Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 310: .310 Yiqi Juechen?

Losing does not sum up all Hamburg’s experience in West **, just as Situ Yunbing did not think everything was perfect when he won. Hamburg’s potential in the game, the problems the coach realized, and the growth and gains of the players After losing, it brings stronger fighting spirit and a clearer awareness of the cruelty of the championship situation, which will affect Hamburg\'s future performance.

Victory is not arrogant, defeat is not discouraged.

The fans cheering on the team is irresistible, but Situ Yunbing does not believe that the team still needs external stimulation. From Dortmund back to Hamburg, the team\'s dedication and desire to become stronger both make Situ. Yunbing also recognized the value of defeating West **.

It has been 5 months since Situ Yunbing took office as Hamburg coach, and 3 months have passed since the start of the new season. At this time, no one will be dissatisfied with the comprehensive evaluation of Situ Yunbing’s work. People will not doubt Hamburg. Reaching the results of the Champions League next season, that is, the top four guarantees, the Bundesliga began this season because of league points surpassing Serie A and can get four Champions League places, Serie A has become three.

But Situ Yunbing\'s requirement for Hamburg is to win the championship. Now he just sets the goal, and has not really put strong pressure on the team, because the team needs time and process to grow.

His work in Hamburg is on the right track, the framework is established, the style of play is shaped, and the players are growing steadily.

He will give the team some more time, and when the second half of the season starts, he will have higher demands on the team!

The overall level of Dortmund and Hamburg in the first battle, the strength of the two teams are somewhat superior to other Bundesliga teams, even Bayern Munich is a bit unmatched, of course, Bayern Munich\'s problems are caused by themselves.

In the 13th round of the league, Hamburg continued to go to the away game. This time they challenged Hannover 96. The latter was in good shape recently and just defeated Mainz in the away game in the last round.

However, at home Hannover 96 may be a bit big, thinking that it can compete with the young Hamburg, wrongly estimated the strength gap between the two teams.

Hamburg\'s Trident played well even in the West ** Stadium, the disadvantage only exists in the midfield dominance.

The fans of Hannover 96 experienced a disappointing afternoon. They were unable to create a real threat to Hamburg for 90 minutes of the game.

Boateng responded with a strong performance to the media who questioned him as the captain of Hamburg.

Losing to Dortmund, the media will not only explore the highlights of the game, like Boateng\'s own goal is also worthy of special mention.

For example, he failed to play the role of leader, failed Situ Yunbing\'s trust, and his mentality was too weak.

Fortunately, Situ Yunbing woke him up in time.

In many things, Situ Yunbing respects the player’s personal wishes. If the player himself refuses, he will not force it. The same is true of being a captain. Perhaps the captain of Hamburg is not a glorious position, but it is impossible to belong to this team. Important role.

Boateng looks young, but compared to this team whose average age is about the same as his actual age, it is also very suitable for him to be the captain. The key is whether he has the consciousness to be a captain and a leader!

Hamburg defeated Hannover 96 in 3-0 away, and Griezmann scored a wonderful goal after two consecutive games.

In the same round, Dortmund easily won Freiburg in the away game, continuing the strong momentum of terror.

A week later, Hamburg played at home against veteran powerhouse Stuttgart.

If Schalke 04 is declining off a cliff this season, then Stuttgart is no exception.

By the end of the last round of the league, that is, after the 13th round, Schalke 04 changed from the third from the bottom to the fourth from the bottom, just getting out of the relegation zone, but Stuttgart was sitting in the third from the bottom. 2 points less than Schalke 04!

Can you believe that the 2007 Bundesliga champions and 2010 Bundesliga runners-up will fall into this situation?

The volatility of the Bundesliga is much greater than the other four major leagues!

Not to mention Ligue 1, the stability of strong teams is the least volatile. After all, Lyon has almost monopolized the championship in the past ten years.

If Serie A is not the influence of the phone door, Juventus will not be downgraded, and the revenue capacity of the entire league will not drop significantly. Even so, the Milan duo have performed very stable.

The Premier League has only recently broken the BIG4 monopoly, and La Liga has always been a duo of Real Madrid and Barcelona.

Only the Bundesliga champions and runners-up will take turns to take turns, and today’s champions will not know what kind of abyss they will fall into tomorrow!

This at least illustrates a problem, except for Bayern Munich\'s strong stability, even if it is not a champion, it is not too bad.

Other teams lack long-term stability, so if people are surprised by the rise of Hamburg, that’s not necessarily. Wolfsburg, Stuttgart, Werder Bremen, these teams have tasted championships in the past few years. Why don’t burgers work?

Stuttgart’s squad will not be reduced to this point, but it is a pity that the team as a whole is not worthy, the offense is not bad, the defense is also very bad, 13 rounds of 25 goals, 23 goals, but always unlucky If his opponent scores one less, then he can only swallow the bitter fruit of defeat.

Their offense still poses a certain threat to Hamburg, but the defensive mistakes make them never really have a life-and-death contest with Hamburg.

The Hamburg Trident continued to show off, with aura and firepower, the Hamburg striker blasted the opponent with 6 goals in the People\'s Park Stadium!

In the end, the victory was won by 6:2.

Situ Yunbing said helplessly after the game: "I know that we should not talk about the team\'s shortcomings in the game today. In everyone\'s opinion, we should enjoy the victory and move on and look forward to the next game.

But I always like to say to the players that we have to surpass ourselves, defeating many opponents is not enough to prove anything, because we are already very strong.

But now the players are enjoying the satisfaction and sense of accomplishment brought about by the victory, and I can\'t call them to tell them: Calm down, let\'s talk about the two conceded goals.

It would be a little unfavorable to do so, so I can only hope that players who can listen to it will sum up, which is good for us but not harmful. "

Hamburg was not depressed because of the loss to Dortmund, Dortmund maintained its invincible momentum.

They won again in the 14th round of the league, beating Monchengladbach 4:1 at home.

Entering December, the 15th round of the league, Hamburg set out to challenge Freiburg.

The game was a bit difficult. Hamburg attacked all the time. Freiburg almost didn\'t have any illusions about the victory and guarded against it. Hamburg slammed 32 shots but none.

In the end, Hamburg shook hands with Freiburg 0:0!

Situ Yunbing still maintained a tolerant heart to the team. After the game, he said nothing about the results of the game. He only believed that the team realized the areas that needed improvement from the game.

Breaking the intensive defense has now become a problem for Hamburg. The areas they can strengthen include long shots, set-piece offenses, and personal breakthroughs, which are difficult to force, or put their hopes on a certain player and expect him to show off his power.

Moniz’s work efficiency is already very high. In less than half a year, Situ Yunbing has been able to see that many players in the team have improved their technical capabilities, just like Royce’s internal cut on the left. The threat is getting stronger, and Griezmann is more concise and efficient in handling the ball.

Hamburg is growing, but the external environment seems unwilling to give them time.

Dortmund continued the winning streak almost numbly.

Klopp\'s team won Nuremberg 2:0 away.

I have to admit that Dortmund is richer in player configuration than Hamburg, at least they can face intensive defense and the punching style of play, but Hamburg does not have a high center forward.

Before the four rounds, Hamburg and Dortmund had the same points. After four rounds, Dortmund left Hamburg by 5 points!

Looking at the standings at this time, Dortmund has a great posture!

Dortmund, 40 points.

Hamburg, 35 points.

Mainz, 30 points.

Leverkusen, 29 points.


There are still two Bundesliga rounds coming to an end in the first half, Dortmund won the half championship is almost a certainty.

Hamburg is far from losing hope. On the contrary, now the club is full of motivation. Reinhardt specially invited Situ Yunbing for lunch to discuss winter signings.

Not only did the club transfer budget not be spent in the summer, but it also made a lot of surplus. Now the team does not need to worry about finances at all, so Reinhardt wants to do a few big votes during the winter break!

He gave some suggestions to Situ Yunbing, hoping to increase the thickness of the team\'s lineup, and at the same time enrich the team\'s play style. For example, like Dortmund, reserve at least one high center forward, or buy two long-range shots to help the team. A midfielder who threatens to break through dense defense.

Situ Yunbing appreciates the other party\'s enthusiasm for work, but for winter signings, Situ Yunbing\'s attitude is: Only buy the right ones!

If he can\'t get what he wants, he would rather not get anything!

The current state of the team is very good. He rotates step by step to avoid injury to the players. At the same time, the players grow faster than expected, all thanks to his cards.

For now, burgers are naturally not perfect. Given time, will they make up for their shortcomings and become stronger?

will not!

It can only be said that the team will be strong, but if the problem he realizes today is not solved, it will still exist in the future.

It’s just that for teams like Hamburg, they always like tossing around, lacking a piece of patience and long-term planning. People who buy today always hope that they can come and win. If they can’t win, then Think that you bought the wrong one, wash it off quickly and buy the next one, which is really not much different from scratching a lottery ticket!

Or maybe a considerable part of Hamburg’s transfer budget is sponsored by fans, and these executives of the club do not feel distressed.

A democratic club does not expect to make money, and it makes no sense to save money.