Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 286: .286 The hottest derby in Germany!

During the preparations for the fourth round of the Bundesliga, Situ Yunbing felt unusual pressure from the club.

Hamburg is about to be home to city rivals St. Pauli. Club President Hoffman specially explained the history of the two teams\' grievances when he invited him to dinner.

Speaking of the German derby, it may be well-known that the Ruhr Derby, the war between Schalke 04 and Dortmund.

As for the German national derby, because Bayern Munich has long been the dominant one, and its opponents are constantly changing, from Mönchen to Dortmund, and now the biggest rival against Bayern Munich will be called the national derby. In fact, Some are misnamed and lack traditional meaning.

The most popular derby in Germany is the Hamburg Derby!

St. Pauli and Hamburg have actually met few times, but the club cultural backgrounds of the two teams are very different.

It is impossible to accurately define Hamburg as an elite club, but judging from the club’s historical glory and club scale, as well as the degree of support from the middle and upper classes, Hamburg’s status in the Bundesliga club is actually second only to Bayern Munich. It is the capital team Hertha Berlin can not match.

It is evident that their annual record cannot be guaranteed, but their income is stable within the top 20 in Europe.

Every summer, there are always investors who generously donate money to the club, and their famous **** fans are either rich or expensive!

The opposite is the St. Pauli Club. This club only made great strides in the mid-1980s. In the early 1980s, they averaged less than two thousand attendances per game. However, in the 1990s, St. Pauli’s tickets The games were sold out. Even at the beginning of the 21st century, when they were on the verge of bankruptcy and relegated to the C-League, St. Pauli\'s season ticket holders and average number of spectators far exceeded the average of the Bundesliga, and even exceeded some Bundesliga teams!

The transformation of the club was in the mid-1980s, from ordinary clubs to "religious fanatic" clubs, they also moved the team from the port to the cableway, where is Hamburg\'s famous nightlife and red light district.

Because of its fan culture tends to left-wing politics, it has gained fanatical support from the majority of the people at the bottom. At the same time, St. Pauli has become the first Bundesliga team to officially ban right-wing and nationalist activities and displays.

Perhaps in the eyes of St. Pauli fans, St. Pauli is a team belonging to the people, while Hamburg is only a middle-class, upper-class plaything, even if the Hamburg club behaves so democratically, it is just a representation.

St. Pauli unites the broad blue-collar class in Hamburg, and Hamburg is the support object of the white-collar class.

This situation is also common in many parts of Europe.

Just like in Manchester, most fans support Manchester City, not Manchester United. In their eyes, Manchester City belongs to the Manchester people, while Manchester United belongs to the world.

The same is true in Madrid. Real Madrid is widely supported by the upper class, while Atletico Madrid is the master of Madrid in the eyes of the toiling public.

Football cannot but be affected by social reality, and it is precisely because of reality that the world of football presents all kinds of differences.

Situ Yunbing had to change his work plan in preparing for the battle. Although he played the most intense match in Ligue 1 only with teams like Toulouse and Nice, he can imagine the pressure brought by the derby. There are games that are essentially beyond the scope of competitive sports, and antagonism will also be unpredictable, so he must make the team fully aware.

In the pre-match press conference, St. Pauli coach Stanislavski tried to play down the conflict between the two teams. He said: "We have not played against Hamburg for many years, so this will be a brand new contest. As a newly promoted, St. Pauli We will fight for relegation as much as possible. Hamburg is now the leader. Their strength is beyond doubt. We need to avoid distracting our attention from off-court events and devote our energy to football."

Before the match, Situ Yunbing didn\'t mention Derby at all.

In fact, it may be dismissive of St. Pauli in the eyes of Hamburg fans. It is obvious that St. Pauli cannot represent the city of Hamburg at the football level. Only the Hamburg club can occupy a place in the German football map, whether it is displayed in the memorial. The UEFA Champions League trophy or the home stadium of Hamburg in Germany are both important hosting stages. The importance of Hamburg is self-evident. I really regard St. Pauli as an opponent, but I am a little surrendered.

If playing St. Pauli down will bring great satisfaction to Hamburg fans, then they don’t need to be immersed in disappointment for many years. In the final analysis, St. Pauli is just a newly promoted horse.

On the afternoon of September 18th, when the Hamburg bus was about to enter the Miller Gate Stadium, the scene outside the stadium made the Hamburgers in the car silent.

Even Situ Yunbing was a little shocked.

On the square outside the stadium, helmeted policeman separated the fans of Hamburg and St. Pauli in an orderly manner, and the confrontation between the two fans seemed to be a fight of thousands of people!

I don\'t know who lost a stink bomb, and the smoke filled the air off the court. Many fans were choked with tears and noses.

With heavy smoke, the Hamburg bus drove into the Miller Gate Stadium, as if they had not entered a stadium, but a battlefield filled with smoke and fire!

The Hamburg Derby is not well-known, but the popularity before the game makes everyone somewhat depressing, because once football is involved with injuries, violence, and bloodshed, it will bring intensity to those who concentrate on playing. Of anxiety.

Situ Yunbing repeatedly cheered up the team before the game, let them focus on the game, muster the courage to compete with the opponent, and don\'t be frightened by the opponent!

But when Situ Yunbing walked into the Miller Gate Court by himself, he was a little bit confused.

Because the surrounding stands basically use wire fences to isolate the fans in the stands, and before the game started, there were already St. Pauli fans throwing mineral water bottles at the coaching bench of the home team, but fortunately no one was hit.

The full stadium security personnel standing on the aisle in the stands also wore helmets. They quickly searched for the fan who threw the mineral water bottle and took him away as soon as he found it. Other St. Pauli fans regarded him as a hero instead. , Let out a louder cheer.

A lot of flags waving by St. Pauli fans appeared on the stands. It was the unofficial pirate flag of St. Pauli!

Situ Yunbing could faintly hear St. Pauli fans verbally abuse him and personally attack him.

This is nothing, he is used to it.

Even if the St. Pauli Club explicitly prohibits nationalism and right-wing activities, it is impossible for club fans all over the world to absolutely abide by the rules established by the club.

Otherwise, FIFA and UEFA will not spare no effort to promote anti-racism activities, there will be no fan troubles in the stands, let alone fan conflicts.

When the players of the two teams entered the stadium, the atmosphere on the scene became even more popular. When the master of ceremonies read out the names of every player on the field, and the names of St. Pauli players echoed in the stadium, the scene could always hear deafening cheers, and Hamburg After the player\'s name is pronounced, there will be a harsh boo.

Situ Yunbing\'s starting lineup today was not the lineup he planned to make, but because it was a derby, it was changed.

Goalkeeper: Navas.

Defenders: Westerman, Boateng, Van Dijk, Matteisen, Matuidi.

Midfielder: Elia, De Meir, De Bruyne, Aubameyang.

Forward: Griezman.


Although it looks conservative, he actually gave Van Dijk a higher degree of freedom, so more often, Hamburg will still play a 433 formation.

The key is that some young players may not be able to adapt to the atmosphere of this game. Situ Yunbing is a little cautious, but he also hopes that young players like De Bruyne, Griezmann, Aubameyang and Van Dijk can play in this game. Get more from it.

As a newly promoted horse, St. Pauli really has no bright spots in the lineup.

But the home game, coupled with the horror atmosphere created by the home team fans, after the start of the game, St. Pauli\'s aggressive running and aggressive fighting, instead suppressed Hamburg\'s frenzied attack!

Situ Yunbing frowned slightly on the sidelines, and De Bruyne fell into the impression after the opening. It seemed that he was distracted by the atmosphere, or it may be shocked by his opponents like wolfs and tigers.

At the same time, Elia\'s performance was also a bit disappointing. He made two obvious low-level turnovers when he didn\'t have many offensive digits.

On the contrary, Hamburg\'s midfield defenders showed a tough side. The St. Pauli forward was brought to the ground by Van Dijk twice and almost grabbed Van Dijk\'s jersey and scuffled with the opponent.

The referees each played 50 boards, each with a yellow card to put the matter down.

However, the trend of the game did not suppress the anger of the two teams at all.

De Meer got up with the opponent\'s midfielder Pol again. After the two fell to the ground in a fight, Pol quickly got up and stepped on De Meer\'s calf with his right foot, which made De Meer ignore. So he got up and knocked Boll from the back to the ground with pain in his calf!

Bol also quickly got up and turned angrily to push Demer. Seeing that the two were about to fight, the referee immediately ran over to separate the two and a red card!

Situ Yunbing turned sullenly and walked to the bench. He saw Cardoso with a worried expression and Alonzo with a nervous expression.

Obviously, this game was not playing football at all, it was a contest that brought the class contradictions of the city of Hamburg to the court in the roughest way.

This is not what Hamburg fans and the Hamburg team want, but this is probably what St. Pauli wants.

When the opponent’s fist is in front of him, Hamburg can’t dodge it. Even if he dodges once, he’ll have to dodge it again immediately, completely falling into the passive. If you don’t want to fall into the passive, you can only just face up and follow the opponent’s rules. Suppress the opponent!