Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 3: .003 Wizards? con man? (repair)

De Bondin never doubted whether he was wise to fire the former coach of the team, Brazilian Gomez.

In his opinion, Gomez, who failed to lead Monaco to make progress last season, is just a mediocre coach. Without performance, he should not continue to be supported.

Similarly, the dismissal of the club\'s general manager Keller and sports manager Ettori was also based on the team\'s series of poor operations and operating results in the past three years, which were far below expectations!

But after the team vacated these two important positions, how he lost his head after the dismissal of Gomez and hired the Chinese man in front of him who had no table manners and gobbled up his meal, which made him puzzled!

After Situ Yunbing had two full hiccups in succession, De Bangdan was really worried about whether Situ Yunbing would eat up and ruin his body.

After Situ Yunbing drank half a cup of soda water, he let out a long sigh of relief, and his energy was much better, as if he was reborn.

In this place where wealth and power are everywhere, Debondan knew that he was sitting at the same table with the shabby and disheveled Chinese in front of him, and he would lose his identity. But when he thought that the team would be handed over to the other side for the time being, he also Can only press down on the thought of getting up and leaving.

"I didn\'t expect you to be so young."

De Bondin broke the awkward silence. He only felt that everything that happened today was a bit weird. The Monaco royal family supported the team for half a century and hired a young Chinese as the coach.

If the outside world learns, countless Monaco fans will inevitably go mad, including De Bondin himself who is showing signs of madness.

Situ Yunbing smiled casually and asked: "I haven\'t asked you yet?"

De Bondin almost wanted to vomit blood. He suppressed his anger and said calmly: "I am the chairman of Monaco, De Bondin, this is the invitation letter I sent you."

Situ Yunbing quickly got up and shook hands with the other party. De Bondan\'s expression was obviously a bit disgusted. After shaking hands with Situ Yunbing, he secretly wiped the palm of his right hand with a handkerchief under the table.

Situ Yunbing\'s attitude is full of respect for the other party, and sincerely said: "It is my honor to be able to coach Monaco, thank you for your appreciation."

In the first half of the sentence, De Bondin took it for granted, but in the second half, he only felt awkward in his ears.


What do I appreciate you?

Ghost knows!

But the team can\'t be without a coach for a day. Now it\'s hard to get off the ground. After all, the club announced that a new coach would arrive one day after Gomez finished school.

De Bondin became serious and said: "Let\'s talk about the team, the current situation in Monaco, I believe you also have a certain understanding, I need to know your plans after taking office."

Situ Yunbing was playing drums in his heart, but his expression was very indifferent and impeccable. After all, he has no worries about the future. Anyway, he must lead Monaco to the league championship, otherwise he will die.

During the trip to Monaco, although he did not rest well, it does not mean that he did not do his homework. He really knew a lot about Monaco.

In particular, I know that the chairman Debondan was not in the sports industry before, but in the financial industry in the United States.

Situ Yunbing knew that his own destiny was actually in the hands of the opponent. If Debondan looked down on him and fired himself, wouldn\'t he be a dead end?

So for Mr. Chairman, he should draw the pie to the other side as much as possible, and let the other side look at himself with admiration!

Situ Yunbing pretended to say deeply: "The club is divided into three parts. The management is the brain, which is controlled by you. The head coach is the heart, which is me. The players and other staff are the limbs. The brain cannot be confused, but determines whether the limbs are If you are strong, you must have a big heart, a beating heart."

Debondan nodded seriously and waited for the following.

Situ Yunbing went on to say: "The team is currently cutting expenses. I believe it is reversing financial difficulties. This is wise for the long-term development of the team. However, the current player configuration of the team is not considered a strong team in Ligue 1. Modern football has miracles, but miracles are not commonplace. I don’t know if you admit that Monaco’s current squad strength, even if it reaches its limit, is difficult to compete with teams like Marseille and Lyon."

De Bondin sighed lightly and said: "Yes, but I have patience. I need to see the team\'s progress. We can improve a little every year and become the most competitive team in Ligue 1 within three to five years! "

Three to five years?

Situ Yunbing muttered in his heart: I\'m sorry, I don\'t have three to five years.

De Bondin hopes to reverse Monaco\'s debt of more than 60 million U.S. dollars within three to five years. This year it is expected to be able to reduce about 15 million U.S. dollars.

On this basis, if the competitive performance can be improved, then he is absolutely satisfied with the team\'s performance.

Situ Yunbing said at this time: "We have a mid-level lineup in Ligue 1. If we want to make a breakthrough in performance, we must improve our soft power. Hard power can only be changed through transfers, but soft power can sometimes have a great impact. Big."

De Bangdan was obviously attracted by Situ Yunbing\'s words, and asked: "What is soft power?"

Situ Yunbing said seriously: "Team morale, locker room unity, team skills and tactics, formation of troops before the game, on-the-spot command and dispatch, reduce team pressure, encourage team morale, scientifically and rationally use players, etc., It\'s all soft power!

The game is played one after the other, and the opponents have different strengths. However, under the influence of soft power, many strong teams will also encounter puzzling losing streaks. In many cases, soft power has negative effects. effect.

And we hope that the team can play beyond the level of record, we need to let soft power play a positive role! "

De Bangdan was deeply attracted by Situ Yunbing\'s words!

Obviously, for him, who manages a club like a business, can improve the team\'s performance without spending money, this is the best!

When Situ Yunbing was drinking water, he couldn\'t wait to ask: "What can you do to improve the soft power of the team?"

Situ Yunbing smiled secretly in his heart. In fact, every coach understands what he said, but there is no need to declare it, it is too basic.

But it is precisely Debondan, who has not been involved in competitive football before, has never heard of it!

Situ Yunbing quickly put down the water cup, and then said: "Managing the team is not an overnight thing. Many ways and methods need to wait for me and the team to meet before I can say, but what I can tell you is that I am ready to bring a brand new to the team. Football technical and tactical concept. If Monaco cannot make a breakthrough and become a unique team in Ligue 1, we will not have the capital to compete for the championship. If there is anything that can make us achieve a leap in performance, then the new technical and tactical concept will bring Impact and influence must be decisive!"

De Bangdan couldn\'t help but nodded. At this moment, he really felt that Situ Yunbing was a genius with a good mind and a good plan!

This is like fighting a war. If you know each other and know each other, the side with the best hard power will definitely win more.

But if you make your opponent elusive, you can often win by surprise!

Debondan said happily: "Well, then you go back to rest today and come to the club early tomorrow. Although some players have not returned to the team in international competitions, you can get acquainted with the club and colleagues in the coaching staff."

Situ Yunbing looked embarrassed and said hesitantly: "Does the club arrange a place for me?"

De Bangdan was stunned, and suddenly suspected that Situ Yunbing was here to cheat and drink.

No way, he had to arrange a place for Situ Yunbing.