Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 28: .028 insult me?

Situ Yunbing probably didn\'t expect Monaco to be so brave today!

In the last game, we beat Marseille with an upset, some players were rotated in this game, but the rotated players performed beyond expectations!

In fact, most of the players in the rotation today did not have a record of playing in the new season. They benefited from Situ Yunbing\'s transfer of eight players including Adu to the reserve team. It is conceivable that they are full of inner fighting spirit and are doing their best on the court. Go play.

The first half of the game ended quickly, Monaco walked into the locker room with a three-goal lead that almost killed the game.

Before entering the locker room, Situ Yunbing thought of playing Lille at home on the weekend, and some of the main players need to retain their strength.

So his adjustment in the midfield is to allow the team to focus on defense in the second half!

Slow down the pace of the game.

In the second half, the two sides changed sides to fight again. Paris Saint-Germain had not yet recovered from the defeat of the first half, and was timid on the court.

Monaco used a strong defense to achieve the effect of resisting the enemy a thousand miles, and Paris Saint-Germain could hardly organize an effective offensive in the Monaco half.

Regon’s expression on the coach’s bench does not seem to have much expectation for the game. It was an unimportant game. The only thing that made Regon dissatisfied is that the current score has made Paris Saint-Germain a little embarrassing!

In the 60th minute of the game, Situ Yunbing replaced Nimani and Merian with right midfielder Alonso and midfielder Perez.

In this way, Alonso went on the field to play the right midfielder, Gakpe topped Nimani\'s center position, and Perez strengthened the defense in the midfield, continuing to suppress Paris Saint-Germain\'s midfield offensive organization.

When Merian and Nimani went off the court, the two took the initiative to embrace Situ Yunbing.

This made Situ Yunbing a little surprised, but he was naturally happy to hear that he was able to get the support and gratitude of the players at home, and it can also relieve Situ Yunbing\'s pressure in the eyes of the fans.

After embracing the two separately, Situ Yunbing still stood on the sidelines to direct the game. Although he did not command the team as frequently as in the previous marathon, he still felt that there was no slack at all, and from time to time he would touch the court. A certain area allows players to move or strengthen defense.

Seeing that 70 minutes after the game, Paris Saint-Germain also plans to give up on this. Regon removed the main player Rothen and a striker to strengthen the midfield defense to avoid loosing more goals.

Situ Yunbing used up the last substitution spot in the 75th minute of the game, and Pino replaced Moreau on the stage.

Moreau got cheers and applause from all Monaco fans when he left the field.

Today he showed a phenomenal level on the left, and completely defeated Paris Saint-Germain\'s right defense!

When Moreau went off the field, he high-five with Situ Yunbing, and then smiled at Situ Yunbing: "Boss, I haven\'t played enough yet."

Situ Yunbing laughed and said, "Okay, save the energy to beat Lier well on weekends!"

Moreau smiled and returned to the bench to sit and rest.

The overall situation is set.

The game has entered the garbage time, and the players of the two teams walking through the field seem to consume the remaining time.

When the whistle sounded at the end of the game, the Monaco fans cheered enthusiastically at the Louis II Stadium.

Situ Yunbing took the initiative to shook hands with Regon after the game. When the two faced each other, they didn\'t say a word. As the defeated general, Situ Yunbing had nothing to say, while Situ Yunbing low-key did not want to show off his power. Illusion.

After shaking hands, Situ Yunbing turned around and clapped in the direction of the main stand for ten seconds and then turned and walked into the player channel.

Situ Yunbing was interviewed after the game and did not get mad because of his victory over Paris Saint-Germain.

Faced with reporters, he said: “This is a League Cup that has not received much attention. Paris Saint-Germain has hidden a number of main players. We have also carried out a certain degree of rotation, but we have used the home court advantage to perform better. I treat the players Our performance was very satisfactory. It was unexpected to lock the victory in the first half, but I think this proves one thing. Our strength is underestimated. We are not so bad as the outside world thinks. I hope that through hard work and the players The serious training and competitions of the team prove this, Monaco deserves the respect it deserves!"

Situ Yunbing\'s post-match speech was praised by the French media the following day.

This is the case with the media. When you are good, you are not stingy with good words, and when you are bad, you are rushing up and down.

Anyway, they only need to report the news exaggeratedly to attract readers, and not really hate anyone.

The team had two consecutive victories with high morale, and Situ Yunbing returned to his bachelor apartment with a happy mood on the night of the match day.

The lottery started before taking a shower and getting ready for bed.

In this League Cup, he only consumed one card. In fact, his plan was to use one card to see the effect. If the situation is stalemate during the intermission and the offensive and defensive confrontation is stalemate, then he will immediately resume during the intermission. Use the "Benzema" card.

As a result, the victory was locked in the first half, allowing him to save two cards in his hand.

Situ Yunbing reverently folded his hands and prayed for his luck before the draw began.

As a result, after the first card was drawn, he frowned slightly.

The best goalkeeper of last season: Mandanda!

Situ Yunbing was unexpectedly a little disappointed.

However, after thinking about it, although Rufeel\'s ability is good, he is not the level of a first-class goalkeeper after all. With the "Mandanda" card ability bonus, the effect is definitely good.

Situ Yunbing also said something about this: "A good goalkeeper is better than half a team!"

The ghost knew if he was comforting himself.

When he drew the second card, he was stunned again.

The best midfielder in Ligue 1 last season: Toulalang.

Perhaps it is the inner tendency to draw more offensive players\' cards, preferably a few more Benzemas, the result is not up to expectations.

Situ Yunbing sighed and drew the last card without expectation.

An old face came into view: Mamadou Niang.

very good!

Situ Yunbing was very impressed with this card. Playing Marseille can make Merian shine in the audience. There must be credit for this card, so the previous disappointment was wiped out!

Situ Yunbing went to sleep contentedly.


Monaco’s plan to find a new coach was temporarily shelved. De Bondin was casually asked by a reporter who was filming on the road when he was out for dinner on Saturday about finding a coach. De Bondin also casually replied "Situ Yunbing is now Good job, isn\'t it?"

This sentence can be regarded as revealing a message to the outside world: Monaco does not consider firing Situ Yunbing for the time being!

In fact, even if Monaco wants to find a new coach, and those with the ability and prestige are unwilling to come, Monaco\'s current financial situation cannot afford it.

It\'s not that there are no coaches who can\'t want to take a gamble, but Monaco doesn\'t look down on it. Instead of gambling with the team\'s future, it is better to let Situ Yunbing continue to toss.

Monaco prepares for the weekend to play Lille in good order. The game takes place on Sunday night. On Saturday evening, Situ Yunbing will go home to rest before finishing the game. He broke up with Alonzo at the bus stop and walked home by himself. .

It\'s pitiful to say that Situ Yunbing has remained penniless for more than ten days since the night he was defeated by Lorient!

Fortunately, there is a place to live, eating at the club, and traveling on two legs, there is nothing to bother him.

But he didn\'t expect that when he returned to the apartment tonight and lay on the bed to watch TV, someone would come to give money!

Situ Yunbing was getting to know what kind of TV series the French people in the romantic country are chasing. He heard a knock on the door. He got up and opened the door, unexpectedly seeing Park Zhouyong\'s translator.

The other party entered the room with a flattering smile before Situ Yunbing could react.

Situ Yunbing couldn\'t help but turned around after closing the door and looked at him with his arms, only to see this little translator a little embarrassed.

Because there is no other place for him to sit in the room except the bed, there is a single chair and a small coffee table, but if he sits there, Situ Yunbing can only sit on the bed. This is obviously not a business talk. Something.

Situ Yunbing said impatiently, "What\'s the matter?"

The small translator laughed to Situ Yunbing and said: "I am here to apologize and apologize to you on behalf of Park Zhouyong. You know that Park Zhouyong is a young player. He can\'t calm down many things and is easy to be misled by others. In fact, his heart is I respect you very much."

Situ Yunbing sneered and said, "You **** insulted my IQ? He respects or doesn\'t respect me, am I not sure? If this is what you want to say, okay, you are done, I also listened to it, let’s go. Don’t bother me to rest."

The little translator’s expression changed slightly. He didn’t expect Situ Yunbing to be so unkind. He went on to say: “You are generous, just transfer Park Zhouyong from the reserve team to the first team. He has deeply reflected on it. If you go to the reserve team to see Look, his training attitude is definitely the best. We are all from Asia. It is not easy to break through in Europe. At this time, we should be united, right?

I know that Coach Situ has a hard life in Monaco. This is my little care. Please accept it. If it is not enough, please speak up. "

After speaking, the little translator took out a stack of Euros from his pocket and placed it on the coffee table.

Situ Yunbing saw that the face value of the euro was 500, so this stack was estimated to be around 20,000.

Not less.

It is his salary for four months.

But Situ Yunbing sternly scolded: "Fuck, you just insulted my IQ, and now you insult my personality! Get out of here!"

This money can\'t be collected, even though Situ Yunbing wanted to accept it in his heart, it is more than 150,000 when converted into RMB!

But if Situ Yunbing accepted it, wouldn\'t it be "kidnapped" by Park Zhouyong?

What\'s more, he really doesn\'t look down on 20,000 euros now. He single-mindedly leads Monaco to the league championship, but he can\'t win the championship. He has no place to die, and no amount of money can be exchanged.

If he wins the championship, he will take away two million euros from De Bundan in a fair manner!

If the 20,000 euros are accepted, it will only have a negative impact on his impact on the league championship!

In any case, Situ Yunbing must righteously refuse at this time.

The little translator found that Situ Yunbing was angry, and he panicked. He walked out quickly. Situ Yunbing stopped him again, then put the money in his hand when he turned around, and repeated:" Take your money and get out!"

The little translator rushed out.

Things went wrong, and he didn\'t know whether it would make Park Zhouyong\'s situation in Monaco worse!