Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 273: .273 Korea Tianjiao

Sun Xingyu didn\'t know how to express his wish to stay in the team to Situ Yunbing, so he showed his father\'s eyes for help.

Sun Zhengxiong was a South Korean professional player when he was young, so Sun Xingmin was carefully cultivated from an early age. Sun Xingmin is talented and success is not accidental. His own efforts and careful cultivation since childhood.

This also shows that Sun Xingmin had a football dream since he was a child!

Sun Zhengxiong still used that fluent English and solemnly said to Situ Yunbing, "I don\'t know what misunderstandings the Korean media have about you, but my child\'s development in Hamburg has not been smooth sailing. He has experienced difficulties. He finally survived, and now it’s a critical period of his career. We hope the club can give him a chance. Please understand my painstaking effort as a father."

Situ Yunbing nodded slightly and said: "I will not embarrass you. You are a respectable father, or many children will want to have a father like you. I have no intention of being a villain, but your children cannot Hiding behind you forever. From now on, I will communicate directly with him as a formal communication between the coach and the players."

Sun Zhengxiong nodded solemnly, and then looked at Sun Xingmin, with a clear look of encouragement in his eyes.

Sun Xingyun stood up, still a little nervous facing Situ Yunbing.

Situ Yunbing looked directly into his eyes and his expression became serious. He said lightly: "I don\'t know what kind of person I am in your eyes, but it seems that you are very afraid of me. Maybe you are worried that I will kill you. All your hard work in the past two years will expel you only because you are a Korean.

You are currently a player in the Hamburg youth team, so it is necessary to maintain frankness and patience in our communication.

Let me make it clear. Two years ago, I was too harsh on Park Joo-young in Monaco, and even unkind. I deserved what the Korean media criticized me, but what I want to tell you is Park Joo-young’s fate. He deserves it.

I don\'t want to talk about what he did specifically, but the first rule I can teach you is that in the club, players should never fight against the coach. It will not do you any good.

If you just treat football as a pure job, then you can leave football behind by doing your own thing well, and the two are irrelevant.

If you regard football as a goal that you can strive for to achieve the value of life, then you have to keep your eyes open, keep your head clear, make accurate judgments, and work hard to exceed your limits!

First you have to ask yourself, do you think the Burger Club is where you want to fight? If Hamburg is your best choice, then obviously you should try to stay. This question is now when you and your father came to me. I guess you already have the answer. You really want to stay in Hamburg.

Then you have to judge, the man in front of you, the coach who has been criticized by the Korean media, are you willing to work for him, are you willing to listen to every word he says, take his words as imperial decree in your heart, and do To every request he makes of you, you will have to trust him unreservedly and support every decision he makes, instead of arguing when you encounter a disagreement with yourself.

What I\'m telling you may not be the most sleek way of survival, but I\'m teaching you how to grow and strengthen yourself in the shortest possible time, and become the strongest and most shining star among Korean football players!

Obviously, if you don’t trust me, if you can’t accept every request I ask of you willingly and uncompromisingly, then you will have a hard time in Hamburg in the future. Instead of this, it’s better to leave earlier and move the tree to death. People move, maybe you can shine again in other places.

The right to choose is actually in your hands, because 15 minutes before you came here, I have sent a message to Reinhardt and asked him to give you a formal professional contract. You are in my team plan for the new season, but Since you have come to see me, then I will be clear by the way, lest you become the second Park Zhouyong in the future. "

Sun Xingyu and his son were shocked!

Before they came, the Internet blasted news of Situ Yunbing\'s entry into Hamburg, while the Korean media was lamenting!

In the words of the Korean media: You can go anywhere the fuck, why go to Hamburg? !

Of course, the Korean media are paying attention to Sun Xingmin\'s development in Europe. After all, Sun Xingmin has also played for the South Korean U19 echelon in the past year and performed very well!

The South Korean media has predicted that Situ Yunbing will not accommodate Sun Xingmin. They will secretly scold Situ Yunbing because of the Park Joo-young incident, but it does not mean that they are fools. They just wrongly judged Situ Yunbing’s code of conduct in the Park Joo-young incident. It was not because Park Joo-young was a Korean who was targeted at him. It should be understood that the player who was purged by Situ Yunbing\'s suppression of the rebellion was not only Park Joo-young. The American genius Adu bore the brunt!

But because of the perennial rivalry between Chinese football and Korean football, the Korean media assumes that Situ Yunbing will "report private revenge" when exercising the power of the head coach. Perhaps they also regard Situ Yunbing as a banner figure in Chinese football. In fact, Situ Yunbing has nothing to do with Chinese football.

In this matter, Situ Yunbing is relatively open-minded. He has always treated players like this. Football has no borders. Just like he suffered racial discrimination in France, should he hate French players?

In business, Situ Yunbing didn\'t think it would be easy to rejuvenate Hamburg. He couldn\'t ignore the value of Sun Xingmin as the club\'s property and resource!

That is irresponsible, very amateur, and I am sorry for his identity as the head coach, the club trusts him, the fans have expectations of him, he must do his best!

Sun Xingyun is still very young, but he just meets his selection criteria for bringing the team to a new start.

Moreover, there is another factor that Sun Xingmin\'s identity as a Hamburg youth player will also help the team\'s cohesion.

Just as the coach, he really needs to beat the Korean players, and on the basis of eliminating grievances, he wants the other side to be more aware of the cruel side of the professional club.

After all, from a football perspective, Korean players may have a high self-esteem when facing Chinese players. If you zoom into the football circle, Korean football is bound to be domineering with Chinese football. People have that capital. No wonder they can only blame China. Football is not up to date.

For many years, Chinese football has always resisted and feared Korea. This in itself shows the nature of the problem.

I can’t blame Situ Yunbing for being too harsh. I just don’t want Sun Xingmin to treat Situ Yunbing with the mentality of a Chinese footballer. It’s not that Situ Yunbing can’t accept it, but that he doesn’t want to waste time. No good, no good to Sun Xingmin himself.

It took a long time for Sun Xingmin to relax, and asked uncertainly: "You gave me a new contract?"

Situ Yunbing nodded expressionlessly, and said, "The question is whether you have a good sense of consciousness to sign the contract."

Sun Xingyun nodded excitedly and said, "I\'m already ready!"

Situ Yunbing leaned forward, his deep gaze seemed to carry an unpredictable magic, which made Sun Xingmin feel tremendous pressure.

"Really? Do you know that after signing the contract, you will accept my management. If you fail to meet my requirements, you can\'t fight for me and Hamburg with all your strength, or you may even be immature and play your temper? The youth team that brought you back to Hamburg, you will never be back in the public eye until I leave Hamburg!"

Sun Xingmin\'s smile disappeared immediately, and he swallowed, not knowing what to say.

"Now you seem to understand a little bit, so ask your own heart, whether you really have achieved enlightenment!"

Sun Zhengxiong\'s expression was serious. If it was out of sentiment, Situ Yunbing\'s aggressive tone would make his father very uncomfortable.

But Situ Yunbing, who has experienced professional football in his eyes, is a truly excellent coach!

If you don\'t put pressure on young people and force them to recognize reality, young people will never grow up, let alone mature!

Professional football is not a utopia, and there is no warm fairy tale behind wanting to be famous here!

So Sun Zhengxiong didn\'t say a word, but only when Sun Xingmin put away his smile, looked extremely solemn and dared to look straight into Situ Yunbing\'s eyes, when he heard his son say loudly and loudly: "Yes, coach, I have full consciousness. !"

Situ Yunbing raised his chin slightly, looked down at Sun Xingmin slightly, and asked domineeringly: "Tell me, what will you do? Tell me loudly!"

Sun Xingmin stood up suddenly, like a soldier standing straight in front of Situ Yunbing sitting on the solo sofa, and said word by word: "I will fight to become stronger all the time from today! I will do nothing! Trust the head coach without reservation!

I will cherish every minute, like a soldier to fight for the team, the head coach, and Hamburg!

I will not succumb to any difficulties. I will accept all the arrangements and efforts of the head coach to fulfill his requirements for me. I have made up my mind to move forward unswervingly with fighting spirit, even if the road is endless and endless! "

Sun Zhengxiong\'s eyes are moist. Today he brought Sun Xingmin here to intercede with Situ Yunbing in a humble manner, hoping that Hamburg can continue to give Sun Xingmin a professional contract and give him a chance to grow.

But now, he felt that in an instant, his son had harvested the most precious thing on his growth path, that is priceless spiritual power and belief!

Ren Yan, the marshal Situ Yun, has great magical powers. When I saw him today, he really deserved his reputation!

No wonder this young marshal was able to lay a shining throne in Monaco in two years!

Situ Yunbing stood up and looked milder. He put a hand on Sun Xingmin\'s shoulder and smiled at him: "Go back and work hard. The team will do a big job in the new season. You will be an important member of my team. ."

Sun Xingmin nodded heavily, and Situ Yunbing turned to face Sun Zhengxiong and stretched out his hand. When shaking hands with Sun Zhengxiong, he smiled and said: "He has a good father, and you also have a good son! Go on with each other proudly and proudly, he He will not let you down, he will become the pride of Korea."

Sun Zhengxiong burst into tears, holding Situ Yunbing\'s hand in both hands and was speechless.
