Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 283: .283 defeated the runner-up!

The first impression of the newborn calf Griezmann is that he is slightly relaxed on the court, but he can always be seen in key positions at critical moments. It is impossible for players to really run all the time on the court. During relaxation, Griezmann himself controlled the rhythm very well.

And he danced when he ran to the sidelines to celebrate after scoring, which made the Hamburg fans on the scene even more excited. In addition to the passion of scoring, he also brought fans an unimaginable joy, as if temporarily playing football Forget about the cruelty, simply enjoy the happiness brought by football!

"Griezmann scored! Hamburg leads Schalke 04 at home 2:0!

Hamburg’s counterattack has become more and more threatening. This time De Bruyne entered the front court to receive the ball from Elia. The score after Elia’s pass was just right. Royce, who emerged in Monchengladbach last season, performed most prominently. In the offensive crosscut wiped Héwedes and then spiked to break through Metzelder!

We can\'t help but expect him to make a leap under Situ Yunbing!

Before the season, many Hamburg players were interviewed and asked about the reasons for joining Hamburg. They all mentioned the coach Situ Yunbing. In the past two seasons, Situ Yunbing, who has cultivated many new European football stars in Monaco, seems to have something. The magic of Shi Chengjin, the most admirable handwriting is that he transformed the hapless Gareth Bale of the Premier League into a supernova in the position of European football winger!

Royce, Griezmann and De Bruyne chose to join Hamburg naturally because they hope to listen to the teachings under Situ Yunbing, and look forward to becoming household names as soon as possible!

So far, they have a very good start. Griezmann and Royce both performed one pass and one shot. The most important thing is that they can show their advantages beyond their peers. Royce\'s dexterity and rapid breakthrough, plus With his selfless team spirit, Griezmann’s calmness and position selection, his ability to capture running positions and seize opportunities, this Hamburg’s 45 minutes in the first game of the new season made us unable to look forward to them. What kind of sensation will this season create!

Last season\'s Bundesliga runner-up Schalke 04 is now a little embarrassed and in a very bad situation. Maybe Magath was confident about taking all 3 points before the game. Now I am afraid he can\'t be optimistic. "

Situ Yunbing smiled and applauded on the sidelines after Griezmann scored.

Then he let the team shrink the defense line, and the striker also withdrew!

The first half of the game is over immediately, this time naturally do not give Schalke 04 any chance.

At the same time, Situ Yunbing also looked at Magath with interest. At this time, the former Hamburger\'s face was expressionless and he could not see the joy or anger.

I don’t know if he is overconfident. Really, the last year’s Bundesliga champion coach, last season’s Bundesliga runner-up, Magath played well in the Bundesliga these two years, first led Wolfsburg to win the championship, and then Schalke 04 brought to the height of the championship with Bayern Munich, it seems that he is using actions to avenge Bayern Munich, making Bayern Munich become mediocre!

But as far as today\'s game is concerned, Situ Yunbing really couldn\'t admire him.

There is a reason why the three-back formation is not popular in European football. It is rarely seen in other leagues except for some Serie A teams.

On the one hand, there are more advanced football tactics leading the trend, on the other hand, modern wingers have become mainstream after the rise of the 21st century, which makes the three-back formation have inherent defects!

Just like Royce\'s breakthrough just now, the threat of modern wingers cut inside makes it impossible for three guards to effectively form a zone defense. Once Hévedés is broken, the winger can shoot directly!

The flaws exposed by the back line are too obvious.

Even if Situ Yunbing had adopted a three-back formation in Monaco, it was in a mobile game rather than a regular established formation. In a mobile game, the defender becomes a three-back, and it must be able to be a side wing. Bringing out offensive threats and pressure, forcing opponents to counterattack, they still lack one side of the response, defensively, they can concentrate their forces to contain the opponent, and at the same time have more defensive supplements in the midfielder position to help defend the side.

For a three-back defense line like Schalke 04, once the wing can\'t make a threat, both wings can be activated when Hamburg counters. The unpredictability brought about by the mid-range shot will make the defense sway and expose obvious flaws.

Basically, top coaches don’t use the three-back formation frequently. Why does Magat play like this? Situ Yunbing doesn’t know, but the effect is already obvious. Maybe he will make adjustments during the intermission, but I don’t know. .

Schalke 04\'s counterattack after the kick-off failed to create a threat, and the first half of the game ended.

Back in the dressing room, Situ Yunbing praised the performance of the players. The young team needs more motivation. He did not make any adjustments to the tactics. Instead, he said to the players impassionedly: "Don\'t give Schalke any chance. Let the Bundesliga runner-up roll back to his hometown in disgrace!"

The morale of the team was already high, but this time it became even more murderous!

In the second half, the two sides changed sides to fight again. Schalke 04 still did not make any tactical adjustments. It seems that Magath belongs to the kind of stubborn coach and insists on his beliefs.

Situ Yunbing is naturally happy to hear.

Schalke 04, which further accelerated the pace of the game, tried to suppress the crazy attack early in the second half. Jones and Matip frequently jumped into the Hamburg penalty area to try to form an unexpected offensive point. However, the mediocre attack on the right side of the team led to The offense was more concentrated on the left and center, allowing Hamburg to concentrate its forces to encircle them.

In the 53rd minute of the game, when Farfan accelerated to break through Westerman after a change in the rhythm of the left lap, he passed the ball to the center of the goal before the bottom line of the side.

Jones inserted a header after the goal and it did make the guard somewhat undefeated, but this time Navas managed to keep the goal undefeated and took the ball on the spot with a single palm to prop up the ball above the crossbar.

After he completed this rescue, Mattison took the initiative to pull him up and pat his chest to praise his performance.

Navas\' expression is still calm and indifferent, although he may be the most marginal person in the team, because Costa Rica is Spanish, so it is difficult to communicate with his teammates, but today\'s league debut, he has already won the fans with his performance. And the recognition of teammates.

Schalke 04 insisted on a frenzied attack and the back line had to press forward. In the 57th minute of the game, when Rakitic hit the wall with Matip in the middle of the front court, he was cut forward by Lin. Kong was close to guard to seize his position. Rincon destroyed the ball from Matip. De Bruyne turned around and stabbed the ball to De Mer before Matip countered it. The latter kicked the ball. The ball was sent to the front of De Bruyne\'s position.

De Bruyne sent a precise through ball without waiting for Jones in the middle zone!

As the three forwards of Hamburg are located on the left, center and right, the three defenders of Schalke 04 did not shrink the line of defense. They seemed to plan to grab at any time. This led to a large gap between them, which gave De Blau. Convey the straight plug space inside.

When Griezmann turned around from Metzelder to complete the anti-offside position, Metzelder did his best to quickly turn around and return to the penalty area, but he couldn\'t catch up with Griezmann by any means.

The Hamburg fans in the stands first shined, and they had the urge to slap De Bruyne\'s scalpel-like stick, and then the extreme excitement came to their hearts!

Griezmann saw Neuer abandon the goal when he entered the penalty area. He didn\'t make any adjustments and directly passed the ball diagonally to the right side of the penalty area.

Elia and Papadopoulos came into the penalty area at the same time, but when rushing towards the goal, Elia gradually got rid of Papadopoulos. Even if Papadopoulos shoveled at the last moment, it didn’t. Can prevent Elia from stabs the ball into Schalke 04\'s empty goal!

Elia smiled, and roared to the sidelines to celebrate!

Griezmann smiled at De Bruyne and gave a thumbs up as he walked to the sidelines.

Cheers for the People\'s Park Stadium!

"Elia shot the empty goal! Hamburg secured the victory!

Schalke 04 was beaten by the young, passionate and creative Hamburger today!

De Bruyne is really a talented midfield organizer. His several passes are full of imagination, and this time he used a scalpel-like through to create a single chance for Griezmann!

Faced with Neuer, Griezmann chose to pass the ball, and Elia did not disappoint him.

The three forwards in Hamburg are too fast!

They are like racing in a sports car, and Schalke 04\'s back line is like sitting in a bus.


An unexpected score for everyone.

Before the game, some media were optimistic about Situ Yunbing\'s Bundesliga debut, but they didn\'t dare to be so bold to predict that Schalke 04 would fail!

Although the game is not over yet, we do not see any signs that Schalke 04 can reverse the situation.

Magath’s team has experienced a large number of personnel changes in the summer like Hamburg, but it is obvious that Magath is not as good as Situ Yunbing in preparation. "

While the Hamburg fans cheered for the team happily, Situ Yunbing arranged for the two players on the sidelines the task after they played.

Van Dijk and Aubameyang are ready to come off the bench.

Situ Yunbing had a long talk with Van Dijk before the start of the season. He told Van Dijk that he would not be the team’s main central defender in the new season, but he would give him a certain amount of playing time and would basically arrange for the game. The last 30 minutes.

He told Van Dijk not to underestimate these 30 minutes, because these 30 minutes will be of higher quality than the previous 60 minutes!

Because if Hamburg leads, the opponent will launch a counterattack, and the pressure on the back line will be great!

If Hamburg falls behind or draws, Hamburg will strengthen its offensive in the last 30 minutes, and the defense cannot be slack at all, and the opponent\'s counterattack threat will also increase!

He needs to correct his attitude first in the limited time, and then perform well in this time!

As for Aubameyang, Situ Yunbing simply told him: After playing, he will spare no effort to participate in the game!

Among other things, he needs to see Aubameyang take his speed advantage to the fullest!

Don’t stop if the game is not over!