Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 320: .320 tear up!

Munich was overcast and there was a downpour without warning on Monday morning.

Van Gaal stood in front of the office window, the rain washed over the world in front of him, his indifferent eyes concealed the sadness of crushed dignity.

Just 12 hours ago, the Bayern Munich executives had just started a five-hour meeting in Rummenigge’s villa.

Van Gaal also joined the meeting during the period, but he did not participate from beginning to end.

It\'s like a person who accepts a subpoena to explain, the content is that Bayern Munich lost to Hannover 96 in the away game two days ago.

When the head coach needs to explain the high-level tactics, employment, the reasons for the failure, etc., the dignity of being a coach is also taken away.

Bayern Munich’s Supervisory Board Chairman Hernes, Board Chairman Rummenigge, Finance Director Hopfner and Sports Director Neeringer finally decided the fate of Van Gaal!

With the ups and downs of Bayern Munich\'s record, the team broke out with all kinds of negative rumors, and the dressing room contradictions were endless. Van Gaal had already known the fate of foreseeing, so he once proposed that his assistant Jonker could serve as Bayern Munich. Van Gaal’s departure may be the root cause of solving all problems!

But the first thing that Bayern Munich\'s top vetoed was the possibility of Junkel as the coach. If Van Gaal were to leave, then Bayern Munich\'s top naturally did not want to leave his shadow in the team!

And this five-hour meeting still failed to prompt Bayern Munich\'s top management to immediately fire Van Gaal, because they also rejected the plan for Gerland and Sauer to coach the team at the same time.

To put it simply, the dismissal of Van Gaal is just a sentence, but who will lead the team to help Bayern Munich face the UEFA Champions League knockout and fight for the team to get tickets for the Champions League next season has no clue.

So the final conclusion is this: Van Gaal dismissed get out of class, Van Gaal stayed!

Van Gaal will leave Bayern Munich after the season, but he will not be fired yet!

Of course, the club\'s senior officials will not rule out the immediate dismissal of Van Gaal once Bayern Munich is eliminated by Inter Milan, or the season completely loses the possibility of entering the Champions League next season.

Sadness is greater than death, and Van Gaal is in this state at this time.

Bayern Munich\'s trend this season is very similar to last season!

The first half of the league stumbling, the difference is that the middle and the second half of last season went all the way to the championship after getting on the right track.

But in the second half of the season, the league played almost halfway. Obviously, Van Gaal failed to reorganize the mountains and rivers, but instead made Bayern Munich a feather.

Van Gaal\'s thoughts returned to 10 months ago, when Bayern Munich rushed to the third line. He thought that he would make it to the Champions League final. However, he was led by the born Situ Yunbing to double play in Monaco!

Van Gaal was dissatisfied and wanted to fight again in the coming year, but who would have thought that Stuart would drop into the Bundesliga and take the command of Hamburg unexpectedly. The miraculous resurgence of a club that makes people unable to remember that there was once a glorious club, and Bayern Munich has fallen into a dire situation of being double-killed by Dortmund and bullied by Hamburg.

If you look at the cycle longer, Van Gaal\'s return to Europe\'s top league peak was only in May last year, and then he slipped from the top!

Situ Yunbing jumped from the top, came to a new platform, and took off again!

Now that Bayern Munich will face Hamburg at home, Van Gaal\'s task is not easy.

As a dignified coach, even if the probability of a reversal of fate after the end of the season is less than 1%, he will be responsible for the team\'s record and will never break!

Van Gaal can\'t say much about Situ Yunbing\'s hatred. This is competitive sports, and there are always losers under fair competition. If you bear the hatred in your heart, I\'m afraid Van Gaal will not live as fast as 60 years old.

In the pouring rain, he seemed to see the scene of Situ Yunbing leading Monaco to eliminate Bayern Munich a year ago, just like the self-motivated self.

Opening the window, a moist breath rushed over his face, Van Gaal closed his eyes, took a deep breath, wandering in his heart, and returned to Vienna in the summer of 1995...

The Bundesliga title race has attracted the attention of all parties. There is also suspense when the situation of Hamburg and Dortmund in the standings will be broken.

In the week before Hamburg’s visit to the Allianz Arena, the news for the first three days was all about Bayern Munich, and the media were eager to discuss the future of Bayern Munich.

Van Gaal’s retention is currently considered to be the best result in all aspects. If Van Gaal does not choose to retire directly and wants to continue to fight again, then he needs to continue coaching to prove himself. It is not difficult to catch up with Hanover. The top four in the Bundesliga are not far away. As long as Bayern Munich is qualified for the Champions League, although it will be labeled as a failure, it is still decent. It is also difficult for Bayern Munich to find a better interim coach.

But paying attention to Bayern Munich\'s performance this season is obviously lacking in attraction, people are more willing to talk about Bayern Munich\'s future.

According to the "Munich Daily" report, Bayern Munich currently prefers Leverkusen coach Heynckes, but the local media in Munich believes that this means that Bayern Munich is still missing the past. They think Heynckes coach Bayern Munich. One or two years later, the next coach can open a new chapter for Bayern Munich.

From their perspective, there are two most suitable coaches. The first is Dortmund coach Klopp, and the second is German coach Loew!

There is no Munich media to discuss the possibility of Situ Yunbing coaching Bayern Munich. In their hearts, they are more willing to regard Situ Yunbing as an opponent Bayern Munich needs to defeat.

In the last three days of this week, Bayern Munich coach Van Gaal and Situ Yunbing made headlines.

Originated from Van Gaal\'s sudden madness at Situ Yunbing in an interview on Wednesday night!

"The Hamburg coach has indeed achieved some achievements, but his achievements do not make him superior to others. I have the highest achievements he has achieved, and Heynckes also has them, but we will not easily express some on behalf of the club. Declaration of war.

Situ Yunbing antagonized the relationship between Hamburg and Bayern Munich. He attacked Bayern Munich and also drew a clear line, warning Bayern Munich not to cross his bottom line. I think he is too arrogant!

When he succeeds, his speeches are exciting and can be supported by someone, but when he cannot win the championship, Hamburg will not be tough to enforce the rules he set, Bayern Munich is still in the Bundesliga team The club that most players yearn for, the Hamburg players are no exception. More often than not, this is the case. Bayern Munich simply doesn’t like Hamburg players. When we match a Hamburg player, it represents us. Give Hamburg players a better platform, a faster chance of success, so that players can accept better training and growth, and allow players to develop in a top team!

Hamburg looks good now, but they do not have the resources and foundation of Bayern Munich!

There are many maverick coaches in European football, and Situ Yunbing is one of them. He hasn’t had a big somersault yet, but he will definitely suffer setbacks. I think the reason why he came to the Bundesliga to coach Hamburg is also Because he is afraid of failure!

You know that the pressure of coaching Hamburg is too small, it can almost be said that there is no pressure!

Hamburg\'s fourth place in the league is a success. Bayern Munich can now say that the league is a failure. I won\'t quibble on this point.

But when Hamburg\'s performance exceeds expectations, people will count the credit for Situ Yunbing.

He is not as absolutely excellent as people think, he is afraid of real pressure and challenge!

Why does he like young players? Because he didn\'t know how to manage the real stars, how to make a complex locker room unite, so he could only trust those ignorant players, give them opportunities, make them grateful, and let them rely on him psychologically.

In my opinion, his move is very effective, but it will not work for long. "

In the eyes of the Hamburg media, Van Gaal is already "crazy"!

It\'s like a mad dog starts to bite people randomly!

Situ Yunbing has always been considered by the German media to be a "uncontested" coach.

He rarely fights with people. If it weren\'t for Bayern Munich to buy three Hamburg players at once, Situ Yunbing would never go to Bayern Munich in the interview, and his evaluation of many opponents is positive.

In particular, he and Klopp\'s battle for hegemony this season is full of passion for heroes!

Van Gaal’s sudden attack now makes it easier for people to think that he is diverting attention. First, let Bayern Munich unanimously externally. This is the favorite tactic used by politicians. When there are internal conflicts, throw them a common enemy, and they will temporarily Stop turning attention to the outside.

Secondly, Van Gaal is also bound to have the wishful thinking of interference and influence on his opponent. If Situ Yunbing is affected and loses the Allianz battle, then Van Gaal will eventually win a round, and his face will pass.

The outside world is waiting for Situ Yunbing\'s response, but it is a well-known principle that Situ Yunbing never accepts interviews when it is not necessary for work.

It was not until the pre-match press conference of the league on Saturday afternoon that the German media had the opportunity to listen to Situ Yunbing\'s response.

When Situ Yunbing came to the press conference site with a relaxed expression, reporters immediately rushed to ask him what he thought of Van Gaal\'s remarks.

Situ Yunbing didn\'t disappoint people this time, he answered Van Gaal as soon as he spoke.

The two Champions League champion-level coaches are now completely tearing up their faces, rolling up their sleeves and doing it!

Situ Yunbing said calmly: "Why didn\'t Van Gaal save a little bit to explain to the Bayern Munich executives the reason for the team\'s poor record? It seems that the Bayern Munich executives are really kind, I think the Hamburg executives do not have theirs. patient.

He said that I have no pressure to coach Hamburg. I\'m sorry, I think if Hamburg\'s ranking and Bayern Munich\'s ranking are reversed, I will have finished class now.

As he said, I chose an easy job, he chose a difficult job, and then?

So far, I think I have done a good job in this easy job, but he has done his difficult job in a mess. What does this mean? Is he a bit overwhelmed?

It\'s ridiculous that I don\'t have the ability to bite the bullet.

The pressure and challenge are personal, but as a coach, I can\'t be selfish, I can\'t just think of myself, I have to be responsible to the players, management, and fans!

When I say no to Bayern Munich, I don\'t care what others think, but I know this is something that all Hamburg fans will be excited about!

They don\'t want to see players who perform well in Hamburg go to Bayern Munich. This reason is enough to support the club\'s adherence to this policy!

On the other hand, Bayern Munich, I don’t know whether their fans, players, and management are satisfied with Van Gaal’s approach. I only know that Bayern Munich’s players have nothing to do with success this season. The fans have lost their happiness for a long time. If you are thinking about the team’s record, you may not sleep well. Let me say a bit presumptuously. Last week Bayern Munich chairman Rummenigge’s expression in the interview was really ugly. You all know who caused this. .

The era of Van Gaal has passed. I agree with the opinions of some Munich media. Klopp is more suitable for coaching Bayern Munich than Van Gaal. Ten years have passed since the 21st century. It is a show of the 20th century achievements to talk about the achievements of the 20th century. Are you really old? "

The German media reporters in the audience looked serious, but they were happy in their hearts.

The two famous marshals are officially torn apart!