Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 256: .256 Sudden Attack

Obviously defensive counterattack is the overall tactics of the two teams, but they are completely different in their respective paths.

Inter Milan try their best to use the characteristics of their own players to support the threat of offense, so it can be seen that Sneijder is the core of the frontcourt, and the other players perform their duties. In the defense, they are righteous soldiers, and they did not specifically strengthen the part. Defense against Monaco\'s threat points, perhaps in Mourinho\'s view, although Monaco has characteristics of offensive players, it has not yet reached the level of Messi or Ronaldo, and needs to be pressed or multi-player defense at all times.

There is nothing wrong with this. After all, Gareth Bale, who has the most speed advantage, won\'t be very effective in multiplayer defense. On the contrary, he may be able to use speed to get rid of his position because of his loss. It is better to compress. Space, contain the inside line, can make him threaten, but reduce his threat level!

On the Monaco side, it is taking another path. From the midfielder, the ball is frequently transferred to Pandev, and then concentrated on Pandev to suppress it. From this point of view, Monaco has a significant "layout" in the early stage of the game.

If you cannot form an advantage through the overall front, you have to create it bit by bit by yourself!

In the 18th minute of the match, when Sneijder encountered a frontal interception from two Monaco midfielders in Inter Milan\'s frontcourt attack, he quickly knocked the ball across to assist Zanetti, who just came across the ball. When Matic was pressing, Zanetti knocked the ball across the right. In his opinion, he had controlled Matic for Pandev. Pandev only needs to face Moreau, there should be no big problem.

But he was wrong!

Pandev met Moreau close to the ball before he touched the ball. Although it is hard to say that Moreau is a star that can definitely shine in the big scene, there is a touch of cruelty in his bones that Situ Yunbing admires, otherwise he would not repeat it. Rushing forward to defend the Situ Yunbing who cultivated him, his style on the court is exactly the same as off the court.

After Monaco gained the advantage in defending Pandev before, Moro\'s state has soared, which is an increase in player confidence in the game!

On the other hand, Pandev, on the other hand, failed to pass the pass for several consecutive cooperations or shots, and even once he was intercepted to give his opponent a chance to counterattack. His confidence was disturbed, and his mentality was not as strong as Moreau.

As soon as Pandev took possession of the ball, Moreau stole the ball like a wolf, and the whole person almost threw Pandev to the ground!

When Pandev again protected the ball and wanted to regain control of the ball, Moreau seized his position and took the initiative to fight against him and made Pandev unbalanced and fell to the ground. He immediately complained to the referee Weber, but the referee Weber shook his head at him and followed up with the international Milan ran in the backcourt, because Monaco\'s fast break was coming down the city after 3 seconds!

Situ Yunbing saw Pandev falling to the ground in embarrassment on the sidelines, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he gestured to the midfielders, Nkulu, Perez, and Matic pressed slightly forward!

The back line is tightened and Modesto\'s position is also pressed forward!

Monaco has already played a point of weakness for Inter Milan in midfield, and now we must maximize the advantage of this point!

Gareth Bale quickly knocked the ball across the middle of the penalty area after receiving the pass from the front side of the court. Suarez pulled out of the penalty area and responded. At this time, Cambiasso returned to the defense to intercept, and Suarez turned the ball back diagonally. Knocked to the left side of the penalty area.

Maicon guarded Gareth Bale from the outside, but Moreau who came up with an assist did not go back. He turned to the inside track to receive Suarez\'s pass. Cambiasso immediately moved to block Morro\'s shooting angle, but Moreau knocked the ball across to the right.

I saw Perez rushing up quickly. Although Sneijder retreated, he was still two meters away from Perez.

The barrier effect in front of Inter Milan’s penalty area has disappeared, and Monaco’s counterattack is absolutely fast and accurate!

Zanetti has just returned!

But it has been unable to interfere with Perez.

At this time Perez calmly sent the ball straight into the right rib of the penalty area.

Suarez slid the ball and unloaded his power during the run. In the breakthrough, he shook his body to deceive Samuel’s center of gravity, but Samuel did not move like a mountain. Suarez’s fake sway was given to Samu. El has a chance to steal the ball, and Samuel is as hard and unshakable as a rock.

When Suarez realized that Samuel took the opportunity to steal the ball in turn, the rhythm under his feet had been messed up, and the breakthrough changed into protecting the ball, but Samuel still stretched out his leg first to punch the ball out, Suarez was extremely helpless Can only turn around and sullen his head to fight back.

The good thing is that Monaco did participate in the defense of the team.

And the football that Samuel stabbed out rolled to the front of Chivo. When Suarez rushed towards him, Chivo just couldn\'t find a suitable pass point, because passing the ball to the center of the backcourt might cause Suarez. Si stretched out his leg and broke, and Chivau obviously didn\'t dare to take the risk of knocking the ball back to the defender.

So when Chivu cleared the ball with his big foot, the football flew to the left side of the front field.

Eto\'o was ready to respond, but Unexpectedly, Modesto rushed up from the back and took off and pressed his header to push the ball forward.

Witsel continued to launch an offensive after possession of the ball. Although Inter Milan\'s defense seemed to have adjusted and returned to its position, Witsel\'s over-the-top pass from the right side of the frontcourt also shocked the Inter Milan defender!

Gareth Bale made a strong inside cut into the left side of the penalty area, and Witsel\'s diagonal pass was looking for him!

However, the Brazilian veteran Lucio steadily retreated a few steps and took a header to make a clearance. Although Gareth Bale was in place, he did not take off.

The football, which was cleared by the header, flew in front of Zanetti. Zanetti turned around and was about to control the ball, but Moro cut across from the wing to take the lead!

At this moment, not only the audience, but even Inter Milan’s generals have felt Monaco\'s wave of anti-grab and fast-break, fierce momentum of anti-grab and fast-break!

Mourinho looked cold and his brain turned rapidly. The root of Monaco’s strength was in Pandev. Not only did an Inter Milan player be almost suppressed with confidence, he did not know how to deal with himself on the court, but also made Monaco in One more person came out in the attack!

The whole world has seen Moreau recklessly run wild in the Inter Milan half!

Morro drove Zanetti and Cambiasso to flanking him when he went to the center.

Although Inter Milan\'s defense is intact, they have lost the ability to think a little. They follow instinct completely, where the ball is, the attention is there, and they actively steal the ball.

But Moro crossed the ball diagonally to the left of the penalty area before the formation of the two-person attack!

At this time Zanetti turned and chased, but found Kong Wu\'s powerful Matic rushed past him, stopped the ball and pulled the ball horizontally to adjust a step, and then blasted a shot with his right foot!

The football goes straight to the upper right corner of the goal!

The Monaco fans in the Bernabeu stand were all excited. They have witnessed Matic’s long-range achievements many times in the past year and a half!

Although others also have the ability to penetrate Yang with a hundred moves, Matic is the most efficient long-range shot according to statistics!

Because he doesn\'t kick easily and doesn\'t shoot as many times as a forward, his conversion rate for long shots is actually the highest!

Even Situ Yunbing is full of expectation for this ball!

Monaco has not created a decent threat before, but the threat formed by a sudden attack is enough to give an opponent a fatal blow!

I saw the football fired by Matic flew to the upper right corner of the goal like a cannonball. Although it is not an absolute dead corner, it definitely has a high probability of scoring.

At the moment, Cesar was like a long eagle spreading his wings, and his left finger touched the football slightly, causing the football to slightly change backward and higher than the crossbar!

Matic took a breath, his expression extremely unwilling.

The Inter Milan generals looked a little nervous, they all knew they had just escaped!

"Cesar! Cesar\'s world-class save resolved Matic\'s long shot!

Before we saw Inter Milan occupy the initiative on the field and constantly attack Monaco’s goal, but Monaco was not willing to be beaten passively. After a wave of continuous counter grabs and fast breaks, they worked hard to create opportunities, Marty An odd long-range goal is just one finger from Cesar! "

When Monaco was about to take a corner kick, Situ Yunbing gestured from the sidelines to reset Monaco\'s formation.

It is impossible for Monaco to continue to suppress the anti-grabbing threat. Inter Milan players will retreat to improve the efficiency of the defense and then concentrate on their counterattack. In that case, the more Monaco is pressing forward, the defense will be reversed. The risk will get bigger and bigger.

It is difficult for this game to form an advantage in a long period of time, and Monaco\'s chances only exist in the short period of "sudden attack".

Withdrawing back and continuing to "layout" according to the previous thinking is not too big a problem, at least first completely suppressing Pandev to find the North, it is good for Monaco as a whole.

In this overall confrontation between Situ Yunbing and Mourinho, the focus of the struggle must be on the parts and details!

Mourinho thought about it for a while on the sidelines. He successfully defended Monaco\'s corner kick at Inter Milan and called Pandev when the football went out of the sideline.

He did not deliberately inspire Pandev to fight hard or beat him up. That was the most superficial adjustment, because he knew Pandev. On a spiritual level, Pandev can be said to be difficult to compete with Sneijder, Zanetti, and Milly. It’s worth mentioning that these players are on par. When he doesn’t perform well, it doesn’t matter how much chicken soup he can give him. It won’t restore his vitality, he won’t make him motivated and perform brilliantly, if this is effective. , Then the job of the head coach is rather simple, thinking about how to make chicken soup for the players every day.

On the contrary, Mourinho still wants Pandev to play a tactical role. He can perform poorly, but the tactical role can serve the team.

After Pandev returned to the court, he clearly pressed forward, and he went directly to the right wing position that was almost parallel to Milito!

In this way, even if Monaco\'s left-back Moro wins in a partial confrontation with Pandev, he will not be caught off guard by Inter Milan\'s midfielder. There is still plenty of time to return or defend on the spot.

At the same time Mourinho gestured to the backcourt players, and Inter Milan quickly adjusted!

All the reporters in the media are watching the adjustment of Situ Yunbing and Mourinho closely. They are looking forward to today’s battle to surpass the 2003 Champions League final, even though the 2003 Champions League final is a battle without goals. But in European football, the evaluation is very high, because the two teams confronted each other like a chess game from beginning to end. Those who watch the excitement will be disappointed, but those who look at the connotation are intoxicated.