Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 244: .244 decisive battle in the second half!

Suarez\'s goal turned the Louis II Stadium into a sea of ​​joy. The Monaco fans are extremely convinced that the team will celebrate the second time in history to reach the Champions League final after the game!

"Suarez scored a goal! Monaco wins at home!

Although Bayern Munich’s defense line has been adjusted today, it is clear that the young Badstuber and Contento still have obvious flaws in the defense line. They did not guard against the forward Falcao, when Gareth Bale passed. After the top slant was sent out, Falcao had already started the anti-offside and Badstuber reacted.

When Falcao knocked the ball across the front zone for the first time, no one could stop Suarez!

This pair of South American double evils makes Monaco\'s striker extremely efficient!

After this goal appeared, the situation was even more unfavorable for Bayern Munich. Now they want to make a comeback, they must score at least three goals away, and they have to limit Monaco to continue scoring.

The total score became 4:2, Monaco\'s lead is very big! "

Van Gaal looked a little ugly, but he was helpless.

The change to the defense line is nothing more than a change. Demichelis can\'t, then replace Badstuber. Now it seems that Badstuber is not good enough. Can\'t he continue to change?

The Bayern Munich generals actually have no ideological burden at this moment.

They are more like Monaco who reversed Manchester United at home. At this moment, thinking about everything is superfluous. Trying to score goals is the only thing that needs to be done.

So after the restart, Bayern Munich stepped up their offensive, but on the defensive side they increased their aggressiveness to delay the counterattack that destroyed Monaco.

In the 23rd minute of the game, when Gareth Bale made a cut on the left flank, Van Bommel came straight up and dropped him to the ground, never even looking at the football.

The referee awarded Van Bommel a foul and gave him a yellow card.

Monaco\'s free kick attack did not create a threat. Instead, Bayern Munich played a smooth offensive through a quick counterattack.

Schweinsteiger moved the ball quickly to the right when combing the offensive in the middle.

Ram made a quick assist to dribble, but Matic helped to defend the wing but was accelerated by Ram lapped the ball. Then after Robben cut and opened the wing, Ram lapped the ball to the bottom. After taking advantage of offensive depth, he sent a half-high cross.

Olic and Robben were stared to death, but Muller stepped into the right side of the penalty area and shot the ball directly!

Switching to a center with strong technical ability, most of the ball can definitely create a threat, but Mueller\'s volley was obviously missed, and the football flew out of the baseline from in front of him, about one meter away from the goal!

The Bayern Munich fans suddenly sighed with disappointment and Van Gaal was also a little bit lost. It is really frustrating that this kind of opportunity cannot be grasped.

It seems that Bayern Munich has created a good opportunity, but there is no definitive role.

Four minutes later, Bayern Munich was intercepted in the attack from the left side of the frontcourt, Altntop and Olic were successfully intercepted by Modesto, and Monaco passed a long backcourt.

Perez passed the ball to the front right.

Falcao looked confident in the face of Contento and Badstuber today. When Contento went up and grabbed, Falcao quickly pulled the ball at his feet to complete the acceleration breakthrough. After turning from the right to the inward orbit, Van Bommel ran to sweep, Falcao quickly completed the pass with Suarez in the middle. After he reached the right rib of the penalty area and then received Suarez’s diagonal pass, Falcao stopped the ball with the back of his left foot. Changing to reverse pull, Badstuber rushed past his eyes and pounced.

After a crosscut, Falcao made a powerful shot!

Bout swooped out and touched the football. After being refracted, the football bounced slightly above the crossbar and flew into the stands.


The Monaco fans were also in a sense of sorrow, and almost made another victory!

The two teams played very well with you and me, and the pace of the game was also very fast.

In the 31st minute of the game, Monaco launched a fast attack after a fierce mid-range confrontation. When Matic crossed the ball diagonally to the left, Gareth Bale stepped forward and started accelerating the ball. At this time, Ram suddenly rushed to make Gareth- Bell\'s dribbling rhythm is obviously chaotic.

Lahm had always been frontally defensive and failed to grab, but this time Gareth Bale caught Gareth Bale by surprise.

When Gareth Bale\'s ball was accurately cut by Lahm, Bayern Munich\'s frontcourt situation also changed.

Robben came to the center quietly. After Ram passed the ball to Muller, who was in front of him, Robben had come to the left side of the frontcourt.

Muller attracted Muratori and Nkulu to defend. He naturally did not dare to make a breakthrough. It was mostly a self-defeating end. After he crossed the ball diagonally in the middle, Altentop responded with his back to resist Perez\'s defense pressed, he took a step back and half turned and swept the ball to the left.

Robben started quickly after stopping the ball on the wing, swaying left and right in front of Modesto, not knowing for a moment whether he was going to cut in or make a bottom.

When Robben slammed the ball to the bottom, Modesto couldn\'t keep up with the rhythm at all!

Robben knocked the ball across the left side of the penalty area when the side was three meters away from the baseline.

Olic diagonally inserted Benatia\'s back and outside area to make the first touch of the ball, and Benatia also followed the defense for the first time, but he did not expect that Olic would kick the ball diagonally and turn around when he touched the ball, which happened to make Benatia. When the two passed by, Benatia knew that he could no longer defend Olic!

Unless it is foul!

But this is in the penalty area and he dare not take this risk.

Olic spiked the ball beautifully and turned around to get rid of Benatia\'s defense. After turning around and wading the ball in two steps to pull out the shooting angle, he kicked the goal without hesitation for a moment!

De Gea blocked the near corner of the goal, but Olic shot the football fast and flew to the far corner of the goal!

De Gea was already desperate when he swooped, slow down!

Fast and slow are always relative, the ball is slow, the save appears fast, and the ball is fast, the save appears slow.

When the football hit the side net in the far corner of the goal, the Bayern Munich fans in the away team fans stand cheered like they had hoped!

Situ Yunbing clapped his hands on the sidelines to boost the morale of the team and prevent them from being affected by the loss.

Van Gaal raised his right fist and roared to his feet as if suppressed for a long time.

Bayern Munich scored an away goal!

"Olic shot and scored! Olic\'s wonderful personal performance has brought Bayern Munich a valuable away goal. Now they are behind 3:4 in total. They still need to score two more goals to complete the reversal, but now this After all, scoring is a good sign."

Muller rushed into the goal, picked up the ball and ran towards the midfield. Olic and Robben, who were diligent and often inspiring, also quickly returned to their own half to gain time for Monaco to kick off.

Although it seems that the score is a 1:1 draw, in fact this draw is better than 0:0 for Bayern Munich, just as Monaco\'s 3:2 victory at the Allianz Arena is far better than a 2:1 victory.

Bayern Munich\'s momentum rose sharply after scoring, and Monaco could not hold down the opponent even at home. This situation is normal.

Bayern Munich has desperately desperately desperately needed to break the boat with hemorrhagic!

Moreover, their paper strength is not weaker than Monaco.

At the psychological game level, Olic’s goal is extremely critical and has a huge impact on the trend of the game.

In the 34th minute of the game, Muller responded to Robben\'s pass from the right in front of the penalty area. When Robben cut inside, Muller chose to shoot himself. His shot was blocked by Vertonghen. Robben was a little angry. He scolded Mueller a few words. Several Monaco players could hear clearly. Robben shouted to Mueller: "Pass! Don\'t you understand passing? Don\'t shoot!"

Muller naturally did not dare to choke with Robben. In the Bayern Munich team, Ribery was actually the most tempered person. He even dared to beat Robben because of his own strength. The aspect also has the position of arrogance.

Perhaps in this critical battle, the star always wants to play the hero, and it is easier to cause indignation after the opportunity wasted.

In the 38th minute of the game, Monaco finally hit a counterattack. Gareth Bale retreated very deeply from the flank and launched an offensive from the backcourt. After passing the midfield, he turned to the inside track. When Ram When he also turned inside, he didn\'t expect Muratori to come up with an assist!

After receiving the pass from Gareth Bale from the bottom of the left, Muratori adjusted a step and sent a high-quality cross after observing the situation in the middle.

The football flew to the right in front of the penalty area, and it was an unexpected pass.

Suarez and Falcao led Bayern Munich to retreat to the front area, and Perez rushed to welcome the ball and volley!

This shot that flew like a cannonball to Bayern Munich made all the fans nervous, but on the way the football flew to the far corner of the goal, Van Bitten subconsciously moved a step and headed the ball. The football was refracted and higher than the crossbar!


The fans of Bayern Munich have lingering fears, and the fans of Monaco sigh.

When the game entered the final stage of the first half, Situ Yunbing gestured from the sidelines to let the team retreat to strengthen defense.

Bayern Munich can\'t take care of so much at all and continue to launch a strong attack.

Robben received the transfer after Olic\'s retracement from the right outside the penalty area. He dialed the ball in place and swayed Matic, before Nkulu stepped forward and blocked it with a volley.

As a result, the ball failed to produce the effect of the inner arc of the rubbing shot. The angle was too straight and was directly confiscated by De Gea. Obviously, he was a little hasty.

Monaco stabilized the rhythm of the scene and delayed Bayern Munich\'s consecutive fouls.

Mueller was also shown a yellow card by the referee for fouling.

When the first half of the game ended, Situ Yunbing and Van Gaal were expressionless, Bayern Munich obviously still had a chance, and Monaco could not say that they had a chance to win.

There is no doubt that the second half will usher in a big battle!