Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 318: .318 returns to the top!

Hamburg\'s 7:1 slaughter of Schalke 04 in the away game was enough to bring unspeakable pain to Schalke 04 fans, as if even the dignity of Schalke 04 was crushed!

In a single season, Hamburg home and away double-kill Schalke 04, the total goal ratio is 12:2!

10 goals difference!

Whether Situ Yunbing can win the Bundesliga after parachuting in the Bundesliga is still uncertain, but at least the runner-up team and coach of last season have been ruined!

The fans of Schalke 04 chanted "Magate Get Out" after the game!

They have endured to the limit, and I believe that Schalke 04 executives will come out to express their views soon.

Situ Yunbing did not return to the locker room, but went to interview after the game.

When the reporter inevitably asked him about Elia\'s venting behavior on the bench, Situ Yunbing shook his head and said: "I didn\'t know what happened at the time, and someone told me later to understand the situation.

I don’t know what Elia’s real thoughts are. As a coach, my duty is to lead the team to win the game. A team cannot have only 11 main players. We have more than 20 players. Now our most important thing is to continue. To win the game, I think at this point, both the club and the fans will stand in the same position as me.

We played an exciting game today, and almost every player played very well, which shows that our revolution is moving in a positive direction.

If anyone thinks that my approach is wrong and that we cannot cooperate with each other, I still maintain the original attitude, and to be honest, I will not embarrass the players!

I never think that I can get along with all the players in the world. I need mutual trust and support from both sides. If this is not possible, either I will leave or the players will leave. Don\'t waste everyone\'s time trying to change anyone.

At present, I am going to coach Hamburg for a long time, so if the player is not satisfied, what he has to think about is not what changes Situ Yunbing made, but whether he can change it. If not, it is better for him to find a way out. "

Situ Yunbing\'s statement after the game was also very straightforward.

Just tell some players in the team: feel unfair? Not satisfied? Then go quickly!

Situ Yunbing would not change in order to satisfy the minority, because that would harm the interests of the majority.

Originally, he wanted to replace players when the match was 4:1, and the game could be used for training young players, but Elia\'s incident made him change his mind. He needs these players on the field to continue bombarding Schalke. The 04 goal not only allows the outside world to see how good Hamburg is now, but also explains a fact to the players on the bench: Why do you ask for the main position? Who are you better than on the court?

This is often the case for young teams, because they are young and vigorous, because they think they are stronger in their hearts!

This kind of thing rarely happens in some teams with a mature structure, because young players face the main players at the peak of their golden age, unless they are really amazing, otherwise there is no confidence to claim the main position.


Hamburg hit Schalke 04 as a sensation in the Bundesliga, while Elijah’s dissatisfaction from the bench also made headlines.

Situ Yunbing had been waiting for Elia to figure it out on his own and came to him. He didn\'t need the other party to apologize, but he needed the other party to make a statement.

In the end, he waited for Juventus to purchase a fax.

Juventus bid 10 million euros to take Elia!

Perhaps it was Juventus\'s sudden intervention that led to Elia\'s decision to go to Apennine instead.

Elia also expressed his desire to transfer to the club.

When the matter was over, Situ Yunbing died of Elia.

Reinhardt was responsible for the transfer negotiations. After three days of negotiation, Elia moved to Juventus at a price of 14 million euros!

When the Hamburg and Juventus officials announced Elia’s transfer at the same time, Bayern Munich sent a fax to Hamburg, asking for Griezmann at a price of 12 million euros, and 10 million euros for De Bruyne, 1500 Buy Boateng at a price of ten thousand euros.

Situ Yunbing quickly responded to these three uproarious transfer offers.

At the press conference before the 19th round of the league vs. Frankfurt at home, Situ Yunbing expressed his position in public and stood firm.

"During my time at Hamburg, I will not sell players to competitors in the league, especially Bayern Munich. If Hamburg management forcefully does this, I will resign.

Bayern Munich may be used to hollowing out competitors in the Bundesliga, but I will not let this happen to Hamburg, so here, I hope Bayern Munich will not waste time. "

Situ Yunbing\'s tough statement made Hamburg fans very excited, and even now he has a considerable number of diehard fans!

They adore Situ Yunbing\'s words and deeds, and absolutely support Situ Yunbing\'s every move. Anyone who opposes Situ Yunbing will be their enemy!

The German media commented on Situ Yunbing\'s statement.

"Kicker": Situ Yun\'s soldiers made Hamburg\'s status instantly improved!

Bild: Situ Yunbing hit Bayern Munich!

Hamburg won the last round. Dortmund defeated Leverkusen 3:1 away and also won.

In the 19th round of the league, Hamburg also played a wonderful match against Frankfurt at home!

After Rakitic joined, Hamburg\'s strength began to enter an upward channel again!

Hamburg has set off an offensive frenzy at home. If compared with their unwavering defensive counterattack at the beginning of the season, the gorgeous offensive that makes the opponents invincible on the Hamburg scene now has the ultimate beauty. It has almost integrated all their advantages and played it to the fullest!

4:0, Hamburg broke Frankfurt at home!

No one missed Elia, because he was not the protagonist of Situ Yunbing. At the same time, after he left, Sun Xingmin and Aubameyang performed well in the game and accelerated the fans to forget him.

Dortmund finally lost points in the same round!

They were tied 1:1 by Stuttgart at home!

Hamburg narrowed the gap with Dortmund in the standings.

Dortmund, 47 points.

Hamburg, 45 points.


A week later, Dortmund set out to challenge Nuremberg.

In the past week, Bayern Munich has violently attacked Situ Yunbing, but this has made more people choose to support Hamburg and Situ Yunbing!

Why does the Bundesliga club have to sell good players to Bayern Munich?

Situ Yunbing chose to ignore this. He has no intention of grudges against others. Moreover, it is no exaggeration to say that Hamburg is a team he devoted his life to build. He wants to race against death. Don’t say give up Elia, even with Bayern Munich. Make it clear that he is defending his hope of survival!

In the final stage of the first half of the season, some Bundesliga teams will adopt defensive counterattack tactics when facing Hamburg, while focusing on containing De Bruyne\'s play, making Hamburg\'s offensive efficiency drastically reduced.

Today Nuremberg also adopts this style of play, but with Rakitic to relieve De Bruyne’s organizational pressure, even if the power of Hamburg\'s striker is indeed reduced, it can continue to bring sufficient threats to Nuremberg.


The penalty created by Boateng and Sun Xingmin helped Hamburg play triumph on the away game.

The only downside is that Mattisen was injured, which made Situ Yunbing have to push Van Dijk to the position of the main center back in the next three weeks.

In the same round, Dortmund beat Wolfsburg 3:0 away!

The two teams competing for the title win at the same time in this round.

Dortmund, 50 points.

Hamburg, 48 points.


Stepping into February, Hamburg will first play the Hamburg Derby. The People’s Park Stadium has greatly strengthened security measures. At the same time, Hamburg officials have specially reduced the number of tickets for the visiting team. Even if it caused dissatisfaction from the St. Pauli officials, Hamburg suffered The German Football Association warned, but Hamburg really didn\'t care.

Situ Yunbing did not want to replicate the Hamburg Derby in the first half of his home game.

He needs to try his best to avoid injury to the players, first of all, the atmosphere of the game should dilute the hatred of derby.

Hamburg fans are dismissive of St. Pauli, so in the cheers at home, you can hardly feel the hysterical shouts from St. Pauli fans.

St. Pauli tried to make the game more intense. Instead, they tried too hard. Less than 20 minutes after the start of the game, a player was sent off with a red card. Hamburg controlled the game from start to finish, and in the first half. Get the advantage of two goals.

In the second half of the game, Situ Yunbing let the team focus on control, but even so, he still paid the price of Griezmann\'s injury, which made Situ Yunbing extremely annoyed!

Hamburg eventually won St. Pauli 3:0 at home, but Griezmann needed to recover for half a month but it was a huge loss for the team.

After the game, Situ Yunbing did not denounce St. Pauli\'s behavior. He didn\'t need to comment on the behavior of a mad dog.

Griezmann\'s injury made the Hamburg fans worry, but the report from the Ruhr Derby made the Hamburg fans ecstatic!

Dortmund drew with Schalke 04 at home 0:0!

After Schalke 04\'s 1:7 home defeat to Hamburg, Schalke 04 Chairman of the Supervisory Board Rennis made a public announcement: Magath left at the end of the season at the latest!

This statement made Magath a lot of fire, but the reality is that Schalke 04\'s position in the standings is not only embarrassing, but also embarrassing for the champion coach!

The incidental chain reaction is that Schalke 04 has become very pragmatic. Even if the game cannot be won, it must be determined not to lose!

Especially in the Ruhr area derby, in front of their mortal enemy Dortmund, 90% of them can\'t beat the hornet, so it is a good result to defend one point from the West** stadium.

Schalke 04 did it, congratulations!

Situ Yunbing wants to cheer for Schalke 04!

After this round, Hamburg returned to the top of the standings!

Hamburg, 51 points.

Dortmund, 51 points.

Hamburg leads by goal difference!