Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 329: .329 Burning Sky!

The rhythm on the court is bursting, the speed of the offensive and defensive conversion of the two teams is dizzying, and the atmosphere is also bursting!

The momentum created by the fans of Hamburg and Dortmund made the whole stadium seem to roar!

Situ Yunbing\'s expression was cold. After Lewandowski\'s volley shot almost turned into a world wave, he gestured towards the disciples on the court.

Attack Schmelzer\'s side!

Royce has been able to form a containment effect on the left. At this time, Hamburg will concentrate its forces on the weak link of the opponent\'s defense.

Looking at the Dortmund back line, there are no obvious flaws. In comparison, Schmelzer is a better breakthrough here.

In the 12th minute of the game, Griezmann took the initiative and came to the right to receive Azpilicueta’s direct pass. When Schmelzer was about to intercept Griezmann head-on, Aubameyang suddenly killed him behind him. Going out for an inside cut makes Schmelzer\'s defensive decision hesitant, but Griezmann did not give him extra time to think.

Both Qi Dan and Bender moved to this side, Griezmann slammed the ball to speed up the bottom, after killing from the side of Schmelzer, he quickly passed the ball diagonally to the right side of the penalty area.

When Aubameyang hit the inside cut to the right rib of the penalty area and just stopped the ball, Hummels was on his side to make an interception. Aubameyang suddenly stopped kicking back, and Hummels followed and stabilized the center of his body. , When he was just about to press forward, Aubameyang already slanted the ball back to the left of the penalty area!

Roisnecht drove Subotic to defend, and De Bruyne followed up to the right of the penalty area and also attracted the defensive force of the Dortmund midfielder.

But Rakitic became an unexpected offensive point afterwards, it was he who received the pass of Aubameyang!

Rakitic stopped the ball and adjusted a step and then blasted a flat ball on the spot!

Weidenfeller made a brave save and barely blocked the ball in the penalty area with a single palm. Subotic returned to the defense and cleared the ball out of the baseline!

"Hamburg\'s offense has begun to see more changes, and the threat of offensive cooperation has become more and more significant!"

"It\'s clear at a glance that the burgers trained by Situ Yunbing are more magnificent in terms of offense. They first mobilized almost all the offensive players, making every player\'s threat to the extreme!

If you allow a player to overtake more tasks, it will obviously overwhelm a player. For example, in the first half of the season in Hamburg, De Bruyne played well most of the time, but occasionally there will be dull times. Because of the different situations, the offensive organization tasks are almost all on him alone, and Royce is similar.

But now Hamburg is assigning more reasonable tasks. For example, De Bruyne and Rakitic are responsible for half of the offensive organization, so that they have more energy to do other tasks. De Bruyne is more inclined to offensive outside of the organization. Rakitic took care of defense. The same situation appeared on Hamburg\'s front line, which made Hamburg\'s attack group more difficult to defend!

Because everyone will switch roles and positions flexibly!

Situ Yunbing patiently tuned into the harvest season. Regardless of whether Hamburg can win the championship, Hamburg will become a new force that cannot be ignored in European football, but now I must say that the probability of Hamburg winning the championship is very high!

They have been improving throughout the season, but Dortmund\'s continuity is not as good as Hamburg! "

Dortmund\'s defense is tight, but they are still working hard to create defensive pressure on Hamburg.

In the 18th minute of the game, when Kuba diligently flew back to the backcourt and finished stealing the ball from behind De Bruyne, Dortmund\'s offense quickly launched from the backcourt.

Qi Dan passed the ball to Shaxin\'s feet, who played a long pass.

This time it was not behind Hamburg\'s defense!

Lewandowski jumped and flew in front of Boateng. The football was pushed to the side to the rear. Gotze quickly cut the ball forward and stopped the ball perfectly. When Matuidi rushed from the side and back, Gotze stopped to protect the ball, Matuidi rushed over his head, and he was about to grab it again, but Gotze started the ball at the same time and quickly wiped it away!

This rhythm change is very exciting.

Gotze observed Van Dijk\'s position in the fast forward wading, Van Dijk returned to the defense to make up. Since Boateng was also quickly returning to the defense, Gotze could only slightly deviate from the straight line during the wading forward to pull away from Fan The distance of Dick\'s defense line.

When he drove the ball into the penalty area, Van Dijk was still less than two meters away from him, and Goetze decisively kicked the ball!

The football volleyed from the right foot flew straight to the far corner of the goal, the angle is very tricky!

Navas swooped down to the limit and barely touched the football with his fingertips, which slightly changed the trajectory of the football. Under the attention of everyone, the football flew out of the bottom line against the outside of the left goal post!

"Wow! Gotze almost blasted Hamburg\'s goal! Has Navas touched football? He should have touched football!"

"Dortmund has been suppressed since the opening, but their counterattack is also threatening. Klopp\'s team is also diligent and passionate. Kuba\'s sharp retreat is the best proof!

Looking at it now, Qi Dan\'s performance is somewhat under-expected. Injuries have affected his condition. The Egyptian player who played for Hamburg briefly for a year three years ago may take some time to regain his former glory. "

Situ Yunbing frowned slightly on the sidelines, seeming to be dissatisfied with the team\'s performance. He issued a somewhat severe warning to the strikers!

See what the Dortmund players do!

The real powerhouse does not only rely on offense!

The defense can reflect the willfulness and mental strength of a team!

Talent is always only a part. There are too many talented players, but when talented people work harder than ordinary players and are willing to pay more, such players are the most terrifying!

After Situ Yunbing\'s obviously angry request, Hamburg\'s striker performed more positively on the defensive end.

In the 22nd minute of the game, Hamburg continued to attack on the right!

As Kuba’s retreat was not small, Azpilicueta got more room to play. He hit the front side to receive Rakitic’s pass, and then passed the ball straight ahead to avoid Ku Bar interception.

Aubameyang smashed the ball into the inner cut line, Schmelzer was embarrassed at the beginning and the end, because Griezmann came to his defense zone at the same time, but he could only choose to reclaim the penalty zone.

This allowed Aubameyang to smoothly send the ball to Griezmann\'s feet.

Griezmann slid to the bottom of the ball, while Aubameyang continued to cut in. As Hamburg has already played an offensive depth advantage, Dortmund\'s defender must retreat to the front area to avoid being hit by the speed of the Hamburg striker. point!

Griezman made no adjustments before the baseline and passed directly.

A cross from the outside arc eventually fell to the left of the penalty area.

There happens to be the defensive vacuum zone where the Dortmund generals reclaim the penalty area!

Royce rushed here to meet the ball and volley!

The audience stared at Royce with wide eyes!

If this goal is scored, it will definitely be a super world wave!

Royce\'s right foot blasted out of the football deliberately lowered the angle, just to avoid flying the ball!

The ball ran towards the far corner of the goal!

Hummels fell to the ground and blocked it for the first time. This kind of defensive blocking was somewhat of a gamble, but he won!

The football hit his lap and bounced out!

Aubameyang raised his hand to signal that Hummels was suspected of handball, but the referee ignored it.

The blocked football flew to the center of the Dortmund backcourt.

Shaheen and Qi Dan rushed to fight for the football spot, and Rakitic also stepped forward to press, although in the end Shaheen took the lead and headed the ball forward.

But the ball\'s landing point was a little far away from Kuba. When Kuba rushed to the goal to release the shovel and kick the ball to Gotze\'s side, Kanter rushed to the football landing point and took the ball to the side!

Kanter immediately observed the situation after avoiding Kuba, and then neatly sent the ball to Griezmann\'s feet in front.

While Hamburg rushed to the right, Dortmund shifted the defensive focus little by little to Schmelzer\'s side.

When Griezmann responded with his back, the Dortmund line of defense leaned to this side very clearly!

Griezmann quickly knocked the ball back diagonally to De Bruyne\'s feet.

De Bruyne smashed the ball and dodged the pressure from Qi Dan, and then sent a kick across the top and diagonally. The pass was amazing!

The football crossed a parabola and fell into the empty space behind Pišček.

Pišček turned around and looked around, and unexpectedly found that Matuidi had assisted behind him!

Scalp tingling!

Hamburg\'s offensive is simply pervasive, giving Dortmund nothing to breathe!

Situ Yunbing was on the sidelines with a calm expression, but his eyes were particularly sharp and energetic.

The biggest feature of Hamburg\'s offense is flexibility!

The high efficiency of the offensive organization is to drive the overall offensive force, thus forming crazy firepower!

Matuidi chose to pass the ball directly across the front zone when he responded to De Bruyne\'s diagonal pass before turning to the penalty area!

Aubameyang was ready to grab a spot in front of the goal, and Subotic hurriedly stretched his leg to block the ball out of the penalty area in a quick return!

Situ Yunbing secretly gritted his teeth, and the Hamburg fans in the stands were also a little crazy!

The Iron Triangle of Dortmund’s defense today, Weidenfeller, Subotic, and Hummels really have a posture of one man and one man!

They repeatedly threatened Hamburg to shoot and pass the ball to resolve!

But obviously in a fast-paced state, Dortmund\'s clearance is a bit blind and degraded.

This time Subotic’s clearance ball was just under the control of Royce in the penalty area!

As soon as the football landed, Royce quickly dribbled forward into the left rib of the penalty area, just to dodge the steal from Bend!

Hummels rushed towards him at full speed, Royce took a shot but knocked the ball crosswise and passed Hummels!

Hummels stretched out his leg and swept after a step obviously missed the opportunity!

At the moment when Royce passed by, only one thought flashed through Hummels\' mind.

That\'s it!

In front of Royce was a wide field of vision and a goal guarded only by Weidenfeller. His handsome and cold expression was full of firmness, and a volley shot from his right foot. There was no shock of a blow, but accuracy and power. It\'s just right!

The football flew to the upper right corner of the goal with almost no spin!

Weidenfeller leaped forward, spreading his wings like an eagle, but with his left hand that stretched his teeth to the limit, his fingertips were still almost 30 cm away from the football!

When the football flew into the goal of Dortmund, the People\'s Park stadium seemed to be staged a riot, and the Hamburg fans cheered and thundered. The sky was rendered into a pale yellowish red by the light entering the dusk, as if the sky had been burned!

Royce changed his posture with a relaxed smile after scoring a goal. Today, he rushed to the sidelines and knelt with passion, still full of coldness!

From today on he is no longer a small rocket, he is the Hamburg Rocket!