba\'s feet.

Situ Yunbing\'s mentality exploded a bit on the sidelines!

Rakitic’s top grab definitely did not carefully observe the surrounding situation, Boateng’s header clearance was also slightly blind!

This is what he warned before!

When Kuba and Lewandowski crossed Van Dijk\'s defense line in the center circle, Boateng rushed to intercept, but Kuba then crossed the ball diagonally to the right of the center. The forward insertion of the strategy formed a single pole!

Matuidi chased from the rear side, Situ Yunbing watched Matuidi chasing after him but it was difficult to get close to Goce from the sidelines. He muttered in his eyes to crack.

"Don\'t foul, don\'t foul, don\'t foul..."

If Matuidi chooses to shovel from the side, there is a high probability that it will be a red card!

Because Goetze is single-handed!

When Navas abandoned the goal, Gotze passed the ball diagonally to the left on the penalty zone line!

After all, Matuidi did not choose to shovel, even if he had a chance, he did not see Gotze\'s obvious change in possession, that is, he could not find the best opportunity to shovel!

Navas rushed to a halt to a halt, and it was too late to turn around and rush to the other side.

Boateng happened to be on the left side of Goetze, but the football rolled over in advance, and Kuba hit the ball directly, and the football rolled into Hamburg\'s goal, empty!

Dortmund equalized the score!

The Hornets fans in the stands at People\'s Park are a little unbelievable!

They evened the score against the background of hopelessness!

The Hamburg generals are also a little blank!

Situ Yunbing\'s expression on the sidelines was very ugly, he shook his head slightly, and his expression gradually changed to the worse.

In the end, he still couldn\'t hold it back, and turned angrily and kicked the mineral water bottle on the ground!

As the bottle cap was not tightened, after the bottle cap flew open, water splashed on the coaches on the coaching bench. Alonzo wiped the drops of water on his face, his expression dignified without any change.

The mineral water bottle directly hit the small cylinder on the edge of the bench and flew.

When Situ Yunbing turned to face the stadium again, he roared like the king of the jungle at the Hamburg crowd!

"What the **** are you doing! The champion is not enough to play 60 minutes! The champion has no mercy!"

Is this what you want? is not it?

You want to tell the world that I misunderstood each of you!

Show me your focus, fighting spirit, will, and champion momentum!

Whether you deserve to be the champion or not is yours!

Don\'t lower your head!

Look up for me!


Destroy any opponents who stop us! "

The violent behavior of Situ Yunbing first put the whole stadium into a dead silence, and even Dortmund fans stopped cheering.

But then, the shouts of the People\'s Park Stadium once again shook all directions, an unprecedented sensation!

More than 40,000 Hamburg fans in the audience are supporting Situ Yunbing with shouts and roars!

And Situ Yunbing opened his arms and looked extremely wild and domineering!

The Hamburgers on the field looked at Situ Yunbing, who was like a madman, and the passionate Hamburg fans behind him were like his believers. This scene was superimposed with Situ Yunbing’s previous roaring words, deeply shocking every Hamburger The player\'s mind!

Klopp was dumbfounded!

All Dortmund players and fans were shocked and dull!

Where is the green field, the People’s Park Stadium at this time is like hell!

The Hamburgers seemed to have emptied all their thoughts, and the boiling blood quickly washed their former souls!

When they started to regain their positions, the aura exuding from each player was so similar and terrifying!

Not crazy, not live.

At this moment, Hamburg is truly transformed!