Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 299: .299 Asia Double Star

Situ Yunbing was somewhat distracted. Bayern Munich is not doing well recently. Two rounds ago, they lost to Dortmund in the away game and showed the gap between their current state and the championship team.

The Hamburg generals were excited on the court, anyhow their opponents had Bayern Munich\'s name on their heads.

From falling behind to equalizing the score, Hamburg has also completed the dominant control of the game.

While Bayern Munich is exhausted on the defensive end, their offensive methods are slightly single, without Ribery and Robben, Bayern Munich is like a tiger with his teeth pulled out.

Before the end of the first half of the game, Hamburg continued to put pressure on the frontcourt and counter-robbed. Planic tried to push forward from the wing but was forced by Kanter who helped defend the wing. Then he rushed out and was boldly topped. The defending Boateng broke off.

Hamburg\'s counterattack was extremely smooth. After Matuidi advanced from the left, De Bruyne took the initiative to approach the left side of the front court. Together with Royce, the three completed a triangle pass and De Bruyne cut into the left side of the penalty area. Responded to Matuidi\'s through plug.

De Bruyne made a pass to drive Otter, who was a guest guard today, to block the line, but he wiped it off with a kickback. He followed Badstuber rushed towards him, and De Bruyne again Calmly passed the ball diagonally to the back of the goal point. Griezmann rushed to the goal without being guarded and shot and sent the ball into the goal. Bout\'s save came after one step, but he still failed to make it. The ball was shut out.

Hamburg overtook the score at home!

The Hamburg fans in the stands of the People\'s Park were very excited. Those fans from China kept waving Chinese flags.

Van Gaal was expressionless, but the coaches around him were downcast.

After adjusting the intermission, Hamburg curbed the momentum of the frontcourt oppression in the second half and faced Bayern Munich more cautiously.

Because Bayern Munich’s situation in the league is precarious, compared to the championship, they have no retreat. If they lose this game, they will fall behind Hamburg by up to 14 points!

So they will launch a fierce offensive in the second half of the game regardless of whether the situation permits or their own strength is qualified.

Hamburg faced the game smarter and adopted defensive counterattacks wisely.

In this way, Bayern Munich\'s patchwork defense is simply vulnerable!

In the 58th minute of the game, Azpilicueta quickly rushed to the front court to receive the diagonal pass from De Bruyne at the back of the center circle. He pushed the offensive all the way to the bottom line of the side and then passed the ball diagonally to the inside. Elijah before cutting the right rib of the penalty zone.

Ram hit the left back today and he returned to the defense very quickly, but when Elia knocked the ball back to Azpilicueta, who turned into a cross-track, Ram was upset and could only helpless. .

Azpilicueta passed the ball to the left side of the penalty area when the Bayern Munich defense team rushed to grab the ball. Royce cut to the chest and unloaded the ball and volleyed the ball into the near corner of the goal.

The veteran goalkeeper Bout shook his head and sighed, saying nothing about the team\'s defense.

The Hamburg fans are extremely proud, and they did not expect Bayern Munich to have today!

Situ Yunbing began to make substitutions, and Aubameyang replaced Elia.

Hamburg still insists on defensive counterattacks, while Bayern Munich is still struggling to organize the offensive.

Kroos and Schweinsteiger took turns taking long shots. Mueller is completely invisible today. Gomez can occasionally receive passes from his teammates and try to create opportunities for himself, but basically they return without success.

In the 73rd minute of the game, when De Bruyne sent the ball to the empty area left by Lahm with a long pass from the backcourt, Aubameyang rushed forward very quickly to stop and hit the offensive depth. With the advantage, he swept the ball to the front of the goal area outside the penalty area, and Griezmann quickly rushed to leave Badstuber and Otter far behind, facing the attacking goalkeeper Bout and Griezmann. The ball cross-cut to swing out of the angle and then hit the empty goal successfully.

Hamburg leads Bayern Munich 4:1 at home!

The Bundesliga defending champions are over!

Hamburg used up two more substitutions.

Rincon took the place to replace De Meer, and Van Dijk took the place to replace Mattisson.

The pace of the game dropped instantly after the score became 4:1. Bayern Munich probably realized that no matter how hard they tried, they could not come back. They simply strengthened their defense to avoid a more painful defeat and retain some dignity.

Hamburg did not take advantage of the victory. Situ Yunbing hoped that the team could be more self-oriented in this situation, and don\'t want to kill when there is a chance, because there will be many tactical traps laid by opponents on the court.

Of course, Bayern Munich must have been completely cold, even if Hamburg kills, nothing more than to give Bayern Munich some better chances to counterattack.

But Situ Yunbing focused on the strict implementation of the team\'s tactical discipline, as well as the sharpening of game thinking.

In the end, the two teams failed to create goals in the last 20 minutes.

When the whistle sounded at the end of the game, the Hamburg fans shouted proudly and excitedly, praising the team\'s performance today with warm applause and cheers.

Situ Yunbing and Van Gaal shook hands after walking across the field and then left one after another after shaking hands.

In an interview after the game, Situ Yunbing was still not arrogant. He said casually: "We played a good game today. I am satisfied with the team\'s performance, but I don\'t want to overestimate it. The significance of this victory, people will start to talk about Hamburg\'s defeat of Bayern Munich tonight, but in my opinion, Hamburg just defeated an ordinary team, not the powerful Bayern Munich in our impression, so We have gained in this victory, and the players performed well, but we will continue to work hard from tomorrow. We are still on the way."

His speech is a true portrayal of his heart, without any hypocritical low-key.

Bayern Munich loses to Mainz and Dortmund. Today, Hamburg is more like a beating a dog in the water. They sprinkled a handful of salt on the bruised Bayern Munich. That\'s it, they are not the dragon-slaying hero Sigurd in Norse mythology, Bayern Munich is not the giant Goliath.

Dortmund\'s winning streak finally stopped in this round, and they were tied at home by Hoffenheim.

After 9 rounds of the league, Hamburg\'s lead at the top of the list is slightly more obvious.

Hamburg, 25 points.

Mainz, 24 points.

Dortmund, 22 points.


On Monday afternoon, because today’s team is conducting restorative training, it ended earlier. Let the players go to physiotherapy to relax or go home to rest. Situ Yunbing came to the Hamburg youth team.

Wu Lei performed well in the U19 echelon of the Hamburg youth team. He will train with the first team on weekdays. He will report in the morning when the U19 echelon or reserve team has a game. He will follow the U19 echelon coach or reserve coach’s game tactics. .

The subordinates of professional teams basically serve the first team, and Germany is not like La Liga club subordinates that can compete in high-level professional leagues, like Real Madrid sometimes, Barcelona\'s reserve team may play the second division.

Situ Yunbing was communicating with the coaches of the U19 echelon. He didn\'t want to watch Wu Lei\'s game without landing, so he needed to learn about Wu Lei\'s performance on the court through objective feedback from the coach.

The U19 echelon coach\'s evaluation of Wu Lei is pretty good. After all, there are not many good seedlings in the Hamburg team. Otherwise, Situ Yunbing will definitely focus on cultivation, and the number of echelons can often reflect the size of a part of the club.

In addition to the first team, Hamburg also has women\'s football. In addition to the reserve team, there are more than 5 echelons in the subordinate echelon according to age groups. The older the age, the greater the number, so the Hamburg club has more than 100 players in total!

Even if the vast majority of players will eventually leave the green field indiscriminately, they can ultimately help Hamburg drive the quality of youth training. Even some of the eliminated young players from Manchester United will accuse the club of using them as a role to accompany the prince to study. The attention to the club, not to mention clubs like Hamburg, this kind of thing is normal, and it is unclear to the outside world.

Wu Lei is more likely to be distinguished among these awkward players. This is a good thing for his confidence enhancement, but he can\'t hang around here all the time. From time to time, he needs to give him more practical motivation and stimulation.

Situ Yunbing called Wu Lei in front of him. It was obviously late autumn, but Wu Lei was sweating on his face. Seeing him like this, Situ Yunbing smiled with relief.

"how do you feel?"

"Very good, but I don\'t know when I am a head."

"Until the day you retire."

Wu Lei could only nod his head after being silent for a moment.

Situ Yunbing said to him: "Perform well in the game tonight, and then report back to the first team tomorrow and prepare to go to Frankfurt with the team on Thursday night. You will be the starter."

Wu Lei couldn\'t believe what Situ Yunbing said. He asked, "Really?"

Situ Yunbing didn\'t answer, but smiled off.

Wu Lei laughed in hindsight, Situ Yunbing didn\'t need to joke with him about this kind of thing.

As if the place was full of blood and resurrected, Wu Lei ran back to the training ground, but was stopped by the U19 echelon coach and asked him to rest, so as not to spend a lot of time in the evening game but could not run.

Situ Yunbing went to the reserve team again, and Sun Xingmin maxed out the goal in the reserve team. He did outstanding performance!

When he called Sun Xingmin in front of him, Sun Xingmin was still a little trembling, for fear of offending the coach.

Situ Yunbing said to him indifferently: "When we report back to the first team tomorrow, we Chinese people will often say that there is no more than three things, but I will only give others one chance at most. I hope the mistake you made before is the first Once and for the last time."

Sun Xingyun nodded fiercely, and said firmly, "BOSS, I already knew I was wrong, and I promise there won\'t be another one!"

Situ Yunbing nodded and said: "Go back and take a good rest. There is no need to play in the reserve team at night. In the extra time, you can repeatedly check the performance of the first team in the past two games. Refer to Elia and Roy. His performance, thinking more about it, will gain more than you can play in a reserve game."

Sun Xingmin was taken aback, feeling a little strange, but his heart was a little warm, then he nodded and agreed, respectfully watching Situ Yunbing leave.