Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 290: .290 Who can carry it?

The faster pace of the game came from Hamburg, because Situ Yunbing gave the striker a dead order at the beginning of the season: must defend!

It can be said that Hamburg is the strongest in the reserve of strikers. In addition to the young Wu Lei, the team has up to 5 strikers available!

In other words, if you play a 3-forward formation, you can exchange two forwards with substitutions in each game!

In this case, the forward must spare no effort to defend and expand the range of running, which corresponds to fast physical energy consumption!

The advantage of this is that it can squeeze the physical limits of the players in actual combat without allowing the players to overdraw. When the critical point is reached, they will be replaced!

When the Hamburg striker continues to put pressure on the Wolfsburg defender line and the midfield line, it will force Wolfsburg to have to attack forward while in possession of the ball, and the presence of three midfielder midfielders, Especially when Rincon, who seemed to be reckless and actually implemented Situ Yun’s tactical requirements well, further harassed Wolfsburg to have to play the ball quickly in the midfield, the Wolfsburg midfielder had to try to create a threatening attack. .

In the 25th minute of the game, when Diego played with Karen Bell in the frontcourt, Matuidi, Rincon, and Kanter were surrounded by three people. The space was getting smaller and smaller. Diego had to send the ball diagonally. The safest place.

When Makoto Hasebe stopped the ball on the right side, he encountered Ogo\'s grab. Because the pace of the game was quickened, he subconsciously hopped the ball to the side to complete the breakthrough, but after dialing the ball forward, he again When it started, Ogo was blocked behind him.

Ogo went from the top to the top, but he didn\'t lose the defensive position as soon as his brain heated up. Hasebe Makoto\'s movements were completely predicted by him.

Ogo ran back to protect the ball and knocked it across. Mattyson sent the ball to the center zone from the edge of the penalty area.

Situ Yunbing likes Dutch players because they often have good technical foundation, and they have a big picture and never procrastinate. This is also due to the fact that the Dutch youth training system is shrouded by Cruyff\'s principle of "simplicity first".

Griezmann hit the ball back to Matuidi, who quickly followed up with Josue, after stopping the ball in the chest in the center zone. The latter only came to support and would not rush into the opponent\'s penalty area. .

Matuidi passed the ball straight behind Griezmann.

This passing line surprised Josue because Griezmann was in front of him. Whom did Matuidi pass to?

When he turned around, he realized that Royce cut inside and turned into the middle zone!

When Griezmann stopped the ball, Royce had already started rushing forward, and he was keenly observing the situation and found that the Wolfsburg defender line was out of touch with the midfield, and there was a large space in the middle that could be used to cut the midfield decisively .

When Royce touched the ball and continued to push forward, Aubameyang quickly followed up with him on the right, and Griezmann, who was at the left and rear, also rushed to kill!

Hamburg\'s three forwards changed positions during the counterattack, which caused confusion in Wolfsburg\'s defense.

Pekaric, who had been guarding Royce, shrank back to the center zone. Kyar and Barzali also shrank the defensive distance. Balzali was ready to attack the defense, but Kyar was delayed!

When Josue returned to the defense, he found that he failed to intercept Matuidi\'s pass, allowing Royce to gallop in his own defense zone. After turning back to defense, he lost the extremely fast Griezmann!

In the end, no one can guard it!

When Balzagli was preparing to grab Royce in front of the penalty area, Royce crossed the ball diagonally to the right side of the penalty area.

Aubameyang quickly killed two meters from Schaefer, passing the ball like a whirlwind!

Schaefer knew it was bad before he turned around!

When Aubameyang hopped the ball into the penalty area and turned inward, Kjaer immediately rushed to blockade. Balzali and Pekaric blocked Royce who followed up the center to grab the spot. Aubameyang observed After the situation, he calmly sent a diagonal pass!

The football quickly rolled past Kayar and the line went straight to the left rib of the penalty area.

If Sue was two meters away from the center, he could intercept the ball. When Pekaric turned around and tried to steal the ball, Griezmann was the first to touch the ball.

Griezmann didn\'t hesitate after stopping, and his right foot fired a heavy gun, and the football went straight to the upper left corner of the goal!

The fans were shocked!

Three forwards from Hamburg swiftly destroyed the Wolfsburg defense line!

Situ Yunbing may really only defensive and counterattack as some German media commented, but his defensive counterattack has made fans feel the excitement, and also let the young talents of Hamburg compose their extreme speed on the green field!

Griezmann danced pop dance steps in the corner flag area, enjoying the cheers from Hamburg fans!

Behind this seemingly pure pleasure, no one can detect his ambition to lead the Hamburg striker!

Not everyone will put their ambitions on the outside, nor does it mean that they have real fighting spirit by spreading it around. Everything speaks with practical actions!

"Griezmann scored! Hamburg\'s striker was too fast, really too fast!

In this attack, when Royce advanced in the middle and the other two forwards quickly followed up, we seemed to see the stadium moving!

Wolfsburg can\'t withstand such a shock. If Bayern Munich\'s two wingers are fast, but in the overall fast break, Hamburg\'s speed is even more shocking!

In the absence of De Bruyne, Matuidi played a more important role. Although he had been defending before, this time he delivered a good kick!

After joining Hamburg, Matuidi said that playing for Situ Yunbing is improving every day, and he has witnessed the magic of Situ Yunbing in Ligue 1, and now he has become the beneficiary of the miraculous young marshal.

McLaren was so low-key before the game, but it\'s not the same for his team to come to People\'s Park. No wonder, it seems that no England coach can do a good defensive counterattack and just attack.

It\'s a pity that the owner of this stadium is Hamburg!

Even if Hamburg looks young and immature, their speed and passion are very contagious and impactful!

Burger fans may have forgotten what their main lineup was last season. "

McLaren\'s face was solemn, but Situ Yunbing did not show his joy. After all, the counterattack was good, not invincible in the world!

He is more concerned about the team\'s game mentality in the situation and the temper after the score changes than the "technical" diligence!

Because that is invisible but priceless experience strength!

After the game restarted, Situ Yunbing still actively commanded the team to strengthen the defense on the sidelines, so that the players must not relax for a while.

Today Wolfsburg’s offense encountered some difficulties. Matuidi nearly blocked Karen Bell’s threat in front of the penalty area, while Rincongacante restricted Diego to the point where he could not play the offense. Organizational creativity.

This is the reason why Wolfsburg\'s offense was frustrated.

The wave of Hamburg’s counterattack never ceased. Griezmann, Aubameyang, and Royce frequently threatened Wolfsburg’s goal. Benalio became the busiest player on the field. When the danger in front of the Fortress was constant, the Hamburg fans enjoyed watching it, but Situ Yunbing frowned slightly, and the attack seemed to be a little hasty!

The quality must be improved a bit!

The first half ended quickly, and Hamburg walked into the locker room with a 1-0 lead.

Adjusting at the halftime, Situ Yunbing made more detailed planning and deployment on the offensive end, hoping that the team can play a higher quality in the counterattack.

In the second half, the two sides changed sides to fight again, and the cheer at People\'s Park remained high.

In Monaco, it took almost three months for Situ Yunbing to make the Louis II Stadium a horrible atmosphere at home, while in Hamburg, it only took him a month to ignite the passion of this stadium!

The difficulties encountered in Wolfsburg\'s attack in the second half did not disappear, but in the 53rd minute of the game, Dzeko suddenly withdrew and was almost in parallel with Diego, causing a gap in the Hamburg defense.

When Diego and Karen Bell restrained Hamburg’s backline, Dzeko accepted Diego’s pass. He quickly moved forward and faced Van Dijk and shot directly. Van Dijk immediately stepped forward to expand the defense. The area was used to block, but Dzeko did not expect to complete a pass and cut with Grafit who crossed to the left of the penalty area.

When he touched the ball forward, he incidentally smashed the ball to a crosscut and wiped out Matteson, and then sent the ball into the upper right corner of the goal with a kick!

This goal shows the tacit understanding between Graffitte and Dzeko, which is still extremely threatening to the combination.

"Dzeko\'s wonderful score equalized Wolfsburg!

Van Dijk is still young after all, this time he was deceived by Dzeko and lost his defensive position! "

Different from playing St. Pauli, the opponent is brutal and rough. Van Dijk is not afraid of any strikers in the Bundesliga. However, after adding skills, this requires experience and more superb defensive skills, which he urgently needs to improve. aspect.

McLaren was inspired and raised his fist to encourage the team to continue their efforts.

Situ Yunbing looked complacent. This time Van Dijk made a defensive mistake and his defense was broken. This is expected. It does not refer to the loss of the ball this time, but to send him on the field. He must have done a good job to accommodate his mistake Mental preparation.

He asked the team to be patient, why not repeatedly emphasized it to himself?

These players have to give them enough time and space to truly see their strong style of forming a strong team.

Clap your hands on the sidelines, so that the team will not be distracted by the loss of the ball, the tactics will not change, and continue to seriously invest in the game.

After 55 minutes of the game, many players on the Hamburg bench began to warm up on the sidelines.

McLaren looked at the young players in Hamburg who were warming up, feeling extremely unhappy.

Hamburg may be the only team in the Bundesliga that has the strength to ensure that both wings fly at peak speed within 90 minutes of the game!