Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 253: .253 Tonight’s history is written by you

Situ Yunbing responded calmly to the reporter and fought Mourinho on the media platform.

Did he avoid fighting?


Even if he said that, he knew that the media would take out of context and would highlight the point of Mourinho\'s "arrogance" in his words.

This is even more dazzling and more able to arouse the conflict between the two.

It doesn’t matter, Situ Yunbing’s mentality is very peaceful. In fact, when he came to the Champions League final to face Mourinho, Situ Yunbing was somewhat extraordinary. For him, he is now facing the biggest challenge in the competitive level of his coaching career. He enjoys every minute and every second, including the storm of public opinion before the game!

The European media defined this Champions League final as: the battle of the marshals! Mourinho fights Monaco again! The epic battle of the magic marshals!

and many more.

Perhaps for the fans who are looking forward to the giants duel, there will be some loss, but it is the Champions League final after all, and the start is the height of global attention!

The Monaco team went to Madrid that night!

The last time they went to Madrid was very similar to this one, they were not favored!

But they won at the Bernabeu. This time they have a calm mind and no leisure time to appreciate the beautiful scenery of Madrid, to enjoy the wind and snow here, to pay tribute to the magnificent glory here.

Before the birth of the Bernabéu Stadium, this was the most prosperous financial street in Madrid. It can be said that Real Madrid has an innate wealth. The birth of the Champions League made Real Madrid, which became popular in Europe in the 1950s, preempted the glory. , Their blood changed from red to blue, outstanding and noble.

Here are the legends of Di Stefano, the parachutist Puskas, the inheritance of the spirit of Juanito, the fighting of the Five Eagles of Real Madrid, and the shocking world of the Galaxy battleship!

Real Madrid’s history is wonderful. Real Madrid’s Bernabéu is the stage of glory and the cradle of great stars. In the 2010 Champions League final, Monaco will compete with Inter Milan, the winner King over the world!

Madrid football temple, the Santiago Bernabéu stadium was already overcrowded in the afternoon of the match day. Two teams of fans from all over the world gathered here, and they marched towards the Bernabéu in groups in clear and distinct groups. There are two on every street. Long winding dragons of different colors.

When the Monaco bus was 500 meters away from the Bernabéu Stadium, the Monaco fans on the sidewalk stopped and turned to look at the bus on the main road. They cheered loudly and raised the cheering slogans made in advance to greet Monaco\'s. arrival.

Inside the bus, Situ Yunbing silently looked at the scene outside the window. Perhaps all the things that happened during this day would be remembered for his whole life. If he wins or loses, he will definitely remember it.

The players couldn\'t help smiling. It was a proud smile. At this moment, they seemed to feel that they were the protagonists of the whole world!

The bus drove into the Bernabéu!

When Situ Yunbing got out of the car, the surrounding reporters immediately took pictures and tried to interview them. However, Situ Yunbing, who was wearing a suit with the Monaco team emblem logo, ignored him, and the players behind him also So, they are all dressed neatly today, and they are all wearing suits with the Monaco team logo!

The young and dashing Monaco players today look like a new look, both in terms of image and temperament!

When they stepped into the locker room of the Bernabéu’s home team, Situ Yunbing solemnly said to the noisy crowd: "Shut up everyone, don’t talk! Shut up everyone! Pack your things and listen to me carefully. Say!"

The locker room was instantly quiet and silent.

When the players put down their backpacks and began to change their jerseys, Situ Yunbing paced past them.

"You all know what to do. Don’t waste a second today. Don’t waste a second. Do what you should do well, and then I ask you to be absolutely honest with me. If you have any needs, speak up. , If you feel uncomfortable, speak out, don’t be aggressive. Today is a team battle, not yours alone. Do you understand everything?"

All the players in the locker room said in unison: "Understood!"

The warm-up work before the Monaco game was carried out step by step.

Situ Yunbing sat in the locker room and waited for the players to return. He closed his eyes and thought about how to distribute cards to the players.

Before the Champions League semi-finals, he had 15 cards from the Champions League lineup. He used up 10 cards in the two rounds, but won both rounds, so there were 4 more cards in the draw after the game.

Now he has 9 cards and only 5 cards can be effective in a single game.

At this time he has to face a choice.

If the tie is allocated on each front, he feels that this will not be very effective. He prefers to use the cards more extreme, either for the attacking line or for the defensive line, at least to strengthen one aspect.

After the players warmed up and returned, Situ Yunbing opened his eyes and didn\'t think about the previous things anymore. When Duan was constantly affected by the chaos, he decided to strengthen his defense!

When the players are finishing up, the Bernabeu stadium is holding a cultural performance before the Champions League final.

In the dressing room, Monaco and Inter Milan are doing their final preparations.

Situ Yunbing walked to the front of the locker room and turned around to look at a room of neatly dressed players. He spoke calmly.

"As players, I think you must have imagined that you will do everything to fight for honor at a certain moment. Whether you are ready or not, this moment is right now, right in front of our eyes, right after you walk out of the locker room. arrival!

Inter Milan is strong, and we are not weak.

Mourinho is great, but I am not a vegetarian.

Today is not the moment to become famous, because you are already well-known players!

Today is a fight, a duel, a person who wins can still talk about today’s story until the day he dies, a person who loses may not want to recall what happened today in his life. A drop.

I originally wanted to simply inspire you, nothing more.

But I think no matter how young and inexperienced you are, you are already men. Men should clearly recognize the cruelty of reality, men should fight **** battles, and men should go forward with great pressure!

Today I am under pressure, and you are definitely under pressure, because the whole world is watching us!

But I will overcome the pressure. I will stay calm and observe the situation every minute and every second of the game, make judgments and adjustments in the most favorable situation for us, and cheer you up all the time!

I believe that you will also be able to overcome pressure. We are used to not being favored by others. We are used to proving ourselves. Today we have to be used to carrying pressure to compete and to take pressure as our best friend to go all the way, because this is The survival rule of the top strong teams transforms pressure into motivation and makes pressure a friend who accompanies you forward.

Maybe there is not much time for us to grow up, but the opportunity is to favor prepared people, but history does not. The choice of history always comes so suddenly!

Today, you hold the pen in your hand, the history of the Monaco club, the history of the Champions League this season, the history of your destiny, you write it yourself! "

Situ Yunbing\'s voice fell, and the locker room was still silent, but every player held their heads high and stood up, full of incomparable confidence.

When he stood by the door to send each player away, he looked at the players firmly and nodded, then kissed their foreheads heavily.

After everyone left the locker room, Situ Yunbing quickly took out the tablet from his backpack and quickly assigned the cards.

Give De Gea a sheet of Schmeichel.

Give Morrow a sheet of Irwin.

Give Benatia a stam.

Give Matic a Keen.

Give Nkulu a Keen.

That\'s right, he has two Keane from the 1999 Manchester United championship lineup.

Then there are four cards left, Giggs, Cole, Beckham, and Neville.

After thinking about it for a while, he still allocated the four cards, but not to the players in the starting lineup.

Falcao was listed as a substitute today and gave Falcao a Giggs.

Give Adriano a picture of Beckham.

Give Muratori a picture of Neville.

Give Nimani a Cole.

No matter whether it is used or not, whether it takes effect or not, he will have no reservations. Even if it cannot take effect, then it is of little use for him to keep it. Will it be used again next season?

He will have new cards next season, he knows this very well.

Putting in the tablet, Situ Yunbing tidied up his suit and strode away from the dressing room.

In the Bernabeu’s player channel, the starting players of the two teams have already lined up. When Situ Yunbing came, the players of Inter Milan also glanced backwards and looked more at Situ Yunbing. Obviously, they were against Situ Yun. Bing is full of curiosity, but not as fearful as the team that is already defeated by Situ Yunbing.

Situ Yunbing was watched by Inter Milan players, and his heart was not easy.

Alonzo\'s pre-match report came to mind.

It is not easy for Inter Milan to get to the finals this season. The group stage is almost at risk of being out. The knockout stage facing defending champion Barcelona is even more thrilling. Such a team is even more frightening, like the Bayern Munich knockout. Without going through any test, it is easy to overturn the boat.

For the main players of Inter Milan, Alonzo\'s comprehensive evaluation is concise.

Cesar the pinnacle.

The pinnacle of Samuel.

Pinnacle Maicon.

Pinnacle Sneijder.

The pinnacle of Cambiasso.

The pinnacle Milito!

Others such as Eto\'o and Zanetti are hard to say that they are at the top, but they are definitely world-class!

This means that no matter what level Inter Milan is at the beginning of the season or mid-season, the Inter Milan led by Mourinho at the end of the season is already the starting 11, most of whom are world-class!

What exactly is world class?

Intuitively, at this moment, the top five rankings in the same position are definitely considered world-class. You must know that although the number of European giants is also one of the few, it definitely exceeds five, which means that if a player is in the same position Ranked in the top five in the world in terms of position, then no European giants can have a manpower!

Not to mention the role of Maicon, Samuel, Sneijder, who are almost ranked first in the world at the same position in the second half of this season!

It is conceivable how powerful Inter Milan is facing Monaco today!

When Situ Yunbing walked out of the player tunnel, he saw a figure wearing a suit slowly turning around and looking at him.
