Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 327: .327 Bright Stars

The Bundesliga has entered the final stage, with 6 rounds left in the league.

Hamburg will play host to Dortmund\'s much-anticipated!

Situ Yunbing\'s preparation work is still step by step, there is no novel tactics, and he did not deliberately beat the team. He seems to have entered a state of inaction, but it makes people feel that he has control over all aspects of the team!

When the pre-match press conference was held on Friday evening, the German media seemed to be expecting Situ Yunbing to point his sword at Klopp.

However, Situ Yunbing returned to his rationality. Looking forward to this game, he said: "Tomorrow\'s game will be the highest level of the Bundesliga. Whether Dortmund or Hamburg wins the championship, the Bundesliga will usher in a new pattern!

I have no intention to comment on Klopp’s team. They did a great job. I will only do my job and wait quietly for the game to come. I also hope that the players will make adjustments to face Dortmund in their best condition. ! "

Compared to Situ Yunbing\'s calmness, Klopp was actually somewhat unwilling.

Because at the end of the half league, they were 4 points ahead of Hamburg, but now they are 4 points behind. The task of Dortmund in the second half of the season is easier than the first half of the season. In the first half of the season, they have to take care of the European war and get out of the Europa League. After that, I focused on the league, but the result was not as good as the first half of the season!

Superficially, it would make people feel that Dortmund was squandering their best chance, but in fact, it must be admitted that when comparing the performance of the two teams in the second half of the season, Hamburg is obviously stronger!

Hamburg has enhanced personnel, making the configuration more reasonable. At the same time, the overall progress of the Hamburg team is greater than Dortmund. In terms of potential or the number of young players, Hamburg has more upward space than Dortmund!

The older the player is, the less elastic the space will be. There is a bottom line downwards and the ceiling can be seen upwards.

But the risks of young teams also exist. If they don’t develop rapidly in the end, there is really no bottom line for falling downwards.

It is precisely in this state that Situ Yunbing led Hamburg\'s record, and the team\'s growth is more admirable for his work efficiency and achievements in Hamburg.

"Dortmund has no retreat. We have worked very hard since the beginning of the season. The performance of the players has improved a lot. But when the league came to the end, we fell from the top of the table. It will end tomorrow, but the situation faintly tells all of us that tomorrow will be the most critical battle in the championship. We must give everything, no matter whether we win or lose, we must do everything to leave no regrets!"

Klopp’s truthful confession sounds a bit sad, he has done a good job, very good, if Situ Yunbing did not airborne the Bundesliga, maybe his Hornets only need to win another two games to lock in. League champion!

Situ Yunbing VS Klopp!

The most watched matchup on the Bundesliga stage was created before the match. All German media published articles about the tour of the two teams before the match. At the same time, the live broadcast media also invited famous commentators or guests from various quarters to participate in the match. Interpretation.

On April 9th, the People\'s Park Stadium in Hamburg was full of voices.

Ten minutes before the start of the game, the fans of the two teams set off a huge cheer in the stands. The flags of the two teams were flying in various places in the stands. They each cheered for their beloved team without interference.

When Klopp walked into the court, he saw Situ Yunbing standing at the exit of the player channel waiting for him. The two shook hands before the game. Situ Yunbing looked up at Klopp slightly and smiled and said: "Before today, I didn\'t have a day. If you don’t think back to the game that you lost at the West ** Stadium, that kind of game is like drinking strong alcohol, and the entrance is so spicy that it burns all over."

Klopp shook Situ Yunbing\'s hand and smiled, "I hope to make you feel the same, today."

The corners of Situ Yunbing\'s mouth are upturned, with a beautiful arc.

"I think it will. The difference is that I don\'t want the sadness behind this wine.

Jurgen, you are great, but if you want to be champion, you must step on my body. "

Perhaps others said this was just an exaggeration, but Situ Yunbing did not exaggerate the least.

Klopp was faintly shocked by Situ Yunbing\'s inexplicable temperament at this moment!

Most coaches just treat football as their job. Better ones will be addicted, and better ones will be regarded as faith.

But Situ Yunbing seems to regard football as his life to defend, fight for it, and put everything into it!

Klopp could not confirm whether it was specific or not.

But at that moment, he felt a little embarrassed, as if he also agreed that Situ Yunbing should be more successful!

When Situ Yunbing walked towards the command area of ​​the home team coach, he suddenly stopped and looked up to the sky.

Almost all the fans in the stadium stands looked towards the sky!

A small civilian plane flew over them, with banners hung under the plane, and even people on the ground could clearly read the words on it.

"Rise of Hamburg!"

Needless to say, this must be the handwriting of Hamburg fans.

Before today\'s battle, it is a classic to declare Hamburg\'s will to the championship in this way!

Situ Yunbing retracted his gaze, and the cheers of the Hamburg fans lingered in his ears.

He smiled, and his expression returned to normal after he walked to the coaching area, standing on the sidelines with his already deeply rooted image waiting for the start of the game!

The starting players of the two teams followed the coaching staff and walked into the stadium vigorously. Each player looked majestic and seemed about to usher in a battle of life and death!

"Good afternoon, friends and spectators, and welcome to the 29th round of the most watched first battle of the Bundesliga!

The leader Hamburg is at the home stadium of the People’s Park to face Dortmund, who is ranked second in the standings!

The current points of the two teams are 69 and 65 points respectively. Dortmund is 4 points behind Hamburg.

Today we are honored to invite German football star Kahn to the scene to explain the game with us!

Oliver, hello. "

"Hello, I am also honored to be invited to explain this game. I really like the label that "Kicker" gave to the game when Dortmund and Hamburg met in the first half of the season, the future battle!

Today they defined this game as: the day of the big battle!

Although there are still 6 rounds in the Bundesliga, if this game is ruled out, there are only 5 league games left.

In other words, if Hamburg beat Dortmund today, then Dortmund wants to reverse Hamburg. In the last 5 rounds, we must first pray that Hamburg can\'t win 3 games!

For Hamburg, which has remained stable and strong throughout the season, this is almost impossible!

So I can boldly say that if Dortmund loses today, they will lose the championship!

If the final result is a draw, then I still think the probability of Dortmund losing the championship is more than 90%. Although Hamburg coach Situ Yunbing looks young, he actually has more championship experience and championship experience than Klopp. Richer, he has won 8 championship trophies in the past two years, of which two league titles and the Champions League championship are very important trophies. Klopp only joined the championship this year. His team has passion. , There is passion, but in the face of the current situation, how he controls the team and how he faces his players, I will not deny that he will do well, but Situ Yunbing will definitely not be worse than him.

So if it ends in a tie and Dortmund is 4 points behind, it will be extremely difficult to reverse this gap in 5 league rounds.

If Dortmund finally takes away the victory at the People\'s Park Stadium, then they will have completed the season\'s double play against Hamburg, which will hurt Hamburg psychologically, and will also keep the suspense of the championship until the end!

If the gap between the two teams becomes 1 point, whether it is the leading Hamburger or the chaser Dortmund, they will be under huge and unimaginable pressure in the next 5 league games. Maybe a mistake and a failure to win a game. Will become the domino that overturns the team\'s psychological defense! "

"Oliver, what do you predict the outcome of today\'s game?"

"I think it may be a draw. Both teams will definitely put pressure on their opponents in the offense. We also know that both teams have strong attack firepower and the score may be 2:2 or 3:3."

"Okay, let\'s take a look at the starting lineups of the two teams today.

Hamburg starts with 433.

Goalkeeper: Navas.

Defenders: Azpilicueta, Van Dijk, Boateng, Matuidi.

Midfielder: De Bruyne, Kanter, Rakitic.

Forwards: Aubameyang, Griezman, Royce.

Hamburg\'s lineup seems to have re-determined the main force frame before the end of the season. Westerman, De Mer, who played more time in the first half of the season, including Mattisson all lost their main positions after returning from injury. "

"Obviously Situ Yunbing values ​​young players more. He gave these players time to adapt to the Bundesliga and also gave them time to grow. Now, he is beginning to reuse young players, and you have to say that these players are excellent. He also gave positive feedback and rewards to Situ Yunbing’s trust."

"Dortmund also started 433 today.

Goalkeeper: Weidenfeller.

Defenders: Piszczek, Subotic, Hummels, Schmelzer.

Midfielder: Shaheen, Bender, Qi Dan.

Forwards: Gotze, Lewandowski, Kuba.

Dortmund was unable to play due to Kagawa Shinji\'s injury, but it doesn\'t matter, they have Qi Dan to replace. "

"Seeing the starting lineups of the two teams makes people feel excited. It is like a wonderful starry sky picture presented before your eyes. The young players in the two teams are like shining stars. Maybe soon, they It will emit a dazzling bright light!

This is an absolutely exciting game. For many years, Bayern Munich has been challenged by other teams, but this year is different, because the two teams that challenge Bayern Munich’s status are both so young, talented, and at the same time Passionate too!

They have become an important part of the Bundesliga\'s signature!

Dortmund and Hamburg have increased the competitiveness of the Bundesliga, and will also present better matches to audiences around the world! "

People\'s Park Stadium, the battle is about to start!